Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1648: Ruthless Emperor

Wang Xing was crying and laughing. Is this why you came to our college for an interview?

"Yes, of course."

Wang Xing smiled at this time: "Now your Chang'e sister is a teacher in our college, and I'm a substitute teacher in our college, I think you also think of our college substitute?"

When Zhu Bajie heard these words, he was very excited.

His head nodded, and the chicken looked like rice.

"But to become a teacher of our college, you still need to pass an interview." Wang Xing continued. "As for this interview, it is not easy. Our college's employment standards are still very high. reserve."

"Isn't this the old pig? It's definitely true that your college recruited me." After listening to Zhu Bajie, he blurted out.

Several people, including Wang Xing, laughed.

The pig's skin is also thick enough.

"Teachers, let's interview him." Wang Xing looked at Zhong Shan and others.

"Well, let's just point it directly." Zhong Shan thought about it and looked at Zhu Bajie, "Mr. Zhu Bajie, what do you think is the significance of our cultivation?"

This question is basically asked a few times during the interview, but the answer given by each interviewer is different.

Pig Bajie thought for a while, and blurted out, "Of course it is to demote demons and dispel demons, which is difficult."

They looked at each other and nodded.

It's ok.

"Second question, you should now accompany the Tang monk to learn the scriptures and grant the priest to the altar of the altar, which is also regarded as a Buddhist. Then I would like to ask, what do you think of the great compassion of the Buddhist family? Eagle, the act of serving the tiger? "Zhong Shan asked.

"What kind of compassion, the old pig does not understand this. Although I am a Buddhist, I am not a monk who only knows the chanting all day long. As for the Buddha cutting meat to feed the eagle and sacrificing the tiger to care for the old pig, I do n’t Will cut meat, but will not give up his body. "Pig Bajie said seriously.

Several of Wang Xing couldn't help crying and laughing, this guy really was a man in a false Buddhist door.

Several people talked secretly and asked a few more questions.

Overall, Zhu Bajie's answer was okay.

"The last question." Wang Xing thought for a while, "Pig Bajie, it is said that you were deposed to the earth because of the molesting of Chang'e, and devoted to the pig's fetus, and it turned into this picture. Now I take the liberty to ask, you are really molesting Ever change Chang'e? "

When this problem came out, all the teachers were startled.

You still dare to ask, Dean.

Pig Bajie was also a stun, and a gleam of cold light appeared in his eyes.

"Why, dare you answer?"

Wang Xing frowned, a bit aggressive.

The other teachers looked at Zhu Bajie and secretly said that this guy would not run away.

"The old pig is lascivious, but if you want to make fun of Chang'e, that's really not done." Zhu Bajie looked at Wang Xing, but he was not timid at all. "Some things can't look at the surface. Will the Wantian River Marine be deposed to the lower world just because it has teased Chang'e? "

Wang Xing nodded. He didn't see what Zhu Bajie said was false.

It seems that this Journey to the West is indeed not as simple as the book itself.

"It's the best. Otherwise, we can't recruit you to take into account the feelings of Teacher Chang'e." Wang Xing thought about it, of course, he would not completely listen to the words of Zhu Bajie, so he would have to consult Chang'e.

The Qing emperor saw no one asking questions, and stood up and said, "Please ask Mr. Pig Bajie to take a rest in the office next door."

Pig Bajie nodded, and Feng Sao turned away.

"Ask Teacher Chang'e and see what she says." Wang Xing thought about it, but still sent someone out to notify Chang'e, "Well, I'll invite the next interviewer."

Then, a familiar white light flashed in front of me.

I only saw a kind of golden lotus appearing in front of me, and a kind figure of merit halo appeared behind me.

But how is this figure so familiar?

Wang Xing had already recognized it, and some could not laugh or cry: "Master Guanyin, I didn't expect us to meet again."

Guanyin folded her hands and slowly said, "I've met several interviewers."

Yes, this familiar figure is Guanyin.

What the hell, how did the brushed person get the invitation to interview so quickly?

"Sergeant Guanyin, are you still here for an interview?" Qingdi asked for a moment.

