Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1372: Belly Dean

Now Su Yu is not as strong as when he first entered the extraterritorial battlefield.

As soon as he launched the attack, Laughlen and Adler saw the horror of Su Yu, but it was Su Yu who was at the pinnacle of creation. After receiving the perfusion of the power of Wanxing, his strength was not weaker than that of the realm Emperors of the fourth and fifth order. This feeling is like Su Yu carrying the power of 10,000 stars in battle.

"It is indeed a genius who has been on the hunting list of our horns. This kind of strength is a first-class genius even in our horns." Rauclan said, "but this time, he fell into our hands, You must kill him. It is very difficult to kill him if you miss this opportunity. And this is also the best opportunity. He was invaded by the poison of the gods and could not exert his full strength. "


Su Yu punched in succession, and each punch was like a star bursting, and they were on par with the two.

"Void Phantom!"

Rauclan yelled, his figure disappeared, and this was his secret law.

Su Yu froze, knowing that the other party was about to attack, and drank softly: "Eye of the stars!"

At this moment, he is like an incarnation of stars, and the stars sense objects not through divine knowledge but through gravity. As long as there is an object, there will be gravitation, except for those who practice the laws in this area, otherwise no one can shield this force. So in the consciousness of Su Yu, he could not find the position of Laughlen, but he could accurately lock Laughlen by the gravity of the stars.


Laughlen appeared behind Su Yu, and the dagger in his hand stabbed at Su Yu's back.

"You are going to die!"

Su Yu's voice came, only to see his body suddenly dissipate, and then appeared behind Laughlen, punched in the position of Laughlen's temple.

"not good!"

Laughlen was so frightened that his head exploded when he felt his head hurt.


A torrent of stars like magma appeared in the sky, flowing, while Lachron's fell into it.

"Asshole, you killed Laughlen!"

Adler growled angrily, and his partner who had worked with him for millions of years was dead. He was going crazy.

Then, he rushed to Su Yu.

Su Yu was locking him, but suddenly found something wrong, as if changing time and space, he appeared in a bottomless abyss, and the abyss was full of demons, and he was going to eat him one by one. He was like a small baby, he didn't have any resistance at all, he could only cry.

"A fantasy, is this a fantasy?"

Su Yu immediately understood, and he had a way to deal with the illusion.

I saw that he slowly closed his eyes, and his soul became extremely empty. In his consciousness, there was nothing else except himself. Suddenly, he opened his eyes again. With this closed, the world in front of him seemed to be refreshed, all those illusions had disappeared, and his figure appeared in the void again.

At this moment, Adler's dagger was before his eyes.

"Stop me!"

Su Yu yelled, but grabbed her with her hands and caught Adler's hand directly.

"Get rid of my illusion so quickly. Rao is impossible for those emperors above the sixth level of the kingdom. You are so wicked." Adler's face was grim, because he was closer to Su Yu, and Su Yudu He could see the pores exploded on his face. "In this case, I will kill you even if I try my best to kill myself."

Su Yu heard this and realized it was wrong.

"go to hell!"

At this time, only hearing Adler's roar, his palm suddenly disconnected, the broken palm grabbing the dagger, and suddenly pierced Su Yu's chest.


Su Yu spit out blood, banged backhand on Adler's chest, and penetrated Adler's body.

Adler flew backwards, apparently also seriously injured.

"Haha, it was only the poison of the God of C2 level, but this time it was of the B3 level, see if you are not dead yet." Adler licked his lips, exuding his pride.

"Damn, the poison of the sacred **** that had been suppressed broke out again, and spread faster. Don't say a month now, it can be spread throughout my body in one day." Su Yu clenched her teeth, really Feeling threatened, "It seems that this body must be abandoned, but even if the body is to be abandoned, this guy must be killed first."

No longer hesitating, Su Yu immediately killed the past towards Adler.

"Is this a desperate fight, hum, I and you can afford it," Adler sneered. "When your body is completely disintegrated by the poison of the gods, I can easily kill you."

Looking at Su Yu coming, Adler did not fight Su Yu directly.

But at this time, Su Yu was sneering. He held the sky with one hand, and the stars started to work.

Immediately in the void, countless stars appeared, densely packed, each emitting a dazzling light, like a big sun.

"what is this?"

Adler was so surprised that before he could react, he saw the stars falling towards him.

"Star God Grand Offering!"

Su Yu roared, this is a disaster for humankind and a disaster for the entire universe. With so many stars disappearing, the universe is dark.

The falling stars smashed towards Adler, the mystery of the carrier's destruction, swept everything, and seemed to smash the entire universe.

"not good!"

Adler was frightened and fled immediately, but there were too many stars, and there was nothing to hide.


He was hit by several rounds of big sun, and a spit of blood sprayed out.

"Can't kill me, it can't kill me!"

Adler groaned in his heart, but he looked up, and the starry sky was bright again, and there were a total of 36,000 star flying swords flying straight at him.


A star-strength flying sword is a condensed force of stars, which is equivalent to attacking Adler at the same time with 36,000 planets.

Immediately, Adler's body was pierced with numerous blood holes by the flying sword.

"Last blow, Xinghe pointed!"

Su Yu growled and pointed out, carrying the light of endless star power, penetrating Adler's eyebrow and destroying his world of kings.

Adler, die!


Su Yu also spit out blood: "All of my methods have been used, and the power is also exhausted, but fortunately, it is the killer who killed these two Skyblade organizations. But if there is any more The emperor of the Horns come here, then I will really be over. "

When he thought about it, the horn soldiers who besieged Akto and others were frightened.

There is no need for Su Yu to shoot again, they all fled.

Aktu and others finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time: "Su Yu, are you okay?"

