Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1553: Robbery while fire

In the distance, four people were fighting.

One was Mosido, the other was the woman who couldn't get along with him, and the other was a man who had been with them before.

Together, the three are fighting with a man in a black robe with a second-order king.

At present, the situation is at stake, and the three are not the opponent of the man in the black robe at all.

"Bing Lan, I blocked him, you find a chance to run away." Mosido flew the fine needles and penetrated the space to continuously attack the man in the black robe, but the man in the black robe seemed to have a sixth sense, always in The first time he found his flying needle, he defended.

Where did Mosido not know, the man in the black robe must have seen through his attack.

"I won't run away, it's a big deal to die." Bing Lan, the woman, gritted her teeth and said loudly.

As for their companion man, he said nothing and didn't know what was in his mind.

"Huh, no one of you can get away. I know you are the first to enter the second supply point. Presumably you have gotten a lot of treasures in it. Now that you have given all the treasures you have obtained, I can also give You have a way to live. Otherwise, I will only kill you, and then grab those treasures from your space magic. "The man in black robe said coldly.

"Will we give him all the treasures?" The silent man was about to give in.

"No, the guy won't hesitate to kill us after he got the treasure. He couldn't let us go." Mosido said surely. "We are all geniuses in the Cosmic Arena. In the future, Not to mention being immortal, it is still possible to impact the realm of the emperor, and as long as we are still alive, it is a threat to him and will make him sleepless. "

After hearing this, several people were silent.

Because this is the truth, since the man in the black robes took the shot, he had the urge to kill everything.

"That being the case, then you are all going to die." The man in the black robe did not hide his thoughts at this moment, just wanted to kill the three as soon as possible to seize the treasure.

The three are already full of despair, are they going to die here.

"Do you really get a lot of treasures at the second supply point?" A quiet voice sounded, it was Liu Fan, "So, I will help you kill him, how about you give me half of the treasures."

Hearing this voice, everyone was choking.

Including Bart.

At this moment Bart looked at Liu Fan, and the whole person was dumbfounded. This was really a direct robbery, without any concealment.

"Who?" The man in the black robe looked at Liu Fan, and he didn't even know when Liu Fan was here.

"Brahma, are you?" Mosido was extremely surprised, and then he was ecstatic. "Hurry up, Brahma, let's chat in a cave and sleep, you can't watch us killed. Right? "

"Give me half of the treasure you got at the second supply point," Liu Fan insisted.

"No, those were obtained by us." The man said abruptly. "I know you Brahma, you are still being hunted down by the Blood Mountain Universe. If you are willing to save us, we can recommend it to the Cosmic Arena. You, when you become a student of the Universe Arena, the Magic Blood Mountain Universe will not dare to touch you. "

"I only want the treasures you get, half." Liu Fan's face was a bit cold. This man really didn't think he was a fool. What is the use of the student status of the Cosmic Arena, you are not the students of the Cosmic Arena, but not yet It was almost killed here, "And what's your name?"

"I ... my name is Bennison." The man said a little slyly.

"I remember you," murmured Liu Fan, and then ruthlessly, "I repeat, you either give me half of the treasure, or wait for this guy to kill you, I will kill him again, then your The treasures are mine. Now, you choose yourself? "

The three looked at each other. After a long while, Mosido finally gritted his teeth. "Okay, you help us kill him. We give you half of the treasure you got at the second supply point."

"The deal."

Liu Fan finally had some smiles on his face, and at this time he looked at the man in the black robe, and already had his own horrible sword in his hand.

"Brahma? You are the guy who was issued a second-level killing order by the Demon Blood Mountain Universe. Before that, he killed four Demon Blood King Emperors of the third realm with four enemies, one at six, and was at the first supply point It caused the biggest blood disaster in the dimension world, with more than 100,000 deaths and injuries. "The man in the black robe said these things, and the whole person was bad." I was wrong. The three of them gave you up. I will go now. . "

"Want to leave, it's late." Liu Fan said, one sword is to cut off the past.

The man in the black robe tried his best to resist, but only saw his body dissipate a little bit and turned into nothingness.

All three of Moshido's eyes were horrified.

The three of them fought with the man in the black robe for a long time, and eventually lost to the man in the black robe, but in Liu Fan's hands, the man in the black robe couldn't even get a move.

This strength filled them with fear.

"The second supply point has a lot less treasure than the first supply point. Although we went in the earliest, we didn't repair it high, so everyone just grabbed a few to find a chance to slip away." Mosi At this time, I didn't dare to hesitate, and took out the treasures I got at the second supply point. There were seven pieces in total. Liu Fan glanced at the worst and even caught up with the first one The best.

He pondered for a moment and took three of them.

Following Bing Lan, she obtained six treasures, and Liu Fan also took three. However, this last Bennison, he even got nine treasures, and Liu Fan took five politely, which was just punishment for this guy.

"Brahma, are you going to the place of inheritance, or else we should be together." Moxido suddenly said after Liu Fan collected the treasures.

"You are willing to follow ~ ~ then follow." Liu Fan does not matter.


The next few people marched on, all of a sudden, tens of millions of miles past.

Liu Fan took the time to sort out the treasures obtained from several people, which is very good, of which there are three second-order original artifacts. There is even a first-order source magic weapon, which was obtained from Bennison.

On this day, several people are resting in place.

Suddenly, Liu Fan's face changed: "We were surrounded and at least twenty people came from all around."

When Bart heard this, he couldn't believe it: "How could it be, how would anyone know our whereabouts, we were very cautious along the way."

Hearing this, Liu Fan's eyes unconsciously revealed an amazing coldness.

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