Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1872: 1 scolded, leave!

Wanci Wang was hesitant, and at this moment there was really some embarrassment.

To be honest, he is an old **** king. Among the more than 10,000 **** kings in the League of Nations, his strength is also ranked in the top one thousand.

But let him offend a sage of the ancestral beast palace, if he did not have enough interests to drive, he would not dare.

As for the immortal college that Berg said, he didn't take it seriously.

Although he has also heard of Xianxian Academy, in Shenhe, the prestige of Xianxian Academy and the Ancestral Palace are far away.

He had never heard of the Supreme God and Cosmic God of Xian Xue Academy, so he didn't take Xian Xue Academy seriously.

"God Lord, there must be some treasure in it. I know you have always wanted to break through the highest **** realm, maybe this is an opportunity. Absorbing the energy of the universe in such a wide range shows that this treasure is unusual. If it is a natural treasure, you It can be used to try to break through the realm. If it is a magic weapon, it must have reached the eternal level. You may urge such a treasure, and you may also have the highest level of strength. "Carolina said.

Wanci Wang nodded secretly, he thought more.

Inside this deity shrine is the maiden of the ancestral beast palace, but the maiden of the ancestral beast palace rarely lacks resources for cultivation. What can be seen by the maiden is ordinary.

If he left in such a bleak manner, without losing face, he might lose another important opportunity.

Therefore, we must go ahead and look at it.

Wanci Wang figured it out, suppressing the anger in his heart, and Yan Yue said: "I really did not expect that the maiden of the ancestral beast palace came to my place. As the host, how can I visit the maiden. As for this extinct **** Even if there is any treasure in it, the maiden will take it away if she sees it. Now please help me to introduce it. I will meet the maiden. "

Meet the Virgin?

Berg shook his head and just wanted to send Wanci Wang as soon as possible: "No need, now the maiden doesn't want to see anyone."

Wanci Wang immediately displeased, "You ca n’t even go to the ultimatum. You said that the maiden did n’t see anyone. Are you a fool? Why, I am a divine king, representing the League of Nations, do you even meet? There is no qualification for a maiden. Who is this maiden, who is so big? Do you think of our League of Nations? "

Berg frowned, a little displeased: "The maiden is retreating, so I have no time to see you, not big."


Wanci Wang shook his head, but he did not believe it.

He now only wants to enter the Destroyer reasonably.

But at this time, the cosmic energy gathered towards the extermination deities at a speed dozens of times faster than before.

At this moment, everyone's face changed greatly. The speed at which this energy converges, the treasure is really about to be born.

"God of Lord, quickly enter the Exterminator, or it will be too late." Carolina urged.

Others also secretly voiced their anxiety.

Wanci Wang nodded his head and said angrily, "I see that you are talking nonsense. You tried everything to prevent me from entering the Destruction God. Is there something unseen in it? And you said that there is a saint in the Palace of the Beast, Maybe it was you who lied to me. This happened to our magnetic continent. Now this accumulation of energy has affected the energy stability of our magnetic continent. As the owner of the magnetic continent, I need to go in and check Something. "

Berg angered: "If you really want to go in, don't regret it later."

Wanci Wang was a little worried at the moment. Don't really have someone come to trouble him then.

However, seeing that the cosmic energy was still converging towards the **** of destruction, I also identified that there was a treasure inside. At the moment, I insisted: "If the maiden is really inside, I would even break in and offend her. That's it. "

Said, Wanci Wang went straight towards the God of Destruction.

When Berg saw this, even if he knew that he was not the opponent of Magneto, he still chose to intercept Magneto.

"Fuck me away, I now suspect that you are holding the saint." Then, Wanci Wang punched out, only to see a strong magnetic force appearing on his fist, and radiated directly, giving Berg to Bang Fei went out.

The reason why Magneto King had this title was precisely because he practiced the law of magnetic force.

This is the power of the God King, and Berg was bombarded out hundreds of millions of miles without any blocking power.

At this time, no one blocked the Magneto King.

Wan Magnetic King went straight into the exterminator. At this moment, his eyes were straight, and his brain was full of the treasures in the exterminator.

But at this time, a spaceship appeared.

This spaceship directly locks Magneto, making Magneto dumbfounded.

Because even if it is the saint and the maiden of the ancestral beast palace, if you have not cultivated to the highest **** realm, a few people can open the spaceship.

As for saying that this virgin in Destruction God is a supreme god, that is absolutely impossible.

Zhang Xiaomeng's voice came out through the spaceship: "Go away, if you dare to take another step forward, be careful I find someone to kill you, believe it or not. The **** king of a small universe is not brave enough to dare to offend me . "

Hearing the girl's voice, Wanci Wang suddenly turned black.

