Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1636: No way, I'm too good

Garnett froze, only feeling something falling in the sky.

When I looked up, it was already too late.

The immortal altar smashed directly into his head, smashing him into a mass of flesh, and the crystal brain in his body flew out.

Crystal brain is the core of the crystal family, which is equivalent to the soul of the crystal family.

Su Yu naturally will not let this brain escape.

He urged the immortal altar, which suddenly turned into a monster, opened a large black mouth and swallowed the crystal brain.

At the same time, the flesh and blood of Garnett was swallowed up, nothing was left in the whole void.

With all this done, Su Yu looked dull.

With a stroke of his hand, the immortal altar flew back to his hand and turned into the size of a fist.

This immortal altar was laid out by the Horns at the time of the invasion and had unpredictable power. Later, Wang Xing repulsed the Horns, seized the immortal altar, and gave it to Su Yu after transforming it.

As early as 100,000 years ago, Su Yu has completely controlled the immortal altar, which is also his strongest magic weapon.

The immortal altar returned to his hands, releasing a pure energy from it and entering his body.

This is one of the abilities of the Immortal Altar, which turns the sacrificial items into pure energy and feeds it back to the owner, just like an energy conversion device.

Su Yu was infused with this energy, and the fairyland expanded again.

In a blink of an eye, there are already sixty small thousand worlds in it, far beyond the immortality that has just broken through.

He didn't dare to stay here, he didn't even have time to look at what Garnett had left, and he was immediately heading towards the Immortal Academy.

He believed that the news of Garnett's death would be known to the horns immediately.

If you don't go back sooner, someone will surely come to kill him next, and the person who returns will not be the first-level **** of immortality, or at least the higher-level **** realm.

Crystal family, a secret base.

This is a special organization of the crystal family, dedicated to hunting down the genius of this universe.

The first time Garnett died, a green lamp in this palace suddenly went out.

"Garnett is dead."

A man murmured. The man was shrouded in darkness, not knowing what it looked like: "Check out Garnett's mission."

He said, a woman immediately went to check it.

After a while, the woman replied: "Sir, Garnett went to hunt Su Yu, the 169th-century Immortal College student. This Su Yu comprehends the first-class rule of the stars. May break into immortality, so we decided to kill him in the bud before he broke through. "

The man nodded, there was no problem.

Their purpose is to hunt down everyone who is threatening to the alien race.

"Garnitt is the first-order lower realm of immortality, and his strength is comparable to the ordinary median **** in this universe. He went to hunt Su Yu, and failed without reason." The man muttered, he shot suddenly in his eyes A light came out.

This light has a strange power, and after searching for a certain cause and effect, it came into the vast void.

It was where Garnett died.

Then, everything started to retreat quickly, but it took a while to retreat to the situation when Garnett was killed.

"Su Yu!"

The man looked at the young man in the picture, frowning slightly: "It turned out that Su Yu broke through. In this case, the immortality of the first-class rule can indeed fight against the crystal warriors in the same realm, but to say so It's too easy to kill Garnett. Wait, this picture ... "

He stared at Su Yu's "Starry World" situation, and looked again.

"Sir, is there any problem?"

The woman wondered, she didn't see anything at all.

The man looked at it several times carefully, and at this time was a little surprised: "This Su Yu actually realized two first-class rules."

The woman was amazed at the words.

Realizing the two first-class rules is an amazing thing even in the Shenhe River.

Su Yu has such talent?

"This Su Yu must be eradicated."

The man thought for a moment: "Understanding the two first-class rules, if he is allowed to practice to the highest level of God, he can even threaten the universe god. Check out which other Great Perfection warriors who have not yet made a task and let them kill Su Yu, this Su Yu must not have returned to Xian Academy. "

In fact, he didn't say a word. If Su Yu returned to Xian Academy, he would kill Su Yu when he died.

So this is the purpose of dispatching the great perfection crystal warrior.

