Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1935: Xianyuan Bookstore


With a sad look on Demu, they were taken away.

Once the young master who was at the pinnacle of Patriarchalism, now anyone can step on it.

Xu Ri didn't say anything. From the peak to the bottom, he already understood something.

He used to be a proud disciple of the Master, a master's pride, and even rumors that he would inherit the position of Patriarch in the future, and he felt that he should.

But since he was rescued ten years ago, the Lord of the Thousands judged him to be a waste, and everything changed.

The teacher who had been extremely concerned about him, wanted to destroy Xian Academy for him at that time, and will not mention it now.

He even suspected that Master would soon forget his disciple.

"When you are in the midst of the sun, everyone is good to you. When you are in peace, you will realize that no one is really good to you at all. Some people even want to kill you. "Xi Ri smirked and shook his head and walked out.

"Xu Ri, you also have today." Ursula snorted and looked at Demu. "Old man, you take your things away, if you dare to take away the original things in this palace, even if it is Only one, I will kill you. "

Demu did not speak, and silently began to pack.


Ancestorism, Qianshan.

This is where the ancestral disciples lived, and Xu Ri moved here.

"Master, I'm already packed," Demu said.

In front of me is a small house, which is very different from the previous hall.

Only outside students live in such a hut.

"Okay." Xu Ri looked at the hut, and thoughts returned to twenty epochs. "Demu, I remember that you were a servant of my house. When I was young, you came to my house."

"Master, do you still remember." Demu Yiyi, also recalled that time, "I was rescued by the master from the slave dealer on the 100th birthday of the master, and became the guard of the master, responsible for protection Master ’s safety. After the source, the He family was destroyed. The master and his wife and the family died of a total of 300,000 people. I escaped with the master and wandered in the universe for nearly 10 million years. Finally, the master was distinguished by his ancestors because of his talent. The growth of teaching has always been valued, and we have become outside students of the ancestral religion. We have settled in the ancestral religion until now. It's been almost a billion years, and I can't even remember it. "

"You do n’t remember it, but you remember it too clearly." Xu Ri smiled slightly, and then hesitated. "I forgot all about it. My original name was Yuanhe Shi Xuri, and I was so shouted, I really thought I was called Xu Ri. "

"Master, this ancestral **** is now hostile to us, up and down, and we continue to stay here, or should we go?" Demu whispered.

"I know you're worried that I can't stand these grievances. It's okay. I can still bear it. I have to wait for the originator to go out. The originator is the founder of the ancestral religion. If he can solve my physical problems, I may be able to recover to the state of high **** cultivation. "Xu Ri said faintly, this is why he is not willing to leave the ancestral religion now, he still has a glimmer of hope.


Time passed slowly, and 50,000 years passed.

Xu Ri is reading a book on this day. Because he cannot cultivate, his strength will be dragged by the dean's scepter when he cultivates. Instead, his power will accelerate, so one of the few things he can do is read.

He has read many books over the years.

Cultivation is absent, but his Supreme God consciousness is still there. These cultivation books, which are not valued by him, now give him a lot of new inspiration.

"Master, these 100,000 kinds of magical powers at Xianxian College, have you seen it three times, what's the gain?" Demu brewed a cup of tea for Xuri and put it in front of Xuri.

"It's still a bit of gain." Xu Ri smiled. He started by looking at the classics borrowed from the ancestral religion, but later the elders of the Chuan Gong Temple were unwilling to lend books to him. Look at some books on the market, and at this time he found the magical skills of Xianxian Academy. This book is said to have published more than 100 billion practice secrets in the universe. "The teacher of Xianxian sealed my cultivation Maybe I can find a way to crack it from their college cheats. "

"Master, really?" Demu's eyes lightened. "Then I'll collect the master's practice methods, magical powers, fronts and the like for the master. Look at the master more."

"Okay, anyway, I have only time left." Xu Ri smiled, but he has looked away all these years.

At this time, there was a wave in the void, and only a voice came to the mind of the void.

"Xi Ri, come to the ancestral hall, the origin of you see you."

"Yes, Master."

The sun was stunned, and you knew what was going on.

The Lord of Origins is out.


"If the Lord of Origins goes out of the gate, I can restore it to the realm, it's up to this time. If I can recover, we will continue to stay in Patriarchalism. If not, we can leave, and here we will reconnect We have nothing to do with it. "

Xu Ri said, heading towards the ancestral hall.

In the hall of the ancestral god.

A man shrouded in black glory sits high, unable to see the true face of the man at all.

"Meet your ancestors."

The sun is respectful, and even the etiquette of disciples outside worships the Lord of Origin.

The Lord of Origins looked at Xuri, and didn't talk nonsense, directly covering the Xuyi with a divine power. This divine power entered the world of his kingdom with Xuri's body.

Xu Ri's body trembled, this strength is so strong, even if leaked out, it can break his **** body.

In his world of the kingdom of God, this divine power looked around around the scepter.

Then the divine power turned into a black gigantic beast and rushed towards the dean's scepter, trying to project the scepter to devour.

But at this time, the projection of the scepter gave out a bright light, and instantly took over the kingdom of the virtual sun, and then the scepter of the scepter was continually solidified, and it was a wave toward the giant monster.


