Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1801: Wanxian burst out, God King fell!

Even the insider did not dare not to convey Jiang Lan's order at this moment, so all the regiments and armies received a notice of abandonment by the military for ten days.

Jiang Lan then came up with a map, where he marked the location of the alien army, and found that the alien came from the tile, and there was no specific breakthrough direction at all.

In the end, the alien will choose the direction of Qiu Minggu, and it is not known whether the direction of Yingzuiya or the direction of Xinghe River.

Later, Jiang Lan marked out the positions of the League of Legions.

At present, strictly speaking, the League of Gods has a total of 236 legions, with as many as 24.5 billion soldiers, which is more than 500 million more than expected by foreigners. Among them, the first line of defense has 144 legions, with 15 billion soldiers, the second line of defense has 60 legions, the number of soldiers is 6.2 billion, and the third line of defense has 32 legions. The number of fighters is 3.3 billion. Because the direction of alien breakthroughs cannot be determined at this time, a total of 9.5 billion soldiers in the 92nd legion in the second direction and the third line of defense can only stand by and cannot move.

Jiang Lan thought about it and put a cross directly in the direction of Luoxinghe.

It is absolutely impossible for aliens to break through here, because this place is too far from the direction of Yingzui Cliff where the immortal college is located. The ten **** kings of aliens really need to back and forth, and it is impossible to come here in the direction of Qiu Minggu.

With this judgment, he ordered the commanders of the second and third lines of defense in the direction of Luoxinghe to prepare them to support the other two lines of defense at any time.

In this way, 2.5 billion soldiers were directly drawn.

In addition, Jiang Lan also has nothing else to do, and he is ready to do it before the war.


Immortal College resident, watching the alien legion closer, wearing a God of War suit, serious look.

Because Wang Xing didn't eavesdrop on the detailed battle plan of the aliens, Fengyun didn't know that after the aliens tried to break through a wave, they would concentrate all their forces to break through from the direction of the Eagle's Mouth.

However, Wang Xing said before returning to the academy that the direction of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff is definitely the top priority, and the aliens will likely invest a lot of troops here.

As the two armies passed, the war finally broke out.

Feng Yun watched the alien army who had already been on the Eagle's Mouth Cliff and screamed, "Xiandao Army, fight!"

Tianhe Jiuyu had been preparing for a long time at this moment. When he heard the situation, he took the Xiandao Army and rushed out.

She started out as a group of karma, and suddenly thousands of alien soldiers were contaminated by karma and turned into flying ashes. Followed by her, there was another shot. A fiery red piercing hole pierced the chest of an alien great consummation, and then the spear shocked and shattered the alien great consummation god's body.

Tianhe Yanyu's battle was so fierce that many people were foolish.

At this moment, the army bordering the faculty of Xianxian also rushed up and fought with foreigners.

Time passed slowly, Tianhe Yanyu rushed straight, God blocked the Buddha and blocked the Buddha.

Because her body style, body equipment, and fighting consciousness were top-notch, even if she encountered an alien god, she also directly abolished one arm of the other.

After rushing into the center of the alien army in this way, she looked at the soldiers of the 300,000 cents Immortal Army, and suddenly screamed, "Immortal Army, set up the battle!"

As soon as this word came out, many alien soldiers were frightened, and how they set up battles.

The 300,000 soldiers of the Immortal Army were already waiting for this order. At this moment, when the words of Tianhe Yanyu came to an end, they stood at their position and formed the formation.

This array is impressively Wanxian array.

The matrix formed its own space, expanded, and countless alien soldiers fled in fright, but even so, 330 million aliens were absorbed into the matrix.

In the large array, 330 million aliens felt hell. He couldn't see where the enemy was, and they were all trembling.


Tianhe Yan Yu knew that it was time to harvest and immediately ordered.

Immediately I saw the formation, flying swords, thunder and lightning, space collapsed, and instantly millions of alien warriors were chopped off their heads, shattered the godhead, and turned into powder.

The screams rang through the battlefield.

The five kings of the aliens who came to deal with the teachers of Xianxian College saw this scene. Although they did n’t understand how to arrange the array of the Xianxian Academy, but 330 million were trapped in the array, how could they ignore it.

Many of their main gods immediately attacked and blasted towards the formation, wanting to destroy the formation.

Even if Wanxianzhen is strong, it will certainly not stop the joint attack of the five **** kings.

At this time, the situation flew into the sky, and yelled, "Teachers, heads of army and generals, stop them together! The Xiandao Army has trapped 330 million aliens. As long as they stand for an hour, these 330 million Thousands of aliens will surely die. "

Hearing the fearless shouting, more than a dozen army commanders and more than a hundred generals rushed up.

After all, it only takes an hour to kill 330 million aliens. This is about the number of soldiers in the three and a half legions of the aliens, and how many aliens can be killed in a war.