"My lord, I checked the current mission situation. There are three soldiers of my clan who have not yet completed the mission. They are Kirkland, Bahrain, and Ethan." The woman said, a query panel appeared in front of her, The situation of the great consummation **** is also introduced in detail.

The man pondered for a moment and had a decision: "Let Bahrain go, he has performed hundreds of tasks, as if he never missed it."

The woman nodded, and the task was about to be issued immediately.

However, thinking of the special nature of the task, she said, "Please ask the adult to deduct Su Yu's current position."

To intercept Su Yu, naturally lock Su Yu's position.

At this time, the same light flickered in the eyes of the man again, and then landed in a certain star field with some special power.

"Here is the Tianhe Mountain Star Field." The woman thought for a moment, and immediately recognized it. "This Su Yu's movement was so fast. After killing Garnett, she didn't stop for a moment, and hurried back towards the Immortal Academy. At this rate, he will return to the galaxy at the latest. "

The man nodded, and secretly shocked Su Yu's decisiveness.

In an unknown star, a crystal man shook his head and walked out slowly.

He is Bahrain, the great perfection warrior of the crystal family.

At this moment there was an extra card in his hand with a lot of information on it, which was exactly Su Yu's.

"It's been a long time since I started, and the goal this time turned out to be a genius of this universe who understands two first-class laws. It makes people enthusiastic to think about it. To kill these geniuses and make all their dreams come to nothing, is no happier than this Thing. "

He said, bending his feet for a bounce was flying out.

After he left, the star couldn't withstand the strength of his legs, and it fell apart immediately.

Su Yu is still on his way, he is fast.

At the same time, he contacted the college for the first time, and falsely reported that he had broken through to the realm of Jinxian.

In college, the news naturally reached Wang Xing.

"Su Yu broke through, it was really an unexpected joy. According to my speculation, if he comprehends the second kind of first-class rule and breaks through, it will take another one million years." Wang Xing said, pointing Calculating something like a fortune teller, "It didn't break through directly with the rules of the stars, but really realized another first-class rule."

On the side, even the emperor did not know how Wang Xing did it.

Is there really a magical power like the legendary Liu Renshen number?

But at this moment, Wang Xing frowned: "I already know the progress of Su Yu's breakthrough, but Su Yu's situation should be very bad now, he still has a calamity."

This is more and more mysterious.

The emperor had to say, "What is the number?"

"No, but this robbery needs us to help him resolve it." Wang Xing said, "Notify Teacher Zhongshan and let him go to Tianheshan Starfield. Tell him what you will know when you arrive . "

"Yes, Dean." Qingdi answered, knowing that Wang Xing would not make fun of this.

Zhong Shan's residence, he is studying a new magical power.

Suddenly, his look changed.

"I know, go now."

Zhong Shan said that he had just received the news of the emperor.

He can reach any star field in an instant from the college, and his figure disappears in a flash.

"This is already the universe universe of this universe, and the danger is much smaller." Su Yu faintly said, he has fled thousands of stars from the world mountain, "Tianhe universe, the largest universe country in the Tianhe mountain star domain, this is It is a very powerful colossus of great cosmic country. After the transformation of the Shenhe River, their ancestors in the Shenhe River sent a great consummation **** to come back to sit on the town, and now no one dares to provoke it. "

The Great Complete God is definitely the pinnacle of combat power outside the Shenhe River.

Although the danger is much smaller, Su Yu knows that she can be absolutely safe only after returning to the college.

He continued to move, but when he reappeared, he found himself on a barren planet.

This is definitely not the destination he wants to move.

"not good."

He thought for the first time that someone had changed the course of his removal, and this person was likely to be the Crystal family to kill him.

"Well, you have learned two first-class rules."

An indifferent voice came from Bahrain: "It's a genius. The entire universe is one of the few geniuses. If you knew you had such a talent, you would have to be on the list of genius hunters of our crystal family. It's in the top 100. "

The top 100 in the Genius hunting list of the crystal clan is definitely a genius among geniuses.

