Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1517: Shocked Geniuses (4)

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Agatha nodded and came back to God.

"See, it's the dean of the Immortal College." Agatha nodded.

"The dean of the Immortal Academy is really amazing. I look at him as if he is looking at a universe. It is worthy to kill the existence of immortal spirits." Become a student of this college. "

"Keep going." Agatha was looking forward to the steps behind. The first step appeared was the dean of the Immortal Academy. What would be the steps behind?

Some people have actually embarked on the second step.

Unlike the first step, the second step turned out to be a picture of the birth of the universe, and everyone couldn't help immersing themselves once they stepped on it.

The third step, still the evolution of the universe, seems to be a follow-up to the second step of the world.


The ninety-nine step world, in this world, shows endless swordsmanship, endless swordsmanship mystery.

This step belongs to the world of swords, and there are more than a dozen people in it. There are Ximen blowing snow, there is Dugu seeking defeat, and Ye Gucheng ...

All of them are teachers of swordsmanship, which is totally an admissions advertisement.

Continue to go up, the speed of Baiyu Genius is getting faster and faster.

Finally, he reached the mountainside.

At this time, there were some voices beside him.

"Look, there are teachers from Xianxian College teaching students." A man couldn't help but exclaimed, "You see what they are doing, it seems to be a sword class, but this sword method seems to be very ordinary and has no power at all. "

"But it is so." Closier also despised, "chopping some tree stumps with a knife, even some 100,000-year-old trees, should have been split long ago. But look at the students of these fairy colleges, how many This practice has reached the void, but it is impossible to cut a stump. "

At this time, not only Closier, many people couldn't help but stop.

"Hey, isn't it just cutting the stump with a knife, is it so difficult?" A genius could not help but shouted, then walked calmly, grabbed a teaching knife, and suddenly cut it down.


Only to see the stump split in half, and this genius was proud.

"I thought it was difficult to split." He also said this in his mouth, looking provocatively at the teacher who was teaching, and this teacher was Fu Hongxue.

"Okay!" Closier took the lead, and the other geniuses shouted, and they finally exhaled.

"Wait a moment." Fu Hongxue saw the Baiyu genius who had split the stakes before leaving, but shouted at her, "This stake is a heather tree collected from the Kaul planet. Generally, the force is above the ninth level. If the practitioners urge the Force, splitting is not a problem at all, and you are practicing in the void, let alone say. "

"What do you mean?" The genius still didn't understand, others looked at Fu Hongxue curiously.

"My teaching is about a complete knife method, and it is not allowed to use the Force." Fu Hongxue said an answer that was unbelievable to everyone, and Huang Yaoshi in the back had already shown a smile. These Didn't genius think he was awesome, now he's in the pit.

"How is it possible that anyone who can use such a force to split a wooden stake with such a hard texture?" Someone could not help but scream.

"Really, then you are optimistic." Fu Hongxue said, gently waving the sword in his hand, only to see the sword in the void seemed to tremble constantly, and then when the sword touched the stake, it was actually a distance away from the stake At a distance of one millimeter, the stake was broken into pieces by a force that gave it a stiff. And from the beginning to the end, no one has detected on Fu Hongxue that he has used the Force.

He is like an ordinary person, but the power of this sword is horrible.

"This ... this is incredible." Someone couldn't help losing his voice.

"It ’s terrifying, this is the real technique. There is a saying on earth human beings that the technique is close to the Tao. After the technology reaches its peak, the Tao can be touched. I think this Tao is the law, and just now this teacher can break open the wood. Pile, in fact, touched some kind of mediocre rule. "Agatha carefully analyzed, watching Fu Hongxue's expression changed, this is a terrible teacher.

"You try again, remember, you can't use the Force." Fu Hongxue looked at the genius who had just broken a stake.

"Try it." The genius didn't even bother. He picked up the sword and slashed it, but the sword fell on the stake, and a huge force bounced back, shaking his hand to numbness, the sword. Also flew out.

"Is there anyone else to try?" Fu Hongxue looked at the other Baiyu geniuses, but facing his eyes, so many people have bowed their heads, completely ashamed.

The Baiyu genius returned to the steps with his tail in his arms, and everyone looked at each other.


At this time, a thick voice came, only to see a Xianxue student who was practicing, he actually split the stake.

And looking at his cultivation, there was only the real state of God.

The geniuses of Baiyu were hit hard again.

"Is this the students and teachers of Xianxian College? It really opens your eyes." Agatha looked at her, determined that she would become a student of Xianxue regardless of the price.


Next, everyone went all the way to the top of the mountain.

The hall was empty and empty, and now it has become the place where the Xianxian Academy entertains guests.

Huang Yaoshi said at this time: "It's not too late now, you have a rest in the hall. If tomorrow morning, I will take you to the third stop, which is the real fairy college. You will get a visit to fairy Opportunities for the college, but Xian Academy is no better than the outside. It is not allowed to move around freely. Follow me then. "

Hearing these words, the geniuses of Baiyu were extremely excited.

Along the way, they have changed the immortal college for a long time. Now that they know that they can enter the immortal college immediately, how can they not be excited.

However, it will take another night.

Huang Yaoshi left, returned to Xianxian Academy, and the Baiyu geniuses who rested in the hall, but at this moment could not be calm for a long time.

No one went to rest, they were talking about what they saw and heard today in twos and twos.

"Xian Academy is terrifying. Joining such forces is only good for us."

"We are so lucky. Everyone else thinks that forces like the Cosmic Arena are the best choice. But when I came to Earth, I found that I was wrong, totally wrong. Xianxian Academy is the best. Good choice."