This is too crazy, it will kill him, even more arrogant than himself.

But now it seems to have offended the maiden of the ancestral beast palace, the king of magnetism simply broke the jar and broke: "Who is it that you dare to impersonate the maiden? I have not heard of any sage lady in the ancestral palace who has a spaceship It ’s a car. It ’s hidden, it does n’t even show up, and it does n’t take me too seriously. Even if you are the maiden of the ancestral palace, but here is the League of Nations, you want to seize the treasures of the League of Nations, and asked me No."

With that said, Wanci Wang didn't dare to delay and rushed towards the God of Destruction.

Treasures are his biggest concern now.

If he really got the treasure and broke through to the highest **** realm, then the beast ancestor of the ancestral beast palace would not dare to treat him.

In the universe, there are only about 100,000 **** kings, and even less than 10,000 Supreme Gods, even if the **** king dies, the highest **** is the mainstay of this universe, and death will cause great shock.

Even a beast ancestor cannot kill a supreme **** for no reason.

Seeing that Wanci Wang went straight into the Destruction God, Zhang Xiaomeng was also very anxious. For the first time, she found that the face of this saint did not seem to be very useful.

But in fact, this is also the case. Although the **** kings are afraid of the saints and sages of the ancestral gods, after all, any saint and sages will have the opportunity to become **** kings or even supreme gods.

But it's impossible to be afraid of returning to fear.

Now that treasures are moving, Wanci Wang obviously wants to fight for it, where can Zhang Xiaomeng's identity be controlled.

If there is any revenge in the future, the League of Nations will also deal with him.

Struggling to offend Zhang Xiaomeng, the treasure is set.

"court death!"

Zhang Xiaomeng was anxious, and she also knew the consequences of being invaded by the Magneto King.

At that time, once the research in the Exterminator is exposed, the League of Nations is expected to be tempted.

"Sister Frost, what should I do?"

Zhang Xiaomeng said that she could not stop the Magneto King by herself, and it was too late to move the soldiers, so she could only rely on Wang Xing.

Leng Shuangning's voice came, and said funnyly, "Your spaceship is out, try it without firing."

Zhang Xiaomeng is dumbfounded, hit a shot?

Where to fight!

Then Zhang Xiaomeng looked at Wanci Wang, and got a little excited.

Yes, her spaceship can exert the power of the **** king, but she always wanted to try it.

"Starting energy storage!"

Zhang Xiaomeng gave an order, only to see that the spacecraft also began to gather energy madly, and then aimed at Magneto and Carolina and others.

Wan Magnetic King's face suddenly turned black, and the spaceship even aimed at him.

However, although it is said that the spaceship has the power of the **** king level, no **** king will stand there to fight you.

Wanci Wang is not afraid, but Carolina and others behind Wanci Wang are scared.

They are not **** kings, where can they withstand the blow of the spaceship.

"You guys leave!"

Wang Wang said that he did not dare to guarantee that he could protect Carolina and others.

But at this time, there was a loud noise, only to see a huge energy bomb with a radius of 1,000 meters flying out of the spaceship.

Seeing this giant energy bomb, the Magneto King is a little dignified.

Is this the power of the spaceship? To be honest, he also saw it for the first time.


Carolina and others were frightening away in all directions. At this moment, it really felt like a dog.

It's all about them, isn't it just watching the fun.

Isn't this tadpole pond?


I only saw that the space was torn, and Carolina and others only felt a huge wave coming, and before they could react, the body armor of the body broke apart. Oje and Deere are even more unbearable. One of the gods has been shattered. It is estimated that it will take millions of years to recover.

Looking at the Magneto King again, all his clothes were torn and his armor was exposed.

Most of the power of this blow was still blocked by him, otherwise Carolina and others must be killed on the spot.

"I care what you are a maiden, you are simply too arrogant."

Wanci Wang was obviously really angry, growled.

He was a **** king, a maiden of some ancestral beast palace dared to fire at him, making him so embarrassed, it was just that he hit his face.

Others looked at each other, where this maiden came out, it was simply improper.

When it comes to firing, fire, and don't take Wanci Wang seriously.

Wanci Wang fisted towards the spaceship in one fist, and Zhang Xiaomeng in the spaceship saw that Wanmagnetic King had launched an attack on the spaceship, and was a little angry.

She passed the spacecraft directly, and said angrily, "Oh, you bastard, dare to fight back. You wait, I will contact my master and my brother for you to look good."

