Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1692: Flood

Liu Fan did not notice that, in his mind, the Rubik's Cube had run to the extreme.

Then suddenly stopped.

Only at this time, the Rubik's Cube has been restored.


The Rubik's Cube was broken, and the cubes that formed the Rubik's Cube were incorporated into Liu Fan's soul.

Suddenly, his soul, Jin Dan, glowed a bright light, shining on the entire sea of ​​knowledge.

Drive out darkness and bring light.

Liu Fan doesn't know this yet. He only has one idea now, which is to 'eat himself'.

The key to the final rule of devour is to devour yourself.

If it was before, he absolutely thought it was a joke, but now he doesn't think so, and the voice in his heart is guiding him and telling him that this is the truth.

Only by devouring himself can he be part of the law of devouring.

The horns of the superior gods are getting closer and closer. Between these moments, he knows that he has no more time to consider, and he must make a choice.

If he devours himself and takes a gamble, he is likely to understand the law of devour and achieve the golden immortal, thus gaining a glimmer of vitality.

Continue to hesitate, that is to wait for death.

So he made a decision in an instant. The power of the law of engulfment covered his whole body, and he was going to devour himself.

Seeing only his body disappearing a little, when the superior God of the horns fell on him, he disappeared completely, as if he did not exist in the world at all.

God cannot be found, it cannot be seen with the naked eye, and it cannot be felt.

He is like being relegated to nothingness and no longer really exists. If it weren't for his image still in the memory of others, perhaps no one would think that he exists.

"what happened?"

The superiors of the horns were frustrated, and their faces were cold and sweaty.

What happened just now is actually less than ten thousandths of a second, and in such a short time, a living person disappears from his eyes and is completely impossible for him.

Damn it!

This is how he felt, even he thought it was an illusion.

"Captain, a little evil."

A median **** of the Horns groaned slowly and said slowly.

"It's more than evil. It's almost like a dog. I've never seen anything so weird on the battlefield."

"Yes, it's really weird, so a big living person is gone."


Dozens of Horned Warriors also looked at each other and felt very fucking.

But at this time, a faint light spot suddenly appeared in the space in front of me. This light spot seemed to be in a very distant future, like a distant past, or in infinite depth of time and space.

"what is this?"

The horn warriors all found out, all of them slightly changed.

This spot of light followed a bright light, and only saw a figure coming out from it, growing from nothing, growing from small, and finally condensing a body.

"He ... he appeared again?"

"how can that be?"

"Who knows what's going on here, it's weird."

The superior **** of the horns couldn't help shaking his body. The worst thing he's ever seen in his life happened today.

"kill him!"

"Yes, no matter what happened to him, as long as he killed him and turned his body into cosmic particles, he would be dead even if he were a ghost."

"Nice, do it."


Suddenly the three median gods rushed to Liu Fan, splitting with three swords.

Liu Fan is still feeling the change of the body, from being to nothing, and being from nothing, it is really amazing.

He couldn't help thinking of the black hole.

In scientific research, black holes are singularities with infinite density, infinite space-time curvature, infinitely small volume, and infinite heat, which are invisible to the naked eye and unobservable.

The existence of a black hole can only be determined by some energy reaction.

However, in the theory of the Big Bang, the universe today is formed by the explosion of a singularity.

"I should now be a black hole in the shape of a human." Liu Fan secretly said in his heart that he had formally entered the cultivation of the Law of Devour and had passed the biggest threshold. Now his body is a special **** body, which can be called It is devouring the divine body, and all matter and energy can be devoured by him and become part of him.

Lifting his head, he watched as the three median warriors of the Horns race towards him.

At this time, his body developed a powerful suction, like a black hole vortex, and swallowed the median **** warriors of the three horns.

The three screams were all swallowed and could not be heard at all.

"how can that be?"

The superordinates of the horns have changed their faces so much that they cannot see the situation at hand.

Liu Fan had already moved at this time. He took the initiative to attack and transformed into a black hole. The median and lower gods of the Horns were swallowed by him.

"You ... what the **** are you?"

The superior God of the Horns held the sword, and backed away scaredly.


"Where are those people, where have you been taken by you?"

"They have become part of me."

"Asshole, did you eat them?"

"You can understand that."

Speaking, the superior **** warrior of the Horns roared and slashed at Liu Fan.

Liu Fan's face was dignified. Although he was already in the Golden Immortal Realm, he was just entering the Golden Immortal Realm and was still afraid to belittle himself in the face of the third-order higher **** of immortality.


The two battled together, and Liu Fan found that he could not devour each other at all.

After thinking about it, he knew why.

This is like a black hole. It is okay to devour objects with less mass and volume than yourself, and it will be like a snake to swallow objects that exceed its mass and volume.

However, even if he cannot swallow the opponent, his strength is increased tenfold. Although the opponent is also a superior god, he is only a low-level corner race, and the rules of comprehension are only third-level rules.

In comparison, the gap between the two players is not large.

Bang Bang!

The soldiers met, and both of them broke out with the strongest combat power.

Gradually, Liu Fan's advantages came out.

The combat power is almost the same. The immortal power he consumed can be quickly replenished.


Liu Fan revealed a flaw, and the superior God warrior of the Horns raced into a trap.


Liu Fan's chest was pierced by the man, but at this time Liu Fan sneered, and the sword in his hand cut off the man's head directly.

The man's head is still there, and he has not died.

However, Liu Fan's law of engulfment works. At this time, the man is extremely weak and cannot resist the engulfment of the law of engulfment.

"Uncle, whoever killed you, was killed by me."

Liu Fan pulled the sword from his chest, and his pierced chest soon recovered.

Over there, the Horn Army has begun sweeping the battlefield.

Fearing to be found, Liu Fan did not dare to stay at all.

