Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1590: Can't afford

This words really hit the real devil too much.

An avatar is just just an avatar.

Ke Rao was like this, but he had no power to fight back, and now even his body was broken apart.

"Let's go."

Wang Xing said, no longer paying attention to the will of the true demon dimension.

In the future, it will be difficult for the true demon to come out and make trouble again.

In fact, Wang Xing can directly destroy the true demon dimension. He did not do so, but he had a hunch that this dimension world would have some effect on Hua Tianjun.

At this time, the dimensional world suddenly trembled, and someone was attacking this dimensional world outside.

"Dean, it must be a bone demon and a genie."

Hua Tianjun said that he knew that the two masters had already fought a battle with the true demon for the origin of the demon.

The two haven't given up yet, they should have felt the change of the real demon dimension and came over to seize it.

"There are quite a few demon who are trying to get to the origin of the devil this day."

Wang Xing said, welcoming with Hua Tianjun: "Since this is the case, we will solve it together."

Deep in the void.

Wang Xing saw two incarnations of the two-dimensional will, namely the bone demon and the spirit demon.

The breath of these two people is not as good as the true demon, and their strength should be weaker, no wonder they will join forces.

Through them, Wang Xing saw two vast dimensions.

Each dimension has the size of a river system, but like the real magic dimension, it is full of magic.

"Hua Tianjun!"

The Bone Demon's eyes lighted at the moment, and he was extremely excited: "Genie, look at that demon who stole the origin of the demon."

The genie is also happy.

"Will the demon origin still be on him."

The genie's eyes are a little fiery. Whoever obtains Hua Tianjun may have the origin of the genie.


Wang Xing coughed at this time, humming, "You are too brazen, and dare to hit my students' ideas in front of me."

He said, a voice of murder in his voice.


The bone demon froze, and he noticed Wang Xing.

It's just that Wang Xing is too ordinary. If you don't look closely, it will be completely ignored.

The two just didn't notice Wang Xing because of this.

"Dean of Immortal College."

Wang Xing said: "Hua Tianjun is a student of our college. If you want to catch him back, that is a wrong idea."

The Bone Demon and the Genie looked at each other, and they didn't know where the immortal college was.

Have not heard.

Both were full of doubts.

"The real demon has been dispelled by me. If you still insist on doing so, I don't mind dissipating the form you have also dismissed." Wang Xing said lightly, and this heard in the ears of the bone demon and the spirit demon. Inside, they were trembling.

They stepped back unconsciously, panicking.

"The true demon dimension seems to have decayed for billions of years."

"The real demon is gone."

The demon of the bone demon and the spirit demon penetrated into the real demon dimension, and soon discovered the abnormality.

At this moment, their eyes were quite dignified.

"and many more."

When the genie looked at Wang Xing again, he suddenly showed horror: "No ... without soul, how is this possible?"

He was stunned, his face paled instantly.

"What? You say he has no soul?"

The Bone Demon was scared when he heard it.

He knew that the spirit master was proficient in the law of the soul, and it was impossible to read wrong.

"Yes, it is."

The genie nodded and took a deep breath: "Everyone will have a soul, and even our dimensional world will actually be a kind of soul. If there is no soul, it is either dead or ..."

He was talking, speechless.

"Come on, what is it?"

The bone demon urged him, which shocked him so much.

"A clone, only a clone is possible," said the genie slowly. "The clone only has a consciousness of the deity, and will act according to the deity's idea. The dean of the immortal college in front of him is probably a clone. It ’s not here, it may be hundreds of millions of light years away. "

With that said, the genie sighed.

A man himself dissipates the form of the true devil, and such a person cannot afford it.

Unless they want to die.

"You are a little stronger than that real demon, and you can see that I am just an avatar." Wang Xing slowly spoke at this time, which naturally admitted, "Now I tell you directly, the origin of the devil is in the body of my student Inside, you can come and grab it. "

The bone demon and the spirit devil laughed bitterly when they heard this.


