Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1693: Beast!

Extraterrestrial battlefield, military meeting.

The killing of one hundred and twenty alien gods caused a great sensation.

Everyone speculated that the military department used the means to send a strong man in the realm of the **** king to the extraterritorial battlefield.

At this meeting, there are thousands of Lord Gods participating.

"You don't have to guess. I have confirmed with the military. Now, due to the reasons of the origin of the universe, I still cannot send the King of God to the extraterrestrial battlefield."

"What, not the God King sent by the military?"

"This is impossible. One hundred and twenty-two master gods of other races can be killed overnight, and one of them is a giant **** race. Only the **** king can do it."

"The fact is that the explanation of the military department is that ... the person who shot this may be a god-king realm practiced outside of the Shenhe River, which has hidden the induction of the universe's original laws."

"It's impossible. If you don't enter the Shenhe, fulfilling the realm of God is the limit."

"Perhaps it was the Lord God who came from the Shenhe River and broke through unexpectedly outside the Shenhe River."

"Where can the Lord God and the King of God break through so easily, and the Lord God can come out of the River of God, which is a matter of hundreds of years, do you believe this?"

"Do not believe."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, now try to find a way to find this strong man, he must be the life born of our universe, otherwise we will not kill the 122 alien gods all at once."

"Yes, as long as you find this **** king strongman, the aliens in the Fifth Extraterrestrial Battlefield will be dead."

"Don't leave the Fifth Extraterrestrial Battlefield, now it's called Honghuang Battlefield."

"Really called Hong Huang?"

"The military department agreed, and the first **** king who entered the extraterritorial battlefield also made great achievements and was qualified to name this extraterritorial battlefield."


Liu Fan in his own residence, he also received the news.

"Hong Huang ... Hong Huang, this name ..." Liu Fan muttered, his face gradually changed. "Dean, it is the dean's hand."

He really couldn't imagine who would give the name to the extraterritorial battlefield.

It is only the earth that can think of these two words.

Among the earth's human beings, the only one who has the ability to kill the 122 main gods of another race overnight is the dean.

"It turned out that the Dean had also come to the extraterritorial battlefield, could it be ..."

Liu Fan was silent, his eyes were moist.

He guessed that the dean should come to protect him secretly, and finally killed the 122 alien gods in the direction of Yingzuiya, and told himself that he had come.

Suddenly, a gust of wind passed.

Liu Fan immediately felt the surroundings with his sense of God and found no trace of anyone. Is he thinking too much?

But when he looked down, he didn't know when he added a line of words.

"Congratulations, I'm back to college."

"Also, you can refine the gourd into the kingdom of God.

Liu Fan whimpered and said with gratitude, "Thank you Dean, thank you Dean!"


The fountain of souls and all the treasures exchanged have arrived.

Liu Fan went through the formalities of leaving the army.

"General, Liu Fan is leaving, don't you send it off?"

"I'm a general. Send him an ordinary soldier. What a joke."

"General, is Liu Fan an ordinary soldier?"

"Shut up for me if you want me to say it clearly, if I go to send him, I won't wait for him to collect debts."


"Let Georgia go. He and Liu Fan know me better."

"it is good."

Godship leaving the 7th Legion Star.

"Brother Liu Fan, come back next time. I invite you to drink."

"Georgia, it's the fire ape, please."

"Hey, take me with you then, I haven't drunk the general's wine yet."

"Okay, but after you go back, you remind me of the fire pit goods that owe me, I can't afford them."

"I dare not."



Riding a Shenship, Liu Fan came out of the flood battlefield.

At this time he retrieved the star map, found the Cangxueshan star field, and found that it was quite far away.

"Liu Fan!"

A surprising sound came, and a hand rested on Liu Fan's shoulder.

Liu Fan looked back, surprised.


"Haha, it's me."

Niels smiled. Just when he was on the ship, he noticed Liu Fan.

"Why, you're discharged too."


"Yeah, stay in the extraterrestrial battlefield, and follow the fire ape general who will only die. Sooner or later, he will be a dead man." It is estimated that half of them will be discharged. "

"The Battle of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff?" Niles froze, a little dazed.

"You didn't attend?"


"Everyone in the Red Flame Army has gone. You can't go there."

"This, in fact, is no longer in the Red Flame Army."

"what happened?"

"Don't mention it, do you remember when the two of us saved the general last time, did the general borrow me 1,200 pieces of immortal crystals, and did you borrow 100,000 pieces of immortal crystals. Although I borrowed one thousand two hundred There are fewer pieces of immortal crystals, but it is a great wealth to me. After the war, I went to the generals to ask for them. Who knew that the generals had to say that it was all right, and they directly made me stunned. I did n’t give up and went again. This time it was a real dog. The general said that I was not a Red Flame Army fighter and expelled me directly from the Red Flame Army. Later I found an army willing to accept me, and I have been working with snakes. Clan warfare. Recently, it seems that a **** king has shot on our side, and the aliens who have been killed are trembling. There are no aliens who dare to fight at all. I don't think there will be much war in the next 100 years, so I will simply retire. "


After listening to Liu Fan, he had only this one idea.

Even Niles, a thousand or two hundred immortal crystals of a lower god, depends on you.

He really wanted to know why the fire ape was so good.

"Animals? Are you talking about generals?"

"Not who else can he have."

"Carefully, be careful."

"Be careful."

"It's a pity, if I weren't expelled from the Red Flame Army, I could continue to fight with you."

"Speaking of which, I feel that you should thank the fire ape, and thank him for expelling you from the Red Flame Army, otherwise most of your life will be gone."

"No way?"

"Now the news of the Battle of the Eagle's Mouth hasn't come out, otherwise you wouldn't think so."


"I can still lie to you ~ ~ After you leave the Red Flame Army, the Red Flame Army is transferred to the Eagle's Mouth Cliff. One million Red Flame Army soldiers have only returned 3,000 people.


Neels exclaimed, his face changed.

One million people returned and 3,000 people, wouldn't it be that 99.7% of them were dead? This death rate is simply appalling.

"So, you should also thank the fire monkey for the pit goods, he saved your life in disguise."

"Can it still be counted like this?"


Liu Fan couldn't help laughing, but Niles seemed a little awkward.

Next, Liu Fan asked where Niles was going, and then both of them were dumbfounded that they were going to the same star field.

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