Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1229: Emperor's Wrath

Not only that, this mission reward is still very attractive to Wang Xing.

A thousand skill pills are enough to meet the needs of the college for a long time, and there is also a character card suit.

The system does not say what level of character card suits, that is, any level is possible, if it is a set of emperor-level characters, would it not be beautiful.

Of course, I can only think about it for now.

In order for the college to get enough grinding, and for him to get enough exercise, it is certainly impossible to have so many emperors. This has always been the case, and Wang Xing is used to it.

However, the mission time should be very short, and it can be regarded as a reward in comparison.

The son of Red Lotus quietly left the territory of the Earth Federation, and then moved away in one direction, very quickly.

Finally, a terrifying flame galaxy appeared in front of him, which was an area formed after the explosion of a burning star, scattered in the galaxy.

The mansion of Yihuo Emperor is here, but it is deep in space and located within his emperor's world.

The son of Red Lotus calmed down his emotions as much as possible. If he now looks angry to the Emperor of Different Fires, he will be looked down upon by the Emperor.

"The door to the world, open!"

Red Lotus groaned in a low voice, the space in front of her was slowly torn apart, and a portal appeared.

Looking into it was a boundless sea of ​​fire.

The son of Honglian already knew this and flew into the gate of the world. Then the gate of the world behind him slowly closed.

Standing in a world where only flames existed, the red lotus's gaze looked far away. In the core area of ​​all the flames, it is a huge palace of flames with a radius of 100,000 miles.

Looking at it from a distance, the whole palace looks like a cluster of burning flames, and it seems to burn the sky.

This is where Emperor Yihuo lives, and now Emperor Yihuo is there.

The language was quickly organized in the heart, and the red lotus son flew towards the palace, only to see that his body was covered with a layer of red, like a flame.

At the gate of the palace, the red lotus son arrived in an instant.

He looked at a ten-meter-high three-headed monster lying at the door, and found that the other person only glanced at himself, then closed his eyes again.

This three-headed monster is called three-headed underworld, and it is a strong flame **** beast. When it was very small, it was surrendered by the monarch of different fires. Until now, it has almost the power of the monarch. Today, these three heads of fire hull are stationed in the world of the Emperor of the Fire all year round, and they can be regarded as the guardian beasts here. If an unknown king or sage entered the place by mistake, he would be swallowed by him.

At the door of the main hall, a girl came out before the red lotus son entered.

The woman was wearing white clothes, with a chill atmosphere, and a sword in her hand. It was the Snow Realm sword that Red Lotus had snatched from the Emperor Qianyuan.

She is the daughter of Emperor Yihuo. She had followed Yihuo Emperor to the inheritance world of Emperor Xun, and Wang Xing had met her at that time.

As for her name, it ’s called Xunya, but what people do n’t understand is the way of fire practiced by Yihuo Emperor, but the daughter he gave birth to is a genius who naturally cultivates the rules of ice and snow.


The son of Honglian looked at Mi Ya, and it was hard to hide her admiration.

Xun Ya nodded, but was a little strange: "My father just received your message saying that you have a major event obituary, and now I'm waiting for you in the hall. I don't know what the major news is, let me know first A moment? "

The son of Red Lotus smiled slightly: "This is not a panic, you and I will go to the hall together, and naturally you will know what the important news is."

Hyunya couldn't help but tossed her mouth. Unexpectedly, Honglian's son didn't intend to disclose at all, but had to follow Honglian's son into the hall.

Inside the main hall, Emperor Yihuo sat on a chair condensed by flames, and was checking what information.

"Father, Brother Honglian is here." Hunya took the lead.

"Hmm." Emperor Yihuo nodded his head, but when he raised his head, he took a deep breath and frowned slightly. "Honglian, even the galaxy has become more and more uneventful lately. Without the respect of the saint, it's the best Then do n’t go out and run around, it ’s the truth to practice honestly. ”

Suddenly the red lotus son was taught himself.

I only listen to the Emperor of Different Fires at this time. "The emperor of the Horn tribe just invaded the Tobu River galaxy not far from us, killing three emperors and hundreds of Creators in a row. More than a dozen emperors were under siege. Although they were seriously injured, they escaped, and now they do n’t know where to hide. Recently, they heard that Yan Jun Emperor in the Meteorological Realm was also killed, and it is suspected to be immortal. The gods shot from space. Now the people in the Meteorological Realm are disturbed. I had not been able to get the source of innate **** fire. I still wanted to go to the Meteorological Realm to try my luck, and now I dare not go in easily. "

In the end, Emperor Yihuo really felt tired.

In particular, the gods shot from the air and the secret was hidden ~ ~ I don't know why, everyone should be careful.

Even Wang Xing would not have thought that he had just visited the Meteorological Realm, but it had caused such a big impact.

Now in the entire universe, it is estimated that there are not many who can figure this out. After all, because the gods shot out in the air at that time, who dare to look at it is basically how far to hide, otherwise who knows whether he will be caught. The gods stared. Moreover, at that time, people from other galaxies were around, and Xianxian Academy had some fame in the Milky Way. Those in the galaxy saw it and did not know Wang Xing. Probably the only person that can be traced are those brought by Wang Xing from the meteoric land, but these people are not from the galaxy, and the number of people in the galaxy is said to be some of the races suddenly found in the territory of the Earth Federation, and no one else is surprised.

The son of Honglian heard this, but she was secretly pleased. It seems that this discovery came at the right time, so he hurriedly said, "Master, you don't have to go to the meteoric land to take a risk. The news that I want to confess is exactly that. Congenital fire source. The congenital fire source you can't find anyway, actually fell into the hands of others. "


Immortal Emperor Jun's face suddenly changed slightly, and an astonishing killing intention appeared on his body: "Who is so bold and dare to hide what I want."

"It's Xianxian College. I have found that a student named Meng Qi who is the last of Xianxian College has passed on the inheritance of Emperor Xun." When the son of Honglian said here, it was still difficult to hide the anger on his face.

"Xian College ..."

Emperor Yihuo chanted it, and the cup in his hand was suddenly burnt to ashes, but Xunya knew that it was her father's favorite cup.

It can be seen how angry Yihuojun is at this moment.

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