Su Yu smiled bitterly, how could he be all right: "Hurry up and leave, I will go back to the college immediately, this time I may be in big trouble."

Aktu had to ask, but saw that the figure of Su Yu had disappeared.

Half a day later, Su Yu returned to Xianxian College.

At this moment, he was extremely embarrassed, and Qi Yuan was waiting for him at the gate of the college.

"How?" Su Yu looked at Qi Yuan in front of her.

"The poison of the gods is indeed the poison of the gods." Qi Yuan was extremely surprised. "This gene poison specifically destroys the body of the practitioner. It is said that it is divided into four classes, namely S, A, B, C. Each Waiting is divided into three levels. It can be said that first-class is better than first-class, and first-level is better than first-class. And what you see is actually C-level and B-level, which is really interesting. "

"Well, I can't say a word. Now half of my body has been invaded by this poison. If I don't solve it, this body will be completely finished." Su Yu smiled bitterly.

"At most I can only suppress the poison of the gods, and I can't crack it at all." Qi Yuan was helpless.

"This ..." Su Yu's face changed slightly. "I used the genetic medicine you cultivated to really delay the spread of this venomous poison."

"The genetic medicine I gave you is the best. Now it is impossible for me to find an antidote for the poison of the **** of God. It is not to be said that in fact, there is currently no good way to crack the entire Wuxingshan Starfield. The poison of the god. If this poison is poisoned, the physical cell genes are changed, the physical body must be discarded. "Qi Yuan said truthfully," but there is no absolute thing, you can find the dean, maybe he has a way. You I also know that the Dean is almost omniscient. "

Su Yu thought for a while and thought it made sense.

In the dean's office, Wang Xing saw Su Yu: "The poison of God?"


Su Yu nodded and looked at Wang Xing with some expectation.

Wang Xing thought about it, grabbed a ball of blood from Su Yu's body, and then continuously refined, a black poisonous mist appeared in the end.

"It should be this thing."

Wang Xing thought, but it was the poison of the **** of smashing into his own body.


Su Yu was tense, but he knew the horror of the poison of the gods, and Wang Xing was too risky to test the poison by himself.


Wang Xing gave Su Yu a reassuring look, then slowly closed her eyes.

Under his observation, the poison of the gods entered his body and wanted to invade his body cells, but just after entering, the immortal force in the cells was culled and the poison of the gods was isolated.


Wang Xing knew in his heart that the cells he used to practice the cosmic flow technique were also a universe. It was impossible for the poison of the **** to invade it, and where it could destroy his genes, even if it could invade his cells, It can be divided into a separate space inside, to isolate the poison of the **** of demon again, and then slowly refining or excreting it.

"Dean, is there a way?" Su Yu asked.

"For me, the poison of this **** is not worth mentioning, but for you, it is really a big trouble. At present, it is really the easiest way to abandon this body." Wang Xing said lightly, This made Su Yu's face sink, "Of course, I carefully deduced it, but there is still a compromise."

"Dean, please tell me?" Su Yu didn't feel her eyes light up and was excited.

"This venomous god's poison seems to be very powerful, but it also has a huge disadvantage, that is, fear of fire, and this is also a common problem of all poisons." Wang Xing said, extracting the venomous poison that invaded his body, and then Burning with the flames in the melting pot of the world, it suddenly vanished, "Seeing nothing, if you can be like Zhang Xiaomeng and Qin Yan, this poison of God is not a thing at all."

"Qin Yan has a heaven and earth oven, Zhang Xiaomeng has the blood of Taigu Zhenhuang, they can both refine the poison of the **** of god, and don't worry." Su Yu nodded, but he was not two of them after all.

"Although you are not them, you can use a similar method." Wang Xing said, pointing to the sun in the sky. "See if there is, the temperature there can be said to be one of the highest places in the universe, you go up After that, use the flame of the sun to refine the cells that have been invaded, and new cells will continue to breed. When you refine all the cells infected with the poison of the **** of God, your poison will be resolved naturally. It ’s gone. But this process will be extremely painful, even hundreds of thousands of times more painful than the legendary bone-scraping cure poison. And you have to completely refine the invaded body cells, I estimate that it will take at least fifty years . That is to say, you have to endure the pain and suffering of fifty years. Can you persist? "

"The pain of burning body for fifty years?" Su Yu swallowed ~ ~ He could imagine the pain, it was absolutely painful.

"You think about it yourself." Wang Xing looked at Su Yu full time, "But I want to remind you that the poison of the **** is constantly invading your body. Every time you delay, it may take another year. Refining. "

"Don't worry, I'll go up to the sun." Su Yu gritted her teeth, but flew out immediately, she didn't dare to delay for a moment.

After Su Yu left, the Qing Emperor came out: "Actually, the dean has another way?"

Wang Xing smiled slightly: "It's true, but you can actually detoxify him. But this is a rare opportunity. On the one hand, you can temper Su Yu's spiritual will and on the other hand, you can temper his body. How to say, although Su Yu has practiced a lot of exercises, in fact, I can see that he didn't pay much attention to this, and studied his star-changing exercises with one heart. "

The emperor was speechless, and the dean was really black-bellied: "It seems that I have come back with extra effort. I thought I could be of some help."

Outside the sun, Su Yu was about to go in: "I didn't expect to kill the killers of the two Skyblades. My meritorious value is enough to be 10 billion. Alas, this is the three-year qualification for Wushan Secret Training. That's great."

Without hesitation, Su Yu chose to exchange.

"After coming out like this, I can go directly to Wushan Secret Realm, and then strive to break through to the realm of Emperor Jun." Su Yu groaned in his heart, and fell to the sun in one step, and as he fell, only saw him His clothes and hair turned into fly ash immediately, and his body became red and purple, as if burning.

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