Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1945: Measure

At this time, a spiritual school official shook his head and said, "According to you, is the existence of the law of the universe's origins good for us?"

Qin Yu nodded, which is naturally beneficial. This is the result of years of research by Xianxian College.

The law of the origin of the universe is not a **** to the creatures of this universe.

The law of the origin of the universe is like the jc of society. Without jc to maintain law and order, you can imagine what society will look like.

However, spiritual scholars may not understand these things, and even most cosmic immortals think that the law of the origin of the universe is a restraint for them. Because of the law of the origin of the universe, they will be restricted in their cultivation and will not be able to break through the realm; their life will be limited and they will not exist forever.

"Isn't it? The law of the origin of the universe has collapsed, and we have got rid of the shackles in the future. Shouldn't our development be faster?"

After hearing this, Qin Yu smiled.

"Development is faster, how fast do you want? Breaking through the realm is even easier. Everyone cultivates for a year or two, and all become immortal. Then they live together with the sky, and they will never die forever. Is this true?" It was a little ridiculous, the spiritual scholar didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at all.

The law of the universe's origins has collapsed, with only disaster.

"What do you mean?" That spiritual tribe official frowned, without the limitations of the universe's original laws. At that time, everyone would be free from restraints. Everyone could live forever and be a **** of the universe.

Outside the Xue Palace, the Ling Huang was listening carefully.

After all, she is a supreme god, and she understands them, and even the spirit ancestors have studied this problem.

The law of the universe's origins has collapsed. For better or worse, no one can give an accurate answer.

Qin Yu slowly said at this time: "In fact, it is very simple to answer this question, but I want to ask you a question first. Do you say that the energy of this universe is limited or unlimited?"

A group of people of the Ling tribe are choking.

Is the energy of the universe limited? It seems to be endless, but it is obviously impossible.

"Nature is limited." At this time, the official of the Lingzu University said, "It's like a closed small universe. Without interacting with the outside universe, the energy in it is fixed, it will not increase or decrease. "

"That's right." Qin Yu also nodded. "Then the problem is coming. All the creatures in the universe have broken through to the immortal realm, all have immortality, only absorb energy, not create energy. So this universe will one day It ’s going to run out of energy. Then how do people cultivate and break through the realm? This can also be explained by my previous pond theory. There are more and more fish in a pond. Sooner or later, the pond will not tolerate so many fish. . "


The officials of the Lingzu University were stunned. Such a mysterious problem was explained with such simple reason.

Pond with fish?

There are too many fish, and the pond can't bear that much burden, and there will be problems.

This truth is too obvious.

"This view is really strange, but I have to say it makes sense." Ling university officials admired a little.

"In fact, this can also explain a lot of problems. When the universe reaches a limit, if there is no way to obtain energy from other places at this time, that is, to expand the pond, then we can only find a way to clear out some of the fish in this pond. But some fishes are too big and refined, they have lived for so long, and want to continue to live, they are not willing to be cleaned up in this way, so they must resist the pond management system. "Qin Yu smiled. .

Suddenly the chief of the Ling clan suddenly felt.

Big fish, who this is talking about, not just the Supreme God and the Cosmic God.

How long have they lived, would they be willing to be cleaned up.

"So there is a contradiction here. If we want to develop, we all want to break through to the universe and the realm of God, but the universe cannot bear so many powerful people at all, so naturally there will be problems." The Lingzu University official said slowly, "Is this what your Fairy College thinks of the universe and practitioners? It really is different, but I think you are right."

Qin Yu smiled and said nothing.

"Is there any way to solve this problem?" Asked the Lingzu University official.

At this time, other Ling ethnic scholars also looked at Qin Yu.

If such a problem occurs in the universe, how to solve it is the key.

Ling Huang listened carefully outside the door, and wanted to hear Qin Yu's views.

Qin Yu is silent. If there is any solution, in fact, the easiest way is for everyone to dismantle Xiuwei. The energy emitted by such a universe **** is enough to conceive trillions of souls.

But let alone the cosmic god, even if you are a practitioner of cosmic light, it is impossible to cultivate.

This idiot's answer, Qin Yu naturally did not want to say more.

As for the others, if you don't want to do anything with the fish in the pond, you can only find ways to expand the pond of the universe, and the current universe wants to devour alien universes, which is exactly what it does.

