Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1160: 2 other rules!

Qin Yan looked at Liu Fan and didn't know what to say.

Yao Jie had already grabbed the star bow at this time, and his face was full of surprises: "It's a very good baby, and it has the effects of" breaking the air "and" biting spirit ", which is most suitable for Luo Qiu. "

In fact, this is what Yao Jie fought for Luo Qiu. Luo Qiu will be the second vice president of Xianmeng in the future. This is a gift from Yao Jie to Luo Qiu.

Qin Yan nodded, Luo Qiu was really powerful. If Yao Jie had not taken the lead, he would certainly recruit Luo Qiu to Yan Emperor's Club.

"Next, let's meet Su Yu."

"it is good."

Qin Yan and Yao Jie decided to leave.

"Liu Fan, can you go?" Yao Jie thought for a moment, or asked.

"Don't go." Liu Fan said, turned away and looked at his back. Both Qin Yan and Yao Jie sighed helplessly.

"What are you doing with us?" Qin Yan took a few steps, stopped suddenly, and looked at Dongshan Xue behind him. "You woman, you have been with me for more than ten days, what do you think?"

"I ... I just want to go in this direction." Dong Shanxue blushed, and gave a reason for a very slippery foot.

"Haha, Qin Yan, your peach blossoms are here." Yao Jie laughed, transformed into a white jade light, and disappeared into the sky. After he walked far away, the laughter kept ringing.

"Really ..." Qin Yan was helpless, and if it was passed back to the college, he would probably be famous again.


Ten days later, Yao Jie and Qin Yan finally found Su Yu.

Several people were together and talked.

"This world is truly amazing. There are many people like us who are not here to inherit points. The day before yesterday I met a guy named Blood Nine who was the same as me, but lived with me for more than a hundred years. The trick doesn't fall into the wind at all. If he did n’t see that my fairy power seemed to run out, he scared himself away, otherwise we have to fight. By the way, I finally checked the inheritance points of this guy. Ranking, even after a hundred. "Su Yu said lightly.

"That's really amazing. In fact, I also met a few people, and I was very strong, just a little worse than me. By the way, one of them was called Ying Ying. I was very impressed. He even hurt me. But I also cut off one of his arms. "Yao Jie laughed.

"It's incredible that I can hurt you." Qin Yan was surprised, but he knew Yao Jie's horror and could hurt Yao Jie, indicating that the opponent absolutely has the second-order combat power of chaos.

"That blood nine is our college in Kunwu's mystery, Ying Ying is a genius cultivated by Star Bank." Dongshan Xue thought slowly.

"This is it?" At this time, Su Yu looked at Dongshan Xue unknowingly, and was a little curious. In fact, he wanted to ask just now.

"My friend." Qin Yan thought about it, and then switched the subject immediately. "What about Day Seven? He hurt He Yunze and Rennes. He must find him to calculate."

"I haven't seen this person, but according to He Yunze's description, this person is really powerful." Su Yu smiled, already seeing the delicate relationship between Dong Shanxue and Qin Yan, but if Dong Shanxue loves Qin Yan alone, then In the future, she suffered, and this alien star is not so talkative.

Several people were talking, and suddenly Dongshan Xue's communication watch lit up.

"Miss, Qiqi has a fight with a guy named" 竜 ", would you like to come and see?" A voice came, saying to Dongshan Xue.

"Where is the position?" Dongshan Xue immediately asked, and she found that Su Yu, Qin Yan, Yao Jie and others were staring at her at the moment, apparently they were all interested in this matter.

"I've sent it to you, miss," the other party continued.

"Okay." Dongshan Xue nodded, cut off the call, then opened the positioning information on the communication watch, and saw that it was about 300 million miles away from a few people.

"It's a coincidence. We just talked about the day seven, and the day seven came out, and it seemed that the noise was not small." Su Yu smiled, "Let's go and see."

"Well, this is a lesson for this day."

"Haha, this time we shot together, and Qi Qi must be finished."

"I don't know what the origin of this puppet was, and it was interesting to be able to fight against Qi Qi."

A group of people rushed towards the battle site and arrived almost half an hour. As for the beasts encountered on the road, all were refined by Qin Yan using a heaven and earth oven.

"over there."

Qin Yan pointed, and everyone saw it at this time.

"The one in black is the day seven. According to He Yunze's description, this guy is practicing the law of darkness." Su Yu said at this time, "As for that shit, it's really weird. The dense body of his body seems to be scales, even his face It ’s all over, is n’t he a half-orc? ”

"It should be a special life, or a living body with a special bloodline." Yao Jie thought about it. After all, he had been in Kunwu's mystery and knew something about it.

"Yan has the absolute advantage, this attack ..." Qin Yan had been paying attention to the fight, and suddenly his face changed greatly.

"It's amazing ~ ~ Yao Jie also saw it. Just now, the dark defense of Day Seven was broken by a punch, and if you look closely, you can't see what the law is.

At this moment, Qi Qi was already injured in many places, and the darkness entangled him, making him look a bit infiltrating.

He looked at the puppet at this moment, and finally spit out a blood spit: "It's so strong, what rules do you practice that can completely suppress me?"

He hesitated, stopped, and sneered, "I haven't heard of the law of collapse, but yes, in this remote star domain, how many people can directly practice the second-class law."

Qi Qi frowned: "Second Class Rule ..."

He seemed to think something, and his face was horrified.

At this moment, Su Yu, Qin Yan, and Yao Jie were all confused, and they couldn't understand what he meant.

He smiled: "It seems that the elders of your family did not tell you, but this is also true. It is good for people like you to achieve immortality, and what kind of immortality is expected."

Su Yu's mind was turning sharply at this moment. Obviously, according to the meaning of this uncle, even if the achievement is immortal, it must be graded, and the rules of understanding are different, and this level may be very different.

Day Seven was silent, and slowly said, "I still know some of what you said. The law of darkness is just forward in the third-class rule, and it is not an opponent at all in the face of the second-class rule. This seventh-order potion Nirvana Shenshui gives you, you If you want to kill, you can do whatever you want. "

"I won't kill anyone casually, now that you get what I want, you can go."

He inspected Nirvana God Water and confirmed that there was no problem. His face was obviously happy, and this Nirvana God Water was related to his ability to break through the chaos and become a king.

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