Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1897: Universe black market, eternal coin!

After entering the Kellow Universe, Yin Haojun knew why Kellowe valued this small universe so much.

It can be said that this is exactly his home.

No wonder.

The arrival of the two, Clo still entertained the two very warmly, but this kind of entertainment and Bronson are incomparable.

"This is my son's Chin. It's too naughty to make the two laugh."

Clo said that he was still very upset about his son, because by virtue of his identity, Chin was completely lawless and no one could rule him.

Yin Haojun looked at this strange grace. He was lawless, and my dad was a **** king. He was a second-generation ancestor of the universe.

"King God, I ’ll tell you, it ’s okay for your son to be naughty. If you go out, you will definitely get into trouble. I ’ve seen a lot because my son is lawless, he ’s irritated with the air, and he ’s even taken in Speaking of educating my son, I still have a good idea. You are just like the kid in my family. As long as you are not obedient, I will be very stingy. If he is not good at school, I will be stingy ... He is not afraid of stinging, Just cut off his rations, so he will be honest very soon. "Yin Haojun said, and Kane, who was still very arrogant, was dumbfounded at the moment.

What the **** are you trying to do? Isn't this obviously trying to pit me?

The quark laughed secretly, this Kean had just stolen a very good piece of pastry from Yin Haojun's side, and this retribution came.

Clo thought for a moment, and felt something.

Kien was stunned. Did his dad do the same? He looked at Yin Haojun, and now his eyes were about to spit fire.

Yin Haojun completely ignored Kien, what to see, who asked you to grab my cake just now, you still eat.

The quark pretended not to know anything, and now he knew a little more about Yin Haojun.

This guy has chicken belly!

"I'll think about it." Clow nodded, apparently listening to Yin Haojun's words.

"Haha, if there is anything that King Crowe does not know about educating children, you can come to ask me at any time. By the way, my son is actually smaller than Chin. If King Crowe doesn't mind, I can put Chin Take it over and let the two of them get along, and then they will become partners and smash into the universe together. "Yin Haojun said easily, and this surprised Clo.

What are you doing here to help me educate my son.

Yin Haojun murmured secretly, you must not promise, otherwise your son will be with me in the future, I want you to do something, you dare not do it.

Chinn was no longer able to eat, and just felt that nothing had tasted.

He looked at Yin Haojun, already full of fear, only feeling that the person in front of him looked at the easy-going face, but in fact it was a big devil.

Crowe groaned and shook his head. "Thank you Brother Haojun for your kindness. I won't need it for now."

When he put his son to Yin Haojun, he was still uneasy. After all, he had just met Yin Haojun.

Chin took a sigh of relief, and finally managed to escape.

He didn't want to leave the Crow Universe. It was so good here, with food and drink, with a **** king father above, and a group of obedient men underneath, how good the life of the second ancestors was.

Several people talked for a while, and Cloh felt that Yin Haojun had something important to say, and he waved the other person back.

Yin Haojun really spoke at this time, quite dignifiedly: "King God, although you defeated the aliens coming this time, but the position of the Cloe universe has been exposed, maybe there will be aliens coming. Now you can What you do is to move the position of the Cloe Universe in cosmic space. This is not difficult for you, but this is not a long-term solution, because aliens can still find it if they want to find it. Moreover, the third principle of the universe I do n’t know when this crash will come, when the space will continue to collapse, and the small universe in this space will be destroyed at that time. "

"Will space continue to collapse?"

Clo's body trembled because their Clo's universe was already in the outermost space. If the space continued to collapse, the Clo's universe would be doomed to destruction.

This is deadly.

"Yes, this is predicted by the dean of our college. According to the deduction of our dean, the original law of the universe actually has two collapse processes, and after these two collapses, the nine layers of the entire universe will be grouped into one. Complete huge space. This space is so solid that even the Lord God cannot break it. By that time, the original nine-story space, whether it is a small universe, a medium universe, or even a large universe, should all follow it. Collapse. So, Lord Clo, let's prepare early, in fact, this is the purpose of my insistence to come in. "Yin Haojun's appearance of compassion and sympathy was justified and justified, and Clo was directly convinced.

The collapse of the Second Universe Primitive Law is almost not worse than what Xianxian Academy predicted.