Five college teachers, Fengyun Wuji, Liu Xin, Ruthless Emperor, Chen Yu, and Master Tongtian immediately arrested the five **** kings of the alien race, and then other legion chiefs and generals held the alien **** god, and the rest Some sporadic attacks were simply not enough to break through ten outrights from the outside.

The five alien **** kings gritted their teeth. They came to restrain the five **** king-level teachers of Xianxian College, but now it seems better that they are restrained.

Especially with the five teachers of Xianxian College, making them even more troubled.

The equipment of the five teachers of the Immortal College is very good. The God of War suit is one of offense and defense. The linkage is like a fifth-order original artifact.

However, these **** kings, because of the limitations of the universe's original laws, actually came outside the Shenhe River, it is difficult to bring fifth-level original artifact-level weapons.

Because the law of the origin of the universe actually not only restricts the King of God from being able to come out of the Shenhe River, but also restricts eternal weapons that exceed the level of the fourth-order source artifact from being out of the God River.

The reason is very simple. The eternal weapon that exceeds the fourth-order original artifact contains not only the power of the original rule of the **** king, but also the small universe space of the **** king. I want to bring an eternal weapon to the river of the god. In addition, the cost is basically the same as sending a **** king out of Shenhe. The point is that even if you have teleported it, once the power of the eternal weapon is fully exerted, the law of the origin of the universe will come, and the user will be drawn into the river of God along with it. A **** king came over.

At the time, Wang Xing asked Che Hou to refine the God of War suit, in fact, it was precisely for this consideration.


There was news from Uray the first time.

He couldn't help but frowned. In fact, at the beginning of the war, he found all kinds of errors.

The first is that the League of Gods unexpectedly gave up the ten-match, which hit them by surprise. The key is that their fighters trained for so long to break the line, but after they came up, they found it useless. This was a very fatal blow to them and it affected morale too much. Followed by the news from the direction of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff is even more disturbing. This time, Xianxian Academy did not arrange a large-scale formation such as the last ten must-do battles, but this time it used another formation to directly trap 330 million alien warriors. Fall into a passive.

If it wasn't for the plan to stop once it started, Uray now has a truce.

Thinking for a moment, Wu Lei gritted his teeth and said, "It is not necessary to control the 300,000 immortal army of the immortal college. This time we have a total of 13 billion soldiers. Even if they trapped 330 million people, they all killed. It can't change the overall situation. Now following my order, I will start to shrink the soldiers in the direction of the Eagle's Mouth, and at the same time all the commanders will go to war to hold down the **** king of the League of God. "

Upon hearing this, all the alien commanders acted.

This is the most critical. Only by holding all the God Kings of the League of Gods in the extraterrestrial battlefield can we implement the plan to destroy the Immortal Academy.

By that time, when the Immortal Academy was destroyed, ten **** kings returned to help and kill 300,000 immortal troops. It was not easy.

Divine Alliance direction.

Long Yan was quite excited at this time: "The commander-in-chief really expected the enemy. The aliens really cracked the ten-strike array. Two armies did not listen to the command and arranged the ten-strike array. As a result, the aliens broke the battle and suffered heavy casualties. The army has abandoned ten battle arrays, and they have caused heavy losses to the aliens in accordance with the tactics of previous exercises. According to statistics, half an hour ago, the aliens have killed 800 million people, and we have only lost less than 1.2 billion. Compared to the one-to-two or even one-to-three casualties on the two sides, we are definitely making a lot of money. "

Several other commanders were also pleasantly surprised, this time even Asciu stopped talking.

Jiang Lan's wise decision this time has reduced at least 1 billion casualties for the League of God, and the military will definitely have a reward at that time.

At this time, Thorne of the Cosmic Arena laughed: "In fact, the most surprising thing is the direction of Eagle's Mouth Cliff. The array of methods laid out by Xian Academy suddenly trapped 330 million aliens. Of the 800 million aliens, 120 million were killed by the 300,000 immortal army. "

Hearing this, Jiang Lan was a little surprised.

This Xiandao Army against the enemy is really terrible. The other commanders are also surprised. The combat power of the top legions of this Xiandao Army.

At this time, Jiang Lan saw the movement of the alien army: "The alien race will not break through from the direction of Qiu Luo Xinghe. These alien races ... all went in the direction of Yingzui Cliff. They wanted to throw all their forces into it To Yingzui Cliff, they even gave up the direction of Qiu Minggu, which connected to the Celestial Mountain Star Field. "

Seeing this situation, Jiang Lan did not dare to delay, and immediately sent all the League of Gods soldiers in the direction of Qiu Minggu and Luo Xinghe to the Yingzui Cliff defense line.

The order had just been issued, and Telfer, looking at the distance, said Shen Shen: "There are many foreign commanders coming."