"Good." Guanyin nodded.

"Okay." Wang Xing sighed. "You know the situation of our college, so we won't introduce more. Regarding your last interview, we can only say I'm sorry, you are not what our college wants Admissions. In this way, we will not go through so many complicated interviews this time. Take the situation of your last interview, for example, what do you think was your problem during the last interview? We can't accept you in the end. "

Hearing this, Guanyin seems to have been prepared.

She slowly said, "I thought about it carefully after I went back. In the last interview, my cultivation and knowledge were relatively advanced. But in the end, all three donors were accepted, but I was accepted. Your college has been wiped out. There is only one possibility. Some of my ideas conflict with your college. "

Wang Xing nodded, he knew that Guanyin was right.

Everything is idea.

The concept of Buddhism that Guanyin accepts is very different from the concept of the Holy King outside the Xian Academy.

"carry on."

Wang Xingdao, if the thought of Guanyin has changed, he still wants to give Guanyin a chance.

Avalokitesvara has the perfect pinnacle of God, and is indeed very suitable to be a teacher of the college.

Avalokitesvara also no longer hesitated, and said, "Last time, the first question you asked me was about the meaning of cultivation. My answer at that time was to save sentient beings from the bitter sea. When I went back, I thought about it. There are other meanings, that is, transcendence, pursue a spiritual state of great freedom and great fulfillment. We cultivate not only for sentient beings, but also for ourselves. Buddha said: One flower, one world, one grass, and one heaven One leaf is like the other, one sand and one bliss, one party is a pure land, one smiles and one fate, one thought and one quiet ... "

Wang Xing and several other teachers were all dumbfounded listening to the words of Guanyin.

This is the result of repeated thinking after you go back.

You didn't find the point at all.

"Did you finish?"

After listening for ten minutes, Wang Xing felt that his ears had been raped: "Sergeant Guanyin, please take a rest in the office next door."

Guanyin froze, did she answer a question.

From the beginning to the end, she did not think about the Buddhist scriptures she said before. In her opinion, it is the truth of heaven and earth, so the result of her repeated thinking turned out to be from an irrelevant problem, and she felt that she was herself. The answer last time was not perfect.

After Guanyin left, Wang Xing and others couldn't help laughing or crying.

"It seems that the person being brushed out has already come out." Wu Taixuan never said a word. At the moment, I can't help but feel disgusted with this Guanyin. "This Buddhist scripture of Guanyin is full of Buddhist scriptures. Without her own thoughts at all, if she were allowed to teach, students in our college would probably read the scriptures every day. "

Several other teachers nodded secretly.

"Well, please have the next interviewer." Wang Xing said, the communication system led today's fifth interviewer.

As a white light flashed, a man appeared before him.

The man looked at everything around him and seemed a little confused.

Wang Xing looked at the man with a few mistakes, because the man's cultivation was really too low, and they were not in the realm of true god.

Wang Xing really wanted to ask the system, what kind of trouble are you going to make and how can you do it with low repair?

"Dean, look at this ..." The Qing Emperor looked at Wang Xing, and didn't seem to know what to do. He seemed to be saying that such a person would still have an interview.

"A normal interview, everyone who can achieve the pinnacle in their own world, there must be something unique about him." Wang Xing thought about it, still said.

Qingdi nodded.

He glanced at the man, and it seemed to be true.

The man's cultivation is not high, but the temperament on his body is not simple, which is enough to compare with the emperor of the realm of the kingdom.

"Welcome this interviewer to come to our college interview. Several of us are today's interviewers. Please invite this interviewer to introduce yourself first."

Qingdi said, with a smile on his face.

The man had felt a terrifying coercion, but now he seemed to adapt.

He slowly said: "My name is Wang Chao, I am from the World of Dragons and Snakes, the heir to the Chinese arts. I came here to interview the teacher and also to find the way forward.

Hearing his name, Wang Xing and others were all surprised.

Wang Chao?

It's not the guy who uses ordinary people's body, has no vitality, and no divine power, but cultivates his power to an inhuman level.

