Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1883: Flood battlefield, 12 Supreme God!

Su Yu's breakthrough has a huge impact, and everyone knows that the reason why Su Yu can make breakthroughs so fast has a lot to do with the improvement of Su Yu's talent.

Su Yu deliberately suppressed his cultivation speed before his talent was promoted to the universe level. After his talent was promoted to the universe level, he accumulated a lot of money, and then broke through the realm of the Lord God in one fell swoop.

The Academy naturally rewarded Su Yu for his breakthrough, but only 50,000 points were awarded for the task points, and public praise was given in various places in the Academy.

To be honest, Wang Xing was a bit surprised. Su Yu broke through too fast, just like a hormone.

Many students in different parts of the college have their own ideas at the moment.

Yandi Society.

Qin Yan looked at Su Yu's direction, full of admiration: "Su Yu is indeed Su Yu. Last time I told him that he might soon break through to Jinxian Level 6, but how long did he actually break through? Now, compared to him, I almost even broke through to Jinxian 5th level. It seems that I have to work harder, otherwise I won't be able to catch up with Su Yu. "

At this time, a member next to me said, "President, you broke through the Jinxian Realm much later than everyone else, and you did n’t break through it for less than two thousand years. Besides, you were in four realms at the time, shocking the college I still think that the president is the most powerful. In the future, the president will definitely be able to cultivate to the level of Jinxian, and become one of the best in this universe. "

When Qin Yan heard this, he didn't mind.

Jinxian Nine, where is so easy.

Qin Yan has also been in contact with Hongmeng and Linmeng these years. They are the level of Jinxian Nine, and Qin Yan feels that there is no secret at all in front of these two teachers.

Jinxian Nine is really too strong. The strong has completely exceeded the scope he can understand now.

"Jinxian Nine is still too far away from me. For the time being, I will work towards Jinxian Seven. After all, I can only continue to study in the college if I have attained the level of Jinxian Seven. Otherwise, I can only start from Graduated from the college. "Qin Yan thought for a while, and he could foresee that maybe some years later, many people would have to graduate from the college and leave the college.

The other members listened and nodded secretly.

If they can not continue their studies in the college, their future practice will be much more difficult.

After leaving the college, you can no longer enjoy the college's current practice resources.



Liu Fan also got the news of Su Yu's breakthrough. At this moment, he was dignified.

"Su Yu broke through." Liu Fan murmured, he is still only Jinxian level five, and he feels that he may not be able to break through to Jinxian level six in ten thousand years. Otherwise, the gap between me and Su Yu will grow wider. "

Liu Fan was silent for a long time. He knew that he was going to go for a walk. He only practiced in the retreat of Brahma, and his breakthrough would be much slower.


Yao Jie's residence, Yao Jie was a little distressed: "Why was Su Yu preempted again, but I'm almost there."

Such a good opportunity to be in the limelight was snatched by Su Yu again, Yao Jie was very injured.

If the first student to break through to Jinxian Level 6 is him, that would be great.


Ancestral Palace, Zhang Xiaomeng also learned the news.

"Su Yu, this daring Su Yu, why can't you let me break through the first one." Zhang Xiaomeng was furious, and fell several cups in a row. "Well, Jinxian Level 6 is Su Yu The first breakthrough, but the first breakthrough of Jinxian VII must be me. "

"Mother, what's wrong with you?" A woman asked, this woman who took over from Berg and was also a half-step **** named Litthia.

"I'm okay." Zhang Xiaomeng shook her head, and then she looked at Littigia. "You go and ask me again, when can I leave the Ancestral Palace, I am now nirvana too, really The ancestral palace is boring. "

"This ... the beast ancestor said that after the collapse of the universe's original law, it was not safe outside." Litchiah reluctantly said, the other virgins and daughters were eager to stay in the ancestral palace and practice in peace, but Zhang Xiaomeng seemed to have no such awareness at all I want to go out with all my heart, as if I don't want to spend more time in Zuzu Palace.

Of course, this is Zhang Xiaomeng.

