Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1695: Brahma Dimension

The man groaned for a long time and nodded.

He will be called Renault later, this is his father's name, and it will be his name in the future.

Liu Fan did not rush to leave the Sarare family. Now Renault has just woke up, and he has no strength to protect himself. He must stay for a while.

In an instant, five years have passed.

"Brother Liu Fan."

Renault practiced a set of boxing techniques and is consulting Liu Fan.

"not bad."

Liu Fan smiled, and then thought for a moment: "Your talent is very high. It only took five years to restore the former strength of 10%, and now I have a sixth-order cultivation of creation. If you leave, you will stay with the Sarare family and regain your strength. "

"Brother Liu Fan, are you leaving?"

"There is no never-ending feast."

"okay then."

"Work hard, if you are in trouble, you can go to the Milky Way Earth Federation to find me."

"I remember."

Liu Fan nodded and looked outside. A woman came over.

"Master Liu Fan ..."

The woman, wearing a long dress and holding two cups of tea, looked a little shy.

Liu Fan nodded. This woman is called Mithrane, the young lady of the Sarare family. Since Renault woke up, Hanbury has arranged to take care of Renault.

"I'll go out first."

Liu Fan patted Renault on the shoulder, revealing a man's eyes.

Outside, Renault saw Hanbury.

"Old man, I know what idea you have, Renault's talents are perfect, and if he recovers completely in the future, it will be an emperor of the realm. If you can go further and become an immortal god, it's no problem. You send your granddaughter now Wanting to tie Renault to your Sarare family is really ambitious. "Liu Fan said politely.

"Sir ... sir, I ..." Hanbury knelt down in fear, sweating coldly.

"Haha, but, I support you to do this."


Hanbury thought he had heard it wrong, and the reversal was too sudden, and he was dumbfounded.

"Let your granddaughter do something, or do you have any granddaughter, granddaughter, all over. Uncle Renault is the only son. If this son dies again, wouldn't it be the last."


Hanbury was dumbfounded and could not keep up with Liu Fan's brain circuit.

"The next time I come here, Renault has at least ten children."


Hanbury is dumbfounded, is this a Renault stallion?

The next day, Liu Fan left.

When Renault knew, it was three days after Liu Fan left the Sarare family.

"Uncle ..."

"Master Liu Fan left something for you."

Renault took it over and found that there were some cultivation materials in it, and he couldn't help but be moved.

Cangxue Mountain Star Field, Tianjing Star.

This is Cangxue Mountain Universe, one of the ten kings' private planet.

Liu Fan inquired clearly, the name of King Tianjing was Niles.

"This bastard, pitted me once in the Sarare family, I thought I would just forget it." The figure flashed, and he came to the gate of the palace. visit."

"Liu Fan?" The guard froze.

"Look what you look at and watch carefully, I let Niles kill you."

"Yes, yes, I'm going to falsely report."

Then the guard hurried in.

Ten minutes later, a man came out and looked at Liu Fan coldly: "Who are you, what's wrong with me?"

Liu Fan looked at the man in front of him and didn't know him at all.

"You are the King of Heaven?"

"Yes, I am the King of Heaven."

"I go……"

Liu Fan patted his head, feeling that he was deeply deceived.

That **** had a fake name.

"If it's okay, hurry ... get out of here!" The man said, and then turned into the palace.


Liu Fan thought for a moment and shouted.

But I only saw that the man had no response at all, and after walking a few steps forward, then it seemed as if he suddenly thought of something and turned back: "You call me?"

"Damn, who the **** are you, dare to impersonate Niles."


"I'm still weird. If you really don't know me, a lower **** will come out to see me. Also, I just called Niles's name, and you're more than a beat slow. This only shows one problem, your fundamental Not Niles. "

"My grass, you were seen through."

"Seeing through your sister, stand up now for me, and then hand over everything you have."

"What do you want to do?"

"Can't you see, robbery!"

Then, Liu Fan rushed towards the man.

"Boy, but I heard that you just broke through the immortal realm, and you want to move on to me ..."



"Asshole, how fast are you ..."

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Don't fight, don't fight, I'm convinced, I admit I'm not Niles, I'm Kasky, the prison of the sky."

"Kaski, why don't you call Kaspersky."

Liu Fan was not polite at all. After half-disability of Kaski, he searched for everything, dragged a leg and put Kaski into the palace.

In the palace, Niles was about to break through, and saw Liu Fan come over, but stopped awkwardly.


"Liu Fan!"

The two looked at each other, cherished each other, and did not know how good they felt.

But the next moment, Niles flew out.

"Liu Fan, how can you do this to me, but we ..."


"Two first-order original artifacts, don't talk nonsense."


"You pay for the overlord meal, and you pay me."

"Don't fight, I'll take it."

Looking at Niles pouring out a pile of broken copper and iron, Liu Fan showed a fierce look.

"Here, I give, why are you so stingy."

"It's pretty much the same."

Liu Fan put away the things and looked at the side prisoner Kaski, slowly said, "This guy dared to impersonate you and was repaired by me."

"Ha ha."

"I'm gone. I won't be dining with you today."

"Great ..."

"What good?"

"Nothing, I really don't want you! Can't I leave?"

"Then I won't go today."

"do not!"

Liu Fan smiled and threw something to Niles: "Don't watch, it's the one thousand and two hundred immortal crystals that the fire ape owes you."

"The general plans to give me?"

"That's not true."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Take care of Renault for me, these immortal crystals are the ones I'll give you back."

"Ok, Ok."

"By the way, write me a note of debt transfer, and I will go to the fire ape to collect debts."

"You cow!"

Liu Fan smiled and accepted the receipt, turned around and left Tian Jingxing.

"Niles, you **** play me, I'm almost out of battle under him, is this what you said he just broke through?"