If this is the third and fourth time, the impact is really too great.

Disruptive to the entire universe.

As for why Yin Haojun knows this, in the Immortal Academy, Wang Xing has written all the inferences about the collapse of the laws of the origin of the universe into a book and put it in the library. Many students have read it.

Although Yin Haojun was abducted and considered to be a bad student, he has to say that Yin Haojun is actually a true hegemon.

However, everyone is used to being deceived by his appearance.

"There will be third and fourth crashes ..."

The quark is also rampant at this moment. He knows that when the second universe's original law collapses, the fallen universe's original law fragments have created 100,000 master gods and million perfect gods. The third universe's original law collapses. Does the fragment of the law of the universe's origin directly create a bunch of **** kings, or even supreme gods?

By the fourth time, is it possible to create the universe god.

This news is really important. When he goes back, he must read all the research on this aspect of the college.

"Thank you for telling me, Brother Haojun." Clo said, and he began to think about where Clo's little universe would go if that day really arrived.

"It's just a trivial matter. Next, in order to prevent aliens from invading the Clou universe again, Brother Clo can apply to join the League of God, so that when the aliens really invade, they can ask for help from the League of God. But they have become the League of God. One member is also subject to the constraints of the League of Gods. Maybe he will forcibly call Brother Chloe to the extraterritorial battlefield, so this is also a pros and cons. "Yin Haojun continued," So, Brother Chloe, let us leave a contact method. The Clowe Universe is in crisis, and I will find a way to get our college teacher to rescue. "

Yin Haojun was completely on the snake, and in a blink of an eye, he matched the Clo brothers.

In particular, he now looks like a gentleman, and is exactly another Su Yu, even the quark next to him is shocked.

If he didn't know who Yin Haojun was, he would have thought that this guy had been taken away.

What a beast!

This is the way to contact King Crowe. You want to grab him and fleece.

Clo did not know Yin Haojun's plan, but now he only moved: "Brother Haojun, you brother, I will make it."

Hearing this, Yin Haojun laughed secretly, this is what you said, not what I said.

The two left contact information, Yin Haojun said nothing next, and left the next day.

Clo is very interesting. He made Yin Haojun's ten souvenirs of space rings, which made the quarks envious.

I'm a **** king, you gave so many things to Yin Haojun, don't send me anything.

He was a **** king, as if he had become an invisible man.

"Nephew Chin, uncle is gone. When will you go to Immortal College, and then your uncle will introduce your brother Yin Xiaoying to you." Yin Haojun said, and touched Chin's head severely. The cultivation talent is good, but unfortunately it is too playful.

"Uncle, go well, go all the way." Chien was a little bit reluctant and almost cried.

How does this seem to be a funeral.

Yin Haojun was a little speechless, this kid seemed to be intentional.


Leaving the Crowe Universe, Quark eagerly said, "Share the loot, share the loot!"

Yin Haojun hehe, what do you want to divide?

"I want fifteen battleships with my own strength. These souvenirs are given by my elder brother. It doesn't make sense if you want to divide these things." Yin Haojun refused directly and made a joke. This time I was fighting The reputation of the college, these godships obtained, also divided you fart.

Quark thought about it, but he was speechless.

Forget it, then it doesn't matter.

He is already content.

"If you don't distinguish, don't distinguish, then what shall we do next?" Quark thought about it, he is still a cosmic little white, at this time still rely on Yin Haojun, an old cosmic driver to guide the direction.

Back to college?

Yin Haojun shook his head at this time: "I can't return to the college for the time being. We have to deal with all these things."

Quark thought about it, too.

In addition to these things, they can stay for cultivation, other alien godships, and other strategic materials, which are of no use to them.

Dispose of it, even if it is replaced with divine fluid.

Then the question came, how to deal with these things, quark is completely obscured with two eyes, even if you want to sell, you do not know who to sell to.

Yin Haojun was in a good mood at this time, probably because he had just swallowed fifteen Shenships, so he didn't mind introducing Quark: "There are three ways to deal with these things. The first is to sell to the college, this It is the most secure. However, the academy's price for such non-essential cultivation resources is not high, especially the Shenship is less than half of the average price of the universe, and the most annoying thing is that the academy will deal with you. It's almost annoying to conduct various reviews, that is, those little whites will sell these things to the college. "

After hearing Yin Haojun's words, quarks are all haha.

