Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1395: arrangement

Shenhe, that is the last hope of Wugan, and the last hope of the entire Wuxing Mountain Starfield.

Beyond the Shenhe, the next immortal deities are almost at the limit, but in the Shenhe, it is just the bottom.

If a **** comes from the river of God, as long as it is of a higher **** level, it is enough to destroy the altar.

"The old lord has entered Shenhe, we still have a chance," said the Emperor Xuehai indifferently. "But before the strong man in Shenhe comes, we have to resist the invasion of the Horns, otherwise it is the Wuxing Mountain Star. The domain was preserved, and only a piece of scorched earth remained. "

"I can only do my best." The star emperor said lightly, "But fortunately, the Shenhe River galaxy is far enough away from our Wuxing Mountain universe, even if the invasion speed of the Horns is as fast as possible, it should not be hit within 100 years. Here. It ’s just that the large galaxy, high-tower universe country, and Shensha universe country near the Shenyang River are about to be destroyed. "

Hearing this, everyone was silent.

Wuxingshan Cosmopolitan State claims to be the owner of this star field, and at this moment, it is not dare to say anything to protect these cosmic nations, because they are already unable to protect themselves.

Among the horns.

The army was gathering. Twenty-two emperors of the Jiao ethnic group were divided into four armies to formally invade Wuxing Mountain Starfield.

In the direction of the Milky Way, it is the Northern Army led by Babu the Great. There are as many as five emperors who go out with Babu the Great, which is not weak.

"Kill kill!"

Emperor Babu is holding an expedition, and there are hundreds of millions of Horns behind him. The weakest of these Horns has been repaired in chaos. Look at these horned people wearing scaled armor. Among them are silver and red scaled, and even the golden horned people have dozens of people.

One horn battleship is also assembled, and there are dozens of space-class battleships.

In a further direction, it was the altar of the Horns.

Among the altars, the old people of the Horns are urging the altars to upgrade some of the Horns in the chaos state: "Now the power of this altar is limited, only the Horns in the chaos state can be promoted to the creation state, but as the Horns’ When the invasion begins, more altars will be offered to the altar, which will elevate the horns in the creation realm to the realm of the emperor and the emperor, and even some emperors to the rank of emperor. "


So the war began, the real war of invasion.

Centered on the Shenhe River galaxy, it swept the entire Wuxingshan star field.

A large galaxy near the Shenhe River galaxy is called the Blue Spirit River galaxy. The emperor and the strong inside have already run almost, and the North Army led by Emperor Babu quickly occupied it.

"Oblique General Babu, the remaining seven emperor-level strongmen in the Blue Spirit River galaxy have been killed, and the entire Blue Spirit River galaxy has no resistance." A silver scale armored monarch said.

"Very well, leave some people to accept this large galaxy, and the original people who dare to resist all kill. The others will continue with me to the next large galaxy. We will occupy the Wuxingshan star area as quickly as possible." Babu ordered. .

"Yes, general!" The Horns replied.

Soon, Babu and others set off again.

However, within a month, the entire Wuxingshan Starfield was already lamented, and as the Horns continued to slaughter the souls of the Wuxingshan Starfield, the altar got more offerings and became stronger and stronger.

In the galaxy, Wang Xing is still arranging things.

"Tiandi, although you also have the strength of the emperor level, if you really fight against the **** powers of the emperor level, you will hurt the galaxy's souls. So my order to you is to closely monitor the movements around the galaxy. The strong people from the Horns came in and notified me immediately. "Wang Xingdao.

"I know." Tiandi answered.

"Emperor, you help Tiandi to stabilize the operation of the entire Netherworld, especially the six reincarnations. Now it can be said to be the foundation of the entire Earth Federation." Wang Xing looked at a six- or seven-year-old child, and the current Emperor is still At such an age, it is estimated that it will not grow any longer.


Earth Federation.

"Prime Minister Lu Xing!"


Lu Xing is worrying about the recent events. Because of the invasion of the Horns, there have been a lot of troubles in the Milky Way. Although the Earth Federation is better, there are also disturbances in various places.

"The Horns invaded the Wuxingshan Star Field, and the Milky Way will not be peaceful for a period of time. As the Prime Minister of the Earth Federation, you must do a good job in the stability of the Earth Federation." After a trouble, after all, the whole vein of the earth has now multiplied here, but a trouble will kill people.

"I have mobilized the army and will do my best to ensure the stability of the Earth Federation." Lu Xing assured.

"OK." Wang Xing still believed in Lu Xing's ability.


virtual reality.

The galaxy emperors have arrived, including the former Emperor of Different Fires and the Emperor Demon Wolf.

"Every monarch, the Horns have invaded the Wuxingshan starfield, and they are fierce, and our galaxy is only a hundred galaxies away from the Shenyanghe galaxy, and they must be their target. Have to say ~ ~ Our galaxy is really disaster-ridden. Before it was besieged by the surrounding five large galaxies, the mad king emperor died, and the Cangyue emperor was abolished. Now there is a horn tribe. Blandly narrating this matter.

When a group of emperors heard these words, they all looked dignified, and the different fire emperors and the demon wolf emperor were even more ashamed.

"What horns, fight with them."

"These aliens want to invade the galaxy, then step over our bodies!"

"This time we won't run away again. We will fight to death."


Wang Xing saw a group of emperors filled with indignation and resolute determination, but he waved his hand: "This time you don't need your shot, you just need to protect the galaxy."

A group of emperors froze and looked at Wang Xing in puzzlement, what did this mean?

They guard the galaxy, then who will deal with the Horns?

Just listen to Wang Xing said, "The Horns will be handed to me, and the only great emperors of the Horns can deal with me."

Unconsciously, a group of people are dumbfounded.

Wang Xing Is this a Western Army who wants to resist the Horns? But there are hundreds of millions of Horns, and the Emperor has six.

The strongest Babu emperor, even his strength, can fight against the divine emperor.

"Just do what I said, I have something in mind, you don't need to worry." Wang Xing said, withdrawing from the virtual world, leaving only a group of emperors in it, with a bitter face, completely defeated.

"Which realm do you say the dean's strength has reached?" Chilong Emperor helplessly said, "I now can't see the Dean of the Immortal College more and more, I feel ... how to say, I am with him, I feel He is not in the same world as me. Is there really such a big gap? "

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