Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1828: Dream, everyone is not stupid!

The profound knowledge of the students of the Xian Academy, the talk of the students of the Xian Academy, and the fellowship between the students of the Xian Academy all make them fascinated.

Listening to the funny stories of the students of Xianxian College, sometimes they couldn't help laughing.

"Time is up."

Su Yu murmured, and everyone stopped hearing his voice.

Zhang Xiaomeng jumped from the tree and looked in a direction: "What are you waiting for, let's go over."

"Well, past."

Su Yuzheng, he has seen everyone, especially the geniuses of the Orc Alliance: "Your learning ability is very strong. Although the Beidou Seven Star Formation is a very simple formation method, you can use it for 18 hours. I can master such a good time, which is still beyond my expectations. Each of you is a genius, a well-deserved genius. I heard that the highest achievement of the genius from the Beast King Palace is only 99.99%. Reaching the Lord God, I think this is a bit too low on you. You should not only have the potential to become the Lord God, your potential is unlimited, you can become the God King, the Supreme God, and the Cosmic God. If you feel that you can only become one Lord God Then, you can only be a master **** in the future. But if you feel that you can become a universe **** in the future, then you can at least become a **** king. "

Jin Deng and others were all surprised, they were shocked by Su Yu's words.

They can understand what Su Yu is doing, it is simply motivating them and making them work towards higher goals.

Who said they can only become the Lord God, no one has ever said that, but since the day they entered the Beast King's Palace, even they think so.

Why is that?

Because 99.99% of the beast king palace can only become the main god, they should also be the main god, they are the 99.99%.

Invisibly they set a ceiling for themselves, and ask how they can impact higher realms like this.

King Deng was silent for a long time and bowed deeply towards Su Yu: "Thank you, if we can break through the realm above the Lord God, we will definitely have your credit. Today we studied with the students of Xianxian College, and we actually feel Here you are. Although the students of your college are in the same realm as us, any one of you has more dreams than us. Even Yin Haojun, a student you have described as a salty fish, wants to be alive or not. Extinction, forever free. "

Can't live forever?

Many people looked at Yin Haojun, but were a little surprised.

What is immortality, what is eternal pleasure, at least the universe **** is qualified to say such things.

Yin Haojun was suddenly speechless: "You all look at what I do, and I'm not bragging about it. You don't know me yet. I'm a salty fish and have no pursuit at all. Don't look at me like that! Why? The deputy will have to guard against my appearance in the future, how can you lie to me like this ... how to be good friends and classmates with you. "

Su Yu smiled lightly: "Yin Haojun, don't pretend to be any salted fish. You are late in school, and your talent is poor, just Grade B. But you have been training all the way, but you have surpassed many students who were much earlier than you entered school. , A lot of talented students than you, and finally became the top group of students in the college. If you say that you are salted fish, do you think anyone will believe it. Everyone who does not know you, as long as you can improve, even if there is a chance You can fight with your life and fight with your face. Who can match? "

Immortal college students also looked at Yin Haojun with a little admiration. This guy can practice all the way to the higher **** realm, which is simply a legend.

Many college students are using him as an example now, and feel that Yin Haojun is really inspirational.

Yin Haojun had a feeling of being stripped of his clothes, and hummed, "It's okay to say I'll take my life to fight, what's my face? Who doesn't know that I have the thinnest skin, the most honest person, and always treat people with sincerity ... ... "

Su Yuhehe: "You have a shameless style anytime, anywhere, we actually have to learn. I heard that when you and Luo Qiu came here, you encountered two geniuses of the mechanical family, but you sold miserably for a while. I gave you a small thousand world fruit, and also gave you the second-order original artifact artifacts and war swords ... I really admire the five-body throwing ground, everyone is fighting for the world fruit, and you can get a world without the **** sword If you can then let the enemy send you something, how can you be so good? "

The people of the Orc Alliance were dumbfounded at this moment, and looked at Yin Haojun in horror.

Is this guy that looks harmless to humans and animals so powerful?

