Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1436: cost

Immortal spirits return from the Shenhe River, and suppression of cultivation can actually be teleported back a little bit.

It ’s just that the distance is too far, even if it ’s the emperor ’s cultivation, it will take a long time to move back for countless years, and once exposed to the breath of the power of the kingdom and godhead, it will be immediately locked by the law of the universe and drawn back Therefore, it is almost impossible for the immortal gods in Shenhe to go to a star field outside Shenhe, and no one is stupid enough to do so.

As for passing through dark space, although the time required to return will be greatly shortened, the Great Emperor cannot manipulate dark energy. If those immortal gods want to manipulate dark energy, they can only spur the power of the kingdom and the godhead, and this will also be affected. The laws of the universe are perceived. Besides, there is no direction in dark space and no location information. Most people do not know where to go when they go in.

"If this is true, then it's really bad." Leng Shuangning was a little worried. If a large number of horned gods got out of the Shenhe, let alone the entire Wuxingshan star field, the surrounding star fields must be Affected, this is no longer the disaster of Wuxingshan Starfield, but the disaster of the whole world outside the Shenhe River.

A huge disaster can be said to be a catastrophe.

"Although I don't know the working principle of this altar, the energy consumed to transport an immortal from the Shenhe to the outside of the Shenhe must be huge, even as much as rebuilding an immortal deity. And this Horn The altar, where there is so much energy, even if the entire Wuxingshan star domain, even the creatures of the Wanjiao Empire were sacrificed, I do n’t know how many immortal gods can be transmitted back. Besides, the stronger the immortal **** , The harder it is to teleport, it is not the realm of immortal deities that can teleport back. "Wang Xing directly broke the key, and Briz's face has changed.

"So, the idea of ​​the Horns is very simple. They should first send back some immortal deities, and then let these deities continue to hunt and sacrifice, increasing the power of the altar. Such a snowball, naturally allows them to be gods in the river of gods. With constant advent, the strength of the Horns will become stronger and stronger, and in the end even occupying dozens of star domains will not be a problem. "Wang Xing continued.

"President Wang is really intelligent and can see the key here at a glance." Britz couldn't help but praise Wang Xing.

"It's all an obvious thing. In fact, as long as you stop the horns from continuing to sacrifice, the threat of your horns will be lifted." Wang Xing shook his head. "Well, don't worry about these things for the time being. The gods in the river of God have come and see what he can do. "

"Um." Leng Shuang nodded.

Wuxingshan Universe at this moment.

Wugan is facing a man called Wugu, who is an immortal deity heading to the Shenhe River before the epoch of the universe of the Wuxing Mountain universe.

"Wu ancient ancestors, this is the case. That immortal college is too deceiving, even watching our Wuxingshan Space Country fall into the crisis of the Horns, and seeing no death, unless you rush back in time, the entire Wuxingshan Space Country will not be Existed. "Wugan resentfully hated, and now he hates Wang Xing even more than the Horns.

"I just left ten epochs, and Wuxingshan Starfield has such a powerful existence. Do you mean that this immortal college has the fighting power of the next god, and his cultivation is only the realm of the great emperor?" Wu Gu slow Slowly, he was naturally angry when he watched Wuxingshan Cosmic Kingdom almost become a ruin, but he would not lose his mind like Wugan.

"Yes, this dean of the Immortal Academy is really a ghost. With the strength of the emperor, he can even exert the power of the next deity. Before you come, he also killed a subordinate of the Horns called Chipman. The gods, another sub-god of the Horns called Briz, was forced to enter the river of God. "Wugan did not dare to hide, these are also information that can be found on the interstellar network.

"It's not a god, but it can play a god-level combat power. This is a rare thing even in the Shenhe River. I have to say that the dean of the immortal college has a terrible future. However, he is of great concern to our Wuxing Mountain universe. The country sits by and ignores it, but it is also a bit excessive. In this way, I will give him a chance, as long as he is willing to loyal to our Wuxingshan universe country, I will never blame it at the time. "Wu Gu said faintly, already determined.

"Old ancestors, how could you let the Dean of the Immortal Academy so easily?" Wu Gan was dissatisfied. He thought of the humiliation suffered by Wang Xing and wished to kill Wang Xing directly.

"Don't be blinded by hatred. The dean of Xianxian College has such strength, and he knows that we are in awe." Wu Gu shook his head. "For a while, send me a message to the dean of Xianxian, and say I want to meet He met and talked, and the situation was very bad. Maybe he would cooperate with him again. "

"Old ancestors ~ ~ Couldn't you destroy the Altar of the Horns alone, killing the Horns?" Wugan said in surprise.

"Originally, it should be possible. But just now, the altars of the Horns have been upgraded, and I have felt that a total of twelve Horns' lower deities have arrived. These lower Gods of the Horns are not those who have not even gone to the river The new gods they passed, even if they did not urge the power of the godhead and the kingdom of God, they could completely abuse these new gods outside the river of God. "Wu Gu's face was dignified," And I, although a median god, There is a leaf of the tree of the world that shields me from the origin of the universe, but as long as I exert the power of the median god, I will be sensed by the origin of the universe. "

"It turned out to be this way. If I could find a higher-level treasure that shields the origin of the universe, would the ancestors be able to exert all their power?" Wugan asked.

"Say this, but such treasures are so precious that we can't get them at all. And do you know what it cost us to obtain the leaves of this world tree?"

"At what cost?"

"An immortal **** immortal at the summit of a higher god."


"Be scared. Even in Wushan Jinggu, there are only a dozen gods at the top of the peak. If this **** of the top level is used properly, a new higher **** can be cultivated. . "Wu Gu faintly said.

"It turned out to be that way," Wugan secretly said.

"Well, let's contact the dean of the Immortal College first. Now the energy accumulated by the altar of the Horns is exhausted. Soon the Horns will act, and our time is running out." Wu Gu continued, and then Let the witch go out. ...

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