Where do they have such courage, do they really want to die?

Suddenly, they had a decision.

Bone Devil took the lead in speaking, and said, "The dean laughed and joked. Since it is your college students who have obtained the origin of the Devil, where do we dare to snatch?"

The key is to really not dare to grab it.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The genie also said, "We have that heart and we don't have that courage."

They immediately became somewhat charming.

Hua Tianjun looked at these, and his worship of Wang Xing once again rose to a higher level.

This is the dean.

"It's best to do this, not you to tell the truth. Otherwise, I will make your entire dimension world into fly ash, take you out of the dimension world, and roast it on the fire of God every day." Wang Xing said coldly.

When the bone demon and the spirit demon listened, their bodies trembled and they dared not say.

At this moment, they vaguely saw this figure of Wang Xing through this avatar of Wang Xing.

The figure did not know where to stand in time and space, across countless star fields, but just looked at it, and saw through all their ideas.

It's terrible, it's really terrible.

"Let's go."

Wang Xing said, slowly disappearing with Hua Tianjun.

The two demons didn't even find out how Wang Xing left, which made them even more afraid of Wang Xing.

"Can't mess it up, such a person can't mess it up."

The bone demon was dignified, and his voice was a little trembling: "Where is this immortal college? It's best to pay attention, don't provoke people from this college one day."

The genie felt the same.

The students of Xianxian College are not terrible. They said that the dean was really terrible.

In particular, the dean who guarded such shorts dissipated the form of a dimensional will for a student.


When it appeared again, Wang Xing and Hua Tianjun had already reached the Milky Way.

"We are back so soon."

Hua Tianjun felt the familiar atmosphere and couldn't help feeling a touch in his heart.


Wang Xing said at this time and opened a portal to connect the college.

Hua Tianjun knew that it was Wang Xing who told him to go back.

"I'm just an avatar, and it will soon dissipate. After you return to the college, solve the problems in your body as soon as possible." Wang Xing thought for a while and said, "Once you had an accident, my consciousness penetrated In time and space, I looked at the source of the devil that day. If I guessed it well, the source of the devil this day should be the condensate of several principles of the source. "

Hua Tianjun listened carefully, and this information was extremely important to him.

Wang Xing's glance at the information may be enough for him to enlighten for countless years, which is related to how he cultivates next.

"In the Shenhe River, the magic of heaven should be called the first-class mutation law. As for what is the mutation law, it can be attributed to the formation of the day after tomorrow, and there are several laws fused. This is the practice of many third-level laws and second-level laws. Immortality, a way of impacting the highest. Yao Jie is now following this path, but the first-class rule he wants to consolidate is full of sacredness, supremacy, light, and great freedom. It can be called "xian" in the future. "

Wang Xing said, and this horrified Hua Tianjun.

He didn't know what state Wang Xing had reached, and he could see so much at a glance.

"The demon's origin is a seed, a seed that condenses several kinds of original laws, and the nine you rules you cultivate are one of them. Now the nine you rules are like a key, which opens the seed for you. Vitality, you can take the opportunity to peek at all of the source of the demons, and control the source of the demons. If I guess it is good, you have initially mastered the sources of the demons, not only can they be repaired, but they will go further. "

Wang Xing said, this is something that the deity passed on to him.

Hua Tianjun nodded, and already had a rough idea in his heart.

"You will definitely condense the world of the king again next time. I will give you a suggestion to directly condense the world of the king with a model of a small universe." Wang Xing said slowly, but this is actually the one that the deity just passed to him. information.

"Small universe?"

Hua Tianjun was so shocked that he couldn't believe it.

According to what he knows, the cultivator first condenses the world of the king, and after the immortal achievement, the world of the king will be transformed into the kingdom of gods.

The kingdom of God is in the dimension world.

Then, the parliament turned into a small universe.

