Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1241: Shocked Qin De

Qin Yu nodded, but now that he was planning to show off to his father, he would just be wayward.

"Lian Grandpa, we'll go back as soon as we go."

"Okay, okay!"

Although Lian Yan didn't know what was going on at the moment, he could also see that the hundreds of immortals must have been Qin Yu's helpers.

At this moment, Lian Yan was really inexplicable.

Who would have thought silently, Qin Yu could find hundreds of immortals to help out, and the entire Chu dynasty now has only a few cents.

"Master Wang really has a good son, good son!"

Lian Yan looked at the back of Qin Yu and others, muttering in his mouth. He knew that there were hundreds of Shangxian sitting in town, and the restoration of the Qin family was no longer a problem.

Qinglian Mountains.

Qin De has already found a place to cross the calamity, which is exactly the same place as the natural gossip in the original description.

The robbery is about to begin.

More than a dozen people, including Feng Yuzi, were on the sidelines, but at this time Ge Min's obvious look was wrong. In the original book, the guy was traitorous, and Qin De was seriously injured at the critical time, which almost led to Qin De's crossover.

"The forty-nine days of robbery are here. These four or nine days of robbery are small ones. There are only four mines. After passing through, they can condense Jindan and become the **** in the eyes of the worldly people." Feng Yuzi said lightly.

In heaven, the first thunder fell quickly.


A burst of low drinking sounds from Qin De's mouth, and at the same time, Qin De's body surface has a dragon-shaped body suffocation, which has almost been substantiated. This is exactly what Qin ’s "Ancestral Emperor of the Dragon" practiced to congenital extremes. Law of body protection.

At the same time, a dark red sword appeared in the hands of Qin De, which was the spirit of Zhongpin, and also the backing of Qin De's robbery.

Feng Yuzi and others watched the scene of Qin Dedu's robberies. All of them were afraid of breathing, and the atmosphere was very depressed. Finally, the first thunder passed over.

The sky was shaking.


Another purple thunderbolt slashed from high altitude at an extremely fast speed. Compared with the first, this second thunderbolt became thicker and the purple light became more dazzling.

It was also at this time that Feng Yuzi's face suddenly changed: "Someone came, two Shangxian, and ten congenitals."

The twelve people here are led by Wood and Wu Xing, which is no different from the original, but the congenital perfection reached ten, which is six more than the original.

After the second sky thunder, they chose Qin Deli when the time was right.

After Qin De crossing the second thunder, seeing this scene, his face was ugly, and he couldn't cope with the third thunder at all.

"Qin De, you are really terrific, and let you survive the second thunder, but then you have no chance." Wu Xing said coldly.

"Master, things are not good. They have two cultivators, and ten congenitals, who are much stronger than us." Feng Yuzi said anxiously, "But Wang is assured, even if I am desperate, I must also be Wang. Stop them, and the next king will concentrate on the robbery, don't be distracted. "

"Concentrate on crossing the robbery, how can I concentrate on it, the Qin family will fail if the sky is going to die." Qin Deyang sighed, and the cloud in the sky was even more horrible. He would have dealt with it carefully in the first place, but crossing the robbery should not be a problem. Frustrated feeling filled his heart, so that even if he is very powerful, he can only play five or six points.

"Killing must not allow Qin Dedu to succeed." Wood snorted, and more than a dozen people flew towards Feng Yuzi and others.

"I see who dare!" But at this moment, a thunderous anger came, and he looked up and saw that one person and one eagle flew from a distance.

"Who?" Wood and others frowned, looking behind him, and then they looked extremely shocked.

Only to see above the sky, the hundred immortals from the imperial sword suddenly appeared, the breath was so powerful that they completely wrapped them.

In the middle of this group of immortals, one person and one eagle were surrounded in the middle, which was very dazzling.

"Who are you? There are so many immortals, and there are some emperors who can't even see through me." Wood's face was pale, and he felt that these immortals were full of killing for him, which made him fall. hell.

"We are only brothers and sisters of Qin Yu." Shi Xinghai smiled slightly. "Fortunately, in time, Qin Yu, can you come out and say a few words, your father and king are really scared."

Qin Yu nodded, walked in front of people, and looked at his father Qin De said, "Father King, you feel relieved and they will give it to me."

"Xiaoyu ..."

Qin De felt that his head was not enough at the moment, and the scene in front of him was incredible.

I thought it was dead, but did not expect such a reversal to occur, and it was the three sons he ignored.

Feng Yuzi was also stunned: "Did ... Did Xiaoyu enter the legendary fairy gate, we didn't even know it."

Others are also eager to give way. In the Chu dynasty, which is rare, there are a hundred people here, and they are neatly arranged in rows, which is too scary.

Woodwood and the two, let alone siege Qin De at this moment, it is good to be able to escape next.

"I can have such a son in Qin De, can't this little Tianjie still pass ~ ~ Qin De looks at the third thunder in the sky again, full of confidence.

Without hesitation, he sacrificed the artifact of Zhongpin and continued to rob.

Shi Xinghai nodded: "Qin Yu, your three pictures of" Tongtian "have reached the final stage. These people will just serve you as a sharpening stone, helping you to break through the realm and gain inheritance."

Speaking, Shi Xinghai's sword was chopped towards Wood and others, and a gully with a length of about ten feet was cut directly, but Wood Wu's scared soul had no body and immediately stayed away from Qin De.

"This sword spirit ... Yuan Yuan period."

Wood Wuxing looked at Shi Xinghai and waved with his hands, already guessing his cultivation behavior, and his heart was full of taste.

No one interfered with Qin Dedu's calamity, and Qin Yu no longer had any worries. He was just killing these people. At this time, even if Wood Wuxing was an immortal, he had no fear.

"Little bunny, you want to kill us, too," Wood said angrily. "Since those people don't care and want us to practice this kid, we might as well capture him and take him as a hostage, maybe we can survive today. "


A group of people nodded, trying to catch Qin Yu.

But soon, they knew that they were totally wrong. Qin Yu used one sword and one punch. Dozens of moves were not only nothing, but they killed six congenitals.

"Well, this little cub doesn't say a magic weapon suit, martial arts are too exquisite." Wu Xing angered, and even he was cut into the lower abdomen by Qin Yu with a sword.

"Very well, I am enough to kill them alone." Qin Yu thought to himself, "And the three pictures of my" Tongtian "almost reached the limit, it seems that they are indeed my best whetstone."

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