Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1329: mother

Soon, only a pile of ashes remained in the void.

The orangutan of the fourth order in the kingdom of the kingdom died like this, and he did not even know who killed him.

At this time, two figures appeared in the void, one wearing a red robe and one wearing a golden robe full of majesty.

"Ni Huang, this flame is too powerful for you."

The man in the gold robe said, he is the Academy's teacher, Dragon Emperor, who came from the stars to change the world, and entered the Academy five hundred years ago. The woman in the red robe entered the college at the same time as Ni Huang. Now both of them have reached the pinnacle of the realm of the kingdom. Among the emperors, few people are their opponents.

"Huh, I'm all on the flame, if it's not great, it won't be long before you get thrown away." Ni Huang said in his mouth, and grabbed the orangutan space ring with one stroke. Just now, she avoided the space ring by manipulating the skyfire, otherwise she would definitely turn the space ring into fly ash.

He took out the chimpanzee's long sword from the space ring, and then hit a trick, and the sword broke through the space and flew out.

"Let's go!"


The Dragon Emperor nodded, and the two disappeared into two streamers, as if they never appeared.

Su Yu suddenly raised her head inside the battleship.

"Master, what's the matter?" Atcok froze, and then he saw a space vortex appearing, and a familiar long sword flew out of it. "The orangutan, the sword of the general orangutan, he chased coming?"

"Don't panic." Su Yu grabbed the sword, felt it carefully, and shook her head. "It's not catching up, it's dead."

"Dead?" Atcoch froze, when did things happen, "who, who killed the orangutan?"

"A teacher in our college has the breath she left on purpose. She sent me this sword, presumably she wanted to tell me." Su Yu reluctantly said, "don't worry about it, keep going."

"Okay, okay." Atcock said in a hurry, but his heart was full of doubts. What kind of teacher was Xianxian College, who could kill him in a few minutes without running away from Orangutan? This Xianxian Academy It's too strong.

Su Yu then returned smoothly to the Milky Way.

Mission Hall of Immortal College.

"Su Yu, a second-year high school student, you can exchange these items for a total of 8,000 mission points." In the hall of the college, an intelligent robot quickly evaluated these things presented by Su Yu, and then gave the mission points.

"Exchange." Su Yu nodded, which was not very different from his calculations.

"Okay, it's already redeemed for you." The intelligent robot said, then everything was automatically entered into the college's library through the transmission platform.

Su Yu took a look at her mission points and confirmed that they were correct. Then she consumed almost all the mission points and redeemed a talent fragment again.

At this time, the battlefield outside the Shenhe River was a sudden riot.

Because some people have accumulated 100 million feats, and then found that the redemption list, Wushan Mystery qualification for three years.

The capital of the heavenly universe.

"Prince of battle, opportunity, opportunity comes." An old man walked in happily, this old man is the guard of the sky fighting, the eighth step of the realm of the kingdom.

"What opportunity?" A man raised his head, strangely, and looking at the man carefully, his body was filled with an incomparably powerful war will, almost almost straight into the sky.

"The qualifications for Wushan's mystery cultivation are an opportunity for you to break through the realm of the realm of the king." The old man said, "The fundamental laws of the great power of your war kings are extremely powerful. Let you realize the origin and achieve the emperor. Before we had so many relationships in Toke, we did not get this opportunity, but now this opportunity is suddenly before us. "

"Really? Tell me what's going on?" Tian Dou Zhan couldn't help feeling excited at this moment.

"Okay, okay." The old man stood up.

At the same time, a desolate planet was above.

"The opportunity has come. Wushan's mystery is a first-class mystery. Less than ten people can go to practice each year. If I can go in, I will definitely learn a powerful rule." A man with scales on his face began. Tao, and this man is called the Golden Crocodile, and the Cosmic Arena is one of the few thousand winning streak winners in Wuxingshan Starfield.

The powerful energy of his body radiated, and even the surrounding mountains were shattered.

In the other two giant universe nations, and in some places, many peerless geniuses also paid attention to this place for the first time.

For a time, the entire battlefield outside the Shenbei River became a hunting ground for geniuses.

However, at this moment, Tian Douyao seemed extremely anxious. He hadn't received news of the orangutan for nearly half a month.

"What's going on, what's going on?" Tian Douyao was so anxious that he had a very unpredictable hunch in his heart.

"Yaoer, come in!" At this time a voice came to ~ ~ only saw a noble and beautiful woman opened the door of the palace.

"Mother, I ..." Tian Douyao was about to say, but the beautiful woman frowned suddenly. "You have an extremely strong breath on your body. Who left it?"

"A **** galaxy bastard." Tian Douyao suddenly lost his breath. "Mother, this is the thing ..."

Tian Douyao didn't dare to conceal and said everything, but in the middle, he added some jealousy.

After listening to the beautiful woman, Shen said, "Do you mean that Orangutan has gone for a few days and has no information?"


"It seems that the orangutan is more ferocious and less fertile." The beautiful woman said, taking a hair from the head of Tian Douyao, and then this hair burned and turned into a mass of ashes, but in the process of burning, It was a picture that appeared just before the death of the orangutan, but in the whole picture, there was only a flame covering the orangutan, and then there was nothing.

"Gangling, Gangling is dead." Tian Douyao panicked.

"This is a picture I traced back to based on the power of cause and effect. It should be the death picture of the orangutan, but there is no man on it. Is it the Su Yu you said?" The beautiful woman asked.

"Surely not. I played against that Su Yu. He just created the realm and did not have such a method." Tian Douyao said, "It must be someone else's hand."

"Oh, but no matter who it is, the lord of a big galaxy dares to point at the prince of the heavenly universe. It is an unforgivable sin. I will send a decree to let the galaxy's immortal college give up Su Yu, leave it to you. "The beautiful woman said indifferently, with an awesome majesty on her body.

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