Now that he directly condenses the small universe, can he really succeed?

Wang Xing no longer said anything, this was just a suggestion: "Go in, go back to college."

Hua Tianjun nodded, and walked towards the front with some confusion.

Wang Xing waited for Hua Tianjun to go in and close the passage to Xianxian Academy. His body began to fall apart a little bit, and finally turned into nothingness.

As if it never existed.

After the endless space, Wang Xing's deity slowly opened his eyes: "I have reminded me of the reminder. If you do not have the highest ambition, even if you regret it later, you cannot blame others."

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes again.

As for when it will be cleared, it is still unknown.

Maybe tomorrow, maybe tens of thousands of years.

In the process of building the melting pot of the universe, it was like the process of creating the universe. He got too much.

His universe-level understanding has also been tapped to the limit.

Among the immortal colleges, Hua Tianjun walked away a little bit, many people have noticed him at this time.

No one knows what happened to him, just looking at Hua Tianjun and found that his cultivation has fallen a lot.

The cultivation of the realm of the realm of the kingdom is naturally non-existent. After all, his realm of the realm of the realm of the kingdom is devoured by the origin of the demon.


The day after he returned, he entered the cultivation space.

Time passed slowly.

Qin Yan returned this day. He was holding a dog, and the dog was walking around in the college.

Many people say hello to Qin Yan.

"Master Qin, where did you buy this dog?"

"This dog must taste good."

"I'm going. This dog has the name Ashura. It's so handsome."

Asura was a little scared. He found the college a bit scary. The people inside seemed to be just as powerful.

He dared not speak, but just followed Qin Yan.

The news came the next day, and Qin Yan was rewarded by the college for realizing the first-class rules.

It is also 10,000 mission points.

Many people are terrified, and the college has another student who understands the first-class rules.

At this time, Ashura also gradually learned about the college, and he felt more and more wise, because the college was really scary.

In this college, he even saw a master god, and heard that the college still has a **** king level.

Fortunately, neither the main **** nor the **** king likes to eat dog meat, otherwise he may be insomnia.

Time passed like this, in a blink of an eye, 30,000 years later.

On this day, the door of the practice room closed by Hua Tianjun opened, and the voice alarmed the guards outside.

"He has been in retreat for 30,000 years."

"I heard that Hua Tianjun was seriously injured and repaired completely. Now I don't know if it has been recovered."

"Where is this so good to recover, I see Xuan."

Some people are discussing, they are all holding Hua Tianjun's practice room.

At this time a figure emerged from it, it was Hua Tianjun.

At the moment, he had a vicissitudes on his face.

For him, these 30,000 years are really too long, and they have taken up almost half of his life.

Fortunately, nothing was wasted.

He finally mastered the origin of the demon, and in his own Dantian, he developed a model of a small universe.

Although this small universe is the size of a ping-pong ball, it has given him an unprecedented power.

He succeeded and made great progress.

"My current practice is that it should not be weaker than the average emperor." He murmured.

The pain in the past has been exchanged for the generous returns now. Everything is worth it.

Standing at the door of the training room, he thought about opening his communication watch.

During 30,000 years, many people contacted him.

There was also a message from Qin Yan, saying that he wanted to invite him to drink, and at a glance he realized that Qin Yan had realized the first-class rules.

Skip this message ~ ~ and continue to look back.

He saw a familiar name.


They came out of the small universe at first, and the worm demons were willing to conceal the origins of the demigods for themselves, but he was a little grateful.

In the beginning, he thought that the person who would never betray him was Gigilia, but now it is really wrong to want to come.

The worm devil looks fierce and somewhat unreliable, but he didn't expect to say so.

A total of more than a dozen messages were sent by worms.

The first few are inquiries, and the middle one says: "I already know about you. Someone tried to suppress the Lord and saved you. Now we are all free."

The next three are three letters of help.

Just two words: "Save me!"

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