Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1844: Liu Ling

Now with the college's prestige in the universe, the Xianhe Group under the college has also developed rapidly.

Moreover, the Xianhe Group's business has already reached the floodfield battlefield, and it has many business cooperation with the military. However, just as the Xianhe Group was about to hit the sky, Leng Shuangning retreated behind the scenes. Although she is still managed by Xianhe Group, the specific business has been assigned to six assistants. This is actually Wang Xing's request. From Wang Xing's point of view, as long as Xian Academy is strong enough, Xianhe Group can naturally prosper. If one day the Xianxian Academy dies, the Xianhe Group will naturally decline.

The key to everything is the college. The strongest college is the Xianhe Group, the strongest college is the Earth Federation, and the strongest college is human.

Leng Shuangning has a very strong talent, and it is still necessary to focus on personal cultivation.

The importance of a fairy river group is far less important than that of a universe god, and Leng Shuangning has the potential to become a universe god.

The two said, Wang Xing thought about it and said, "Your practice is special. The others are directly developing the kingdom of God. You are directly condensing the dark universe and continuously absorbing energy from the dark universe. The dark universe and God China is completely different, it can even be said to be the two opposite things. And the dark energy that you can use is also completely opposite to the cosmic energy we absorb. In addition, the dark universe involves space, but you do n’t You need to understand the laws of space, because you are the creator of space, and even later you can surpass space, even time. "

Dark universe, dark plane, dark energy, that is the other side of the universe, just like positive and negative matter.

Cold frost practice is not a first-class rule, or even a rule, but a true avenue of the universe, something that touches the origin of the universe.

According to Wang Xing's knowledge, no one can really manipulate dark energy, and there are only a few items, just like magic weapon has this ability. Therefore, if Leng Frost continues to cultivate and later can control the entire dark universe and become the master of the dark plane of the universe, then even if she is not a cosmic god, then Frost Frost at that time will be afraid of him.

Wang Xing's target for Lengshuang is exactly the same.

Leng Frost nodded, her two hands only saw a wormhole on each palm, and the two wormholes were connected to a huge star at one end and trillions of people at one end. Life planet. At this moment, as long as she moved her heart, she dragged the star through the wormhole and landed on the trillion-person planet of life. This trillion-person planet of life would instantly melt. Not to mention, the person above would also be at 0.1 second All died within the time.

This is her ability to control, and sometimes she even feels a little shocked.

This is not a law of space, but a capability to manipulate the dark universe.

Wormholes are just a representation of the dark universe.


Yao Jie's breakthrough into the realm of mixed fairy tales in the Yuan Dynasty is equivalent to fulfilling the realm of God. Naturally, he also attracted a lot of congratulations.

Yao Jie is also proud of himself. He has finally surpassed Su Yu and He Yunze, becoming the first student in the college to break through the Jinxian Realm. His name will be recorded in the school's school history, even if the time has passed hundreds of millions of years, when someone mentions who first broke through to the Jinxian Realm and who was the first sophomore in the university, His name will be mentioned, this is a glory that will never fade.

At this time, a voice sounded.

"Yao Jie, a first-year student of Xianxue University, broke through to the Jinxian Realm of Mixed Yuan for the first time, and became the first second-year student of the School of the University.


This sentence rang three times in a row, and everyone in the college heard it.

Yao Jie was also inexplicably excited. The 30,000 task points were forgotten. This public praise was his greatest recognition.

At this moment, he was even more proud.


Time passed slowly. Ten years after Yao Jie broke through the Jinxian Realm of Mixed Yuan, other students who used Zhongqian World Fruit also broke through the Jinxian Realm of Mixed Yuan.

He Yunze, Hua Tianjun, Yi Tian, ​​Wen Qingzhi, Luo Qiu, Yin Haojun, Long Tianyu, Jing Yun, Jing Ling, Miao Yixian, Xiao Yao, Pang Zhen, Xia Houyi, Bai Chen, Bei Mingxue, Teng Tianyi .

At one time, the college's students in Jinxian Realm reached eighteen.

Yao Jie hasn't been happy for a few years, and with so many students breaking through to the realm of Jinxian in Yuan Dynasty, he is very speechless.

College, an island with nice scenery.

"Yao Jie, you have good luck, even the first to break through the Jinxian realm of mixed Yuan." He Yunze said lightly, "Everyone is using the Zhongqian World Fruit. You are only a little faster, but now you get it. The reward of 30,000 mission points in the college, we have nothing, really ... "

Yao Jie was a little speechless. I tried to break through the realm so hard that it turned out to be luck for you.

