Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1344: Welcome to fairy college

At this time, Ni Huang has said, "Is it curious? I haven't seen the shadow of our college now. In fact, the reason is very simple. Our college is in an independent dimension. If you don't get permission, let alone you That is, even if your lord comes, you can't find the place of our college. Now you know the purpose of borrowing your certificate in your hand, this is your passport. "

The four princes of Shengchen couldn't believe it. It turned out that this borrowing certificate was so useful. Even without the certificate, even the college went in.

It is just that the Immortal Academy is in an independent dimension. What does this mean? Is it a dimension world?

Seeing the doubts of the four people, Ni Huang nodded: "As you guessed, our academy does have a single dimension. The entire Wuxingshan galaxy can have an independent dimension. Known except for the Cosmic Arena With Wuxingshan Universe, our academy should be the third. But in fact, our academy has more dimension worlds than the first two. "

The four princes of Shengchen have been a little bit stingy, this is nothing less than a sunny thunderbolt.

"This is skipped, and you know it is not very useful. Continue to introduce you to the college. Our college is currently divided into four sections, which correspond to the primary school, junior high school, high school and university. The primary school Students are trained in the first to twelfth grade in the Force Realm; students in the junior middle school are trained in the flying realm to the cosmic light realm; students in the high school are trained to be in the chaos realm to the realm of the realm. As for the university department, you must It has been guessed that only after breaking through to immortality will they be eligible to study. "

"University department?"

"Immortal realm?"

"A god?"

"Don't ask more, I won't tell you if you ask." Ni Huang said with no discomfort when he saw the look of the four of them. "At present, the cultivation of the four of you is different. After I arrive at the college, I will follow Xiu Wei arranges you into different borrowing classes. "

"Apart from us, is anyone else borrowing here?" Shengchen Tianhong couldn't help but say, how big is the injustice.

"Yes, but they are all people of the Earth Federation. Because of the relationship between our college and the Earth Federation, the Earth Federation has some borrowing places every year, but not many, probably around 100 people per year." Ni Huangdao, "Yes, they are No cost. "

When Shengchen Tianhong heard this, they suddenly felt a pain in their bodies. It turned out that they had paid for it.

"There are other places to eat and rest everyday, like the cafeteria. Even if you are a student, you can normally eat in the college cafeteria, which is free."

"No, in our realm, what to eat is completely dispensable."

"If you come to Xian Academy, you will definitely regret it if you don't go to the cafeteria of Xian Academy." Ni Huang smiled. "Others, like the college library, you can also go in, but you can borrow classic books. Many, even if it is Shengchen Tianyu, your cultivation has reached the realm of creation. In fact, you can borrow a small god-level secret or exercise method from it at most, but you can browse the general classics at will. My friendship here Let me remind you, instead of borrowing a mystery or exercise, and practicing hard for five years, it is better to borrow some essays in the library, which are more useful than exercises and mysteries. "

"Essay?" The four of them secretly wrote down, thinking that this must be something terrible.

"Don't think too much about it. This essay is not a technique or a secret technique. It's just a cultivation practice. Basically, every student and teacher will write something into it. Are you disappointed when you hear this? But what I want to tell you is that if you want to become a true cultivator and go further on the path of cultivation, you must have your own cultivation ideas and your own way. These essays are the cultivation consciousness of each cultivator. It is wisdom that is more precious than the exercises and mysteries created by the predecessors. For example, Su Yu, who you worship along the way, cultivated the exercises from his predecessors, but because he had With his own feelings, the entire Gongfa has been completely transformed into his own, and the creator of Gongfa has taken a completely different path. Among the secret techniques he has performed, the two most powerful ones are all of himself. It ’s created, and it ’s all great mystery. ”


"Su Yu's great god-level secret technique was created by himself?"

"This is impossible. He is nothing but a saint. How can he create a great mystery that can be created by gods."

Ni Huang didn't feel sneered: "This is wisdom, it is a manifestation of creativity, and when our college runs a school, it emphasizes this kind of creativity, and even requires every student to have his own way, and the students in the elementary school are okay. For students in the junior middle school, if you arrive in the high school, you still copy the practice methods of the predecessors. In the annual assessment of the college, the results will not be very good. Our college is to train students, not to make some copies of the predecessors. Samples ~ ~ Do you understand? "

The four were completely aggressive at the moment, and they heard this for the first time.

"Well, I basically said what I should say. Now I will take you into the college, and you will know what college you are in. I hope you will cherish the past five years. Maybe these five Years determine your life's achievements. "Ni Huang said lightly, but she didn't know that she was a single word. Later, after leaving the college for an epoch, the four remembered that Ni Huang could not help but talk Sighing.

"Inspire your borrowing card, and the dimension world will sense you and send you in."

As soon as Ni Huang's words fell, the figures of several people had disappeared, and at this time a clear and pleasant voice came.

"Welcome to Immortal College!"

The four princes of Shengchen stared blankly at the world in front of them. The college students walking in the sky walking towards the sword, the suspended peaks, the teachers wearing the clothes of the college teachers, and even some strange animals running around, beside the green belt Some of the spiritual plants planted in China were completely petrified.

"Let's go, I'll explain to you the precautions in the college." Ni Huangdao.

It was just that the four of them were completely inaudible at this moment, and were completely attracted by the strange sights around them.

"Cultivation college, this is really a cultivation college." After a while, Shengchen Tianhuang said the first, and the other three thought the same.

"Look at there, there are two people discussing. Their cultivation is nothing but emptiness, but the trick is so horrible. If their cultivation has reached my realm, I am definitely not their opponent." Shengchen Tianhong pointed at a place with fingers, full of shock.

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