Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1569: Preach

In the palace, Ye Ying faced a little boy and made a final explanation: "Ye Li, I will soon serve the Great Brahma, and the central dynasty will give it to you. This is Tai Fu Zhang Zerui, a generation of the Zhang family Loyal, you can rely on it in the future. "

"Sister, I don't want you to go."

The little boy held his sister's leg and wept.

Ye Ye usurped the throne, and most of the royal family members were slaughtered. The little prince was lucky to survive.

"Fai Fu, Lier will leave it to you."

Ye Ying said that although she was a little bit reluctant, she had to leave.

Brahma's grace must be readily accepted.

"Long princess, I must help the little prince well, and I will bow to death." Zhang Zerui is over eighty years old, but fortunately, the human life on this planet is over 150 years old. In fact, he is still very young.

"Okay, I can rest assured." Ye Ying said.

At this time, a golden light penetrated the palace and shrouded Ye Ying.

"Angel Ye Yingfan, I'll pick you up at the Grand Brahma Palace."

"Yes, Lord Longji."

Ye Ying looked at the dragon machine in the sky and knew that he was Liu Fan's servant, and he did not dare to neglect.

"Let's go."

Long Ji said, Ye Ying rolled up with a wave of his hand, and the two went straight into the vast void and disappeared.

Zhang Zerui suddenly woke up at this time, and hurriedly pulled the little prince to kneel and worship.


On another planet.

"Actors, my ancestor, I am going to be a Brahma angel, so please do it for yourself."

"Congratulations to the ancestors."

A group of disciples and grandchildren of this ancestor bowed down and looked at the ancestors flying into the sky with some envy.

The same is true of several other planets.

At the entrance of the Great Brahma Palace, nine Brahma angels gathered together.

"The master is waiting for you inside."

Long Ji said, leading several people into the Great Brahma.

At this moment, looking at Liu Fan, who was sitting on the other end, nine people bowed down.

"Let's all get up."

Liu Fan said slowly, holding up nine people with one touch.

He also stood up at this time, and a wave of ten planets appeared in front of his hand: "In Brahma, there are ten planets in total. I named these ten planets in turn, Datianshuxing, Datian. Xuan Xing, Great Celestial Star, Great Celestial Power Star, Great Jade Hengxing Star, Great Opening Star, Great Shaking Light Star, Great Hole Star, Great Hidden Yuan Star, and this big Jinwu star. "

The nine listened carefully and did not dare to speak.

"You are the messenger who connects me with these nine planets and conveys my deities." Liu Fan continued, "I have no time to manage these nine planets, and you will be on patrol in the future. At the same time, you have another task, which is Find me a genius to practice in the Great Brahma. "


Nine people answered that the rights of this Brahma angel were not too small.

"As a Brahma angel, I also prepared some things for your work." Liu Fan said, nine rings appeared in front of him. "This is a space ring used by practitioners, which has ten million cubic meters of storage space. Now Inside, I have put in a star-shaped spaceship for you to go to the Grand Brahma Palace and the planet you patrol. "


Although the nine did not know what it was, they also felt something extraordinary.

"The next thing is about your cultivation. I will give you a piece of cultivation practice, but the specific realm you can cultivate depends on your own good fortune." Liu Fan said, nine golden books appeared in his hand. The booklet contains exactly nine powerful exercises he has collected from the universe. Each exercise is enough to achieve the immortal realm.

Nine books were distributed, and nine people could not wait to watch them.

Ye Ying assigned a book called Demon Gong, which is a method that can be quickly practiced, and there are even some shadows that swallow the sky.

What Du Lu got was a book called Void Code, which mainly focused on the practice of Void Law.

The methods obtained by several other people are mostly not low.

"Thank you, Brahma!"

Nine people thanked again and had worshiped Liu Fan in their hearts.

"Follow me now." Liu Fan took a few people out of the palace, and came to a cloud-covered place behind him. "Here is a cultivation secret that I opened up. There is a pool of water in the secret, called the Great Brahma Pool. .The water in the pool contains extremely powerful effects, which can temper the body, restore vitality, and promote cultivation. Ordinary people can soak in it for an hour, not to mention the emergence of feathers into immortals. "

After listening to the nine, all of them were shocked.

"As Brahma angels, you can use the Great Brahma Pool once every 100 years. Those who enter the Great Brahma Palace to practice can also get a chance to practice in the Great Brahma Pool. Others who have only some geniuses or who have made great contributions can be second. The Great Brahma Pond was used again. "Liu Fan guarded slowly. In fact, the water in the Great Brahma Pond is nothing else. It is a kind of nutrient solution-like divine water formed after swallowing the corpse of gods in the gourd.

This divine water contains powerful divine power, even if it is to Liu Fan himself.

"Okay ~ ~ Today is your first day as a Brahma angel. I will give you another chance to practice in the Great Brahma Pool. Are you willing to do it now?"

"I do."



Liu Fan nodded and said to Longji: "Wait for them to come out of the Great Brahma Pool and bring them to see me."

A day later, nine people returned.

Liu Fan can feel that the cultivation of the nine people has been improved a lot, and Ye Ying, who was originally the weakest, has also been promoted from the first level to the seventh level.

The fastest improvement is Du Lu, who was originally a natural wizard, and in the absence of the practice of true gods behind the practice, he even created the follow-up exercises himself, all the way to the half-human fairy realm. If you give him some more time, he can break through to the realm of immortals. Now that he has received the Void Reality given by Liu Fan, he started to follow the above practice when using the Great Brahma Pool, and now he has broken through to the realm of earth fairy.

"Very well, before you take office, I allow you to practice for ten years in the Grand Brahma Palace, during which you can ask me anything you do not understand."


Nine people said, and retreated.

Liu Fan nodded, in fact, this decade is also a familiar process for these people.

Time passed slowly, and ten years passed.

"You all have Dixian Xiuwei now. Although you can't cross the void, it is enough to protect yourself in Brahma. Go to office."

"Yes, Brahma."

Nine people answered and set off on the spacecraft.

Time is like water. After a hundred years, Liu Fan stood at the gate of the Grand Brahma Palace and looked in one direction: "Dragon machine, I should go back."

Longji couldn't help but stunned: "Where?"

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