Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1539: Dragon Demon

When Bart heard this, he said unwillingly: "How can we say we do n’t know each other because we are friends with Brahma. I make friends with Bart and never cover it up. If the blood kingdom of the demon blood comes to me, let them Just come. "

The snakeman frowned slightly and stopped saying anything.

Behind Liu Fan, a group of people swarmed into this lost dimension.

Mo Luo saw this scene, clenching his teeth, his face was raised with blue muscles: "Damn guy, I must kill you and let my heart down."

A few minutes later, more than a hundred people arrived next to Moruo, and the breath of the more than a hundred people shuddered.

"I've seen the nineteenth prince."

More than a hundred people bowed down and saluted, and did not dare to pass.

"How did you come here, do you know I was almost killed." Mo Luo growled at more than a hundred people.

"The nineteenth prince, what is going on? You have a second-order original defense artifact, the blue scale armor, which was given by the landlord. This blue scale armor is the 66th nine-eyed crocodile turtle on the star monster list. The scales are made, and the defense is extremely strong. It is impossible for ordinary monarchs below the sixth level of the kingdom to hurt you. Is it that the monarchs above the sixth level of the kingdom have shot? "A man frowned, very Difficult to understand.

"Where do I know what's going on, just a guy who created the highest realm. I didn't take precautions at that time, and he tore the green scale armor with a sword. I am really a little skeptical now. Is the scale armor fake? ”Moruo clenched his fists, thinking that Liu Fan's sword still gave him a lingering fear. This was the first time he was so close to death.

"The 19th prince said cautiously." At this time, a man with a cape started to speak, with some blame, "Simulate the situation of that man and show it to me again?"

"Are you the Commander of the Dragon Demon?" Mo Luo was a spirit, but he knew that the Dragon Demon was one of the strong men under his father, and was also a god. His father did not dare despise him.

The dragon demon nodded gently.

"Without simulation, this communication watch in my hand has the function of video recording. All the shots of that guy just now have been recorded." Mo Luo said, pressing a button on his communication watch. Immediately projected the situation just when Liu Fan shot.

Everyone looked at it.

I saw a flash of white light, it was an extremely powerful sword.

The magic Luo in the picture did not respond at all, the second-order original artifact armor on the chest was broken into two halves with a stab.


Seeing this scene, everyone, including the dragon demons, was shocked.

"The peak of creation can show such an offensive power, this person is also terrible. Although it is only a video, I feel that he must have cultivated some powerful secret technique, or realized some powerful first-class law , Just one last step, we can consolidate this first-class rule. "A man slowly said, Rao is a threat to the seventh-order strength of his kingdom," but even so, he It should still be impossible to break the 19th Prince's blue scale armor. "

"It's that sword. If I didn't judge it wrong, the level of this sword should be close to the third-order original artifact, and it also has incredible attributes, which can be regarded as a magic weapon." The dragon demon said slowly.

Approaching the third-order original artifact?

magic weapon?

A group of people are shocked. Such weapons are not owned by ordinary people in their magic blood universe. At least the emperor can qualify.

However, Liu Fan in the picture is just the Creator.

"No wonder he could break the 19th prince's blue scale armor at once. It turned out that there were such magic soldiers." A man thought for a while, "The person's identity is certainly not simple to possess such treasures."

"Yes, absolutely no ordinary person." Some people agree.

"Check, you must find out his details, if he only got this weapon by accident, then he is dead." Someone followed.

The dragon demon has thought about it a bit, and has made arrangements: "Since this person appears here, it is likely that he has been to our Demon Blood Cosmic State, first check his identity information that he has not recorded in our Demon Blood Cosmic State. If not, If so, continue to check the other six major star areas around it, it is impossible to just emerge out of thin air. "

"Understand." Someone answered immediately.

"Well, when this guy's identity is found out, it's his death." Mo Luo hated.

"Now so many people have entered this lost dimension, and the people of the other six universes are coming. We want to dominate this dimension world. It is impossible. You go ahead and I will go with the other six universes. Let ’s make a contact and see if we can block this dimensional world together, otherwise the more people who go in, the less resources we have in our hands will be a little less. ”The dragon devil pondered for a moment.

"Yes." A group of people responded, pouring into this dimension.

"The nineteenth prince, come with me." The dragon and the demon yelled at the mo Luo while they were almost walking.

"Commander of the dragon and monster, do you have anything to say to me?" Moruo thought.

"Your injury is not light, and the world of the king of the body is also cut by a crack in that person. If it is not repaired as soon as possible, it will definitely affect your future cultivation. Here is a boundary stone. You will now refine and integrate into the world of the king. It should be enough to repair your world king world. "Said the dragon demon, a colorful stone appeared in his hand, this is the boundary stone.

In the universe, the boundary stones are extremely precious treasures.

The main function of the boundary stone is to restore the rift in the world of the king. It is especially important for the monarch practitioners. The price of a boundary stone is comparable to a second-order original artifact.

"Thank you, Commander of the Dragon Demon, this is really good." Mo Luo was extremely excited. He was still worried about how to repair his world king world, thinking that asking his father for help, now it seems completely unnecessary.

"Well ~ ~ You quickly repair the injury, and then immediately enter the dimension world to look for opportunities. The sudden emergence of this dimension world is definitely not for no reason, it is likely that the original owner of this dimension world is manipulating." There was a fascination in the eyes of the dragon demon, and it seemed to have seen through the movement of Qian Kun, and the mystery of birth and death.

"Okay," Moruo responded, and immediately went to recover the injury.


Over the two realms, a dragon and a monster created a small world.

"Dragon, are you?"

"Your demon blood universe is fast. I heard you wanted to dominate this dimension before?"

"Why, what are you doing to stop us here and want to stop our people from entering?"

Six people with a breath similar to that of the dragon demons started to speak.

PS: The update is officially resumed, thank you for your support!

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