Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1875: The truth of the universe, come with the Ancestral Palac

After all the teachers left, Wang Xing left some teachers.

The first is Jiang Lan.

Wang Xing looked at Jiang Lan and said, "Mr. Jiang Lan, the second collapse of the law of the universe is a great time to make a breakthrough. At that time, you will try to impact the eighth level of Jinxian, and Wuyuan Wuji Taiyi Jinxian realm."

After listening, Jiang Lan nodded.

In order to break through this realm, he has been preparing for a long time, so he has a chance to break through.

Wang Xing then looked at the eight emperors from the stars, and dozens of other god-king teachers: "You can also try to break through, but you are no better than Jiang Lan, the probability of breakthrough is not too great."

The Eight Holy Emperors and others knew the gap between themselves and Jiang Lan. Jiang Lan, who entered the college early, had already surpassed them a lot.

Later, Wang Xing told teachers of colleges such as Taishang Laojun and Master Tongtian: "As for you, you can try to impact the Jinxian Realm Seven. . "

Taishang Laojun and other teachers smiled with confidence.

They are also very excited, because the realm of Jinxian Level 7 is the realm of their teacher Hongjun ancestor, and now they have a chance to step into that realm.

After explaining this, Wang Xing asked the Academic Affairs Office to issue a notice to allow students who need to break through the realm to try to break through the realm when the law of the universe's origin broke down for the second time.

With this arranged, he was relieved.

As for himself, he doesn't know what state he is now. The law of the origin of the universe suppresses others, and it seems that he has no restrictions at all.

He has been improving all these years and has not encountered any bottlenecks.

He felt as if he had left the system of cultivation.

The college is dedicated to publishing the research results of the college. It is called the truth of the universe.

A very common name, but just like this name, this external window is to expose the deepest truth of the universe.

This is an alternative scientific journal, and it is the first such journal in the universe.

At present, the journal of the truth of the universe is tentatively published. It will be published once every ten years, but the first three issues will be published once a year in order to gain popularity.

The truth of the universe will not only register some research results of the academy, but also publish contributions by others.

Of course, no one will contribute now, because the popularity of this journal is still low.

On the second day of the creation of the truth of the universe, that is, on the first day of the first month of the Earth's calendar, the college officially published the theory of cosmic space in a cosmic journal, using a whole page with a total of more than 30,000 words.

Cosmic space theory is exactly the nine-layer space theory that Wang Xing said before. This is a division of space.

According to different cultivation realms, the number of layers of open space is also different, which is also a method to measure strength.

In the theory of cosmic space, the significance of the existence of these nine layers of space is also pointed out.

The law of the origin of the universe is like an egg, and the nine-story space is the shell of this egg. The core law of the universe is the yolk inside.

The existence of the nine-story space is precisely to protect the law of the origin of the universe. If it can pass through the nine-story space, it can face the law of the origin of the universe.

There are also a lot of pictures on it, and there are even pictures of the state of the law of the universe, which were taken by Wang Xing himself.

Seeing this picture, it is estimated that some cosmic gods will face the fairy college squarely.

Because it is impossible for ordinary people to take such pictures.

After the theory of cosmic space, it was about the second collapse of the law of the origin of the universe. What was written above was exactly what Wang Xing said.

On the third day of the release of space theory, it only spread in a small area of ​​the Earth Federation and did not cause a huge sensation.

However, because of the cosmic space theory and the second collapse of the original law, it was so shocking that some people started talking about it.

An external trade planet of the Earth Federation, this place is named Donglaixing.

Many interstellar businessmen are drinking tea and chatting at the trading desk, and one of the universe-making cosmic merchants suddenly said: "Did you hear that? Xianxian Academy has created a plate called the truth of the universe in the virtual world, which has some very strange things published on it ... … How to say it, it ’s like a science essay on the Earth Federation, but the content is not science, but about cultivation. The contents of this first issue, I read the truth, was scared. ”

When others were a little surprised, they started to ask what it was.

The materialistic universe businessman was also more patient, so he explained the above content: "It is these things, the impact of the second collapse of the theory of universe space and the law of the origin of the universe. Do you say this is true? "

The others looked at each other, where did they know if this was true.

But it sounds like it looks great.

