Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1180: System, you are asking me to die!

But at this time, the system's voice sounded: "The host triggers a side mission, mission description: Go to the Beichen family alone. Mission requirements: Come back alive. Mission reward: Three talent fragments, randomly get a fairy method."

Wang Xing was speechless for a while.

Let him go alone. Is this really good? Obviously there is an ambush to go, this is not stupid.

Look at the system requirements again. Nima, coming back alive is really straightforward!

Such a task is not alive, it must be dead, there is nothing wrong, and it is very reasonable.

"System, you are asking me to die!"

"Host, you have to be confident in yourself, come on."

"your sister!"

"I don't have a sister."

Wang Xing took a deep breath and now it is not the time to advise the system, so it is necessary to quickly adjust the plan, or it will really end.

However, he thought about it for a while, as if he didn't actually have any plans at all, hehe.

Over the Beichen family, eight people are gathering together.

"Will the dean of the Immortal College come over?" Beichen Dangkong frowned. If it was him, he vowed that he would never go. This obviously questionable invitation, who has a problem in his mind.

"I don't know, but if he didn't dare to come, it means that he was afraid of us, and we overwhelmed the immortal college in momentum." His Holiness smiled and thought it was good, although it was a bit cumbersome, but confused Those inferiors in the galaxy are still okay.

"As long as you have a little brain, the people at Xian Academy will definitely not come over. Whoever thinks of this mentally crippled idea is simply a waste of time." His Holiness Leng Hu hummed. He felt that the implementation of this plan would lower his IQ Now, who knows that there are traps, but they broke in by themselves, unless the brain is sick or they just want to die.

But at this time, Bei Chencuo received a message, and then his face froze, some unbelievable.

Several people were watching Bei Chenhao at the moment, knowing that something must have happened.

Beichen Liao took a deep breath at this time and said in an unbelievable tone: "Just now, Xianxian announced to the outside that the dean of Xianxian promised the invitation of the Beichen family and came to the Beichen family three days later as a guest."

"What, that dean of the Immortal College has a broken brain."

"It's impossible, could it be fake news?"

"Well, is there anyone who is not afraid of death?"

Several people were aggressive. They planned this way, but they didn't hope at all, but who thought that the dean of Xianxian College actually agreed.

It's really a surprise, and it's hard to guard against.

In the Milky Way, it also exploded.

"Impressive immortal college, really 666!"

"The dean of the Immortal Academy went to the Beichen family. Is this going to kill him? Who can tell me, wait online, it's urgent."

"I watched a good show. You said whether the final result would be a peace between Xianxian College and the Beichen family, and then hello, hello everyone."

"The second goods upstairs, let the old man tell you that it is absolutely impossible for Xianxian College and the Beichen family to shake hands. They will have a big battle, and because of this intention, the dean will die, and Xianxian College will also become the laughingstock of the universe , The dean of the Immortal College was chased down as the most mentally disabled in the universe. "

"Well, I don't believe it. Maybe the dean of Xianxian Academy killed the Quartet and uprooted the Beichen family."

"Hehe, let me tell you a joke, the dean of the first-order fairy college created and killed the Beichen family, including the seventh-order Beichen who created the realm."

On a cold planet, poisonous insects are spreading out, and some of them can even threaten the Creator.

At this moment, Lord Blackscale is shrouded in black poisonous gas. The whole person looks like a devil. He is practicing "The Poison of Ancient Times".

With the operation of the method, those poisonous insects died one by one, and the toxic substances on the poisonous insects were refined by him little by little, and then these substances were extracted to form a wisp of highly toxic gas.

"Master, the dean of Xianxian Academy wants to go alone to the Beichen family to make an appointment."

"This man is crazy, just watch him die."

Lord Blackscale sneered and continued to cultivate. In general, things were still under his control.

Among immortal colleges.

"Dean, think twice!"

"Yeah, Dean!"

"Dean, and us, you forgot, and us."

Sun Wukong's teachers surrounded Wang Xing, with a sad look on their faces, they were really sad when they heard it, and they cried when they heard it.

Many college students, as well as many other teachers, are also very moved. Look at how deep the relationship is. You know that the dean is going to die, and desperately persuade the dean.

"Dean, this is not okay. You are too embarrassed. Why would you go chic on your own and not let us go? This is unfair."

"Yes, although you are the dean, you cannot eat alone."

"Yes, such a good pretense, why not let us come."

A group of students and teachers who were still very moved, at the moment fainted, and dare you because of this.

"Hey, 110, there is an old driver driving here, it's too fast, I can't keep up, you guys come soon."

"I depend, and no one will accept it, I will serve you."

"The three most domineering teachers at Xianxian College are no one."

Wang Xing looked at the three, and was really a little embarrassed.

Do you think I don't want to take you there ~ ~ I don't want to kill you, who doesn't know it is safer to take you, but there is no way, system tasks!

Cheating, can anyone be a good dean?

But the teachers have emotions and they need to be appeased, otherwise this is not a good dean.

Wang Xing took a deep breath at this moment, but then he yelled, "You all shut up for me, what do you know, the Beichen family corrupted my college reputation and forced me to go to the appointment. You really think I want to go so much, but I do n’t want to go. I am the dean of this college. In the face of the aggressive Beichen family, although millions of people go by, because it is my responsibility and my obligation, no one can replace it. "

"Dean ..."


Seeing a word shocked everyone, Wang Xing was satisfied and could not cure you, then he looked a little dignified and continued: "You think I don't want to take you there, but where do you know my worry, know that this is Where is it? This is Xianxian College, our base camp. I can go to work if I go out, but there must be nothing at the college, because there are our students and teachers. The Beichen family is aggressive at this moment. The reason is to lead us out so that we can sneak in on our college and kill us in one fell swoop. So I do n’t take you there, I trust you, and staying with you is for you to protect the college and keep me from worrying, understand? "

"Dean, what you said is so touching."

"Yeah, I want to cry."

"The dean turned out to be so conscientious that we all misunderstood the dean."

Wang Xing was a bit proud, and this acting seems to have the potential to become a film emperor, proud of himself, and throwing flowers.

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