"It turned out to be him."

Zhong Shan also knew this Wang Chao: "Dean, this person is very amazing. He can burst out of such a powerful force by means of national arts without immortal cultivation. If he accepts the immortal cultivation knowledge of our college, it will surely be A great teacher. Not only that, I think he is likely to come up with a different way of cultivating immortals in combination with Chinese arts. "

Hearing this, Wang Xing also thought about it.

He thought of a word called Wuxian.

Someone mentioned before the college that Xiu Xian is not just the flying sword fairy method, there must be something different.

Wuxian is one of them.

"Wang Chao, right, you have come to the right place. The road you are looking for is in our college." Wang Xing slowly spoke at this time. He knew that Wang Chao in front of him was not the one among the Xinghe Emperors. Whether you come to our college or not, you still need to pass the interview of our college. "

Wang Chao nodded, he was already ready.

When he saw Wang Xing and others, he knew that he had come to the right place.

In this magic fairy college, he has what he needs.

The next step is naturally an interview.

In response to Wang Chao, the same question can be answered immediately.

"What do you think is the significance of our cultivation?"

"Become stronger."

"If you become a teacher of the academy and someone wants to destroy the academy, what should you do?"

"I will destroy whoever destroys the college."

"If you become a college teacher, in your classroom, there are students who have different opinions from you and strongly refute you. What would you do?"

"Cultivation is inherently controversial. No matter who is right or wrong, it is only good for us."


Wang Xing and several other teachers asked dozens of questions in a row, which was the most one time, and they had to admit that Wang Chao was most in line with their college spirit.

Perhaps the only drawback is that Wang Chao's cultivation is not high as mentioned before.

"Well, we have no problem, please ask Teacher Wang Chao to the next office to wait." Qingdi said, he now looks at Wang Chao very easily.

"Well." Wang Chao walked out without being humble, and he didn't fix it at all, and felt that he was short of others.

"Well, I have invited the last interviewer." Wang Xing thought about it and started to pick up the last interviewer.

With the flash of white light before her, a woman appeared.

This woman stood there, looking very arrogant, and the woman's cultivation was also terrible, even Wang Xing was wrong for it.

"This interviewer, please make a simple self-introduction." The Qing Emperor looked at the woman with some dignity.

She felt a danger on the woman.

This woman is definitely not simple.

"The ruthless Emperor, from the world of covering the sky." The woman said slowly.

Hearing this name, Wang Xing couldn't help but stand up.

The person in front of him turned out to be that cruel emperor, arguably the most legendary woman in the heavens.

Did she even come for an interview at Xian Academy?

Zhong Shan and others also stood up. If such a woman came to Xianxian College for an interview, she could be recruited specially.

"Welcome to Xian Academy, it's been a long time since it was famous," said Wang Xing, after thinking about it, "if you really plan to come to teach at Xian Academy, we can give you special tips."

"Yes." Ruthless Emperor nodded, very simply.

"That's good." Wang Xing nodded and asked the emperor to inform others, and then he was ready to announce the interview result.

The appearance of the last cruel emperor was a surprise.

At this time, he received a message from Chang'e: "The canopy is a good person. Please ask the dean to recruit him as a college teacher."

Wang Xing was surprised, but Chang'e not only did not oppose Pig Bajie entering the college, but persuaded Wang Xing to recruit Pig Bajie.

This is really interesting.

Next, all six teachers interviewed arrived.

Ling Dong, Xinyue Fox, Zhu Bajie, Guanyin, Wang Chao, and Ruthless Emperor are all at ~ Except for Ruthless Emperor, several people can be said to be very shy, especially Guanyin always has a very unknown feeling .

"Qing Emperor."

Wang Xing thought about it, and signaled that the emperor could announce the result.

The Qing Emperor nodded and said slowly, "Sergeant Guanyin."

Guanyin froze, and felt a joy in his heart. This shouted his own name, did he really want to be admitted?

At this time, I only listened to Qingdi's words: "Sorry, you didn't pass the interview of our college, everyone else passed."

Guanyin was dumbfounded and did not respond for a long time.


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