Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1892: See you at the college gate

Looking at the quark going away, Yin Haojun didn't want to, I just came to you, how can I let you go so easily.

Therefore, Yin Haojun stopped the quark again.

Quark paused, his face ugly: "What the **** do you want?"

Yin Haojun smiled, making Quark a little creepy: "Whatever it is, there is a business that wants to work with you."

Quark looked at Yin Haojun's insignificant appearance, and always felt that this guy was not a good person.

"Not interested in!"

Quark refused directly, intending to leave Xianxian Academy, and even secretly decided, after seeing Yin Haojun, he hid far away.

Yin Haojun froze a bit, and said with some anger: "You are too shameless, okay, you go, don't regret it when you go, I tell you, I am the vice president of Yandi Society, or the dean of the dean. Husband, and I do n’t know how many outstanding students in the eyes of the teacher, you dare to give me a face, be careful I will not let you stay in the college. "

Quark froze, he was a **** king, even threatened by a great consummation god.

However, this Yin Haojun really has to deal with him, that is really a troublesome thing, who makes this Yin Haojun look very backstage at first glance.

At this time, he still wanted to be low-key and not to cause trouble. He suppressed the anger in his heart and turned back: "Say, what are you doing?"

Yin Haojun hesitated, went up and took Quark's shoulders, did not mean him as a **** king at all: "Things need to be kept secret for the time being, probably I found a very good place, but there are some bad people there, need a **** king realm The thugs ... No, they are companions in the realm of God King, and then we can make a big fortune. How about it, the heart is not moving? "

The quark was speechless, and my heart fell in love.

You don't just want to find someone to grab someone else's stuff with you.

I'm also a thug, this is what I have said in my heart.

Quark knows that this is definitely not a simple matter. This all requires a thug in the realm of the **** king. Then the other party may have a **** king.

This sent him to death, but he didn't do it.

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Sorry, I have to study with the Dean and I have no time to accompany you to do the task."

"It's okay. I can wait for you to stop learning. When do you have time and when should we go."

"I will continue to study and study makes me happy. Now I just want to soar in the ocean of knowledge. Please don't disturb me again."

Talking, Quark left the space directly.

Yin Haojun wanted to stop again, and found that this time he couldn't stop it at all. After all, a **** king, he could only stop a ghost.

"It's so speechless, learn from your sister! Forget it, change another person."

Yin Haojun left with a bit of frustration, but the thugs in the realm of God King were hard to find, and if it was to find Su Yu, it should also be done, but by the time he got the benefit, how many could fall into his hands.

"That Li Ximeng could have been considered. This guy is also a young and adorable, simple, but the strength of this guy is still a bit weak. If he can break through the realm of the Lord recently, he can think about it."

Yin Haojun was a little worried. He finally found this good place, but now he can only watch it because of insufficient strength.


Three years later, Wang Xing, Hong Meng, and Lin Meng's research entered a crucial time.

"Mr. Hongmeng and Lin Meng, now combining the strengths of the three of us to create a source, do you think it is impossible?" Wang Xing thought about it, and the quark on the side heard it a little bit panic.

Creation Origin, What Origin?

Are the origins like the law of the universe, are these three people really going against the sky?

"You can try." Hongmeng thought for a while, "Although it may not be successful, doing this experiment should allow us to collect more research data on the origin of the universe."

"Yes, this experiment can be done." Lin Meng also felt a little eager to try.

"Okay, then try to create the origin." Wang Xing saw that the two had no opinion, and the three almost hit it off, planning to try to create the origin.

But at this time, Wang Xing looked at Quark: "Creating the origin is not a matter of two days a day. If it is slow, it may take thousands of years. If it is fast, it may take hundreds of years. We have taught you a lot of things before. Cultivate your knowledge. What you have learned is very good now. What you lack is some attempts. I think you need some combat and some experience. "

"This ..." Quark was a little dumbfounded, and I wanted to follow you a little bit longer and learn everything about you, but now you want me to practice.

"You have also seen that we have no time to teach you at all. It is just right for you to go out and practice. So, seeing how well you have cooperated over the years, I will register a student account for you in a moment. You can To do the tasks of the college students, you can also get the task points. With these task points, I allow you to exchange some college exercises, mysteries, treasures and the like. "Wang Xing thought about it, and then waited for quark to refuse , And arranged for someone to register for Quark.