Jin Deng thinks carefully. It seems that in the past 18 hours, Yin Haojun ate up his precious spiritual fruit and drank his divine wine, and he has not felt any problem till now.

This guy is very evil.

Yin Haojun couldn't help rolling his eyes towards Luo Qiu, you guy really talked loudly, and then blushed and said, "In fact, I'm also good for the two geniuses of the mechanical clan. They came in to **** the world fruit and give a little one. Idiot-like, I said that they all believed, and the words "I'm an idiot, come to lie to me" were written on the forehead. Fortunately, I only lied to them a little original artifact and a small thousand World fruits, if they are replaced by other enemies, they may be counted for others if they are sold. I have given them a lesson, and they will not suffer such losses in the future. Speaking of them, they should Thank you, don't you say? "

Thank you again?

Many people are haha, go out and hope that the geniuses of the two mechanical clan will not desperately fight with you.

"lets go."

Su Yu didn't want to say any more. Everyone has his own way to go. Maybe this is Yin Haojun's way.

"set off!"

Zhang Xiaomeng also said, she was looking forward to this battle, after all, he is a person who is afraid of the world.


After an hour.

Two people appeared in a flash in front of Su Yu and others, namely Yao Jie and Hua Tianjun.

When everyone practiced the formation, Su Yu arranged for them to do one thing, one thing to ensure that this battle could be fought.

Everyone stopped and looked at the two.

Yao Jie smiled at this time and said, "I withdrew the formation and then guided the alliance's travel route with Hua Tianjun a little bit. They found this Zhongqian World Fruit. Now the people of the Universal League They have been stationed around Zhongqian Shijie, and they are waiting for Zhongqian Shijie to mature. "

Su Yu nodded. "Well, go ahead at full speed."

Thirty-three people cut through the space, as if a meteor rushed towards the position of the second world fruit.

The League of Nations.

Chuckdo, Kingsman, and a super soldier in the military are talking.

Chuckdor complained a little: "I didn't expect to find it for so long, we found this one Zhongqian World Fruit. There are 33 Zhongqian World Fruits in total. I do n’t think they are deceptive, at all. There may be so many thousands of world fruit, otherwise according to our huge number of people, it is impossible to come in for two months, and only found this one. How long is the next, ten months to die? How many more Zhongqian World Fruits can we find? According to the current one in two months, there will be five or six. "

They paid such a price, the Zhongqian World they found was not satisfactory, and they were naturally angry.

Kingsman also sighed: "Try to find it, but if we can only find five or six Zhongqian World Fruits, it is unlikely that more than ten Zhongqian World Fruits will be found together. At present, first Let's talk about all the thousands of fruit found in the world. One is counted as one. "

The military super soldier named Radkley did not speak. He represented the interests of the military's 66 soldiers.

The fact that Zhongqian Shijieguo could not be found had nothing to do with him. When these sixty-six people came in, they did not think about Zhongqian Shijieguo.

Now each of them has received an average of fifteen thousand world fruit worth 45 billion merits, which is already a great wealth for them, enough to support them to practice all the way to the Great Realm of God.

It doesn't matter to them without Zhong Qian Shi Guo Guo. They are not geniuses anyway, they have a lot of time, and they are not in a hurry to break through to the realm of God.

Based on the resources they obtained this time, they can slowly boil over to the realm of God.

Perhaps the most precious thing to geniuses is practice time, and they are not.

Therefore, they cooperated with the League of Nations to see this, and now they can almost reach their goals.

Watching Chuckdor and Kingsman leave, Ridley remembered one thing: "When we found this zhongqian world fruit, there was a mark of fairy college, and there were some students of fairy college. The warning left behind is that this Zhongqian world fruit should be discovered by the students of Xianxian Academy first. Now this Zhongqian world fruit is about to mature, they will inevitably come to collect it, when they see that we have been entrenched here, I do n’t know What will happen. "

Radkli knows the Xiandao Army of Xianxian Academy very well, that is, an army that blocks God and blocks Buddha.

But there are millions of people, and the forces of a legion of aliens dare to persuade them.

The key is that every time a battle, the Xiandao Army can win, so he, including all the soldiers in the military, is full of respect for the Xiandao Army.

