Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1582: Lost Lord

Arya and Arwin first noticed Su Yu, and then they stopped.

That familiar face, they will never forget.

"Master Yandi!"

They shouted, full of excitement.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, they saw Yan Emperor again.

Yandi is back!


Qin Yan only responded and took Ashura in.

As he walked, he said in his mouth, "Unexpectedly for so many years, not only have you repaired the teleportation array, but you have also cultivated to the void."

"Thank you, Lord Yan, for your remaining skills."

Humane, dare not take credit.

Without Qin Yan's remaining exercises, they would not even be able to reach the sky.

"I came back this time to see how you guys are doing, and to plan to practice here for a while, and you should think that I don't exist." Qin Yan thought for a moment.

In fact, he can find a place to practice without people, but he has to stay here for these races.

The development of civilization here is still very slow. The strongest is nothing but a void. If it encounters the invasion of foreign civilizations, it is estimated that it will soon be destroyed.

"Master Yan, since you drove away the evil monarch and rescued us, it has left us with cultivation skills. A total of 136 planets of life in our lost land have all recognized you as the master. In the future, you will be the owner of the Lost Land, the only true **** of our races. Your cultivation here is a matter of course, and it is our honor. "Ammon said very sincerely," We are here to cultivate your God. Palace, is just waiting for your return. "

"Yes, you are our master, the lost master," Arwin followed.

Hearing this, Ashura shook his dog's head.

He despised Qin Yan a bit, how this guy somehow became the lost master.

"I'm not that great, but I do have a deep cause and effect with you. If you are in trouble in the future, I will naturally shoot. Are you lost, do you want to call it this way, just casually." Qin Yan thought, But it didn't matter much.

"Yes, my Lord Yan."

The two bowed down again, identifying Qin Yan, the owner of the lost land.

"We will immediately call the leaders of each life planet to worship, my lord, wait a moment." Said Ammon, and immediately went out with Arwen to arrange.

Qin Yan was helpless.

He tied Asura to the side of the palace and waited quietly.

In a while, a lot of people came over, these people are different lives from various ethnic groups.

In the hall, people were soon full.

"The leader of the Sha women tribe, come forward to worship."

At this time, Aaron shouted in the same role as the emcee.

Immediately, a woman with a scorpion pattern on her face came out, and behind her were two sand women, worshipping Qin Yan.

"Sandria of the Shaw tribe meets with my Lord Yan."

She spoke loudly, loudly.

Qin Yan's consciousness swept her, and she saw everything clearly.

"Get up!"

Qin Yan said, he flew out three things, a fourth-order Force magic weapon, a weapon close to the original artifact level, and a secret book that could be cultivated to immortality.

Ya Yi glanced briefly and said loudly: "My Lord Yan rewarded a magic weapon, a magic soldier, and a top secret book."

Sandria was at a standstill at this moment, totally unbelievable.

"Not ready yet?"

Aya whispered and urged.

"Thank you, Lord!"

She knelt down and took it, she felt very grateful.

Others were so excited when they saw this place that they couldn't wait to come and see them immediately.

In the end, all the people who came to see him were rewarded, and Qin Yan's lost master was a veritable one.


Yan Dixing, the new name for this planet.

Qin Yan retreats here, and no one dares to disturb him.

Asura was chained not far from Qin Yan and felt that life was dark.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye it was another three thousand years.

Qin Yan's understanding of the law of destruction is getting deeper and deeper. Seeing that the law of destruction will be fully condensed.

"He is going to succeed?"

Asura looked at Qin Yan's direction and was shocked.

He has been tracing the universe for many years. Naturally, he knows how terrible the first-class rule is, and it is also the law of destruction in the first-class rule. This is even more terrifying.

This rule came to light, and in the future, it can be said that no one can rival the realm and sweep the heavens and demons.


An astonishing thunder sound rang out in the sky, spreading to the endless void.

It is a **** thunder, a thunder that is formed by the force of the law in the universe colliding.

These **** thunders seem to be angry and roaring in the will of the universe, and some people dare to spy on a first-class rule, which is a kind of blasphemy.

Shenlei lasted for a hundred years, and then stopped slowly.

"He succeeded, he really succeeded."

Asura looked at Qin Yan's direction as if he saw the origin of a cosmic origin law fall into it.

At that moment, the imprint of the law of destruction condensed on him disappeared quickly.

The law of destruction condensed in the space of destruction can only fulfill one person. Su Yu succeeds, and everything about his law of destruction will be wiped out.

But as the imprint of the law of destruction disappeared, he was filled with another law.

That is one of the derivatives of the law of destruction.

Filled with this law, it was only an instant that his cultivation was elevated to the realm of the emperor. Deep in his body, a world of kings quickly expanded from a point, and in a blink of an eye, it reached the size of a planet.

"I have become the emperor of the realm?"

Asura was experiencing changes in his body and was extremely excited.

Although a little muddled, he did break through to the realm of kings and emperors.

It is just that the law of demise is not a first-class rule, but a second-class rule.



He laughed, after all, this state was his dream state.

On the planet ~ ~ everyone else also felt something.

A hundred years later.

Qin Yan stepped out of the retreat.

At first Asura broke through to the realm of the emperor, and was somewhat proud, but at the moment when he saw Qin Yan, he couldn't help but lie down and waved his tail.

"It's terrible. It's really terrible. I saw how he saw nothing."

He thought to himself that his body was shaking.

He knew a bit that Qin Yan's strength should reach a situation he could not predict.

Perhaps Qin Yan wanted to kill him, just like pinching an ant to death.

"This time out and the delay time on the road has exceeded 10,000 years, and it's time to go back." Qin Yan said lightly, took the dog rope with one stroke, and walked toward Yan Di Jingu .

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