The scepter fell and slammed on the beast.

The beasts were broken up, and the Lord of Origins suddenly stood up.


The empty day was even more unbearable, and a blood spurted out, and he felt that his kingdom of God had just shattered.

"what happened?"

The Lord of Thousands frowned, and the Lord of Origins seemed to be shocked.

Eyes of the Lord of Origin, Mori Han: "The projection of that scepter has completely taken over the kingdom of the Sun of the Sun in these 50,000 years. If I swallowed that scepter, I will also swallow the Kingdom of the Sun of the Sun."

Xu Ri's face turned pale?

Without the kingdom of God, he is expected to die immediately.

"Is there no other way?" Shen of the sky master said.

"Unless it can grab the body of the scepter." The originator thought slowly, slowly.

"Catch it?" The master of Daqian frowned. "How to grab? The master of Hongmeng of Xian Academy is already so strong that the dean must not be weak. Even if the three of us shot together, it would not be possible to win without paying a little price. Got the Dean's Scepter. "

The Lord of the sky is silent. If he does, he is in danger of falling.

"I checked the data of Xian Xueyuan in recent years ... if, if we sum up with Xian Xueyuan, maybe ..." Xu Ri whispered at this time.

"Shut up!" But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the Lord of Origins. "Our ancestral gods have stood for thousands of years in the universe and will not ask anyone for any force."

Xu Ri only felt his ears buzzing, and a strong momentum seemed to tear his soul.


He vomited a bite of blood, and hurried to his knees: "My ancestor was angry, and Xunri was wrong."

The Lord of the Thousands also hummed: "The face of the ancestral gods is worth more than your life as a supreme god. You want to seek peace and let the Xianxian Academy help you recover. This is simply a delusion, or you will die."

The Lord of the sky looked at the empty sun and waved his hand: "Let's go, don't get in the way of this."

Xu Ri raised her head and saw the disgusting look of the Lord of the Sky.

In the past, he was the most outstanding disciple of the Lord of the Heavens, and the pride of the Lord of the Heavens. He won a lot of inside for the Lord of the Heavens. Now he has been abolished, nothing, and has become the shame of the Lord of the Heavens. .

He didn't dare to say anything or even show any anger, otherwise he was worried that he would not be able to leave alive.



"Demu, we are leaving the Patriarch." The first sentence was said after Xu Ri returned.

"Master, can't even the Lord of Origins help?"

"Yes, no." Xu Ri shook his head. "My life is worthless, and my ancestors understand that, after all, I only have a life span of less than an epoch. Even if it costs me a huge price to save me back, I It's impossible to break into the realm of the universe. "

"So the young master has no use value, they abandoned the young master, but the young master has done a lot of credit for the Patriarch." Demu frowned, a little bit angry.

"Credit?" Xu Ri smiled at herself, "That's why you still take this seriously. Before the news has spread, let's leave quickly, otherwise we won't be able to leave. There are too many people who want to put me in Deadly, I still had a little hope of recovery before, even if those people persecuted me and rushed me here, but I did n’t dare to die, but now the Lord of Origins has concluded that I cannot recover, and there will be no more people Hesitated."

"What, Master, let's go quickly." Demu also knew that the matter was important and immediately packed up.


Three days later, someone arrived at Xu Ri's residence.

"Gone?" Ursula's voice came. "It's quite fast, but where can a dead man go and let people find him, I will kill him by myself."

"Where is this worthy of the boss, you can take it yourself and give it to me. At first it was because he snatched my place that I could not be the disciple of the master of the sky. Otherwise, I might break through to the highest. A man said gloomily.

"The virtual day also has today. It's really a feng shui turn." Someone laughed beside him, seeming to be in a good mood.

"Before the virtual day, you can't live forever. I didn't expect to offend so many people." In the dark, someone looked at the dozen figures who were speechless.


Xuri naturally didn't know this, he had already left.

"Master, that's the big world where our Yuanhe clan is. This big world is a medium-sized universe, located in the fourth space, and it is still there." Demu pointed and was a little excited.

"It ’s been a billion years, and we are back." Xu Ri murmured, "Thankfully this medium-sized universe is in the fourth layer of space. Otherwise, it must have died out with the collapse of the original law of the universe last time. But The next time the law of the universe collapses, if no one moves the position of this medium universe, the medium universe will still be destroyed. I originally had this ability, but now I ca n’t do it. "

"Master, who knows when the next law of the universe will collapse, let ’s go back and take a look. I let someone take care of our old house before, and it should still be there now ~ ~ Demu said .

"You're attentive." Xu Ri was a little ashamed, saying that if he hadn't escaped this time, he couldn't find a place to hide. He really couldn't remember that he still had a home here.

The two broke through the space and entered the world.

The Yuanhe clan is located in a mansion covering an area of ​​one million acres, located in the source city of this medium-sized universe.

"Yuanhe City ..."

Xu Ri murmured, the name still remained.

At the door of the old house of the Yuanhe family, many previous situations came to mind.

Xu Ri didn't notice that he didn't know when he opened a shop opposite his old house. The shop's name was Xianyuan Bookstore.

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