Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1366: Concubine, slave?

At this moment, Dongshan Xue had no eyes and she became colder.

Gao Taleisen saw Dongshan Xue appear, a proud smile on his face, so that the cold woman could satisfy his desire to conquer.

"Dongshan Xue, I said you were mine in the extraterritorial battlefield." Gao Taleisen said near Dongshan Xue.

"In order to get a woman, the four princes of the High-Tower Universe State have used this method of making a show to me." Dongshan Xue said, not giving High-Tarsen a face.

Gao Taleisen's face changed slightly, but he didn't wait for him to speak. Dongshan Qiu shouted, "Dongshan Xue, how did you talk to the four princes? It is your honor to marry Prince Raison, and it is also the honour of my Dongshan family."

Dongshan Xue glanced at Dongshan Hill coldly, full of disdain.

Gowerson waved his hand: "It's okay, I used a little tricks for my beloved woman, I don't think it's anything."

The Dongshan hills froze, echoing: "Prince Raisen is right."

Simple preparations were made. Dongshan Xue was sent to Gao Taleisen's spaceship as if escorted, while Dongshan Bingyu was a servant temporarily accompanying him all the way.

Under the watchful eye of the Dongshan family, thirty-six star-class spacecraft left.


In the spaceship.

Gao Taleisen looked at Dongshan Xue, and said lightly, "I didn't expect it to be so easy, you became my woman."

Dongshan Xue did not respond at all, and remained cold.

Gao Taleisen was not discouraged, and continued to say, even some very nagging words, hoping to move Dongshan Xue, but everything seemed completely useless.

Three days later, the spacecraft returned to the high-tower universe.

Gautalesen's face is very bad at this moment, and even a little angry: "You woman, I can say that you just don't follow me. Well, my Gautalesen likes to coach a woman like you most. Don't hide you He said that among my 67 concubines, there were more than 20 people who dismissed me, but now they are very submissive to me. "

Dongshan Xue snorted coldly and turned his head.

"Going directly back to my prince's palace, I can't wait to train this woman." Gautalisen ordered, and according to his instructions, the spacecraft soon landed in a huge mansion, look carefully at the mansion, It was built on the basis of a planet.

At this time, Gao Taleisen caught Dongshan Snow and came to a palace. At the moment, Dongshan's ice and rain followed her step by step. She had a very unknown feeling.

"See Prince!"

As Gao Taleisen passed, women of various ethnicities with good-looking faces knelt down and saluted, not even dare to stand.

Along the way to a special palace, a smirk emerged from the corner of Gautalesen.

"Four princes, everything is ready." At this time an old man came over, only to see that he presented a tray, and there were actually two things on it, one was the lock ring for the imprisoned slave, and the other was Soul Eater used to train slaves, and when the old man said, the corner of his mouth also revealed a smell of evil.

"Very good." Gao Taleisen took the lock ring and looked at it carefully. Obviously, this is a little different from the ordinary lock ring on the market. He just threw it in front of Dongshan Xue and sneered, "Bring this! "

"Lock the slave ring!" Dongshan Xue didn't feel his face slightly changed. "Only the slave would wear the lock slave ring, you are insulting me!"

"Haha, my Gautalesen woman must obey me. I want to be lucky to her, no matter where she is, she must immediately take off her clothes. I said that she should not pose in any way, and she can't refuse When she told her to accompany other men, she had to do the same. She said that she was my slave. There seemed to be nothing. "Gao Taleisen said lightly, which made Dongshan Xue and Dongshan Bingyu unbearable. With a tremor, this Gotha Raison was so evil inside.

"Do you want me to accompany another man?" Dongshan Xue's face was gloomy.

"What's the matter, it's not very common to exchange women among the nobles." Gautalisen said lightly, "This is a social means that you will adapt to in the future. Of course, if you serve me well, I don't want to give you away. "

"You ..." Dong Shanxue finally realized her dangerous situation at this moment. Even if she accepted her side concubine status, it would not be a good ending.

"Prince Lei Sen, how can you do that, Miss is your concubine." Dongshan Bingyu was also panicked.