What is the meaning of Wan Magnetic King?

I dare you to hit me, I can't fight back yet, as soon as I fight back, you will find a helper, right?

However, after listening to Zhang Xiaomeng's words, he also heard it. This Zhang Xiaomeng seems to be very favored. Even if he can find a master, he can also find a brother. It should be good to mix in the beast palace.

But as long as he didn't kill Zhang Xiaomeng, this matter would be nothing short of incredible.

Zhang Xiaomeng's cosmic ship could only launch one attack at this time. At this moment, the energy was almost exhausted.


With a loud noise, Zhang Xiaomeng's spaceship was blown out.

The king of all magnets is holding back, even if it is not defense, this is what to do.

Wouldn't it be miserable!

Wanci Wang didn't know that Zhang Xiaomeng's spaceship was exhausted. He thought Zhang Xiaomeng wanted to win the sympathy of his master and brother in this way. When the beast ancestors saw it, the spaceships were all doomed, and maybe they would bother to find their own trouble.

It was so vicious that Wanciwang thought involuntarily.

Zhang Xiaomeng stumbled in the universe, but Wanci Wang didn't dare to kill her, so she didn't have any trouble.

It was just that the spaceship was blown out, and I didn't know where I was.

At this moment, she is sending a group message: "I have been beaten, brothers and sisters, I am so miserable! My spaceship has been snoozed, master, come and save me! If you do n’t come again, you will never see me It's a disciple. "

Yes, only Zhang Xiaomeng can do this kind of thing.

If you can't fight, please help, it is definitely her usual style.

"What, Xiao Meng was hit, who did it!"

"Good guy, watch me don't stab him."

"Xiao Meng, where are you, send your position!"


Instantly, six or seven people responded.

Zhang Xiaomeng was so excited that he immediately sent his location.

However, the Ancestral Palace is not close to the magnetic continent, even if the Supreme God wants to come, it will take a quarter of an hour.

The King of Magnetism didn't know he had provoked a little ancestor. He was very excited at this moment, because no one could stop him anymore.

Destroy God, Treasure!

He did not hesitate at this time to break through those arrays outside the shrine and enter the shrine.

Berg appeared at this time, but he looked at the Magneto King and stopped him.

Now that you're looking for death, go in.

If you ca n’t see the situation inside the Destroyed God, if you see it, you may not be able to leave today.

"Treasure, it's mine."

The king of magnetism said, with one punch, he blasted towards the outer array of that deities.

Only a loud bang was heard, and a white defensive restraint appeared, and the strike of Wanci King did not smash the restraint.

"what happened?"

Wanciwang didn't know much about the array, and he had not heard of any array that has such a powerful defense ability.

So his first feeling is that this is the treasure inside it.

How precious is the treasure that can withstand the king's blow.

Wanci Wang is looking forward to it more and more, and then attacking the array of destroying the gods, and that array was arranged by Wang Xing 1.2 million years ago, and he can barely defend the attack of the gods At the moment under the attack of Wanciwang, it is becoming more and more fragile and about to be destroyed.

It's almost here.

Wanci Wang became more excited and faster.

"Break me!"

The Magneto King gathered all his strength and planned to make a final strike against the opponent.

But at this moment, a yell came.


There is only one word, but it is like Hong Zhong Daluo.

The King of Magnetism originally had to launch an attack. At this moment, I just felt that my soul was stagnant, breathing was difficult, and the divine power could not work.

Suddenly, he looked terrified and looked at the **** of extinction in shock.

There are people in the God of Destruction!

He finally realized what, but just this scold made his soul stagnant and he was banned. What kind of power is this?

Supreme God, or Cosmic God?

He was dumbfounded and thought of a possibility.

It should not be that there is no treasure at all, but that a strong person is retreating at the Exterminator, which leads to the energy converging towards the Exterminator.

After all, there is no shortage of such things in the universe. Some strong people have been practicing for millions of years, and many people have strayed into the retreat of these strong people and were killed.

I won't be so unlucky!

Thinking of this, he felt that he had thundered Zhang Xiaomeng.

But the matter did not end. Accompanying that voice came a terrifying space storm, which tore the Seventh Heaven directly.

Wang Wanwang saw the depth of the open space, although he didn't know how many days or something, but he was frightened.

The point is that this space storm is still coming towards him, and he can't even work divine power now.

Behind Wanci Wang, Carolina and others were even more uncomfortable. They were completely unconscious because of the quake.

At this moment, all his eyes were empty, like a chicken.

Under the storm of space, who can be spared, even if the Magneto King is like the rootless Ping, can only let the space storm sweep.