This is an honor and a life-saving sign.

Su Yu didn't speak. He looked at Bahrain with a dignified expression.

He couldn't see through the practice of Bahrain, but he could distort the destination he moved, at least it must be fulfilled by God.

In order to kill him, the crystal family really made great efforts.

"I'm definitely not an opponent."

Su Yu groaned in his heart. He immediately sent a message for help to the academy, and worried that the academy was too late, he sent a letter for help to the landlord of the Tianhe universe.

He once had a relationship with the lord of the universe.

After all, Xianxian Academy is not an unknown member. Some of his powerful geniuses will also associate with him.

Bahrain seemed to know what Su Yu was doing, sneer: "Are you sending a message for help? I don't know who you sent it to. But no matter who you send it to, I'm not at all alarmed because no one can save it You, on the other hand, will take their own lives. So I am not in a hurry to kill you. I have to wait for those who die. I do n’t know if one or two or a group will come. Haha, it ’s been a long time. After the battle, I will kill enough this time. "

Su Yu heard this, and was shocked by Bahrain's arrogance.

"Are you a crystal warrior in the Great Realm?"

He thought about it a lot. Only strong cultivation can make Bahrain so confident: "If you are in the state of perfection, the great perfection of our universe is enough to suppress you, and only the great perfection can make you so confident."

Bahrain looked at Su Yu and nodded approvingly: "It's very smart, but you guessed what's the use, everything is so fragile in absolute strength."

Su Yu did not argue, he knew what Bahrain was telling the truth.

However, since Bahrain did not intend to kill him at this time, but also wanted to use him as a bait to hunt the high-end immortality of this universe, he would just wait quietly.

Next, he wants to see if this Bahrain can laugh.

Tianhe Universe.

The landlord received the message from Su Yu for the first time. He pondered for a moment and then falsely accused him.

After all, practitioners of this universe have to unite against alien races, and even there is such an agreement in the Shenhe, called the Shenhe Convention.

Deep in space, a woman received a message.

She is called Tianhe Xiuyu, who is the great consummation **** who came from Shenhe, and is now the deserved strongest in the universe of Tianhe.

She looks ordinary, has pale skin, is wearing leather clothes and pants, and is full of murderousness, obviously through all battles.


She heard the obituary of the Tianhe Lord, without any fear, but a little excited: "I didn't expect to encounter aliens outside of Shenhe. I don't know what this alien is for, but don't let me be too disappointed."

Then she disappeared in a flash.

A desolate planet, with a wave of space fluctuations, Tianhe Yanyu appeared.

"Su Yu, actually came to save you, still a great consummation god." Bahrain licked his tongue. "Good luck, this great consummation **** looks very simple, but she seems to be unhappy. Injury. "

With just a glance, Bahrain saw the situation of Tianhe Yanyu.

"Jing Clan, Great Perfection."

Tianhe Jiuyu was shocked and shocked: "What exactly did this Su Yu do? It actually caused the great consummation **** of the Jing clan to kill him personally."

Su Yu is helpless at the moment.

He didn't expect that the Great God of Tianhe Universe would really come, and he was still a woman.

"Boy ~ ~ What did you do that made a great **** of the crystal clan chase you?" Tianhe Yanyu was shocked and asked.

"If I say I just killed a subordinate **** of the crystal family, do you believe it?"

"I naturally believe that when I came to check your situation, you realized the first-class rule of the stars, and the same realm can fight the crystal family. Now you are the lower **** realm, killing a crystal What ’s strange about God. However, it ’s not worth the crystal tribe to chase and kill you.

Tianhe Yan Yu is not a fool, slowly said.

"This is really not worthy of the Crystal family to send the great consummation to chase me down, but what if I killed a crystal family's inferior **** just now, and broke through the immortal realm of two first-class rules?" Su Yuxiao laughed Looking at Tianhe Yanyu, she looked helpless. "No way, I'm too good."

Tianhe Yan Yu: "..."


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