"I think it's mostly true." At this time a man slowly said, "Because I just got a message from a Star Bank executive, saying that the law of the origin of the universe is about to collapse for the second time, and Starcraft The bank wanted to take the opportunity to acquire some fragments of the original law that fell when the original law of the universe collapsed for the second time. "

With the testimony of this man, everyone's face changed.

They immediately entered each of the virtual worlds and took a good look at the contents of the first phase of the truth of the universe.

"Millions of complete gods, 100,000 masters of gods." In the corner, an already old man murmured, his eyes were fiery, if he could fuse a fragment of the origin scattered by the law of the universe, he could be a dream Immortal, this is definitely a step up.

Only in this way can he extend his life.

Others have their own thoughts.

At this time a woman stood up: "If this kind of thing is true, it will have a big impact, and I have to leave things first."

Seeing the woman leaving, what others thought of, they also left.

Shenhe, somewhere.

"Old ancestor, your descendant outside Shenhe said that there was an important obituary," a man whispered.

"My descent?" The ancestor was more than one meter and nine meters tall, and his whole body was as dark as steel. Hearing this, he nodded, "Get in the signal!"

He has many descendants, but he is too lazy to care.

But today he is in a good mood, so he is willing to meet this descendant.

The man heard the consent of the ancestor and immediately relayed the signal, only to see a virtual projection of a person in the hall in front of him.

"Meet my ancestors."

This is a man. When he saw his ancestor, he immediately knelt down, and this man was one of the people who learned the truth about the universe.

"What's the matter, let's talk." The ancestor seemed a little impatient, and his descendants were not descendants. When he came to this state, he had long been bearish.

"Our ancestor, this is the case, look at this." Talking, the man immediately revealed the content of the truth of the universe.

The ancestor didn't even care, but when he saw the content on it, he suddenly sat upright.

Nine floors?

The impact of the collapse of the law of the universe?

In particular, he saw one of them, saying that when the law of the universe's origin collapsed, he could try to break through the realm and make his heart tremble.

He has stayed at the peak of the realm of the Lord for ten epochs. Is this his chance to break through?

If this is true, then the news is too important.

If the fragments of the universe's original laws are scattered, if he can merge together, can he also break through to the realm of the **** king.

"Where did you get the news from?" The ancestor groaned, staring straight at the man.

"It's from the Earth Federation, but the source of the news is a force called the Immortal College within the Earth Federation." The man said, his heart was also a little excited, it seemed that the ancestors were very interested in this, so it must be His reward.

The man saw that his ancestor was a little puzzled, and immediately said what he knew about Xianxian Academy.

The more he listened, the more shocked the ancestor was.

After the man had finished speaking, the ancestor was quite dignified: "This college seems to be very simple. Although I don't know where they got the information, I have a 70% certainty that they are all true. It's just such important news, why did Xianxian Academy announce it? No matter who knows what this Xianxian University thinks, anyway, with this opportunity, I may be able to go further. "

The man heard the words of his ancestor and knew that he made the right bet this time.

This information is really useful to the ancestors, and even related to whether the ancestors can break through the realm.

The ancestor looked at the man and felt much more pleasing to the eye: "You are doing well. I will send someone to pick you up at my palace immediately and accept you as a named disciple."

The man was inexplicably excited, the ancestor's named disciple, he is expected to break through to the immortal realm in the future.

The ancestor cut off the call, arranged for a person to pick up the man, and then immediately contacted several of his friends.

Elsewhere, something similar happened.

The truth about the universe released by the Immortal College gradually began to spread in the circle of the main gods, and there are more known main gods, and some supreme gods also know.

Finally, three months later, this incident caused a sensation throughout the universe.

Many people are talking about this, after all, the collapse of the law of the universe is related to everyone.

As for the college ’s universe space theory, it has also attracted many people ’s attention. In particular, a **** king who has practiced the law of space came out to prove that space does have layers, but no one has studied them before. The stratification of space is fully in line with the current state of cosmic space.

This **** king came out on the platform to make the truth of the universe even more flaming.

God kings think this is true. Do you believe it as a master **** or believe it as a complete god?

Soon after, another **** king came out.

The **** king illustrates one thing through a series of phenomena, that is, the law of the universe's origins is indeed likely to collapse in recent years.

To be honest, Wang Xing also saw the example of this **** king, in fact, it is simply nonsense, what **** **** king is purely enthusiastic.

