Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1586: Dean, save me!

The three disappeared into this small universe.

At the same time, many other demon in this small world left together.


Hua Tianjun looked around and it was exactly where they came in.

In the void, a will was locking them.

That's the Lord.

"Did you find the origin of the demon?" Utreid came over and looked at Hua Tianjun coldly.

"No." Hua Tianjun said indifferently. Only those three people who had discovered the origin of the Demon were dead. Many others did not know the situation at all.

This also gave Hua Tianjun a chance.

He said he could not find it, and the Lord could not confirm it.

Even the Lord of the Devil would think that the other two dimensions have obtained the origin of the demon.

"Did the Demon Origin be obtained by the Bone Demon Dimension and the Spirit Demon Dimension?" Utreid said, turning away.

"Did not get it?"

At this time a voice came, the voice of the demon master.

His will enveloped everyone, and he wanted to see everyone through.


Dozens of people came out.

"Waste, a bunch of waste."

The Lord is angry, and the sky seems to have fallen down.

Many people shivered and begged for mercy.

"Unfortunately, it seems that the origin of the demon was obtained by the bone demon dimension and the spirit demon dimension." The mutter murmured, but then the tone turned, "No, the demon origin is very important, I must take it back . "

Hua Tianjun took a sigh of relief at this time, and seemed to be hiding it.

But at this moment, a voice sounded.

"Master, I know where the demon is."

It was the voice of a woman, and everyone looked at it the moment she spoke.

Gigilia, it's her.

Hua Tianjun, who had thought he had concealed the sky, changed his face.

"you know?"

The Lord is very surprised: "Tell me quickly, where is the origin of the Devil? I have a great reward."

"I want to be immortal."

Gigilia said slowly, her eyes were very hot.

This is her dream, and she can do anything for it.

The demon master understood, and he groaned a little before he said, "Yes, as long as you tell me where the demon's origin is, I will raise your cultivation to immortality now."

Gigilia "grumbling" for a moment, looking forward to it.

The Lord did not say anything at this time, a force of terror poured from the void, covering Gigilia.

I only saw Gigiriya ’s cultivation ascending.

The bottleneck of the summit of creation was directly broken, and it reached the realm of the emperor and emperor in one fell swoop.

Within her body, a world of kings slowly expanded to the size of a small galaxy.

Her cultivation is still improving, the first and second order of the kingdom of the kingdom ...

Until the peak of the ninth stage of the kingdom.

Comparable to the Great.

The demon master recovered his strength at this time, and slowly said, "I have raised your cultivation to the peak of the realm of the king, and then I am further immortal. Now tell me where the origin of the demon is, and I confirm that it is true , Turn back to help you become immortal. But if you let me know that you lied to me, then you are dead, and I will crush you a little bit into my dimension.

He said, his voice was terrible.

Ji Ji Liya trembled, she naturally knew to conceal the Lord's end.

"I said."

Jiji Liya never dare hesitate anymore, she slowly turned around and pointed directly at Hua Tianjun: "Devil, the origin of the demon is on Hua Tianjun. I can see for myself that the origin of the demon that he charged is absolutely not wrong. . "

At this moment, everyone's face changed greatly.

Hua Tianjun was deceiving the Lord, how dare he do it.

"Jiglia, what are you talking about?"

Hua Tianjun yelled, he didn't expect this woman to look dumb and sweet, but at the critical time it was so vicious and totally disregarding his life-saving grace.

The Worm Monster is also unbelievable, and thinks that this Gilgilia is terrible.

"Hua Tianjun, is what he said true?"

The Lord's will shrouded over him, so that Hua Tianjun was afraid in his heart.

This time is really over.

"No, I have never seen the origin of the Devil." Hua Tianjun gritted his teeth, where he dared to admit it.

The Lord did not ask again, and seemed to be thinking.

But Jiji Liya couldn't sit still, she blurted out: "Devil, the origin of the devil is in his world of kings. As long as he dares to let you go and check, naturally I can prove that what I said of."

Hua Tianjun now has the heart to kill, this Jijilia is trying to put him to death.

But yes.

She had already told herself that if she kept herself alive, she would be in trouble in the future.

"Hua Tianjun, what do you say?"

The demon said coldly, in fact, he already believed Jijiliaa's words.

Hua Tianjun could not help but take two steps back. At this moment, he was in despair.

Many demon are also looking at him, some are unbelievable why Hua Tianjun dares to be so bold.

To deceive the Lord, this is seeking his own way.

"Release your King World!"

The demon screamed, a horrible coercion shrouded over it, and the void shattered.

The Lord is really angry.

"Jiglia, you are really vicious."

Hua Tianjun said ruthlessly that he could no longer quibble.

As soon as this sentence came out, it was no less than admitting that the origin of the demon was in him.

"I just want to become immortal. If I let myself cultivate, I will never be able to reach this state in my life. This is my only opportunity, and I can't miss it." Gigilia's face was a bit scary.

Her motives are so simple and extremely realistic.

"You forgot what I told you, the Lord is not at ease."

Hua Tianjun was silent, somewhat helpless.

For such a woman, what you say is useless.

"I have my own way."

Ji Ji Liya hummed, but she was full of confidence.

Hua Tianjun stopped talking and fled towards the distance in a flash.

He was extremely fast and reached his limit.

"Where to go!"

The Lord has not spoken yet, and Gigilia has caught up.

The other demons are chasing one after another.

"I was so greedy with the source of my demons, and I wanted to leave."

The Lord of the Devil sneered and communicated with the demon species that was parasitic in Hua Tianjun. He would kill Hua Tianjun in one fell swoop.

But the power of the magic seed has just been inspired, but it is cleaned up by another force.

That is the power left by Wang Xing.

"That power?"

The demon was shocked ~ ~ and then even more angry: "Okay, Hua Tianjun, it turns out that you have an indomitable heart, so you can't keep you."

He said, looking at Hua Tianjun who was fleeing.

A force penetrated time and space, and Huawei's giant hand grabbed Hua Tianjun in his hands.

"It's over."

Hua Tianjun felt that his body could not move, and the whole person was also controlled, and he was suddenly full of despair.

He suddenly thought of something at this time, and Yang Tian shouted, "Dean, save me!"

Yes, only Wang Xing can save him.

He believed that the power that Wang Xing had left in his body was stimulated, and Wang Xing must be able to feel it.

"No one can save you. Come with me."

The demon said, rolling up Hua Tianjun is returning to the true demon dimension.

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