Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1262: Qin Jiawei

Time and space change, Wang Xing has appeared in the world of stars.

"Zixuan Star, Qianlong Dragon."

Wang Xing murmured, it was Donglan Mountain under his feet, and Yunwu Mountain Villa still kept it.

However, Qin Yu was long gone, and the entire Qin family seemed to have left here completely.

Wang Xing had some inexplicable emotions, but at this moment, a ray of light covered him in the sky, and at the same time an attractive force drove him to another world.


Wang Xing secretly said in his heart that this force took him away from the mortal world.

When it appeared again, Wang Xing had already come to the so-called fairy demon world, where the universe energy was at least ten times that of the mortal world.

Divine knowledge swept away, Wang Xing already had a lot of information in his mind.

This is the Celestial Stream Spring Galaxy, a place called Yuyang Star.

Yuyang Star is the core planet of the Liuquan Galaxy, which is extremely prosperous here. As a place where many stars in the mortal world rise, there are also many small factions in Yuyang Star. What is the concept of Qingxu, Ziyangmen, Tiannanzong ... and so on, but the core force is the one of Xuandi, one of the three giants of the fairyland.

The largest sect of Yuyang Star, Jiu Yanzong, is an important member of His Majesty Xuan Emperor. The strength of the fourth-grade immortal emperor is esteemed by the entire Liuquan galaxy.

Wang Xing's eyes flickered, and I felt a little strange: "In the original work, Qin Yu was not ascended here because of the special cultivation method, but Qin Yu's family and others, and other Zi Xuan Xing's practitioners really soar To this planet. Also, yes, the system shields us from being rejected by the changing world of the stars, making us like the natives of this world, it's not surprising that I'm flying here. "

After thinking about this, Wang Xing searched carefully with God's knowledge, and it turned out that Qin Yu's family had been found.

Two people are sitting in a restaurant in Yuyang Xingcheng Pond.

"Brother Feng, where do you say Yuer will he be?" A middle-aged man sitting on the left side said that this middle-aged man was Qin Yu's father, the former Zhendong king Qin De, and the opposite was Feng. Yuzi.

After two thousand years of penance, they finally rose to the fairyland.

In fact, there were more than two people. Thanks to Qin Yu's care, when Qin Yu soared, he left a lot of elixir and treasures. The Qin family has soared by a dozen people.

Now they all settle in Yuyang Star.

"I don't know, but as long as Xiaoyu is in the fairyland, you will meet sooner or later." Feng Yuzi smiled.

But at this moment, a sound came from the surrounding table.

Qin De and Feng Yuzi immediately changed their faces slightly.

"Have you heard that Emperor Yu is looking for that Qin Yu, but I don't know why not only Qin Yu's men killed a second-level immortal, but also let Qin Yu escape."

"What kind of person is Qin Yu? It's too great."

Another person sighed that if he could kill a second-level immortal emperor, it must have the strength of the immortal emperor.

In the immortal world, the immortal emperor is standing on the peak of existence.

"Now Emperor Yu can't find Qin Yu, I heard that I'm looking for Qin Yu's family, so I can use this to threaten Qin Yu. Now I'm investigating the planet one by one. Once I find Qin Yu's family, I will definitely take it away.

"Yu Huang really is fierce enough."

Another sighed. In fact, he was ashamed of Yu Huang's behavior, but in the immortal world, this was normal.

At this time, Qin De and Feng Yuzi had quietly left the restaurant and hurried toward the residence.

"I'm sure the Qin Yu that Yu Huang is going to catch is Xiao Yu, and it will be over if he is caught."

"Well, when Emperor Yu will definitely threaten Xiaoyu with us, think about Xiaoyu's temperament, he will definitely come to death, we must not drag Xiaoyu."

The two communicated and felt a heavy pressure.

Soon, the two came to a small manor house, this is the Qin family's residence in the fairyland.

"Too grandpa, what's wrong?"

"Don't ask, who else is out now, we will leave Yuyang Star soon."

Qin De's face was serious at the moment, and more than a dozen people came over one after another.

However, Qin De took a look and found that his eldest son, Qin Feng, was not here. Then I remembered that he had let him go out to do business. It had been three days.

Qin De immediately wanted to send a message to Qin Feng, but at this time, a strong breath enveloped him.

"not good!"

Qin De and Feng Yuzi immediately changed their faces. They looked towards the sky, only to see the sword lights flew up.

These sword lights are truly immortals walking along with the imperial sword. Any one of them is more powerful than them.

"Come here, come here anyway."

Qin De bit his teeth and he already recognized them. These are the people of Jiu Yanzong, who is the wife of Emperor Yu Huang and Emperor Xuan Emperor.

"The people of the Qin family are here!"

A voice sounded like a thunder, this man is the Jiuyan Sovereign.

Behind him, there is a group of Jinxian elders from Jiu Yanzong. This time, Jiu Yanzong came out of the nest to arrest the Qin family.


At this time Qin De saw keenly, the one who was caught by Jiu Yanzong's body was Qin Feng with blood on his body.

It turned out that Qin Feng had already been arrested.

"Daddy, run ~ ~ run!"

Qin Feng's voice was faint, but Qin De and others could hear it clearly.

"Run, where do you run!"

The lord of Jiuyan Sect sneered: "In the name of Emperor Xuan, all the people related to Qin Yu grabbed and started."

Everyone in the Qin family was sad, knowing that they would be dead after being arrested.

Qin De was extremely anxious, but he was helpless, but thinking of the purpose of Yu Huang, he said angrily: "The people of the Qin family killed with me, even if they died, they could not be captured."

Now Qin De has only one idea, and that is not to drag Qin Yu down.

They died, and Yu Huang naturally could not threaten Qin Yu.


The people of the Qin family were responding to Taoism, and they were not afraid of death.

"A group of ants, you think you can die if you want to die, it's ridiculous." Jiuyan Sovereign pointed out, Qin De and others found that their bodies can no longer move, this is the strength of Xiandi, already able Initially affect the space, imprisoning a weaker existence than yourself.

It's over!

Qin De and others all laughed bitterly in their hearts, this is why they really can't even die.

"Catch them and take them back!"

The lord of Jiuyan Sect sang a cold voice. If these ants weren't Xuandi's mouth, where would he need to dispatch himself, any elder Jinxian would be able to knead them at will.

More than a dozen disciples of Jiu Yanzong flew to the manor quickly, holding the lock chain in their hands.

But the moment they stepped into the manor, they seemed to be bumping against a hard wall, and a dozen disciples flew out.

Jiuyan Sovereign, Qin De and others were stunned.

At this time they had seen a young figure appear in front of the Qin people.

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