But others do n’t know about it, they just think he is the king of the gods, he said everything right, instead he raised the fairy college higher.


Ancestral Palace, a place.

An old man covered with golden scales is also looking at the universe truth page of Xian Gakuin, and in front of him are a dozen young men and women sitting cross-legged.

The old man looked at it for more than ten minutes before slowly raising his head: "This Xianxian Academy does not know who founded it, it is really interesting."

"Master, is this all true?"

A woman said, a little surprised, and this was what she showed to her teacher.

At first she thought that this was a rumor of immortal college, but at this moment looking at her master, she was a little confused.

The old man nodded: "Basically nothing is wrong, but in fact, the strong people who have cultivated to the realm of the universe and God can detect these."

Turned out to be true!

The woman took a breath of air, and when she practiced to the realm of the universe, she could perceive it. Was that the immortal college had a cosmic god-level powerhouse.

The old man was also curious about Xian Academy, what he thought: "If I remember correctly, there is a little girl named Zhang Xiaomeng in our ancestral beast palace, she seems to be a student of this Xian Academy. In this way, I contact the first Nine beasts, ask. "

Speaking, his consciousness suddenly entered and saw a whole body shrouded in flames, like a huge body of a crow.

The huge body felt the person coming and opened his eyes slowly.

"The fourth beast, what are you doing?"

The crow spit words, full of momentum.

The old man didn't make nonsense, and said directly: "Do you know Zhang Xiaomeng, is she your disciple?"

"Xiao Meng, yes, what's wrong?" The ninth beast ancestor became different after hearing Zhang Xiaomeng's name.

"Look at these, this is what she published at the Xian Academy." With a move from the fourth beast ancestor, the content published by Xian Academy appeared in front of her.

After the ninth beast ancestor read it, he was also a little dignified: "This should be written correctly, but it is not easy to write these theories. This fairy college is not easy. I haven't taken it seriously before, and now look at me This disciple, Zhang Xiaomeng, is really extraordinary. "

"Yes, I think so. I just checked it, and your disciple, Zhang Xiaomeng, was going to return to the Ancestral Palace from Xian Academy for the next Nirvana. Instead, you can arrange for someone to go over and bring Zhang Xiao Mengwei picked it up, and by the way explored the bottom of this fairy college. "

"it is good."


In other unknowable places in the universe, there are also many strong men who are following the Immortal Academy.

Immortal College is on fire.

The truth of the universe is on fire. After the collapse of the law of the origin of the universe, everything will be even worse when it is verified.

With this issue alone, the college opened up.

A month later, Zhang Xiaomeng found Wang Xing.

"Dean, my sister came to me and wanted to pick me up, and she wanted to see you by the way. But I feel that my sister didn't see you by the way, but came here to see you intentionally." Zhang Xiaomeng was right Wang Xingdao, she felt that her sister came here with some ulterior motives.

After Wang Xing heard it, he smiled: "What's weird is your sister coming here to see me. You are a disciple of Zuzu Palace and a student of our fairy college. The two sides always come together to talk about you However, what you said is not bad. Your sister really didn't come here to pick you up to return to the ancestral beast palace. This is all the content we published on the truth of the universe. Those big forces are watching our college. "

"Dean, if that's the case, do you still see?"

"See you. Everyone is here. If you don't see it, it's too unfriendly."

Wang Xing said, looking through the space, he saw a woman in a red dress. The woman's hair was also completely red, like blood.

The woman did not notice Wang Xing's peep. She looked at the front and said, "The Milky Way is in front. Please say hello before entering."


Someone answered the question, and at this time God's consciousness was revealed.

The woman looked at the Emperor and was shocked.

She had inquired before she came, knowing that Xianxian College had a guard of will, but the emperor in front of her was too strong.

She felt that the strength of the Emperor was close to the Supreme God.

"King of the Moon God, welcome to the galaxy."

"you know me?"

Yan Yue froze, and then laughed: "It must be my little sister Meng's mouth is faster, tell you the news that I am coming."

The Emperor smiled, not condemning.

At this time, a voice came.


Zhang Xiaomeng reached the spacecraft and looked at Yanyue, a bright smile appeared on her face.

Yan Yue nodded, and the figure flashed to Zhang Xiaomeng.