When you talk about the college, it is best not to let the teachers of the college's asset management department hear, otherwise they will kill you.

Yin Haojun also seemed to know that he had a few words of mouth, and hurriedly added: "Of course, if you deal with the college, security can be guaranteed, which is not available in the other two ways. In addition, the college acquires many resources at task points Yes, it can still be sold to the college at this time. "

The quark nodded, and the college paid more attention to the cultivation resources. The strategic materials such as the Godship were not really taken seriously.

After all, the Academy does not have so many troops to arm, and the only Xiandao Army has already been armed to the teeth. These are not needed at all, so these are not worth mentioning to the Academy.

No, the price of a natural acquisition is low.

Yin Haojun knew this very well and knew how to deal with some of the things he got.

"Continue to say that the second way is to sell these banks or some chambers of commerce to the universe, but the price will not be very high, only 70% to 80% of the average price, after all, we have no idea where these things are." And he wouldn't do this bad thing.

Quark seemed to see that Yin Haojun didn't intend to deal with it that way.

Yin Haojun smiled at this time: "Of course, there is a third way, which is to deal with the universe black market as a universe merchant. On the black market, the price can be guaranteed, and sometimes it can be sold for more than the average price. Are high. "

"Cosmic black market?"

"One of the largest trading markets in the universe, only some high-level space merchants are eligible to enter, and I happen to be just such a space merchant."

After Yin Haojun finished speaking, Quark was stunned.

What did Yin Haojun just say, is he really a universe businessman?

What this guy said before will not be true, he really has multiple identities.

Quark was speechless for a long time and felt deeply hurt. It was like everyone was bragging in a group, but one day you found that everyone was really brave, only you were bragging.

That feeling, don't be too sour.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the world."

Yin Haojun said, and entered the virtual world with quark.

The real black market of the universe is that in the virtual world, only high-level universe merchants know the password to enter.

The quark followed behind Yin Haojun, was completely a little cute, and he dared not say anything, and dared not ask anything.

In the universe's black market, it is a virtual world of stars.

But it's not too dark, it's a bit bright.

Here, the trading universe merchants are on the planets, and looking towards the void, the stars all over the sky.

Among them, the bright stars represent someone.

Yin Haojun came to a star by himself, there was a huge shop, and at this moment there was an old man with a hump on his back, his eyes narrowed, staring outside like a mouse.

"Brother Junhao, you are here."

When the old mouse saw Yin Haojun, he immediately put his eyes out and stood up.

Yin Haojun smiled hesitantly, "Rat King, are you quite laid back? Without me to take care of your business, your store will be closed soon."

When the Rat King man heard this, he was very speechless. Where there was one, he cursed the failure of others.

He knew that Yin Haojun would tease him like this, and the two knew each other.

"Rat King, you wouldn't really be a **** king, right?" Yin Haojun said casually.

"Guess!" Rat King said with a smile.

"If you are the **** king, it must be the most wretched **** king in the universe." Yin Haojun said with certainty, "No more nonsense, I have something to deal with you."

"This is easy to say." Rat King said, looking at Quark, his eyes narrowed. "This is it?"

"My servant," Yin Haojun said casually.

Quark suddenly, when will I be your servant.

The Rat King smiled: "If he were your servant, you would be a bit extravagant. I wonder what good things you got this time?"

Yin Haojun didn't talk nonsense, and showed some things at hand, but after watching the mouse king, he was a little aggressive.

If he read correctly, it should be an alien godship.

What did Yin Haojun do? Can he get the Godship?

"How's it going?"

Yin Haojun smiled: "Aren't you afraid?"

"Receive, of course, this is a good thing." Rat King hurriedly said at this time, but it was a big sale. "Although this is a relatively new type of Godship, but in terms of price, I can only follow the average of Godship. The price comes, for one ship, it is 120 trillion immortal coins. "

Yin Haojun nodded, this price may be a little loss, after all, it is a new type of alien ship, it should be a bit higher than the average price.

But now Yin Haojun can't wait, and can't help but let the rat king make a little.