"Side concubine? You really take it seriously. This side concubine does not need to be approved by the emperor. I said it will be closed. As long as I am willing, there can be 100,000 concubines." Gao Taleisen said indifferently, "But usually women who I can't get by conventional means will give her the title of concubine. Your Dongshan family is also proud."

"It turned out ..." At this moment Dongshan Bingyu finally realized what he had done wrong.

"Take this woman out, I need to take good care of Dongshan Xue." Gao Taleisen said, and took the soul whisper from the side. "Well, I once conditioned a woman, and she was here. She stayed with me for a whole day and night before succumbing to me. At that time, her soul was almost dissipating. Dongshan Xue, how long can you say that you can?

"Gao Taleisen, you will definitely regret it." Dongshan Xue almost gritted his teeth. This soul eater is a cruel tool used to tame slaves in the universe. He used his soul whips to beat slaves, and the pain directly reached the soul. Pain is more than ten thousand times more than physical pain. It is said that even a person with a stiff mouth can hardly withstand the continuous beating of the Soul Eater, and continually slapping a person with the Soul Eater can even make a person's soul collapse and become a fool.

Dong Shanxue had been **** by Gao Taleisen at this moment, and she had no resistance at all.

The Dongshan ice and rain that was being deported can no longer be seen at this moment. Although she was induced by Dongshan Hill at the beginning, she also thought that Dongshan Snow became a good concubine for Gao Taleisen, but now Knowing the truth made her feel that she had done something wrong. She pushed Dongshan Xue into a fire pit.

"Miss, miss ..." Dongshan Bingyu shouted, but the guards of the two high tower Leisen held her tightly, still dragging her outside.

"Ice rain, immediately return to the family, don't stay here, and don't tell the family about my things." Dongshan Xue said, "Come on, the family is waiting for you to return to life."

"Miss ..." Dongshan Bingyu couldn't help running away with tears. "Miss, I lied to you. I didn't tell Qin Yan about you. It was the elder that made me do it. It was also my own selfishness. I I am so sorry."

"What?" Dongshan Xue didn't realize it for a moment, and couldn't believe it. "In other words, Qin Yan doesn't know about me yet. He might still care about me, right?"

Dongshan Bingyu repeatedly nodded, tears like rain: "Miss, I was wrong, I was too self-righteous, but just now I have sent your situation to Qin Yan, if he saw it, he will come to save you, so You have to hold on ... "

"Hold on ..." Dongshan Xue murmured, raising hope in her heart again, "Qin Yan will come to save me, and he will come."

"What the hell, why didn't you drag this woman away?" Gota Leisen was so angry that he couldn't tolerate another man in Dongshan Xue's heart.

"Come on!" The two guards no longer dared to delay, seizing Dongshan Bingyu and heading out, both of her bones were broken.

"Be vigilant, if anyone really comes to death in the past two days, don't hesitate to kill him directly." Gao Taleisen instructed that he had never heard of Qin Yan, but if this Qin Yan really came, he Not afraid.

"Yes, the four princes," several guards answered.

"Dong Shanxue, no one can save you, be my slave!" Gao Taleisen said spookily, the soul eater in his hand was yanked towards Dong Shanxue, which was originally banned Dongshan Xue, where can I withstand the pain of this direct soul, she screamed immediately, but as the second whip and the third whip went down, she slowly lost her voice. At this moment her mouth was always Listening to something, listening carefully, turned out to be all Qin Yan's name.

It seems that as long as she thinks about Qin Yan, she doesn't hurt.

"How is that possible?" Gawtarynson frowned slightly. "Why don't you call it, I don't believe it."

He even crazily used Dongshan Xue to punish him, but Dong Shanxue only had a sneer.

This made Gotha Raison more and more crazy, and the whip fell almost without stopping.

A barren star system. Although there is a star here, it has no birth life. Qin Yan is practicing in this star system at this moment.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

"I have been practicing here for three years, but idols have the tenth most important eternal tiange, and still cannot be stored in it." Qin Yan said to himself, "I have felt something recently, I always feel that something is going to happen, it is impossible. Practice meditation, and the idols that I cultivate have the power to foresee in this area. It is definitely not wrong, but I do n’t know what will happen. ”

After a moment of contemplation, he flipped through his communication watch as usual.

