Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1510: Not students, but teachers

Anshui-gun soared into the sky at this moment and came outside.

Standing in the volley, he took a trick and the infinite cosmic energy condensed out many objects.

Just seeing this scene, no matter it is the Angolan family members or those who are attracted by curious people, now I know that Anshui County is already the realm of the Creator.

"I, Anshui County was fortunate to be promoted by the dean of Immortal College to a half-step emperor state, and later I will be the Angolan family in Yongzhen." Anshui County's voice spread out, and at the same time he exuded an extremely powerful breath, feeling This breath, those who are also creators of the realm, can best understand what Anshui County is saying. This person who was not long ago the King of Chaos Realm is now a half step emperor.

"Half step emperor, how did the dean of the Immortal College do it?" Some people can't help but be sour. Although they are also creators, they want to say that they have cultivated to the half step emperor's realm in their lifetime, but they dare not have full confidence. .

"Well, it is indeed the dean of the Immortal Academy, who can compete with the immortal spirit." Some people take this for granted. Such people have already worshipped the Dean of the Immortal Academy somewhat blindly.


Among the Angolan families, no one yelled, the others shouted.

The voice went out, and the sound shook the entire planet.

Countlessly watching Anshui County, watching the Angola family's extremely excited people, knowing that this family is no longer the same.

The Angolan family's status at the Immortal Academy was again elevated by them.

After all, it is unprecedented for the dean of the Immortal College to personally promote and promote one of the Angolan families.

The news spread quickly.

Although it is only spreading in the galaxy, the sensation is not small. Many people have a fantasy in the future, that is, one day they can meet the dean of Xianxian College, and then they can be like Anshui County. , Step into the sky.

As for the eleven worshipers who were terminated by the Angolan family, they regretted it.

In addition to being deported to the Angolan family, he was also offended by the dean of the Immortal Academy. After that, he would not be able to mingle in Wuxingshan Starfield.

Where they go now, they always feel that others are looking at them with strange eyes. What does that feel like, as if others are looking at a group of fools.

The Angola family hosted a grand banquet in order to entertain Wang.

However, both Wang Xing and Leng Shuangning didn't catch cold very much, so they just left after showing a little face.

In the space where the Longjing Chalcedony God Tree of the Angola family is located, Wang Xing sits under the tree, sets up a table, and is drinking a new tea prepared by the college with Leng Shuangning.

At this time, Annala entered this space.

"Dean, Sister Frost." Annala seemed a lot more relaxed at the moment. When she was in front of people, he was more afraid of Wang Xing, but when there were few people, he couldn't take Wang Xing as a peer friend. , But not too afraid of Wang Xing. It is mainly because she and Wang Xing have known each other very early, and also know that Wang Xing is a person, and they are considered old friends.

"Sit down." Leng Shuangning motioned, "when choosing who to promote to cultivation, I really fear that you can't control it and choose yourself. Fortunately, you didn't let me down . "

"It was true for a moment. I really had a bit of a dim sum, but thinking of what Sister Shuang Ning said, I may not have a chance to become a **** in the future. I still choose to give up." Annala said honestly.

"I told you before, try not to get involved in the common affairs of these families, you still do n’t listen, you have to be a homeowner. Now it ’s okay, your homeowner ’s dream is fulfilled, but look at your current cultivation, or The realm of the King of Chaos, and the group of bear children of the Immortal Academy, the worst is also the Creator. Right, and that Sharman, your friend, is now not only called the first female alchemist in the galaxy. Xiuwei also reached the seventh stage of creation. "Wang Xing said helplessly.

"And the Barbara beside me, who started so low, is now the king of chaos, and is planning to impact the creation." Leng Shuangning also laughed.

"Dean, and the wife of the Dean, don't make fun of me. I also feel that I have a little bit to make ends meet. In this vast universe, in the end, we must have strength. Even if the Angolan family is refined, If you do n’t have the guardianship of power, you will run out of time sooner or later. ”Annala was sober at the moment, and she finally understood the way she would go in the future.

"It's not too late to know." Wang Xing couldn't help but smile, "Well, this time you come to your Angola family, it's just going down the road, then we have to travel elsewhere and walk around."

"The next stop seems to be going to the Tianlonghe galaxy. I heard that the Tianlonghe galaxy has a beautiful place called Xingguang Shuiyue ..." Leng Shuangning said, having disappeared into this space with Wang Xing.

Annala was a little hesitant. To tell her the truth, it was impossible for her to cultivate alone.

Shaking her head, she suddenly saw the seat that had just been cold and frosty, and there was even a roll of stuff.

"this is……"

Annala couldn't help but just reached out and took it, and when she touched this thing, a voice broke into his mind: "Anna, this is what I can finally fight for you, Xian Academy A letter of employment notice. Because the students enrolled in Xian College cannot be higher than Zhou Guangjing. You are now in a state of chaos. You can only enter the college as a teacher. Although you are a teacher, if you want to achieve immortality , That's the only way. "

Annala could hear it, it was a cold frosty voice.

"Not a student, but a teacher ..."

Annala is somewhat flattered, this routine is a bit deep!

However, turning to ~ ~ Annala had a decisive face. No matter what status she entered Xianxian Academy, it was a great opportunity for her.

After leaving the college for a long time, Wang Xing still felt lost: "It was an unlimited contract, so it was used. I can use this unlimited contract to recruit an immortal **** as a teacher. .I knew that I should be hard-hearted at that time, and she should just abandon her cultivation and let her practice from scratch. Isn't it good to be a student honestly. "

Leng Shuangning heard this, and could not help but rolled his eyes.

"Haha, talking about it," Wang Xingxi laughed. "Go, continue our honeymoon."

"What a honeymoon, really." Leng Shuangning said silently.

In this way, ten years have passed.

"Dean, when will you return to the Academy, the Baiyu Genius Trial is over, and a large wave of talents are being used by the Academy." Qing Di's rare message to Wang Xingdao, this is the first time in ten years, he sent a message to Wang Xing.

Genius address: .. Mobile version: m.

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