"We have 609 people. I don't know how much Xianxue can recruit, but even if only one third of the students are enrolled, I ranked No. 149 in the Baiyu Genius Trial. It ’s more advanced. It does n’t make sense to enter Xianxian College. ”

"Brother Closier, are you going to be a student of Xian Academy?" Someone asked, curious.

"Originally, I still didn't like Xian Academy, but now I find that Xian Academy is really more terrifying than the outside world. Since that is the case, I reluctantly join Xian Academy." Closier said lightly, until now He was also full of pride.

"Brother Closier ranked 199th in the Baiyu Genius Trial. It can be said that it is the highest existence in the cosmic light realm. It must be difficult to join the Immortal Academy." Someone immediately flattered, and Ke Losir was extremely satisfied when he heard this.


A new day is coming soon.

It was night and night, and the geniuses of Baiyu were waiting anxiously.

"Everyone is here." Huang Yaoshi arrived on schedule, "Did you see something in my hand? This is a temporary card to enter Xianxian College. You should get one by yourself and use this card to enter Xianxian College."

Talking, Huang Yaoshi started issuing cards.

And this card, naturally made by Wang Xing, is only four hours old. After four hours, people who use the temporary card will be forcibly expelled.

After seeing everyone receiving the card, Huang Yaoshi nodded: "Now listen carefully to me, and pour your own strength into the temporary card. This temporary card can introduce you to the dimensional world where the fairy college is located. Alright, let's get started. "

As soon as his words fell, one hundred geniuses disappeared into Tianxian Mountain.

Immortal College.

The geniuses of Baiyu appeared again, and when they came out, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Floating islands, huge land, exquisite buildings, the students of Xianxian College are constantly flashing in the sky.

It is so beautiful and full of cultivation, it is definitely the only thing in their lives.

Suddenly, a figure appeared before the geniuses of Baiyu.

"Ms. Huang, what is this hundred-field genius?" An indifferent voice sounded, but it was Liu Fan.

"Yes, I'm taking them to visit the college as instructed by the dean." Huang Yaoshi smiled. "Why, there is no class today. I remember what the ancient witch teacher seemed to tell about the law of light. Many people went. "

"The law of light, I don't need it." Liu Fan said lightly, "My goal is only one, that is, the law of engulfment. After I achieve it, whether it is the law of light or Su Yu's star law, it is only swallowed by me. fate."

"..." Huang Yaoshi was really speechless when he heard this.

The geniuses of Baiyu are actually similar, but they are more shocked. What laws of light, stars, and laws of devour do you want to be so fortified?

"Wugu?" Someone suddenly groaned, and then exclaimed, "I remembered that there was a rumor that the dean of the Immortal Academy caught a median **** from Wushan Jingu Temple who came from Shenhe. And the median **** is called Wugu. Later, Wugu seems to have turned to Xianxue and became a teacher of Xianxue. "

"Wu Gu, the median god?" Many Bai Yu geniuses are aggressive, what they just heard, the median **** Wu Gu is talking about the law of light, and it seems that everyone can listen the same.

"God!" Agatha spit out her tongue, and it was really hard to see a deity outside, even if it was those forces with immortal deities, but this deity is not for you. However, in Xianxian Academy, these gods have to teach in person. It is really easy to see them. Even at this moment, each of them wanted to hear what the deities taught.

But unfortunately, Huang Yaoshi will certainly not take them there.

"I still have something, let's go first." Liu Fan said, stunned by the hundreds of geniuses, a breath of horror was released, it seemed to devour everything, and the geniuses of bayu felt this breath, like When encountering the fierce beasts, one by one could not help but tremble, and their eyes changed when they looked at Liu Fan.

Then, the breath converged sharply, disappeared with Liu Fan together.

"Ms. Huang, just this ..." Someone finally couldn't help asking, it was really terrible just now.

"Liu Fan, a student of the Immortal Academy, don't look at him as a creature creator, but the king emperor who died in his hands can't count both hands." Huang Yaoshi said slowly.

Hearing this, all the geniuses of Baiyu couldn't help shuddering.

"Well, now I formally introduce you to Xianxian College." Huang Yaoshi slowly said, "The continent you see before you, and the floating islands around the mainland, are actually the elementary school of Xianxian College. Xian The elementary school's elementary school is in five grades, corresponding to Zhenli, Zhenqi, Zhenyuan, Zhendan, and Zhenjin. "

Huang Yaoshi said, leading them into the elementary school.

"And then, this continent and the floating islands are combined to form the junior high school. The junior high school is the three grades of Renxian, Dixian, and Tianxian, which correspond to your flying, void and cosmic light. If you become students of Xianxue College, you must start from the junior high school. "

Talking about it, Huang Yaoshi took them to the junior high school teaching building and classroom, but then to a floating island.

"This is the place for students to communicate." Huang Yaoshi said simply, "every day there are students to discuss here, it is a more important place for the college ~ ~ Of course, primary school, high school, and even universities The Ministry also has such a place. It happens that there is a contest to start, two students from the immortal fairy college, you can see. "

On the floating island, the fighting soon began.

Two students from the void, one using a flying sword and one using a sword, soon became inseparable.

A group of Baiyu geniuses looked shocked when they watched the two men fighting.

"These two are very strong. If they are allowed to participate in the Baiyu Genius Trial, they will probably get the top 10,000." Agatha said slowly.

Finally, the battle between the two was over.

The final result of the student who used the flying sword was beyond expectations.

"Baiyu genius ..." At this time a indifferent voice came, only to see from a floating island, a man looked over, "I heard you are coming, I have been waiting for a long time."

Hearing this voice, a group of people were choking.

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