Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1332: trap

The whole process lasted ten days and finally stopped.

"With the power of the second-order original artifact wormhole round, this channel has been more than doubled, and now the monarchs below the seventh level of the kingdom can pass through. The monarchs of the seventh level and above can only pass through again After strengthening the space passage, you can enter Wuxingshan Star Field. "A man said, and this man was the Sith Emperor.

"When is next time?"

"After a hundred years."

"so long?"

"There is no way, you must wait for the surrounding space to adapt to the existence of this passage before you can carry out the second reinforcement. This process is at least a hundred years old."

"so be it."

A dozen people disappeared quickly, waiting for the next reinforcement of the passage.

However, these dozen emperor-level monarchs were unable to enter, but other horned monarchs rushed through the passage and entered the Shenhe River galaxy.

"This is the second place for my Horn to survive in the future."

"People who killed all these original universes, this universe must be our horns."

"For the time being, tortoise in the Shenxinghe galaxy first, it is likely that the emperor of Wuxingshan Star Field has already dispatched."

These Horn monarchs quickly hid and disappeared.

Next, the extraterritorial battlefields became more complicated, and the fighting became more intense. More and more people stood out.

The peerless geniuses of the Horns have also shown their heads. Among them, the top ranked Bagot, Ashby, Okai, and Haridin have all killed more than one monk in the Wokhang Mountain Starfield, which is very famous. ring.

In such an instant, thirty years have passed.

Su Yu's meritorious service has now reached 5 billion, which is still half of the 10 billion.

"The Horns are getting harder to hunt and kill. The Wuxing Mountain Star Domain is also deliberately tempering us. Up to now, no emperor above the seventh level of the kingdom has shot." Su Yu meditated on a hillside. "This In thirty years, the accumulated mission points are almost enough to exchange for a piece of talent. "

"Senior Su Yu, we have found Lampson." The voice of a student of Xianxian came.

"Lampson?" Su Yu didn't feel a joy on his face. This Lampson destroyed a large universe country in the Shenhe River galaxy and killed everyone inside, and against this person, San Ten years ago, the reward was as high as 300 million, and now it is 500 million.

Su Yu is now 5 billion in merit, which is not a decimal.

"Yes, although his whereabouts are hidden, we still found clues. This is where he hides now." An academy student excitedly sent a position to Su Yu directly, and this position was in the Shenhehe Galaxy Right north, it belongs to a relatively desolate star field.

"Thank you." Su Yudao, then acted, he did not want to lose this opportunity.

Following the positioning, Su Yu kept moving forward.

After half a month, Su Yu stopped. "It should be here. The iron stone galaxy of the Shenhe River galaxy was here before. The entire iron stone galaxy's planet has a very strong magnetic field. It feels like this. Even if the emperor enters here, the consciousness will not be able to see the surrounding environment because of the interference of the magnetic field. Now here, it is also a hiding place for some people of the Horns. "

With that said, Su Yu fell on a planet.

His consciousness entered the planet, and he knew the planet instantly: "The eye of the star that I borrowed from the will of the planet is useful. The emperor's consciousness will be disturbed by the magnetic field and cannot see the surrounding environment, but the eye of the star The ubiquitous starlight is used. Starlight itself is part of the planet, but it is not affected at all. "

Suddenly, Su Yu made a big discovery.

"There are other people, this is interesting. It seems that more than me is the one who got the news." Su Yu saw many familiar people, one of which is the Sun Moon of the Daxi Cosmic Kingdom, now this Moon Constantly moving, it was completely without fear. In addition, there are more than a dozen geniuses in Wuxing Mountain Starfield, they are much more low-key than Xiyue.

"This Lampson has been hidden. Didn't he say that Lampson just appeared here ten days ago?" A man frowned. "Five billion merit, I thought it was easy to get, I didn't expect it to be so. difficult."

"I have put in more than 100,000 detectors, but I haven't found Rampson. This guy is hiding deep enough." In a cave, a man kept receiving messages from each detector. But still nothing.

They just don't know, in a space.

Lampson was kneeling in front of a man: "Emperor, the fish have been hooked, attracting at least ten geniuses of Wuxingshan Star Field."

A Horn man sitting in a chair heard this, and laughed, "Lampson, surely you are the best bait. There is a reward of 500 million for me in Wuxing Mountain Starfield ~ ~ are almost catching up to me. But if it were me, the geniuses of Wuxing Mountain Starfield would definitely not come over, but you are different, they think you are just a ninth-order cultivation of creation, not You will realize that this is a trap. "

"This is all the wisdom of the emperor."

"Speaking, then we can close the net. If we are late, maybe we will be seen through."

"Okay, and here is the Iron Mountain Galaxy again. None of these prey came in to escape."

"Yes, don't even try to escape one, haha."

In the end, the emperor man couldn't help laughing.

All of these peerless geniuses in Wuxingshan Starfield are like mice. If he can kill more than a dozen at once, this is a big credit.

Many people are still looking for Lampson, and suddenly a dozen people seem to have discovered Lampson at the same time.

"Here we are. He is on planet E336 in the Iron Mountain Galaxy."

"Damn guy, it's finally here. The 500 million feats are mine."

"It was a worthwhile trip, and finally found it, set off!"

A dozen geniuses in Wuxingshan Starfield rushed to Lampson at the same time, as if they smelled a fishy shark.

Even, there is that Xiyue.

Su Yu looked at it from a distance, and everyone's movements were well-understood: "There are problems, there are absolutely problems, and at the same time, fourteen people have discovered them. Unless this is the intentional exposure of this Lampson, otherwise it is simply impossible. So there is only one possibility. This is an out-and-out trap. "

Knowing this, Su Yu would follow the past clearly, but quietly concealed his whereabouts and followed.

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