Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1964: Say and

The bone wing country leader and others also quickly retreated.

In this battle, the three Supreme Gods fell from the League of Nations.

Nanzhao Kingdom!

Mysterious Lord!

Lord Luohe!

The alien race also lost two supreme ones, one of the horns and one of the snakes.

All sides were also seriously injured, and some human bodies were on the verge of collapse.

At present, there are 16 Supreme Gods left by the alien race, and the Supreme God Asah, headed by the Giant Gods, has his arm shattered by Qin Yu and his strength is greatly reduced.

The League of Nations, aside from the thousand evil kingdom leaders who saw that the situation was wrong and left in advance, there are still seventeen supreme highs, but all of them are not badly injured, even the bone-wing nation leaders have basically reached their limit.

As for the spiritual race, there is no Supreme God falling, but several of them have been seriously injured, but they are still much better than the League of Nations.

As for the Xianxian Academy, Qin Yu and Pan Gu were the least injured, and Che Houzhen was the worst injured.

Xuri and quark, without any injuries, can fully exert their strength.

Another little treasure did a fake fight with the thousand evil national masters without any damage, but his combat strength was not high and it was basically negligible.

Several parties are analyzing the situation on the field and have their own plans.

"Linghuang, you have also seen it. The League of Nations has besieged us with the aliens. If this is reported to the League of Nations, the League of Nations is also a losing party." Qin Yu said faintly. When we join forces to eradicate the Universal Alliance and aliens, we should also kill our universe. "

"You fart, if it wasn't for you taking away the **** fruit, we wouldn't have shot at your college at all." The bone-winged country leader yelled angrily, and he felt that he was not at all wrong.

Ling Huang had a large head for a while, and naturally she did not believe what Qin Yu said.

She still knows the current state of the universe, and many forces may join forces with aliens at critical times.

Just after she saw the strength of Xian Xueyuan, she guessed whether the League of Nations was not an opponent of Xian Xueliang, and she was finally forced to join forces with foreigners.

Some aliens, such as Asa, felt the crisis and some wanted to leave.

The spirit clan has always shown no favor to them.

How the Star God died, it was said that they were killed by their aliens.

After thinking about it, the Emperor Ling said: "Mr. Qin Yu, aliens are our enemy, and you should also come in to fight for Xuan Yuanguo. If you have exhausted all your power now, you will probably miss Xuan Yuanguo in the end. .If this is not the case, anyway, you have stolen the **** fruit, and now there is no loss, in the final analysis, you made a profit. "

Qin Yu looked at Che Hou's injury, and in fact he knew that he couldn't fight any more.

When they continued to fight, they couldn't tell the truth, but the probability of Che Houyu falling was very high.

Che Houyi is the master of the refiner, even if it is replaced by all the supreme gods of the League of Nations, the loss is still the Immortal College.

However, Qin Yu did not compromise so easily, and replied coldly: "Linghuang, we have killed the three Supreme Nations, and you think that we can still get along peacefully. Since we are already dead enemies, we might as well kill them. Kill. With the strength of the five of us, as long as your spirits don't step in and kill the Supreme God of the League of Nations, there is no problem. "

Linghuang was startled, she felt Qin Yu's killing heart.

Qin Yu really wanted to give the rest of the supreme gods of the League of Nations, and these were not deliberately pretended by Qin Yu. He did have the idea.


The Emperor Ling looked at Qin Yu with some shock.

There are only many Supreme Gods in the entire universe. The death of a Supreme God is a sensational thing, and it is said that 20 Supreme Gods will be killed at once.

The immortal college's people were really not easy to mess with, she looked at the bone-winged nation leaders of the League of Nations a little sympathy for him.

It provokes Xianxian Academy, even if it has escaped a disaster today, we must always beware of the revenge of Xianxian people.

"Mr. Qin Yu, we have invited the League of Nations to help capture the Ling Jian, and they are allies. It is impossible to watch them killed but remain indifferent."

"Spirits will also be at war with our college?"

Qin Yu said indifferently, which made Ling Huang frown slightly, which seemed to be threatening her.

"I don't mean this, but our spirit clan is not easy to do. We also asked Teacher Qin Yu to give me a face for the spirit clan. In this way, as long as the fairy college stops, we can give five to the fairy college Big world fruit. "

The Emperor Ling was very helpless. At this time, she had to give some benefits to the Xian Academy.

Otherwise, this matter will certainly not end.

"Since the Emperor Ling said so, I ca n’t say anything more, but I still have one condition." Qin Yu just wanted a step. At this moment, I heard that the Ling clan was willing to donate five great world fruits to Xian Academy. No matter how good it is, this can be regarded as some losses.

"What conditions?"

"I want the League of Nations to kill two aliens supreme."

"This condition ..." Ling Huang looked at Qin Yu with some admiration. If the people of the League of Nations did it, then the aliens would meet them again, not to mention that they would definitely avenge them, but it would definitely not be possible to cooperate with them again. "Okay, I'll discuss it with Bonewing."

"Let's kill the two most aliens? Impossible, we are not as good as the aliens."

"Bonewing, if you don't agree, the people at Xianxian College will not stop."

"Spirit Emperor, help us with the League of Nations once. As long as your spirit clan is willing to join us, plus people from other races, these colleges will definitely die."

"No, we Ling people will not attack the people of Xianxian, let alone cooperate with aliens."

The Spirit Emperor refused decisively. Their spiritual and alien races resemble the sea. The enemy of the Star God has not been reported yet. Where can they cooperate with the alien races?

"Linghuang, we are allies."

"That's right, we are allies, I just interceded in the middle, or really fight, the people of the League of Nations will be all here today." Ling Huang also has a temper, a little displeased, "I will Take a step back, and when you kill the alien Supreme God for a while, our spirits will help you kill one. "

"Your spirits are willing to help, this is okay." Bingyi figured it out. Their IWC and the Supreme God of the Spirits were added together. The number was more than double that of the aliens.

"Then it's settled." Ling Huang said, and began to transmit to the supreme **** of the spirit tribe.

There were movements over the bone wings.

Asa was aware of this at this time, and these parties even locked them.


Asa gave a loud sigh and took the lead in fleeing into the distance.

The other aliens also understood, and fled quickly.


The Spirit Emperor and Bone Wing screamed at the same time ~ ~ For the first time, the whip in the hands of the Spirit Emperor flew towards a backward alien supreme god, entangled with each other like a spirit snake, and then at each other His terrified eyes dragged him towards him.

"Do not!"

The other party found that they couldn't get rid of it, and they were terrified.

The Emperor Ling sneered, directly exposing his fifth-order **** body, and smashed into the head of this alien god.


That head was smashed, and the **** scene made Qin Yu shocked.

This woman is so violent.

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