Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1460: Fengyun Wuji, really you

New day, the weather is fine.

On this day, Wang Xingxuan entered the world after the ascension without notifying anyone.

Passing through the gate of time and space, about a minute later, he came to a world full of vast breath, full of scars, and seemingly experienced countless terror wars.


Wang Xing slowly said two words in his mouth.

He is no stranger to this world and has known it in books for a long time.

In this world, there are four demons, blood, angels, and humans. After the first battle of gods and demons, humans were defeated, and shame was signed in Swire. Since then, humans have begun a humiliating policy of humiliation and silent recuperation.

Now seems to be that time.

"No, shouldn't the Fengyun Wuji teacher have already achieved the Lord God when he was in college, now it's too ancient ..." Wang Xing had a very unpredictable hunch, and wouldn't systematically say what the guy said "disappointed".

"Illusions are all illusions. The situation when entering the college is clearly the Lord God."

Wang Xing is still comforting herself, but now she has to find the situation first.

At this moment, a shrill scream came from the sky, only to see a winged bird with more than thirty meters of wings spread towards him was just coming towards him.

Wang Xing laughed, and this little wing bird dare to deal with him.

You know that he now has the second-order combat power of immortality, which is also equivalent to a god-level master in this world.

But Wang Xing was about to make a shot, a sword flashed in the sky, and the wing bird fell down with a scream, blood was everywhere.

"What kind of person are you? Fortunately, I just appeared in time, otherwise this wing bird will smash your whole body as soon as it catches down. You said that you too, why didn't you hide just now, it won't be frightened. "The man said lightly.

"Um." Wang Xing couldn't help laughing or crying, but it was still my fault.

If I say that even if this wing bird acts, it won't break my defense, I'm afraid you don't believe it.

The first-order **** body is not a joke.

"In Xia Xing, known as Dean Wang, you have come to your place for the first time, and please advise me a lot." Wang Xing smiled slightly.

"Where is Dean Wang, you are really interesting." The man smiled. "Hurry up and leave here. There are many monsters here, and there are many that I can't even deal with."

"Go right away." Wang Xing said, then thought and asked, "Just when you watched you kill this monster, the swordsmanship was very clever. I don't know if you know a man named Fengyun Wuji. Sword master. "

"Who are you? Looking for a situation?"


Hearing this, the man hesitated for a moment and said, "All right, come with me."

Wang Xing suddenly felt that the situation had become a god, and it was easy to find, which saved him a lot of time.

Following the man all the way to a place, Wang Xing looked at this place with a bad feeling.

"where is this place?"

"Sword domain!"


Wang Xing remembered that after the situation was soaring, the power of the world was called the sword domain.

Followed in, he has seen many practitioners of sword domain.

Wouldn't the situation be here?

At this time, a man had come out of the distant hall.

Looking closely at the words of this person, Wang Xing really felt too familiar, wasn't it the situation that was unbridled?

"Fengyun Wuji, it's really you, you ..." Wang Xing froze.

He found that the relentless cultivation did not even reach the immortality.

Sure enough, the most unfortunate thing happened.

"System, you are ruthless. After the ascension, the world of Wuji is not the same as the one who entered the college to teach, and this Wuji has not grown up yet." What can Wang Xing say, and he is helpless.

"Host, I reminded you before." The voice of the system came, a look that had nothing to do with me.

"Say, what the **** is going on. I remember that the teacher who entered the academy was indeed the master god, and he once shot it once, which is true." Wang Xing frowned.

"Things are very simple to say. Just as the host saw it, the situation that entered the academy before was indeed the Lord God. The Trinity God is exactly the same as described in the book. However, the emergence of that situation is only systematic and A condition that the situation has now reached without fear. "

"What conditions?"

"Fengyun Wuji entered the college as an external teacher for one year. The system allows him to experience the realm of the Trinity God in the college. Fengyun Wuji urgently needs to be strengthened, so he naturally agreed without hesitation. As a result, you also saw that Fengyun Wuji served as a college external teacher for a year, and during that year he realized the realm of the Lord God, and when he returned, his strength increased to create this sword domain. "

"Ha ha!"

Wang Xing couldn't help crying: "The system is still you can play, I completely served it."


When Feng Wang saw Wang Xing, he looked surprised, "Dean, is it possible that the college has opened the channel connecting our world, it is really good."

"That's right." Wang Xing couldn't help crying or laughing, what a fart, which is so good.

The man next to him saw the unscrupulous look, and didn't feel like holding back: "Master, do you really know this person?"

"Naturally, I know you. I told you before that I went to a strange place. Actually, there is the Immortal Academy, and the current ~ ~ is the dean of the Immortal Academy. . "

"He? How is this possible, that a wing bird just struck him, or did I save him."

"You saved the dean, haha!" Fengyun laughed loudly. "According to the dean's current strength, even if the wing bird is doing his best, he won't hurt the dean."

He was a little embarrassed at the words.

Fengyun said to Wang Xing at this time: "This is my disciple's late injury. The dean should know."

Wang Xing carefully recalled the story of the world after the ascension, and slowly said, "Is it late to hurt, that Taiji Kendo helped the three Supremes receive a blow from the fourteenth main god, the heart was penetrated, and he came to the sword court by worship To your little one. "

Feng Yun nodded absently: "I have seen the world's book that evolved from our world after soaring, and that is exactly what it is."

"Such a good disciple cannot be disappointed."

"Of course not."

Feng Yun promised.

The late injury was aside, what did this mean?

"In the original words, I thought you had the power of the Lord God and wanted to recruit you into the college as a formal teacher. Now, depending on this situation, I am not here yet." Wang Xing was helpless. . "

"The dean is slow and you have a hard time to come here. Why did you leave. We are too ancient and need your help." Feng Yun said wistfully, a little eagerly.

Hearing this, Wang Xing wanted to cry.

Why, do I have to stay and fight for you?

But at this time, he found that he had triggered the exclusive mission of the dean of the world after the ascension, didn't he say there was no mission?

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