There are other things that Qin Yu can think of is the one that Wang Xing said, jumping out of this universe, that is, detachment.

However, it is too difficult to surrender, the universe gods cannot surpass, even ordinary people are even harder.

And it's just individuals who are detached, and they can't let the entire universe escape.

Qin Yu hesitated for a while, and said it all.

"So it is, is this the real reason for the collapse of the law of the origin of the universe?" The official of the Lingzu University groaned, but remembered something.

"The principle of the origin of the universe collapses?" Qin Yu froze, thinking of a purpose that Wang Xing asked him to come over, and immediately said, "Lingzu University Officer, I don't know how much you know about the collapse of the origin of the universe, can you tell me one or two?"

The Lingzu University official frowned, his frown slightly.

To be honest, the collapse of the law of the origin of the universe is already a taboo, and these long-lived creatures are reluctant to mention it.

"I ca n’t tell you one or two?" Qin Yu laughed. "But I said so much, and the spirits are so blessed, so to speak, I just asked you some past things, but I do n’t want your secrets. As for being so frightened. "

"This one……"

The official of the Lingzu University sighed: "It's not that he didn't want to talk, but that things were too confusing and even I have many doubts now."

Qin Yu is relentless: "You just need to tell me what you know, the rest is not yours, I will tell for myself."

The official of the Lingzu University saw that Qin Yu was unwilling to give up, and only said, "Well, I'll tell you what I know. At that time, a passage appeared in our universe, and this passage is leading to the alien universe. Then At this time, the creatures of our universe realized one thing. It turns out that our universe is not unique. There is a universe outside our universe. We sent people to the alien universe and found that the alien's strength is not very strong. , So at that time we made a decision to occupy the alien universe. "

Speaking of which, Ling university officials paused.

Although he said lightly, as a person who came over that period, he knew how crazy everyone was then.

Even the major forces at that time began to divide up the territory of another universe.

It's crazy.

"But when we formally invaded later, we discovered that the alien universe is far from simple as imagined, especially because they have a Xeon in the universe, which is too powerful ... Although that person is dead, it is still scary to think about it now. . In our universe, a total of nineteen universe gods were killed by him alone, including one of the leaders at the time. "Speaking of this, the eyes of the Ling university officials flickered a bit.

"In fact, there are a lot of things that ca n’t be traced back now. It ’s like how the cosmic channel appeared, but it happened by accident? This is impossible at all. Second, the strength of aliens is so strong, especially the aliens are so powerful. Xeon, why did we not find out who concealed this when we investigated the strength of the aliens? Also, why did the original laws of the universe collapse, were they done by the aliens, or was someone hitting the two universes? At this time, I took the opportunity to attack the law of the origin of the universe. "

The official of the Lingzu University said these things: "Mr. Qin Yu, these things are not simple. Not even Lingzu knows all of them, but I can be sure that there was definitely a conspiracy in those years."

Qin Yu nodded. Their college has been investigating the truth of the year. The more they investigate, the more they feel confused.

There seemed to be a lot of power to manipulate things back then.

The official of the Lingzu University groaned a bit: "Mr. Qin Yu, just now when it came to the solution, I see that you have no choice but to say anything."

Qin Yu froze. He didn't expect this Lingzu University official to be so keen to realize that he still had something to hide.

Other Ling ethnic scholars are also stunned. Is there really a solution?

Qin Yu was a little dignified at this time, and slowly said two words: "Measures!"

Amount of robbery?

Ling ethnic scholars didn't understand the meaning ~ ~ Qin Yu didn't want to continue to say more, but at this time, one came in alone.

"Mr. Qin Yu, Lingzu has invited."

"it is good."

Qin Yu was relieved and relieved. He saluted toward the Ling clan academics and turned away.

"Brother Yu, you are just so prestigious. You have said to those who are spiritual scholars, but I heard that they are the most knowledgeable people in the spirit race, and they are the wise men of the spirit race. Especially That Lingzu university official may have to live up to Lingzu. "Jiang Li smiled.

"Where did they say it? They mainly stand at different angles and see different things, so I can fool them. But the next Lingzu does n’t know what it looks like, so why not? "Qin Yu shook her head and walked towards a palace with Jiang Li.

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