Suddenly, he froze.

"Dongshan Xue, Xueer ..." Qin Yan stood up suddenly. "This is a message sent by Dongshan Bingyu. Just five hours ago, she said that Xueer was in danger, just in the high-tower universe. Country, the Four Princes' House. "

"What's going on?" Qin Yan pondered for a moment, immediately entered the virtual space, and came to the world of the Lord God. "Give me all the information about the latest three days of the four princes of the towering universe?"

"An immortal coin."

"it is good!"

Qin Yan replied almost without thinking.

"The information will not be sent to you. I will tell you directly. The content of the information is very short. Because the four princes of the towering universe and the four princes of the tower, Gao Taleisen, have only done one thing in the past three days, that is to marry The 68th concubine, and this concubine's identity is the young lady of the Dongshan family of the Milky Way galaxy, and also the Dongshan Xue, a wizard of the Dongshan family. "The waiter said lightly.

"It turned out to be this way!" Qin Yan didn't realize that his face had changed greatly, and immediately withdrew from the virtual world. "Xue Er couldn't marry Gao Taleisen voluntarily. There was only one possibility. She was persecuted."

Thinking of this, Qin Yan never dared to delay, he took out the star map, and quickly moved towards the high-tower universe country.

It's just that the distance is too long. The starship-level spacecraft will take three days, and he keeps moving, even if it doesn't stop in the middle, it will take two and a half days. Is it too late?

"Dongshan ice and rain, what's the situation now?" As Qin Yan moved, he was still sending inquiries to Dongshan ice and rain. hemp.

One day passes, two days pass ...

Two days and eleven hours later, he finally reached the territory of the High-Tower Universe.

"Xueer, I'm here." Qin Yan clenched his fists at this moment, with a horrible killing on his face, almost undisguised. "If anyone dares to move Xueer, I will kill him, Gao Tower. The four princes of the universe nation ca n’t do it, even the high-tower universe nation ca n’t do it. I swear here, if you violate this vow, you will fall into **** forever! ”

"The Palace of the Four Princes of Gotha Rasen, over there!"

Qin Yan identified a direction and continued to move past. After all, even a high-tower universe, there are thousands of galaxies.

The Four Princes' House at the moment.

"Four princes, it's been almost three days, this woman hasn't yielded yet?" The old man asked, feeling very incredible.

"Yes, I really saw a ghost. It is reasonable to say that for such a long time, it is enough to tame people in the realm of the Emperor. It is enough to be a slave." That woman only persisted for a day. I think she is already amazing, but this Dongshan Xue refreshed my cognition again. "

"For such a long period of time, even if she does not submit, her soul will surely dissipate. I really don't know how she persisted to this point. Maybe it is because she has special skills and her soul is very strong." .

"Well, I'll try it again, I don't believe she won't give in." Gottarasen gritted his teeth and went up to grab Dongshan Xue's hair. "Ask me again, you ..."

Just before his words were finished, he was already furious: "Qin Yan, you are still thinking about that Qin Yan, he cannot come to save you, you are dead that heart!"

"Qin Yan will come to pick me up, pick me up ..." Dong Shanxue's mouth only had this sentence, and kept repeating.

"Let's die, you woman!" Gao Taleisen was so angry that he slapped his hand on Dongshan Xue's face, raised his whip, and continued to pump a few times.

"Four Princes' House, here." Qin Yan looked at the planet in front of him and said lightly, "Xue Er, are you okay, I was wrong, I shouldn't have rejected you so ten years ago, this time I won't Let you down again. "

With that said, his consciousness quickly enveloped the entire planet, almost undisguised.


At the same time a few voices sounded, this is someone who discovered Qin Yan's consciousness.


At the moment Qin Yan also saw that inside the palace, the body had been bruised, and Dongshan Xue was weak.

PS: The second and the first chapters will not be disconnected from the middle. They can be coded in one go. The next step may be a bit abuse. No, it should be a bit abuse.

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