A month later, the Seventh Legion Star.

Liu Fan returned here a few times before, and now the Seventh Legion star seems much quieter.

He had already received news when he returned, and the entire Seventh Army went to Yingzui Cliff to support the army.

The Red Flame Army, only three thousand people returned alive.

Among them, there are as many as twenty-seven main gods who have fallen, and six are still title gods.

This defeat also directly pushed the Horns forward ten light years along the Eagle's Mouth.

"Liu Fan, are you still alive?"

"Georgia, I heard that only 3,000 people from the Red Flame Army survived the battlefield. I didn't expect you to die."

"Did I not tell you, I am best at escaping."

"People who can hang the escape casually on their mouths, and don't be ashamed but proud, have a thick skin."

"Average, average."

Georgia grinned, he didn't know how many times someone had been stabbed by this, and he was used to it.

"Where is the fire ape, is he dead?"

"No, the general is dead hard."

"Sure enough, good people don't live long, and bad people live for thousands of years."

"Are you cursing the general?"


"How can a bad guy live for only a thousand years, and the general has been in the extraterritorial battlefield for tens of millions of years."

"This is just a Chinese proverb that means that good people can't live long, but bad people can't even die if they want to die."

"I'll understand then."

Liu Fan communicates directly with Georgia, a single-cell animal.

Fire Ape's camp.

Liu Fan walked in and found that there was only a fire ape inside.

"you are still alive?"

"Don't you think I'm dead, you don't have to pay your bill."

He thought of the fire ape dying, but he didn't expect the fire ape to think so too.

"How could I be the kind of person who fires apes, even if you die, I will give you a lot of what I owe you."

"I don't believe it."

"Ha ha."

"Don't hesitate, I have seen your character long ago. You used the cow **** to put that piece of armor on you. Will the cow **** die this time?"

"He's not dead, it's a pity."

Liu Fan froze for a long time without knowing what to say.

It's a pity that you are the last of your creditors.

"Uncle Renault is dead."

Liu Fan thought about it and shifted the topic.

"Is that the man who has been with you all the time and looks at you like you look at your son?"



The fire ape was silent, and his voice was a little heavy.

"He came to the extraterritorial battlefield just to accumulate 10 million points of merit, and then exchanged for a bottle of soul spring water to save his son. Is he wrong?"

"He's right."

"When he went to the Eagle's Mouth Cliff, he had accumulated 9.74 million points of merit, only the last 260,000 points of merit, but as soon as you ordered, he had to follow the Red Flame Army to the Eagle's mouth , The more powerful Horned Army. Actually, I was thinking that if he didn't go to the Eagle's Mouth, and still battled with the inferior snake army here, maybe he could leave the extraterritorial battlefield alive. "

"You're complaining to me?"

Liu Fan was silent, he didn't know who to blame.

"Liu Fan, do you know how I came here for tens of millions of years?"


"In the beginning, I regarded the Red Flame Army's fighters as their brothers. On the battlefield, I could block the knife for any one of them. I think this should be the case. But as the companions around me fell down one by one, Next, one after another, the new flames joined the Red Flame Army, and I was numb. From the founding of the Red Flame Army to the present, the total number of Red Flame Army soldiers has already exceeded one trillion people, but the final 99.99% All the people who died in 1999 were killed in this extraterrestrial battlefield and in my eyes. "

"Fire ape ..."

"I said this to you, not to tell you how many people the Red Flame Army died, but I hope you can understand that there are no undead people in the battle. In the direction of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff, the Horns will break through our defense, and someone will always go up Otherwise, there will be more dead people waiting for the Horns to enter our hinterland. Going further, if we retreat this time, will we also have legs, after we all retreat, let the aliens occupy In our universe, we will all die. "

"I understand why it was Uncle Renault who died, our Red Flame Army."

"There is no reason. If you have to ask for a reason, I will tell you because this is the Red Flame Army. From the beginning of the army, it is an army that will rush to the forefront."


"I know you can't let go of Renault's death. Actually, it's the same for me. Sometimes I want to die for myself, but every time I come back alive, you say it's ironic."

"It's ironic, if you really want to die, just keep doing it, sooner or later you will die on the battlefield."

Fire ape smiled and said, "What about you, what are you going to do next?"

"I saw you, I'm leaving."

"It's because of Renault."

"No, mainly because my purpose of coming to the extraterritorial battlefield has been achieved."

Talking, Liu Fan showed his cultivation.

"Great, it broke through."

"Fortunately, I didn't embarrass the Dean too much."

"Dean ..."

"Okay, I'll leave first."

"Wait, now that you're leaving, don't you have to pay back Longxu."

"in your dream."

Liu Fan had a new understanding of the shamelessness of the fire ape.

"this is for you?"

Fire ape threw something at this time.


"Soul fountain, I have exchanged it before, but unfortunately, it's useless, I'll send it to you."

Liu Fan grabbed his hand and groped for a while, but shook his head: "No, Uncle Renault does not ask for help in his life, and he does not need other people's alms after death ~ ~ Okay."


"Goodbye, it's better to never see again."

Liu Fan gave the fire ape another glance. Sooner or later, he would take back the Dragon Sword, and never see him again. Don't think about it if you want to.

Leaving the camp of the fire ape, Liu Fan immediately exchanged a bottle of soul spring water.

Secondly, he exchanged a lot of things and spent all his merits on his brain, leaving nothing behind.

These things will be delivered within three days, but a message spread throughout the extraterritorial battlefield that night.

It turned out that yesterday, all the main gods of the alien race in the direction of Eagle's Mouth Cliff were a total of one hundred and two, and were killed by a mysterious person at the same time.

Mystery also officially named this fifth largest extraterritorial battlefield ‘Honghuang’.

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