Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1545: Run away!

The man couldn't believe it.

His body had dissipated a little bit, what was going on.

It is him, it must be him.

The man looked at Liu Fan, this was his last thought, and then it was too late to regret it.

He never thought that Liu Fan would be so strong, and this led to him being dropped by Liu Fan.

"The earth has a good saying. If you have the strength to pretend, it is to pretend. If you have no strength, it is silly. This guy should be the latter." Liu Fan refined a trace of the source from the man, and then it was like It ’s the same as before, it just disappeared.

Keep going.

Liu Fan also encountered some relatively simple people, like the few in front of them, they all entered later, and did not even know Liu Fan.

Of course, it may also be related to the identities of several people. They are all in the universe arena. They are not interested in the reward of the magic blood universe country, so they don't know Liu Fan.

"How long have you been here, this brother?" A man asked Liu Fan, holding a fine needle in his mouth, and talking a little bit motherly, very much like the Academy's undefeated East.

"It's been about a month, you guys," Liu Fan said lightly.

"Almost." The man smiled.

"Tell him so much to do, wait for the fierce beasts outside, we will spend this river of poisonous water, and continue to go deep inside." A woman hummed, and now the crowd was just hiding in one place. For this outsider, they still have some precautions.

As for the horrible beasts that the woman said, they are actually a group of flaming beasts like flamingos.

However, this beast is ten thousand times larger than the flamingo, and all of them are very powerful. They hunt in the green poisonous river in front of them, a beast like a crocodile, It was not the bird's opponent at all, they became their food one after another.

The crowd did not dare to provoke this ferocious beast bird, and at this moment they drew back, waiting for the feral beast bird to leave before crossing the river.

"Talk casually, you care so much." The man said unwillingly when he heard the woman's words. "That continues to talk, brother what kind of force you are."

"Xian Academy." Liu Fan thought for a moment, and still replied.

"I haven't heard of it, it should be a small cultivation college." The man thought for a while, and thought to himself, "I think brother, you have a good talent, you might as well consider joining our universe arena. Let me tell you, join us Field, you can get a lot more training, more promising than you in that small training college. "

Hearing this, Liu Fan couldn't help smiling.

Small training college, the origin of this college speaks out scares you.

"What are you laughing, brother, you don't know yet, in fact, this dimension world we are in now is basically a big trial place. Each of us comes in and is randomly placed in the outermost place. The ground is heading towards the center, and the dangers that will be encountered will be more and more, and other entrants will be more and more. However, only the talents who have entered the core are eligible for inheritance. The subsequent battle can be imagined. The man smiled, and Liu Fan seemed suddenly cheerful when he heard these messages.

In fact, he had such doubts before.

"Mosido, you are leaking the secret of our arena." The woman said again, already a little angry.

"What a secret, most people know now." The man, Mosido, pouted, "Brother, you heard me. My name is Mosido. Everyone will be friends in the future."

"Oh, my name is Brahma." Liu Fan thought for a while before returning.

Only this time, suddenly someone said, "Why is the name Brahma so familiar? Wait, are you the one chased by the demon blood universe?"

Liu Fan looked at the speaker and nodded.

Moxido didn't know what was going on. He listened carefully to what others said and looked at Liu Fan's eyes changed.

"Brother, you're bullish. You picked the 19th prince, Moruo, with one sword, but unfortunately, when he was not prepared, if you really faced a battle, I don't think you might be his opponent. But it was me Even if it is a face-to-face battle, you don't have to be afraid of that Mo Luo, and he can definitely compete with him. "The man praised Liu Fan first, but then he completely changed his taste.

Liu Fan couldn't help laughing or crying when he heard this.

"Huh, the Blood and Blood Cosmic Kingdom has issued a hunting order. He won't live long." The woman was still talking, and she was completely on the same line as the man.

"The beast is gone." At this time, I don't know who shouted. The others looked at each other. Sure enough, the group of beasts had enough food and drink, and flew away in the distance.

"Let's cross the river quickly." The man stood up at this time, hurried toward the poisonous river, and the others followed closely behind.

Liu Fan thought about it and followed it up.

This poisonous river is said to be a river, but it is a million miles wide, and I do n’t know how long it is. Even a few people crossing the river are actually careful.


Suddenly a roar came out of the water, only to see that the surface of the water was broken, and a fierce beast like Godzilla emerged from it.

The beast apparently felt the people flying above, and grabbed them with one claw.

"Fuck, what the **** is this," Mossida yelled. "Let's run away and hurry up to cross the river."

"Hurry up!" Others were also anxious in their hearts, and it wasn't easy to provoke such a beast.

"It is estimated that the strength of this beast is beyond the fifth level of the kingdom, and I am not even its opponent, but it seems that this beast's response should be very slow." Fighting hard with this fierce beast, but at this time a dark shadow appeared in the sky. "No good, what fierce beast bird must have heard the roar of this guy and turned back again."

"I'm going, and the birds are back." Mosido also saw it, turning into a silver light, faster than anyone and fleeing into the distance ~ ~ fled!

Others are the same.

Liu Fan thought for a moment, splitting a fierce beast bird with a sword, then cast the sword technique, and fled quickly.

A few minutes later, Liu Fan escaped.

He also reached the other side of the river, but he had just fallen, but he saw two acquaintances, Bart and Snake.

At this moment they were surrounded by groups, and they were surrounded by the emperors of the third order of the six kingdoms.

"I don't know who Brahma is." The snake's voice came and faintly passed into Liu Fan's ear.

"Why don't you know, Brahma is our friend." Bart hummed. "I make friends with Bart, never timid, but friends are friends."

When the snakeman heard this, his face was extremely gloomy, and he said, "Bart, these people are all from the Blood Mountain Universe. If you want to die, don't pull me together."

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