Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1422: Ruled the mine

Three days later, Zong Pu found the man.

He finally recognized the reality, and the reality was cruel. He wanted to continue to survive in the divine realm, and it was almost necessary to join the Divine Alliance.

"Congratulations on being a member of the Union." The man smiled. "Go, I'll take you to the Union's office on our mine and get you enrolled."

Zong Pu nodded, but also curious.

Going straight all the way to the depths of a mine, there is actually a well-decorated room.

In the room at the moment, there are six employees of the Divine Alliance, sitting on their decks, as if they were early bank employees on earth. Not only that, even the equipment they use is actually a high-tech computer, or a virtual touch screen, needless to say that it is also out of Wang Xing's hand.

"Welcome to Shenlian's office in Mangshan Shenshi Mine. What business do you need to handle?" A lower-level godhead woman immediately came to the road, and she was the guide of this office, which is equivalent to the lobby manager of a bank .

"I'll take someone to go through the membership process," the man said.

"Please here." The woman nodded, leading Zong Pu and the man to the first counter.

"Name, place of origin, repair for ..." the clerk at the counter asked, and in front of him, a virtual screen had been displayed, and he was asking Zong Pu against the information on the screen to register.

Zong Pu was a little bit embarrassed, and he felt the magic of this deity again.

However, these questions are not considered secret. According to the actual situation, he answered them with little concealment.

The clerk level by level, and then completed the member's profile registration.

"Don't forget, it's him who I developed, don't forget to fill in this." The man said at this time.

"It's already filled in. The fifth-level member Zong Ye is a God Union who is recommended by the fourth-level member Wu Bing and joined." The clerk said, and opened the screen a place, and really saw that the higher-level member filled in Wu Bing's name.

The man is Wu Bing, and he laughed when he heard this.

He can already predict that his income will double this year.

"There is one last thing to become a member of the League of Gods, and that is to swear, member Wu Bing, please trouble you to take him to complete the ceremony." The staff member said finally.

"I understand, I understand." Wu Bing said, pulling Zong Pu to a room next door.

I only saw a bright red banner consisting of a shovel and hammer hanging in a room next door.

As soon as he came in, Zong Pu felt a sense of ritual.

Even Wu Bing had no smile and seemed very solemn.

"In front of you is the Union Flag of our Divine Alliance. The shovel and hammer above symbolize us, the gods at the bottom of the divine realm, and the shovel and hammer are intertwined, which means that we must unite so that we can obtain Respect and have a future. "Wu Bing said.

Zong Pu nodded and secretly wrote down.

"Okay, now my legs are tight and upright, my right hand is fisted, the same height as the temple, and I read: I volunteer to join the Great Divine Realm Mutual Aid and Mutual Benefit Association, support the program of the Divine Alliance, abide by the rules of the Divine Alliance, and fulfill the membership of the Divine Obligation to implement the decision of the God Union, strictly observe the rules of the God Union, keep the secret of the God Union, be loyal to the God Union, and work actively, in order to let everyone in the world of God live a happy life, always ready for the God Union and every The god-man at the bottom of the divine realm sacrifices everything and never betrays the gods. "

Wu Bing said, the whole person seemed sacred.

Seeing that, they are not for themselves, but for the whole divine realm, in order to let all people in the realm of God live a happy life.

Zong Xi was infected, and he chanted it unconsciously.

And when the stars change the world, once you swear, the sense of heaven is not a joke.

"Well, we will all be members of the Union in the future." Wu Bing watched Zong Pu finish his oath, smiled, and took out a button-sized badge, which was given by the clerk just now, "Put this Wear it on your chest. This is the symbol of the members of the Divine Alliance. "

Zong Pu did as he did, and he had checked it with consciousness, and there was no problem with the badge.

"Don't underestimate this badge, it can receive messages sent by Shenlian." Wu Bing explained, "I teach you how to use it, enter a little divine power into it, and try it."

Zong Pu nodded, and then saw a location map in front of him, a coordinate.

Among them is his own position.

"This position is yours. These five positions are the positions of the five **** stones. You have just become a fifth-level member. You can currently get the positions of five **** stones." Wu Bing explained.

"It turned out to be this way." Zong Pu understood, and he saw this for the first time.

In fact, this is the technology from the Earth Federation. Now, even some college students majoring in communication and communication in the Earth Federation can build an information network in an area ~ ~ Time continues.

After Zong Pu joined the Divine Alliance, although he could get five deities' stones every day, he was just preparing for the god-man, and his strength was limited. The amount he could dig out in a day was only two. In this way, he can get 700 divine stones a year, which is about 70,000 in one hundred years. After removing it, he will be drawn to one third by the League of Gods, and the rest is enough for 42,000. It ’s 3,600 yuan, and then remove the 3,600 yuan to be paid to Wei Chigong. The rest is close to 40,000 yuan.

Zong Zheng calculated this way, his heart was inevitably excited.

In this case, he can have enough spiritual stones to cultivate, and he heard that if such a profit was previously at least top miners.

Zong Pu realized that the ten thousand years of circulating in the Union of God could buy a house in the city, which was not a joke at all.

And he is only the fifth-level member of the Union, what kind of treatment should be the first-level member and the second-level member.

In an instant, six years passed.

"President, the Zong Xi that you let me follow is doing very well. He has just passed the assessment and became a third-level member of our Divine Alliance." Zhou Fujii reported, and now he gradually has a kind of power. That's something that only the superiors have, and the god-man who generally enters the realm of the gods, this kind of power has already no idea where to throw it.

"Oh, this case is worthy of leaving a name in the book. It's amazing." Wang Xing smiled. "Others, how many members does Shenlian have now?"

"Nearly 98% of the entire mine is now a member of the League of Gods." Zhou Buer was quite proud at this time. "Hey, you are welcome to say that we have ruled this secretly. Mine. "...

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