Many other students looked at Yao Jie and seemed to feel the same.

"Su Yu didn't use Zhong Qian Shi Guo Guo, and I don't know how he is doing now. I heard that he later exchanged" The Secret of Nine Calamities "and" Sacred Dragon Heart Method ", it seems that he intends to cultivate these two to enhance his talents. I want to further enhance my talents. "Yi Tian thought for a while," Although we all have star-level talents in the academy, obviously they are also star-level talents. We and Su Yu have big difference."

After hearing this, everyone was poured a cold water.

Su Yu has not yet broken through to the Jinxian Realm of Mixed Yuan, but this realm is not difficult for Su Yu. It may take only a few days, or even a few minutes, for Su Yu to break through this realm. Su Yu didn't rush to break through, but put all her minds on improving her talents. Obviously, this was better than putting them up.

Jing Yun pondered for a moment and slowly said, "Su Yu has used 23 talent fragments so far, and only needs to use 7 more talent fragments. His talent will reach the limit of this universe, which is the universe level. .Compared to Su Yu, I only used fifteen pieces of talent, and he has been far removed from the talent. "

"I'm eighteen."

He Yunze was helpless. He also wanted to integrate more talent fragments, but he didn't have so many task points at all.

Everyone else didn't talk, so did Yao Jie.

Yin Haojun opened his eyes and thought of something: "Su Yu is now practicing" The Secret of Nine Calamities "and" Sacred Dragon Heart Method ". That must be the cultivation of these two methods to enhance his talent. , We can also practice. "

Many people's eyes are bright, Su Yu can cultivate, and they can naturally cultivate.

If Su Yu can improve his talents after practicing, they can certainly, but some people give up after thinking about it.

"These two exercises are not so good at training, especially the" Secret Book of Nine Calamities. "I heard that the practice is currently practiced in the academy, and only one of ten people can get started." Long Tianyu He shook his head. "And even if it is an entry, it takes hundreds of millions of years to cultivate to the 9th calamity. It is better to improve your talent from other aspects. That talent is not the most critical thing, as long as there is a galaxy Talents above the level should theoretically have the opportunity to impact the realm of the universe. "

Talent is important, but whether it is so important or not.

Talent is a top priority for some people, and for others it may just be the icing on the cake.

Yao Jie didn't say anything. He pondered for a moment but felt that Long Tianyu was wrong. It's better to have something like talent than nothing.

Perhaps, he can also try to practice "The Secret of the Nine Calamities" and "The Law of the Holy Dragon".


Time passed slowly, and it was a hundred years later.

In Brahma, Shu Ling finally poured all his energy into the small world.

Liu Fan looked at the place where the tree spirit disappeared, and watched that world tree completely dry, until he became a cosmic particle floating in the air, his heart was full of gratitude.


A voice came, very crisp and sweet.

Liu Fan froze, he looked at the world tree in front of him ~ ~ Now this small world tree has shrouded two thirds of light years, and the Brahma realm has expanded to this size.

A small girl in green clothes with long waist-waisting hair appeared in the green clothes.

Liu Fan finally reacted after a long time. This is the consciousness of the small world tree after receiving the infusion of the tree spirit.

It was just this daddy that made him dumbfounded.

"I'm not your father." Liu Fan thought for a while, and still couldn't accept the title, even though this world tree was raised by her from a young age, who told him and Zhang Xiaomeng to have no children now.

The small world tree tree spirit thought for a long time, his eyes brightened and said: "Husband?"

Liu Fan was startled. I do n’t know what the title of the small world tree thought. The high probability is that the small world tree inherited part of his memory. But this was a shock to him. If Zhang Xiaomeng heard it, he would burn the small world tree without a fire.

Liu Fan thought about it and finally said, "You call my brother."


What the small world tree tree spirit thought, nodded in satisfaction.

Dad, husband, brother, these are the names of relatives, and she also has family.

Looking at the dissipated form of Liu Ling, Liu Fan said, "Since you are my sister, I will give you another name. In the future, you will be named Liu Ling with the same name as Liu Ling."

"Liu Ling? My name?"

Xiaoshishu was very happy and was very satisfied with the name: "I have an elder brother and my own name. My name is Liu Ling. I am a little girl."

She said, laughing like a silver bell.

Sixty years later, with the help of his sister Liu Ling, Liu Fan absorbed the energy of Wanjie and broke the mirror to become another student in the Jinxian Realm of the Academy.

At the same time, Xia Yumo is exploring a vast lost world.

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