Magneto closed his eyes at this moment and let the space storm devour him.

He now regrets it, knowing that he should not have come, there is no treasure in it, it is all deceiving.

For this reason, he also offended the maiden of the ancestral beast palace, what was going on.

Fortunately, although this space storm is terrifying, but he has a third-order **** body, coupled with his top-level fourth-order original artifact armor, it should be able to withstand it.

As for Carolina and others, death is dead.

The other immortal onlookers, although far away, were also affected by the space storm at this moment and were blown out for a while.

After three minutes, the world seemed quiet.

There was no one within a light year around the entire God of Destruction, and even if everyone was not swept up by the space storm, it was a frightened escape.

There are Xeons among the extermination gods, they also recognize these, and continue to stay here that is really looking for death.

All the students are shocked at the moment, which is too strong.

A scolding made even a **** king lose his ability to resist, and the space storm formed even tore seven layers of space.

And that voice, they naturally know who it is.

At this moment they are full of pride, this is their dean, it is an invincible existence.

Wang Xing didn't show up at this moment, even if he was seriously injured, but he could do it against a **** king.

"Qin Yan, Dean Qin Yan broke through."

I don't know who shouted, everyone noticed Qin Yan at this time.

Qin Yan broke through, really broke through.

The fourth-grade Jinxian practice was revealed, making everyone worship with heart.

This is one day and four realms. Nothing has happened in the entire universe. They have witnessed the history of the practice of the universe.

Qin Yan also stepped out of the God of Destruction. At this moment, he looked at Leng Shuangning at the first sight: "Where is the Dean, I want to see the Dean."

Qin Yan just wanted to tell Wang Xing the good news.

Others can understand Qin Yan's mood at the moment, and it would be the same if they were replaced by them.

Leng Shuangning shook his head: "The dean doesn't want to see you, that's the end of this matter. Because of your breakthrough, many people have stared at the **** of extinction, so we should leave. Then Come down. Berg, you go to destroy God of Destruction. God of Destruction is related to the results of our research. It must not be leaked. As for other students who have not entered the promotion of God of Destruction, when you return to the college, the dean will Copy the exterminator in the college, and then you will go in to improve the energy level. Well, everyone only has five minutes, hurry up. "

Hearing the arrangement of Leng Shuangning, everyone nodded silently.

Only Qin Yan, at this moment, seemed to have been poured with a basin of cold water, and the whole person was on the spot.

He only heard one sentence, the dean didn't want to see him?

He broke through, why don't you want to see him?

why why?

Everyone was busy evacuating, and the exterminator was quickly destroyed.

Where they lived, some of the data they studied, the materials they used, and so on were all destroyed. .

The God of Destruction collapsed, and gradually disappeared like that.


In the universe, a spaceship is quietly sailing.

Zhang Xiaomeng has returned, and is now sending a message: "Three brothers, yes, that is the Magneto King, that is, he hit me, and he has hiccupped all my spaceships ... what ~ ~ This is your spaceship, when is it not mine? Three brothers, the signal is not good, I will not talk about it first. What do you say about the Magneto King? Of course it is to teach him, to teach him well Let him pay for my loss. "

Beside Zhang Xiaomeng, a group of students were stunned.

This is all right, worthy of being a little witch.

"What, you hid in the League of Nations, that guy didn't dare to come out at the headquarters of the League of Nations. It really should be." Zhang Xiaomeng said, and laughed. No compensation. "


After a long while, Zhang Xiaomeng cut off the call.

The headquarters of the League of Nations at this moment.

"Master Huoyu, we really don't know that Xiao Meng is your sister?" A man said frowningly, how did he come across this evil star, and the million magnetic king would really cause trouble.

"Then I do n’t care, you hit my sister, you must compensate. I ’ll give you one by one. First, my sister ’s spaceship is broken. You must compensate for a new one for us. I think your speaker ’s one is good. . Secondly, my sister was injured and she vomited more than ten liters of blood, so you barely compensated a billion yuan of divine fluid? And the spirit of my sister was also affected. This spiritual loss cost ... "

Listening to the red-haired man talking, everyone else's face in the hall was dark.

Speaker's spaceship, how dare you think?

He vomiting blood for more than ten liters, who are you flickering, it is estimated that even the hair is not lost, and it also compensates more than one billion kilograms of divine fluid. Is this compensation? This is extortion.

"Anyway, if you don't compensate, I'll stop at your door, and you'll take care of it." Huoyu leaned on Erlang's legs and took a sip of the drinks provided by the League of Nations, which is worth hundreds of millions of immortal Do n’t drink white or drink.

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