Jiang Lan didn't say anything. He knew that after these alien commanders fought with themselves and others, the war at Xianxian College would begin.

After Wu Lei arrived, he immediately locked Jiang Lan. He knew Jiang Lan was the new commander and rushed directly.

At this moment, Jiang Lan was also war-fighting and greeted him without hesitation.

Just a fight, Wu Lei felt Jiang Lan's horror, because he and Jiang Lan face each other, Jiang Lan was unscathed, but he was spitting blood and almost spit it out.

Originally, he thought that Jiang Lan had beheaded and killed eleven **** kings in the Shenhe River, and his strength was average, but at this moment he did not think so.

This Jiang Lan definitely has the top kings of King Knights, Odley, and Kawana, and has definitely surpassed the previous commander of the black robe.

This shot into the downwind also made Wu Lei more worried.

Jiang Lan took the upper score in one hit, and did not stop at all, but rushed towards Wu Lei again.

When his space laws were put into effect, Wu Lei was more and more shocked. Gradually, Wu Lei still had a few counterattacks from the beginning, but now he has been completely suppressed and can only passively defend.

Jiang Lan cut it again in his hand, and the brush suddenly tore up Wu Lei's body, leaving a terrible blood on him.

If this continues, no more than three rounds, Wu Lei will certainly die.

At this time, a voice came: "Coach Jiang Lan, I'll help you!"

Seeing that Walett didn't know when he was near Jiang Lan, he watched Wu Lei be hit hard, and seemed to take the opportunity to slay Wu Lei with Jiang Lan.

On the side, the alien commander who dealt with Walit seemed to have been hit hard and could no longer contain him. .

Jiang Lan's expression was dull, and he said indifferently, "Well, let's kill the Wu Lei together. This Wu Lei is the leader of the Dashan Empire of the Horn tribe, as well as the alien commander who launched the all-out war last time. It was a great achievement for him. "

Wally's characteristic head, with a look of excitement, seemed to really recognize that this was a big credit.


Jiang Lan shouted and rushed towards Walit.

Wallett was behind Jiang Lan. At this time, his eyes were cold, but his heart was secretly hated. In his opinion, Wu Lei was too weak to restrain Jiang Lan, otherwise he wouldn't have to expose in such a hurry.

However, since it was exposed, then it would be killed in one blow and Jiang Lan would be killed directly. In this way, the death of the League of Gods ’commander will definitely lower the morale of the soldiers of the League of Gods.

But just when he was holding up his knife to be slashing towards Jiang Lan, suddenly he only saw Jiang Lan turning around and stabbing into his chest with a knife, tearing his kingdom of God.

He held his knife in the air, and still looked unbelievable.

All the head coaches of the League of Gods, as well as the head coaches of other races, are also dumbfounded. This sudden scene is unexpected.

As the commander-in-chief of the Alliance of Adventurers, Kates now saw Walit, who was from the Alliance of Adventurers, being assassinated by Jiang Lan, and he was furious: "Mr. Jiang Lan, what are you doing?"

Jiang Lan looked at Katz ~ ~ and sneered: "Captain Captain, haven't you seen that, Walit is holding a knife, but he wants to sneak in on me. If I didn't guess wrong, he It should be a person organized by the dark gods, playing an alien spy role in our military. "

Katz was sober at the moment when he heard this.

The traitor, this Walit is definitely a traitor, he can't kill Wu Lei in the other direction with a knife, it can only be Jiang Lan in front of him.

Blood was bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and he didn't explain anything at all.

He knew that his kingdom of God was broken, and it was no doubt dead, so he slashed at Jiang Lan with one stroke, and shouted, "The **** of the League of God, the universe will be destroyed in your hands sooner or later."

Jiang Lan had been guarding him for a long time, and he easily escaped him at this moment, and then slapped him completely with the palm of his hand, and the spirit was destroyed.

Jiang Lan did all this and was very bland: "After the war, I also asked the Alliance of Adventurers to give us an explanation to the military when the people organized by the Dark God can become the top of the Alliance of Adventurers."

Katz was silent, and he knew that this time the Adventurer League was really working.

The other commanders also returned to peace. If they were a little skeptical before, but in the end Walitt admitted his identity, there is nothing to say.

Walitt is a traitor, and Jiang Lan never killed the wrong person.

As Walit was killed by Jiang Lan, the aliens vacated a **** king, and the **** king immediately joined forces with Wu Lei to deal with Jiang Lan, making Jiang Lan trying to continue to kill Wu Lei also become difficult.

At the same time, Wuxingshan Star Field.

Netz and others finally received the message that the war in the League of God had begun and they could move.

"Let's go, Destroy Immortal College."

Knight sighed and hurled straight from the unmanned planet to the galaxy.

. m.

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