Would n’t the students of Xianxian College do the same?

If the students of Xianxian College are as fierce as the Xiandao Army, so many of them may not be useful at that time.

At this time, Chuckdo sneered, "What happened to the students of Xianxian College? At best, they only have 20 people, and among these 20 people, there are only two people who have opened up a thousand thousand worlds. These people Can they still be our opponents? They came here just right, and we can take this opportunity to eliminate them all, and then we can have fewer competitors. "

Radkley frowned: "The maiden of the Orc Alliance is a student of Fairy College, what if they joined forces?"

At this time, Chuckdo was a little dignified: "If you really add the people of the Orc Alliance, then it's really a little trouble. Kingdon and Rick of the Orc Alliance are not weak, and your four super soldiers are under siege. It is estimated that they can fight against them. The sacred girl of the ancestral beast palace is the **** that is passed on, and it is estimated that it takes ten people to deal with her. By then, we will be able to win, and it is estimated that we will have heavy casualties. "

Kingsman nodded as well: "If so, you must make another plan at that time."

The three were talking, only feeling that there was fluctuation in space.

There seemed to be several figures coming, and all three of them flew out.


Su Yu looked at the one Zhongqian Shijie that might mature at any time, and her eyes were cold.

At this time, he gave a signal, and He Yunze immediately shouted, "People of the League of Nations, leave quickly, this Zhongqian world fruit was first discovered by our college."

Chuckdor and Kingsman looked closely, and they found that the worst was happening.

Sure enough, the college had formed an alliance with the people of the Orc Alliance, but the number was only 33, which was less than they thought.

Chuckdo's face was very bad, he whispered: "What to do, there are 33 people in total, 17 people from the Immortal Academy, and 16 people from the Orc Alliance."

Kingsman didn't speak, he calculated for a moment and said, "If we destroy the thirty-three people of the Immortal Academy, because the super soldiers in our military are the majority, their strength will be weaker, I guess we It may be reduced by about forty people, and the number of people we can leave after the war is only forty-one. Now I heard that the Machinery Association, the Adventurer's Association and the Space Bank Association have joined together, and their number exceeds 30. And they are all real geniuses, and by then we won't be as good as them. "

Chadok couldn't help but feel a little angry, if this immortal college really planned to fight both of them for a Zhongqian world fruit.

They can't afford it at all, because only a few of the thousands of fruit have appeared so far, which is not worth it at all.

Chuck Duo said: "The best way is to let these people of Xianxian and Orc Alliance first fight with the Adventurer Alliance, the Space Bank Association, and the Machinery Association. ~ Siman nodded, feeling that this was the best for them.

At this time He Yunze saw that there was no one talking, and Shen said, "I repeat again. This Zhongqian World Fruit was first found by our Xian Academy. It should be ours. If you are not leaving, don't blame us You are welcome."

This is already very rude. As long as you don't leave, we are at war with you.

Chaddock suppressed the anger in his heart and laughed: "It turned out that everyone of Xianxian Academy first found out, so we'll leave now."

go away?

Everyone is stingy, this is not the same as planned.

Su Yu's face was bland, and it seemed that he had anticipated this situation long ago, and he said lightly, "Let's step back 100 million miles now!"

100 million miles?

Chadok and Kingsman really wanted to go to war at this moment. How far back is it to deceive people?

But they held back in order to preserve their strength.

Yao Jie watched with interest: "It seems that everyone is not stupid, this battle cannot be fought."

Can't fight?

The geniuses of the Immortal College and the Orc Alliance are somewhat discouraged, are they ready for nothing.

But at this time, I only saw the world fruit emit a dazzling white light.

The world fruit is ripe.

At this time, a voice came: "Chadok, Kingsman, how about we work together to kill the people of the Immortal Academy and the Orc Alliance."

That voice was Kirri of the Machinery Association, and he didn't know when it would arrive.

His arrival meant that the Machinery Association, the Space Bank Association, and the Alliance of Adventurers were also nearby, and the scene was a little complicated for a while.

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