Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1555: Tears of Liu Fan

Liu Fan froze, and the whole person froze.

He couldn't believe it, but Bart would block him at this time.

"Why, why!" Liu Fan shouted. He looked at Bart, and the whole man was going crazy. He desperately reached for Bart, trying to take him away, but the two were just a few dozen feet apart, but they seemed to be separated As far as time and space.

"Fan, goodbye." Bart's face had a pale smile, only to see his body's blood vessels burst, the whole body's body was also cracked, it seemed to fall apart at any time.

Under the attack of the seventh-tier emperor of the realm of the kingdom, how could a lord of creation not have the magic weapon of defense?

He couldn't stop it at all, and this was a mortal punch.

"No no no!" Liu Fan shouted, "Bart, you can't die, you can't die, and I still teach you the derivation of the divine knowledge."

"I remember, later ..." Bart's voice was a little vague.

"Bart—" Liu Fan felt something, and roared, only to see that the space around him was broken, and a force in that rune penetrated and wrapped him, twisting the space, penetrating time and space, flashing in a white light. Then he disappeared with him.

He left, with endless anger.

"I Liu Fan swears to Heaven that as long as I don't die a day, I will destroy the Demon Mountain Universe ..."

His voice echoed, and everyone in every corner of the dimensional world heard it, and everyone was discolored.

Even the great emperor was a little worried.


I do n’t know where it is or where it is.

Liu Fan appeared here, his face was pale, his sword was held in one hand, and the whole portrait was old.

"Bart." He muttered, clenching his fists, his body full of murderous intentions. He traveled the universe for three thousand years. This was the first friend he truly made, and because of his personality, the number of people who could become his friends was minimal. But this was one of the few friends. He blocked the fatal blow and secured enough time for him to leave.

This makes Liu Fan afraid to move and not angry.

The scene of intersecting with Bart emerged, and Bart's simple and sincere appearance echoed in his mind.

He cried and couldn't help crying.

This is the first time he has cried after going through thousands of years and experiencing countless lives and deaths.

He hated himself, hated himself for being incompetent, and hated himself so much that he couldn't protect his friends.

Why, why is this?

His fist hit the ground fiercely, the earth was torn apart, the rocks and rocks shattered, and countless beasts felt his horrible almost condensed killing intention, and fled in fright.

No one knows how much the impact of Bart's death on Liu Fan.

Time passed slowly, and it was another month in a blink of an eye.

Liu Fan has not experienced any improvement after so long. Instead, the intention of killing is getting stronger and stronger. He needs to be released and he needs revenge.

In addition, he wanted to determine if Bart was really dead, although Bart might be very alive.

"Kill, kill, kill! Everyone in the Demon Blood Mountain Universe should be damned, all **** it. I want the whole Demon Mountain Universe to be buried with Bart." He muttered, watching the distance flash away.


"Holy Lord of the Demon Blood Mountain Universe, die hard!"

"Emperor of the Demon Blood Mountain Universe, die!"

"Devil's Blood Mountain Universe, you are waiting to bear my anger!"


Less than ten days later, Liu Fan didn't know how many people had been killed, and the whole world was shocked.

Outside the dimensional world, the dragon devil frowned: "Tell me how many people have died so far?"

"Thirty thousand, more than thirty thousand, all killed by that Brahma, he is revenge for that Bart."


Hearing this name, the dragon demon was silent, and his eyes were a little dignified.

"Find, at all costs, if you find this Brahma, you must not let him live any longer." The dragon demon thought for a while.

"We've tried our best to find it, but we can't find it at all. This guy is proficient in perseverance and concealment. We are all too underestimating him." The person who reported it below said helplessly at this moment.

"I don't care what method you use, you must find him and kill him. Now everyone is watching the joke of our Demon Blood Mountain Universe." The dragon demon said a little bit angrily.

"Yes, yes, yes, commander!" The reporter was terrified.

Dimensional world, somewhere.

Liu Fan did not stop because he killed 30,000 entrants to the Demon Blood Mountain Universe, he continued to kill.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me. After I go back, I will leave the Demon Blood Mountain Universe and no longer serve the Demon Blood Mountain Universe." This is the man Liu Fan is about to kill. At this moment, he was totally powerless to face Liu Fan and was about to be beheaded by Liu Fan.

"Dead!" Liu Fan didn't want to hear anything from the man.

"Wait, I have a message that may be about that Bart." The man thought suddenly, suddenly.

"Bart!" Liu Fan stopped when he heard the name. "Say, where is he and how is it now?"

Liu Fan has actually asked thousands of people, but almost all got the same news. Bart should be dead.

This is why he is even more crazy.

"I ... I don't know. I followed the Dragon Demon in the Demon Blood Mountain Universe, and it was his immediate subordinates. When I was on duty one night, I heard a message and said that ... it was the last time. The Great Emperor of our Demon Blood Mountain Universe and his men who participated in the siege of you seem to have disappeared overnight. "The man said in panic.

"Everything disappeared?" Liu Fan froze. "How could all disappear, and so coincidentally, at the same time? Isn't it ... right, right ~ ~ I must have overlooked something, they didn't mean to Grab me and Bart and abolish repair, hanging at the entrance to the dimension world. Even if Bart is dead, they can't miss this opportunity of Li Wei. There must be something I do n’t know. what?"

He was in deep thought.

Seeing Liu Fan's appearance, the man thought that the opportunity was coming, and a knife appeared in his hand, stabbing directly towards Liu Fan.

"You die for me!" He yelled, but the sword had not yet reached Liu Fan, his head had flew up, and his body began to disappear a little bit.

Liu Fan came back to God, looked at the blood on the sword, his eyes were dull, and now he has only one idea, maybe Bart is still alive.

After the idea rose, it was completely out of hand.

He had to find someone to prove it, and only then would he feel at ease.

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