Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1477: The Age of Immortal College

Wu Gu could feel the magical power in the contract, and he did not hesitate to sign.

It is not shameful to submit to a **** king.

And it's just an epoch, he's making a lot of money.

After Wu Gu signed the letter, he looked relieved: "Dean, please give me more advice in the future. Lord Jiang Lan, what would you say in the future? Although I speak, I will do my best and never quit."

"It's pretty acquainted, do you have a plan?" Jiang Lan frowned. This Wugu was so charming that he couldn't react.

"Well, if Lord God is free, just point me at random." Wugu said awkwardly.

"This is the original. Every teacher in the college is communicating with each other, and no one will cherish it." Jiang Lan understood Wu Gu's meaning, but relaxed.

The three chatted for a while, and Wang Xing took Wu Gu to go through the entry formalities.

Sixteen unrestricted contracts are missing, and there are now only fourteen.

After a month.

"Dean, what are you calling me to come over? I have learned about our college these days and are considering a course on the law of light. I think there are several students from the angel family who are very suitable for practicing light Law. "Wu Gu held a book, dressed in college teacher costumes, and changed dramatically.

"I won't say this first. I call you because of Wuxingshan Space Country. After I took you away, the Scourge Emperor led the Scourge Army to invade Wuxingshan Space Country again. Originally, I was too lazy to care about this matter, but in the same star Realm, Wuxingshan Universe's living creatures are coated with charcoal, but it is also a bit unbearable. So, go ahead and pass a message and let the natural disaster emperor stop there. Then, choose a suitable landlord for Wuxingshan Universe, why it does n’t matter, as long as it ’s not like It would be OK for Wugan to be so mentally disabled. "Wang Xing said slowly.

"Yes, Dean." Wu Gu nodded, leaving.

"By the way, you said Wushan Jingu may send someone over again, how confident are you?" Wang Xing asked suddenly.

"This is hard to say. If it is in the Shenhe River, the Jingu Temple will definitely send someone over immediately." Wu Gu thought for a while, "But outside of the Shenhe River, immortality came over with difficulties, and last time I came over, God The palace has paid a huge price in exchange for the look of a tree of the world, and it may not be willing to spend that much now. "

"I know."


Wuxingshan Universe, Ungla Galaxy.

Warriors of the Scourge Corps are spread over every planet here, and this is the twelfth large galaxy they have captured the Wuxingshan universe.

The Scourge Emperor tasted the robbed wine and enjoyed it very much: "There are only three Emperors left in the entire Wuxingshan Space Country. Who else can resist me. Haha, I will be the master of the Wuxingshan Space Country in the future. I will create a new one. era."

"The great power of the emperor is boundless, uniting Wuxing Mountain!"

The Legionnaire soldiers below praised them immediately, and their voices spread hundreds of millions of miles.

"Well, you still want to create an era, you haven't woke up dreaming yet." Wu Gu's indifferent voice sounded, a strong breath spread out, and many soldiers of the Scourge Army all fell into the void.

"Wugu!" The Scourge Emperor trembled and couldn't believe it. "Aren't you captured by the dean of the Immortal Academy, why are you still alive?"

"Whoever said that he was arrested would surely die." Wu Gu smiled indifferently. "I'm sorry, I have joined the Immortal Academy. Now I'm not only alive, but my skills have improved a lot."

"You ... you even joined the Immortal Academy, but the dean of the Immortal Academy killed all the witches." The Scourge Emperor was a little apprehensive.

"There is a saying on Earth for human beings who are knowledgeable about time affairs. I am the one who is more knowledgeable about time affairs. Is there any problem? Well, I won't talk nonsense with you. The dean of the preacher said, in order to maintain the stability and peace of Wuxing Mountain Starfield, Advocating love and justice, ordering the Scourge Army to immediately stop the invasion of the Wuxingshan Space Country, or kill without amnesty. "Wugu said indifferently," Listen clearly, how far away you are. "

"The dean of the Immortal College spoke so much, it was just too bullying." The Scourge Emperor was angry, and his killing intention was amazing.

"It doesn't help you to be angry again. Open your eyes and take a good look. Who in the Wuxing Mountain Star Domain has the final say. You have also created an era. The real era has already come, and that is the era that belongs to our fairy college "Wu Gu mocked," Don't think of any tricks, otherwise I can kill you without the Dean's shot. "

The Emperor Scourge became pale, and he never counted that Wang Xing would stop him.

His dream is broken.


Wuxingshan Universe.

Wugu came here again, and many of the royal children of Wuxingshan Space Country were very excited to see him.

"Old man, are you back?"

"Old man, we thought you had an accident, too."

"Old ancestor, the lord was killed. If this revenge is not reported, how can the Wuxingshan royal family stand on their feet."


Wu Gu heard a lot of chatter from the royal family members and said quietly, "All are quiet, now I ask a question ~ ~ you answer one by one."

Everyone nodded, all serious.

"My question is, what would you do if you had one of you as the new owner of the Wuxingshan Space Country? Let's start with you, isn't the great prince?" Wugu pointed to the man in front.

"It's worth saying, it must be blood for blood, tooth for tooth. When I take office, I will issue an order, all students of the Immortal Academy are wanted, let alone kill." The prince's voice was cold and his body was amazingly murderous. People applaud.

"Okay, next." Wu Gu didn't make a point, pointing to the second person.

"I have the same opinion as Brother Dahuang, and I must not let the college pass, and in order to solve the problem fundamentally, I will wipe out the galaxy from the stars."


"Continue to ask for help from the shrine, and wait for the help from the shrine."

"What else can you do, you must take revenge."

"Must, Immortal College must not stay, it must be destroyed."


"I ... if I became the master of the country, I would ... I would like to make peace with Xian Academy, and I won't provoke Xian Academy in the future." A weak voice sounded, and Wu Gu, who had nowhere to go before, had no other face, But his eyes brightened.

"Traitor, you traitor!"

"I'm still thinking about making peace, you're trample on the dignity of our royal family."

"Prince 97, you can't cultivate, you never expected people to be so weak."

Many royal children have censured the young boy who spoke.

But at this time, Wugu slowly said, "Yes, the 97th prince, tell me, what's your name?"

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