Soon, the quark account was registered.

The account ID is called Lu Zhou, but it is not displayed in the college ID. Everyone often uses the nickname.

After all, students also need to keep confidential, and nicknames can be changed at any time to facilitate students to conduct some transactions and complete tasks.

Wang Xing taught quark how to use the mission system of the academy, and then passed quark.

After Quark left, I went back and thought about it, and thought that Wang Xing also made sense, and that he really had to go through it.

After all, if you want to have the power of the God King Realm, battle is essential.

Clicking on the mission system of the college, Quark saw many complicated tasks, including the elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university.

There are even some exclusive tasks, but most of them are posted to college teachers.

In addition, there are many free tasks, these are mostly issued by college students and teachers, usually to form a team to complete a task. Although there will be no rewards for mission points, sometimes you will get more exercise, and if you are lucky, the benefits will be greater.

Quark looked carefully and found that there were quite a few tasks suitable for him.

"Mission description: Trial heroically, kill ten alien gods in the extraterritorial battlefield, mission reward: 3,000 mission points. (Each person can receive this mission at most once.) Mission level: b."

"Mission description: Explore the Blood Moon Universe and find the Blood God Crystal. Quest reward: For each Blood God Crystal obtained, you can get a hundred task point rewards, up to a maximum of 10,000 task point rewards. Task level: a . "

"Mission description: Kill the alien demon devil king Denier. Mission reward: 10,000 mission points. Mission level: s level."


Looking at these tasks that are suitable for his own cultivation, Quark found that there was no one at all.

If you kill ten alien gods, if you meet the crystals and the giants, he is not certain to die.

Although he is the king of the gods, the main gods of the crystal and giant deities all have the general **** king combat power, and they have more means than him.

And that's still in the extraterrestrial battlefield, who knows if a Supreme God will suddenly emerge.

Looking for the blood **** crystal, let alone this, it is said that at least half of the people who will go to the Blood Moon Universe will die in it, and the college has set this task level to a level, which shows that this is better than killing ten alien gods. Be dangerous.

Not to mention killing the alien demon **** king Denier, this demon king has half of the crystal family's blood, strong, and definitely the top **** king, which is comparable to the three who slayed himself last time. The alien **** king is even stronger.

When he met the demon king, he basically died.

In other cases, Quark found that b-level and a-level tasks could not be done at all, and the few c-level tasks had already been picked up by others.

He pondered for a while, and began to find some tasks he could do from the exclusive and free tasks.

This is not working, this is too dangerous, isn't this giving away ...

After looking for this for a long time, Quark was desperate, and at this time he found that the task was refreshed, and only saw the free task. A newly emerged task caused his idea ~ ~ The publisher's id is called My Alicole, what a ghost name.

But the content of the mission seemed to suit him.

"Urgent mission, I stumbled upon a stronghold in our universe. According to my own risk investigation, this stronghold is a supply station for strangers. It contains a large number of immortal crystals, magic liquids, godships, and original artifacts. This base will inevitably make a big fortune. However, this base has a snake **** who is sitting there all the year round, and I have limited strength, knowing that a person cannot take away this base, so now I am anxious for a **** king level Combat partners. At that time, the income will be split evenly. Of course, you can take the big share. All this is easy to discuss. "

After Quark saw the task, his face was a little gloomy.

Alien, **** alien.

It was these aliens who arrested him and offered him a sacrifice.

Huh, this task is complete, and there is only one main deity of the snake demon tribe. Who doesn't know that the snake demon tribe is relatively weak in the alien race, and there is no danger to him as a god-level cultivation.

Worried that this task would be snatched by others, Quark immediately clicked to pick up the task, and the system reviewed his conditions and quickly passed his task application.

Quark was relieved, and he finally got the task.

Yin Haojun's residence, he was a little hesitant: "What's the matter, I posted the task, someone will pick it up so soon?"

He also knew his reputation, and basically no one dared to team up with him, but this time it was obviously different.

Is it that when you do n’t know, your popularity is getting better.

Well, it must be so.

Yin Haojun thought for a while, and then sent a message to the person who took over his task: "See you tomorrow morning at the college gate."

The opposite immediately returned a word: "OK!"

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