Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1564: Dare to hurt the master

Ready for everything, Liu Fan was ready to go out.

"Longji, let's go."

"Yes, master."

Longji nodded and followed Liu Fan closely, like Liu Fan's guard.

"Wait, you hide it for a while." Liu Fan thought of something.

"Yes," Longji answered.

"I'll send you out!"

The dimension of the world will open up. He can completely control the world. At this moment, he only feels that time and space change, and he has reached the entrance.

"Goodbye, my Lord's successor, I hope we will have a chance to see you again in the future."

He spoke slowly, his voice a little lost.

After all, it has guarded the inheritance of tens of epochs, and it was a bit uncomfortable to complete the task.


Liu Fan also responded and waved his hand toward the void. He could feel a pair of eyes staring at him there.

"Remember, my name is Long Kong!"

The will of the dimensional world said loudly, and then he did not hesitate to push Liu Fan out of the dimensional world, and murmured in his mouth: "Finally, this little king **** is gone, so many treasures!"

Liu Fan did not respond, and had already come to the outside world.

"Brahma, Brahma is out."

"What Brahma is Liu Fan, this guy's real name is Liu Fan."

"Liu Fan, you can't run away. Call out the treasures from the dimension world."

"Devil's Blood Mountain Universe is in charge, everyone retreats!"

Uh ~

Dozens of figures appeared and surrounded Liu Fan.

Among the three people headed by, one of them is the dragon demon. This time he captured Liu Fan, he naturally shot himself.

The other two people are also commanders of the Demon Blood Mountain Universe, and their strength has reached the lower level of God.

"Liu Fan, grab your hands!" A voice sounded, the nineteenth prince Mo Luo, who looked at Liu Fan at this moment, his body was astonishing.

"You don't have much strength, so you know how to bark. If you have the ability, you can try it by yourself, and I can hit you with a hand full of teeth." Liu Fan snorted coldly, with great irony.

Mo Luoqi gritted his teeth: "Kill him, kill him immediately."

The dragon demon nodded and motioned to the others.

"Wait, Liu Fan is my friend, you dare to move Liu Fan and pass my level first." An angry voice sounded, only to see Mosido flying over and blocking Liu Fan.

Many people were stunned and couldn't believe looking at Mosido. Is this guy looking for death?

"Moxido, what are you doing!" An old man was furious. He is a teacher of the Cosmic Arena. Mocido is the student he brought with him. "Do you know that in order to keep the Blood Mountain Universe from angering you, What a price I have paid, get back to me soon. "

"Master, I can't go back ... Liu Fan has kindness to me ... If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have inherited Harayama." Mosido gritted his teeth. This was the first time he was wayward, but he didn't regret it. .

"Moxido, you're so mad at me, what should I do if you die." Bing Lan couldn't care less at this moment. He would drag Mocido away, but Mocido's cultivation was far away. Beyond her, she was completely indifferent.

She was anxious, biting a bite directly at Mosido's arm.

Teeth penetrate the skin, tearing muscles and hurting.

But Moshido didn't say a word, a helpless smile appeared on his face, and his mouth softly said, "I'm sorry."

Bing Lan cried, cried, and cried again.

She didn't move at this moment, she just stood with Mosido and clutched his hand, if she died, she would die together.

The dragon demon saw here, his face was cold, and he waved his hand to catch a few people together. He would not show mercy under his hands.

It was only then that an accident suddenly broke out.

Liu Fan moved, but he walked to Moxedo in a few steps, and reached out and threw Moxedo out.

"We are passionate about ourselves. We haven't seen each other a few times. What a **** friend. Don't put gold on your face. I don't have a friend like you. Go away."

He said with no mercy.

Mosido froze, dumbfounded, feeling that his heart was stabbed with a knife, and he could not help but spit out blood.

There was a lot of laughter around, which made Mosido feel like a fool.

"Liu Fan, you bastard!"

Mosido yelled, his eyes wet, and he ran away in a flash.

He has stayed shameless here.

The old man in the Cosmic Arena saw it here, and arched his hand toward the Dragon Demon and others in the Demon Blood Mountain: "Everyone has seen it, our cosmic arena student Mosido has nothing to do with this Liu Fan."

The dragon demon thought for a moment and nodded.

The old man no longer said anything, grabbing Bing Lan together, and chased towards Mosido.

The laughter didn't stop at this time, this farce made people laugh.

"Do it!"

The dragon demon said again, but at this time, many people flew out, turning out to be the strong of other universe nations.

Ye Ye and the powerful men of the Heavenly Burial Universe were also among them.

"Dragon Demon, you arrest Liu Fan, we have no objection, but the thing on Liu Fan's body is not your Demon Blood Mountain Universe." A middle-aged man slowly said, "Don't treat us as Fool, Liu Fan has accepted the inheritance of the True Dragon Lord, and has certainly won countless treasures. By arresting Liu Fan, you finally swallowed all these things, and we can't touch anything. "

"What do you mean?" The dragon devil frowned.

"You can arrest Liu Fan, but Liu Fan's body must be handed over."

"Yes, give it up."

Many people said in unison that the number of dragons couldn't help but change the color.

When the dragon demon saw this, knowing that things would continue to suffer, he immediately yelled, "Catch Liu Fan, let's go!"

He gave an order and all three of the next gods rushed to Liu Fan.

"Dragon, you despicable man, you should start with it first."

"Stop them."

"No one can take Liu Fan away, he is mine."

Many people have shot ~ ~ all of them are rushing to Liu Fan, a dark one.

Liu Fan saw here, there was no trace of fear on his face.

He stood here, motionless, with a contemptuous smile in the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that the next three gods of the Demon Blood Mountain Universe had arrived in front of him, at this time a great shore figure appeared in front of him, that was the dragon machine.

The emergence of the Dragon Machine made all three lower gods hold back.

"Dare to hurt the master, find death."

Long Ji screamed angrily, and a bright metallic light radiated from the palm of his hand, tearing the space apart with a sharp grasp.

The three were astonished, but totally out of control, and firmly controlled by this palm.

"Dragon machine, leave them a whole body, I still have use."

What Liu Fan thought of was a reminder.

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