But then I saw Zhang Xiaomeng's hand stretched out: "Sister, I have broken through to the realm of great consummation, and the gift is coming soon."

Yan Yue rolled her eyes. Are you as direct as this? This is a gift. You do n’t have to wait for me to get on the spacecraft and enter the house.

Fortunately, she already knew Zhang Xiaomeng's personality, but she didn't say anything.

And Zhang Xiaomeng's gift may not be so precious, sometimes it means that.

With a wave of Yan Yue's hand, a fiery red wheel appeared. Zhang Xiaomeng took it immediately when he saw this wheel.

A first-order original magic weapon is also good.

Playing local tyrants is cool!

"Sister, go, I'll take you to the Earth Federation. I'll tell you that although you have learned a lot in the Ancestral Palace, you must have never seen a cosmic country like our Earth Federation."

Yan Yue was curious when she heard it.

What kind of universe nation is actually what Zhang Xiaomeng can say.

When Zhang Xiaomeng leads the way, it is naturally unimpeded.

First of all, the two came to a fairy palace at the Fairy Confederation of the Earth Federation. This is the largest mall in the entire Earth Federation, and even the largest mall in the Wuxingshan Starfield.

When entering Xiangong, Yanyue was dumbfounded.

Although she has traveled to many cosmic kingdoms, it is really the first time she has seen a commercial complex like Xiangong.

Especially when she saw the merchants selling goods in the imperial palace, don't care about the repairs. Everyone seems to be happy, unlike other places. Many merchants are careful, for fear of causing trouble.

However, Yan Yue also had a little doubt.

"Xiao Meng, what if someone gets into trouble here?"

"Trouble, look for the management staff. All the palaces are guarded."


Yanyue looked for a while and really saw a few men wearing special uniforms. These people turned out to be creations.

Her consciousness continued to search, and also found a realm of emperor and monarch.

"Interesting? In case something is immortal, you security guards can't stop it?"

"The security team ca n’t stop it. There are law enforcement teams. Many of our college students do n’t talk about it. There are also some college teachers. Generally, unless the king is in trouble, they will be imprisoned a lot. . "

After hearing this, Yanyue was dumbfounded: "The management of the Earth Federation is really strict. What about me if I do n’t pay for things here?"

"Sister, please keep quiet."

At this time, Zhang Xiaomeng lowered his voice and said, "Although I often evade orders, if I get caught, I have to accept a tenfold fine."

After listening to Yan Yue, she was completely silent, but did not expect Zhang Xiaomeng to escape from her own land.

I really have you, do you lack that money ~ ~ I didn't mean that, I mean I'm making trouble here, what can you do? "Yan Yue had to make it clear, because she has the cultivation practice of the pinnacle of the King of Gods, where would someone be her opponent, and if she were to make trouble here, what methods would Xianxian University use to deal with her."

Zhang Xiaomeng stopped at this time and looked at Yanyue suspiciously: "Sister, are you crazy? You do n’t know there is a emperor here, is there our college? Especially our dean and many teachers are still If you are in trouble at the college, then they will arrest you and put you in prison, and I can't save you. "

Yan Yue was stunned, which meant that if I was in trouble, I was totally trying to find my way.

I am the cultivation of the gods at the pinnacle of the realm. I am already the strongest person to enter outside the Shenhe River. Can your college be stronger than me?

Zhang Xiaomeng did n’t know Yanyue ’s thoughts, and she approached Yanyue and said, “Sister, what do you want to buy in a while? I will pay for it. Do n’t make trouble. Otherwise, you will be caught in the prison, but it ’s old Now. "

Zhang Xiaomeng recalled what he saw last time in Heaven Prison, and couldn't help but take a breath.

Hell, it ’s too scary.

Yanyue thought about it, and felt that Master was right. This college seems really not simple.

Otherwise, Zhang Xiaomeng wouldn't be so confident in Xian Xueyuan that if he was in trouble, he wouldn't be able to spread a wave.

Next, following Zhang Xiaomeng, Yan Yue fully realized this different universe capital. The territory of the entire Earth Federation is like a utopia.

It's peaceful here, the residents live and work in peace, everyone lives well and feels safe.

The education method of the Earth Federation made her eye-opening and stunned.

"Xiao Meng, I want to see your dean, is it okay?" Yan Yue thought of the business at this time and said.

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