Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1346: Corner of Dig College

Four people, it looks like there is still the old unruly, and this week at Xianxian Academy, they have been severely hit.

To them, the teachers at Xianxian College are very good, and the students at Xianxian College are very good, even the aunts who serve in the cafeteria of Xianxian College are very powerful.

Especially Shengchen Tianhong, he never thought that when he went to the cafeteria to cook, the aunt could give him a pointer and let him give up practicing swords instead of fists.

"You guys didn't talk anymore, haven't you been hit?" Sheng Chen Tianhong laughed at this moment. "Brother, I heard you had a fight with a student at Xian Academy, and it turned out that I just got laid down, didn't I? "

"I wasn't ready." Shengchen Tianyu was embarrassed.

"What is not ready, we have all seen the awesomeness of the college students, so don't hold them up, we are really inferior to them." Shengchen Tianzhou said, "I have to say that the father emperor may not have thought of it himself, he took us Sent to Xianxue University, I really got it right. I feel that the progress in the seven days at Xianxue University is greater than my previous ten years' progress. Vaguely, I seem to find the way that Xianxian University has been saying. "

"Me too, now I'm looking forward to the dean's confusing class. By then I will know the direction of the next cultivation." Shengchen Tianhong said.

"Unfortunately, only five years, you must hurry up." Sheng Chen Tianhuang sighed, "I borrowed a essay from the college library in accordance with the intention of the teacher Ni Huang, I have benefited a lot after reading it, you Check it out too! "

"We have this idea, too." Shengchen Tianyu nodded his head. At this moment, they really recognized Xianxian College and regarded it as a holy place for practice.


Kobe River galaxy.

Su Yu is back here again, and now he is not too far away from the 10 billion merit. He is absolutely bound to earn the qualification to practice in Wushan's secret realm.

"Su Yu, have you heard that after losing the battle to you that day, instead of returning to the Heavenly Space Universe, you joined the Undead Mountain and became a student of the Undead Mountain." Aktu told Su Yu, The genius of the Tianlonghe galaxy has become friends with Su Yu after the last incident.

"Undead Mountain?" Su Yu stunned slightly. "It's really lucky to have such an encounter this day."

"Where is the luck? In fact, the Undead Mountain wanted to recruit him before, but the Lord of the Heavens did not agree. After all, if he entered the Undead Mountain, the Heavenly Fight may not be controlled by him in the future. This time because of defeat to you Now, Tiandou Zhan urgently needs to become stronger, and has completely ignored the resistance of Tiandouyi, and resolutely joined the Undead Mountain, and as soon as his talent entered the Undead Mountain, he has already obtained the core member status. "Ake When Tu said here, he was already full of envy.

"Oh, it seems that I helped the sky fight." Su Yu laughed.

"Su Yu, don't you worry about it at all, but where is the Undead Mountain, but one of the four cultivating holy places in Wuxing Mountain Starfield, after the battle of the sky, it will definitely increase its strength, when he comes back to avenge you, you But it's troublesome. "

"I can beat him once and I can beat him a second time. Don't worry about me."

"Well, you all said that, I still choose to believe in you. But then again, I heard that not only the Dead Mountain, but also the other three major spiritual sites have come to the Shenhe River galaxy and started to recruit some geniuses. Here Outside the battlefield, who is a genius and who is a mediocre, almost at a glance, it is more convenient than them to recruit people in the universe. "

"This extraterrestrial battlefield is getting more and more lively, but I don't care about it. Now I still have to get the qualification for cultivation in Wushan."

"Well, you are already a student of Xian Xue Academy. Where do you need to join any cultivation sacred place, Xian Xue Academy itself can be comparable to those practice shrines, but the reputation of Xian Xue Academy is not obvious." There is a sacred place for me to follow me, and recruit me in. I will never choose. "

"You, you, if it ’s not for our college to not recruit people above Zhou Guangjing, I would definitely recommend you." Su Yu smiled and thought that Aktu was very interesting. "Well, I am going to hunt the Horns , I have accumulated my merits, and I will talk again when I have time. "

"Talk again when you have time," Aktu said.

Su Yu will soon enter the extraterritorial battlefield, but at this time, two people appeared in front of him, an old man and a young man.

Su Yu took a closer look at the old man. She didn't know what race she was. He was two meters and five feet tall, and a flame symbol was embroidered on her chest. The same was true for young people.

At this moment, the old man's momentum is exposed. At first glance, he looks like an emperor, while the young man looks imposing and looks a bit arrogant.

"Who are you, why are you blocking my way?" Su Yu frowned ~ ~ Shen Chan.

"Boy, you're lucky." The old man laughed aloud at this time. "Introduce yourself, I am one of the elders of the Divine Fire religion. The name is Hamill. After my inspection, you meet our enrollment requirements of the Divine Fire religion. Join us in Sacred Fire. "

"Divine fire teaches?" Su Yu frowned.

"That's right, it's one of the four sacred places in the Wuxingshan Starfield, and many geniuses dream of entering it." Hamill proudly said.

"It seems that what Aktu is saying is true. The four practice sites of Wuxingshan Starfield have all come to the Shenhe River galaxy to recruit people." Su Yu couldn't help muttering, and he still understood the four practice sites. of. Among them are the Wuxingshan Academy of the Wuxingshan Universe, which controls the Wushan Mystery; the Universe Arena, which controls the Sand Realm; the Undead Mountain, which controls the Ancient Mystery; and the Sacred Fire, which controls the Fire Source Mystery.

It is only for Su Yu, where does he need to join what **** fire teaching.

Almost without hesitation, Su Yu refused: "I'm sorry, I'm already a student of the Immortal College, and I don't need to join any divine fire teaching. Your kindness, I know, if there is nothing else, that's it."

After hearing this, Hamill's face changed, so did the young man's face.

It's just that Hamill hasn't spoken yet, and the young man is already angry: "Su Yu, who do you think you are, and Sacred Fire teaches you to recruit you? That's because you look down on you, and you dare to refuse.

Su Yu frowned slightly when she heard this, her face was a little unhappy.

Hamill pondered for a moment, and asked, "Su Yu, are there any difficulties for you? If it is because of Xianxian College, this is not a big problem, I can solve it."

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