Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1184: This is the end result of Offending the Immortal Academy

Wang Xing's destruction of four creators made the other four scared.

"I fight with you."

His Holiness Jin rushed to Wang Xing, and his whole body was bulging. He even wanted to explode.

Wang Xing sneered: "The melting pot of the world, devour!"

An immense force of the world shrouded in the past, and he drew the King Emperor into it violently, and then the flames in the furnace of the world burst into flames.

This flame is no longer an ordinary fire, it can be said to be the fire of the world, the true fire of Samadhi.

The fire burned, and the Emperor Jinhuang issued a painful roar. His body was quickly burned and turned into the purest energy. His soul was not immune.

"Run away!"

Bei Chenhao saw at this moment that this star has a banana fan in hand, and some of them could not be opponents at all.

The same is true for the sage lord and Beichen Dangkong, knowing that they must escape at this time.

As long as they are alive, the Beichen Family and Shenxiong Slave Trading Company still have a glimmer of life.

"Want to go, there are no doors."

Wang Xing sneered, and the fan in his hand blew toward Beichen, and countless flames wrapped it around.

Beichen Dangkong screamed in pain, his body had no resistance under this flame.

"No, save me!"

"No one can save you." Wang Xing sneered, and the banana fan flashed a few more times, the flames burned through the entire small world, and Beichen Dangkong had already revealed the bones of the forest.

"I won't let you go as a ghost." Beichen Dangkong roared, this is his last cry, full of unwillingness.

"Ghost, you think too much, you don't even have the chance to be a ghost." Wang Xing said, the banana fan fanned again, and the power of the flame was more powerful. The bones and soul of Beichen's empty space also instantly burned, until it became ashes.

At this time, looking at the exiled Venerable Exalted and Bei Chenhao, he followed him up.

"Fist of Heaven!"

Wang Xing crossed the space of hundreds of thousands of miles and appeared behind His Majesty, and countless fists blasted past.

"No ... impossible, how can you catch up with me?"

"I'm proficient in countless rules. Space is just one of them. Such a distance, time and space, you can only escape if you can escape."

Wang Xing's countless fists fell, and the power broke the crystal wall system of the small world.

With countless punches and strangulations, the body of the savior was completely crushed.

At this time, everyone outside saw it.

"The small world is collapsing. What's going on?"

"Look at it, there is the Exalted One, he ... he's dead."

"How is this possible? That's the dean of Xianxian College. He's alive."

Wang Xing ’s consciousness swept through the void for hundreds of thousands of miles, and dozens of onlookers were trembling in their hearts.


A voice came, and another person rushed out of the small world, which was naturally the last Beichen few.

At this moment, he was extremely embarrassed, like a bereavement dog.

"Bei Chenhao, is Bei Chenhao!"

"What is he doing, running away? He is running away."

"What the **** happened here, isn't it just a guy who made the first order of creation? Why did Bei Chenshu escape?"

Wang Xing already locked in Bei Chenliang, and now seeing him come out, he immediately yelled, "Where to go, stay for me."

He stretched out his hand and condensed a spear of the **** of darkness, and tossed it towards Beichen Liao.

The void pierced, and the stars trembled.

Bei Chenliang felt that there was a killing intention behind him. What was scared was a turn over. The spear of the **** rubbed his abdomen and scratched, and opened a big mouth in his abdomen.


At this time, Wang Xing's palms condensed, showing the reflection of Xinghe, and she took a photo toward Beichen Liao.

Bei Chen was horrified, but suddenly ran out of a shuttle, and when this shuttle appeared, it released a powerful light, forming a broad river of flames, stretching for millions of miles.

Magic weapon, Skyfire shuttle.


Wang Xing backed out, did not expect that Bei Chenluo still had such a treasure, it should be a first-order original artifact.

But compared to his banana fan, it is still far behind.

But there are too many people now. If he continues to use plantain fans, someone must be able to see the level of plantain fans. If there is a strong emperor, it is like a different fan of Emperor Husband.

Wang Xing currently doesn't want to trouble himself.

So how to destroy Bei Chenhao without using a banana fan? Wang Xing can slowly fight with Bei Chenhao. He believes that this kind of protracted battle must be him. But at this moment there are many strong peepers. If it took him a lot of work to kill Bei Chenyou, it would not be enough to show the prestige of Xianxian College and shock this group of lords.

After a moment of contemplation, Wang Xing's heart was overwhelmed and he had an idea.

At this moment he looked at Bei Chenliang, the whole person became different, and his hands suddenly burned with a blazing flame.

In his hand, a phantom of the melting pot of the world appeared, and then this phantom slowly disappeared into his palm.

This is burning the **** body, burning the cells.

Wang Xing is doing self-harm, but this time it is no better than the last time, he can already control the burning process.


Wang Xing grabbed the past with a hand toward Beichen Liao ~ ~ The cells in his hand were collapsing one by one, and the fairy power among the cells emerged. At this moment, there are countless immortals giving He perfused the same.

"No, you can't kill me. I'm the seventh-level lord of Creation. What are you doing?"

Beichen Liao growled, his face grim, and the Tianhuo shuttle in his hand blasted towards Wang Xing.

"hand of God!."

As soon as Wang Xing grabbed it, a large void visible to the naked eye condensed together and turned into crystals.

Among the crystals, Beichen few turned into a seven-inch villain.

"This, what is this mystery?"

Bei Chenliang was so shocked that he found himself completely imprisoned, unable to move at all.


Where would Wang Xing explain to a dead man, he just pinched gently, the crystals were broken, and Bei Chen's body was also broken into pieces.


The melting pot of the world appeared later, and all these broken crystals were swallowed in, and turned into the purest energy.

"Well, it broke."

Wang Xing was stunned, and felt that in order to reach the second stage of creation, Bei Chenhao turned everything into his breakthrough food.

After a while, he stabilized and practiced.

Looking around, the surroundings are quiet. Many of the spectators watching Wang Xing at this moment, have been trembling, and destroyed Bei Chenhao with a wave of their hands. This strength is even better than the King, and can be ranked in the lord. No.

"Huh, this is the end of offending the Immortal Academy."

Wang Xing said lightly, but no one dared to question his words.

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