"Yes, but I don't want immortal coins, I want eternal coins."

Yin Haojun thought about it, but it was Tao.

"This is easy to say." Rat King smiled. He also knew that eternal coins were hard currency that traded between high-end immortals and had more purchasing power than immortal coins.

"Eternal coin, what is that?" Quark asked in a low voice, he was the first time he heard of eternal coin.

"In the universe, there are three kinds of currency, namely universe coin, immortal coin and eternal coin. Although these three currencies are issued by the universe bank association, universe coin is often used for transactions between practitioners below the immortal realm. Immortal coins are often used for transactions between practitioners below the King of God. As for the eternal coin, to be honest, it is impossible to know this currency. It is used for transactions between high-end immortals, and only In order to achieve a certain degree of wealth and cultivation, they are eligible to exchange their immortal coins into eternal coins. "The Rat King did not wait for Yin Haojun to speak at this time, and explained to Quark.

Then he looked at quark with interest, at this moment quark was very guilty.

I just felt that I was seeing through.

Yin Haojun is speechless. You, a **** king, don't even know Eternal Coins, naturally you are seen through the details.

Too white.

"An eternal coin is equivalent to one trillion immortal coins, and many high-end treasures, such as some top auctions or some markets on the black market, are actually settled with eternal coins." Rat King continued, "The two of you are a total of 330 godships. In total, they are ..."

"39,600 eternal coins."

"Um." Rat King nodded. "Mathematics is good, right."

The quark is embarrassing.

But Quark thought for a while: "Among them I will leave a Godship as a substitute."

"Then give you one hundred and twenty eternal coins." Said the Rat King, thinking for a while, "Since the two of you have robbed an alien supply station, there will not be only these godships, and the others will come out Right? "

Yin Haojun didn't make nonsense at this time, and a lot of things were displayed, naturally all virtual.

Quark didn't talk nonsense, and he also took out some of the strategic supplies he searched for.

Rat King simply calculated it and got the result: "These rotten ones, plus those previous godships, are a total of 50,000 eternal coins. It should not be worth so many eternal coins, but your **** before Ship, I will put it in my hand for a while, and then it may increase the price ... "

"I understand, let's say so. Old rules, I will put things in Xingyu Bank, when you have checked the things, paid for them, and took them away." Yin Haojun said.

"Yes." Rat King nodded, which is a common way of trading throughout the black market.

Through Starfield Bank as the medium, complete the entire transaction.

Quark thought about it for a long time. He used to think that Starfield Bank was the worst of the three major banks, and basically had no business. Why not ban it. It turned out that Xingyu Bank was secretly an intermediate trading institution in the universe and played Similar to Taobao's role.

"Let's go."

Yin Haojun finished these, and left with quark temporarily.

"What is this Rat King's identity? Even alien godships accept it ~ ~ Who did he collect and sell these things to?" Quark was a little puzzled.

"Perhaps he is also an alien." Yin Haojun looked back at the Rat King, and he felt that one day he would see this old fellow in the real universe.


Three days later, their eternal coins arrived.

Quark looked at the extra wealth on his account, and the whole man couldn't shut up.

An eternal coin, that is a trillion immortal coin, how much money should he have.

"Walk, and make a lot of money, you should go chic." Yin Haojun took the quark to the famous consumer place in the universe.

Well, not elsewhere, it's a bar.

This is also popular in the universe, and even some of the main gods and even **** kings come back to such places to drink and relieve boredom.

After Yin Haojun entered, he shouted directly: "I declare that all your purchases today will be paid by the quark boy in front of me!"

"Roar roar!"

Countless immortals cheered.

The quarks are dumbfounded. Whoever pays, you pay.

But then, Quark saw countless people toasting at him, and even a lot of beautiful women were about to stick to him. At this moment, Quark's heart was greatly satisfied.

This life is really great.

At this moment, Quark felt like he was a **** king.


It was only the next day when Quark settled his bills and saw that there was almost a bill of eternity.

"Are you cool?"


Quark answered very honestly, and then his face was bitter: "It's so **** expensive, an eternal coin."

Yin Haojun patted Quark's shoulder: "Let's go, let's go to the black market to buy something, and then we can go back to the college, and the task we came out this time has been completed."

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