Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1513: He, Xiuxian

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But while a group of people were still confused, ripples appeared in the void.

Only to see the void space, a huge battleship appeared, this battleship was more than 100,000 meters long, extremely huge, staying in the air like a ferocious beast.

Space-class battleship!

Everyone is stunned. It is necessary to know that the space-level warship is not Chinese cabbage. Generally, only the space-level nation of the Big Mac is eligible to own.

At this time, I only saw a projection launched from the space-class battleship. It was a man: "The seventh guard fleet of the Earth Federation in the waste solar system, my captain Mo Yong, now conducting a routine inspection."

"What, check?"

Hearing this, the people inside the spacecraft were choking.

"Not all of us are going to be students of Xian College soon. They dare to investigate even the students of Xian College?" Some people were puzzled, feeling that they were being provoked.

"You are not yet." At this time, the captain of the battleship slowly said, "Students of Xianxian, they all have student IDs of Xianxian, that is, they are taking a spaceship, and they are also registered spaceships marked by Xianxian. And you, think It's not so easy to enter Xianxian College. "

"It's ridiculous, we are all the top geniuses in the 100 domains. What difficulty will we have when entering Xianxian Academy." Someone heard Closier's remarks yesterday. At this moment, I am confident.

At this time, the hatch was opened.

A dozen earth soldiers holding e6 laser guns came in, and even seeing that e6 laser gun, even Closier shut up obediently. This laser gun can completely penetrate the defense of the practitioners of the Cosmic Light. Coupled with the narrow range here, if these soldiers go on fire, he might hang here.

The soldiers came in and searched strongly.

The little captain stood aside, took out a cigarette and handed it to the captain: "What kind of genius are they?"

The captain nodded and took a puff of cigarettes: "Yes, I also received a federal order to send them to Immortal College."

The captain of the team was obviously a little unhappy: "What genius of Bai Yu, I have watched the game, the general is very good. Immortal college recruits them as students, might as well recruit my group of soldiers."

When the captain heard this, he was embarrassed and said, "Always give people a chance, and we can't always recruit us earth people."

Although the voice of the two of them was not great, they could not hide the ears of these geniuses.

Everyone, including Closier, was a little bit angry. At this time, a man's glass finally broke his heart and said, "What do you say, we can enter the top 10,000 in the Baiyu Genius Trial? It's comparable to your soldiers. "

When the captain heard this, he extinguished the smoke, and he uttered the talking fellow: "Really, what's your name, what state, and how long have you cultivated?"

"Carwen Deere, 139 years old, seventh-order Feitingjing."

The man grunted coldly, and was full of pride when he said it.

The captain recruited a soldier at this time: "Xu Zhuang, haven't you come from the Qingshen Army to practice, tell him, how long have you cultivated, what is it now?"

"Xu Zhuang, ninety-six years old, sixth-order Feitingjing."

The soldier named Xu Zhuang seemed a little mean, and after he said it, he was a little embarrassed and said, "I'm a bit slow in cultivation. Don't laugh at me. I can join the Qings Army and I'm lucky."

Hearing this, including Closier, was unbelievable.

Although only one order behind, Xu Zhuang is forty-three years younger than Carwen Deere, which is terrible.

"This is impossible. I have the guidance of my seniors in the family, and I have all kinds of sufficient cultivation resources. How could he be a soldier less than him?" Carvendir said angrily.

"That's the truth," the captain chuckled.

"What does he cultivate, can he do it so fast?" Carvendir clenched his fists, and a wave began to appear in his heart.

"He, Xiuxian." The captain said slowly, his eyes a little dignified.

Hearing this, everyone was choking.


This is an unfamiliar word, but it sounds so familiar and familiar, which is unique to Xian Xueyuan.

"I just said that you are very ordinary, are you still unconvinced? Xu Zhuang is just an ordinary student of the Qingshen Army, which can be compared with your geniuses, and the Qingshen army is the immortal college. That's where the true geniuses gather. Only the best students of the Qings Army have the opportunity to further become students of Xianxian College. "The captain said slowly.

"Yes, nearly 100,000 Qingshen students like me can eventually become Xian Xian students before graduation, but in fact less than one ten thousandth. But as long as they can enter Xian Xian, at least the future achievements will be Emperor, this is the graduation standard for the High School of Xian College. "Xu Zhuang nodded fiercely. He really wanted to be a student of Xian College, but it was too difficult for him.

"So, you think you can become a student of Xianxian University here. It's really naive. But there is only a chance for assessment." The captain said, sighing loudly, "Close the team, there is no problem in checking, Put these hundred geniuses into the solar system. "

"Yes, Captain," said a group of soldiers, leaving one after another, including that of Xu Zhuang.

The battleship started again and flew towards the azure planet.

But within the battleship, no one spoke for a long time. Now these so-called geniuses have been shaken. Are they really not geniuses?

Then think of joining the Xian Academy ~ ~ The lowest achievement is also the emperor, but it also makes them excited.

Don't look at the goal that they say is to become a god, but there are a few people who can truly become gods. There are 30,000 geniuses of hundreds of domains, and eventually 300 people can achieve the gods of immortality.

"They must have bluffed us," Crosier said slowly after a moment. "We are geniuses. I don't believe there are so many people better than us in this place."

"I don't believe it," someone followed, but it was obvious that there was some lack of confidence.

"When we get to the earth, we will find out." A woman said slowly, which coincided with everyone's ideas.

The spacecraft continued to travel, and soon arrived at the warship docking station in outer space.

"Come on, warships cannot sail directly into the earth. Anyone who wants to enter the earth can only take a special shuttle bus. Of course, if it is repaired above the chaos, you can get the qualification to fly into the earth, but you must also go to the Pedestrian path, "said the captain, and then looked at a man in front of him." Hello Teacher Huang, they will leave it to you. "

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