Kasky growled, feeling deeply deceived.

"Ha ha."

"You're laughing, are you an idiot?"

"When Liu Fan was in the realm of the kingdom, killing the next **** had already been done with one sword. He is now just breaking through, but I feel that even if the lord comes, he is not an opponent. You acted and wanted to do something to him. The result was just a sting, and luck was pretty good. "

"Who are you flickering, the emperor of the realm kills the next god?

"You do not believe?"

"Crap, you treat me as a three-year-old kid."

"I didn't believe it," Niles sighed. "But in the extraterrestrial battlefield, that's what I saw with my own eyes, this guy is really terrifying."


"Will I lie to you? I guess he should practice first-class rules."

"First wait ... law!"

In the universe, the immortality of which first-class law is cultivated is not all a giant in the end.

"Do you know who the fire ape says in his mouth?"


"The title **** of the Red Flame Army, a master god."


"Frightened, but in the extraterrestrial battlefield, Fire Ape has to make him a three-pointer. As far as I know, Fire Ape's general camp account, he wants to go in. The entire Red Flame Army knows this bull. You said he just I just stabbed you for a meal, have you been kind to you? "

"Listening to you, I feel much better."


Niels smiled, fumbled for the immortal crystal in his hand, and was in a good mood.

Although two first-order original artifacts were snatched by Liu Fan, the 1,200 pieces of immortal crystals are worth more than his two original garbage artifacts.

Overall, he made money.

However, he knew that the reason Liu Fan would give him the Immortal Crystal should be to pay for looking after Renault.

"That one……"

"Kaski, what are you looking at?"

"I can't take it for nothing, you see ..."

"I know."

Neels said, groping from his arms and escaping an immortal stone.

Kasky was stunned, and as soon as you got a cavity of two hundred immortal crystals, give me an immortal stone.

"Asshole, I don't want to."

"That's right, save it."



Liu Fan did not rush back to the college, but came here first.

He gave many of the resources he had redeemed to Longji, and then went under the world **** tree.

At this time, a white vessel appeared in his hand, which contained a milky white liquid that he exchanged for merit points, which could accelerate the growth of plants.

"Great Brahma, what is this? I feel a strong vitality in it." Ye Ying asked.

"This is the growth fluid, an immortal who has practiced the laws of life or life-derived laws. A growth hormone extracted from plants is like a chemical fertilizer and can be used to accelerate the growth of the world tree. Probably Ten thousand meritorious points can be exchanged for one ton. It took me one hundred million meritorious points to redeem the 10,000 tons. It should be able to evolve the world tree to the point of evolution. "


Ye Ying was excited. If Brahma could become an independent dimension, it would be safer in the future.

The growth fluid is poured into the roots of the world tree, immediately absorbed by the world tree, and then begins to flow to various parts of the world tree like water.

The world tree immediately grew mad at the speed visible to the naked eye.

In a blink of an eye, a year passed.

Liu Fan looked towards the World Tree, and the growth of the World Tree suddenly stopped at this time.

"It's done."

"Brahma, I feel the space around me is being promoted."

Liu Fan nodded, but he knew that this promotion was actually the world tree to separate the entire space from the universe.

In the Brahma realm, many people also felt this vision, and all started to worship.


It seemed that there was a loud noise in the space.

I only saw the world tree with the space of the entire Brahma realm rising up into the space.

Brahma has become an independent dimension.

The roots of the world tree stretch out indefinitely, take energy from the universe, and then maintain the entire dimension of consumption.

Nine of the stars also stopped spinning. They were like fruits growing from the world tree and began to absorb energy from the world tree.

The whole change lasted about ten days, and then it stabilized.

Liu Fan established a connection with this dimension, and everything in the entire dimension was under his control.

"Long Ji and Ye Ying, I'm going back to the college. You use the training resources I brought back to strive to cultivate more powerful people."

"Yes, Brahma."

"Also, hereafter it will be called Brahma Dimension. In addition, although the World Tree is the Dimension Lord, but he is spiritually connected to me, even if it is billions of times apart, you can also contact me through the World Tree.



Liu Fan closed his eyes and could feel the sound of many people sacrificing the world tree.


Subsequently, the World Tree teleported Liu Fan.

After Liu Fan came out, he took a look at the star map and found that it was a full 100 million light years away from the previous Brahma realm. This should be the limit of the world tree transmission.

"In comparison, the college dimension can send us to any star field, the world tree is too far away."

"Rao is the **** kingdom of the universe god, and it may not be able to achieve transmission to any star field, which shows that the college is terrible."

"It's been so long and I can finally go back."


Fairy College, Earth Federation.

Liu Fan came here all the way in a spacecraft.

"This is the territory of the Earth Federation, the spaceship in front ..."

"Immortal College, Liu Fan!"

With that said, a totem of the Immortal Academy appeared on the spacecraft, and the soldiers stationed at the border immediately gave way.

Then, the spacecraft quickly sailed towards the earth.

"That's Liu Fan's spaceship at the Immortal College?"

"Liu Fan, it's not the president of the Brahma League. He came back."

"It's a pity that I didn't see the true face of President Liu Fan."


All the way back to the earth ~ ~ Liu Fan immediately entered the college.

"Master Liu Fan, you are back."

"Well, come back."

"Senior Liu Fan, I heard that you went to the extraterritorial battlefield. Is it fun there?"

"It's not fun there. Every day it's dead. An army of one million people may come down in one battle with less than 10,000 people left."

"So terrible?"

"Senior Liu Fan, did you break through?"

"you guess."

"I guess the senior Liu Fan must have made a breakthrough. After all, it was not too long ago. It seems that ten years ago, the senior Yao Jie also broke through."

Liu Fan stopped suddenly and looked at the talking student: "Yao Jie broke through?"

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