Switching to someone else is likely to be punished long ago. After all, not everyone has Zhang Xiaomeng's speed of cultivation.

The faster you practice, the more rational you are. This is a universal principle everywhere.


After Su Yu broke through, Wang Xing met Su Yu as soon as possible.

For Su Yu, Wang Xing is more at ease.

"Su Yu, you really surprised me. I broke through so soon. What's your plan for the next step?" Wang Xing asked with a smile. "Work hard to be the first graduate student in our college. I think you are like this People, like me, are more suitable for research. "

"Well, I will." Su Yu nodded. He also wanted to continue his studies in the college and do some research projects he liked.

"By the way, you also have a universe-level talent now, I don't know which aspect it is?" Wang Xing asked for a while.

"This ... I can't say anything, but from a sense point of view, it should be the kind of understanding of the laws of the world and the rules of the stars. Anyway, I'm practicing things related to these two laws now. There is no obstacle. "Su Yu thought about it.

Wang Xing didn't say anything, he guessed that not everyone's universe-level talents would be so intuitive, and some might be a comprehensive talent.

However, since Su Yu possesses a universe-level talent, it is definitely a sure thing to cultivate to the realm of the God King in the future.


One day, among the immortal colleges.

Wang Xing and Jiang Lan are discussing a space issue, but at this time, Jiang Lan's face suddenly changed.

Wang Xing stopped, looked at Jiang Lan, and wondered, "What happened?"

It's certainly not trivial to make Jiang Lan's face change.

Jiang Lan took a deep breath and slowly said, "I just received the news from the League of God. About an hour ago, the aliens launched a surprise attack on the flood battlefield, and more than 3 billion The League of God soldiers died tragically. Now The entire Honghuang battlefield is in chaos. As the commander of the Honghuang battlefield, I was not in the Honghuang battlefield when this happened. It is estimated that this time it is hard to blame. "

Wang Xing was silent. In fact, he knew that even if he was replaced with another general manager, he would not be able to stare on the battlefield outside the territory.

At present, in the extraterritorial battlefield, the commanders of the eight forces and Jiang Lan take turns, and sometimes they are not within their own rotation time, and it is normal for them not to be in the flood or battlefield.

"Even if the alien race launched a raid, it wouldn't be possible for the League of God to lose 3 billion soldiers at once, right?" Wang Xing thought about it, especially in recent years, Jiang Lan has laid out countless formations on the flood battlefield, The aliens have been trapped in the marginal area of ​​the flood battlefield, and it is difficult for the aliens to break through this siege in a short time, let alone to kill so many Confederate soldiers at once. Therefore, it is for this reason that Jiang Lan dared to return to the college when it was not his duty.

At this time, Jiang Lan said with some dignity: "It is the supreme god, the supreme **** of the alien race has shot. It is said that ten supreme gods of the alien race took the shot at the same time, and it took only three minutes to break into the army of the League of God, and then slaughtered. Finally, the League of God They retreated after the Supreme God here shot. "

At this time, Wang Xing fully understood.

The Supreme God shot, and it was a raid, let alone Jiang Lan was not there, even if it was there, it was useless.

"Well, don't be under any pressure. The Supreme God of the alien race suddenly shot. No one can predict such a thing. However, this time the League of God suffered heavy losses. You definitely need a person to take responsibility. As a commander, you must be like before. Like the king of black robes, he has to bear all the responsibilities. In this case, your commander-in-chief's position may not be maintained. "Wang Xing helplessly, he knows that Jiang Lan still cares about the commander-in-chief position because he is the commander-in-chief During the period, I won a lot of benefits for Xianxian College. If the commander-in-chief is gone, these benefits are estimated to be taken away in the future.

"I know. Now that the situation in the flood field is being researched, the alien may have some action, and I must go back immediately." Jiang Lan thought about it.

"Okay, just in case, I let Piaoyu Tianzun be with you. After all, you just broke through the eighth level of Jinxian, and meet the highest gods in general. If they are more powerful, there may be danger. However, Piao Yu Tianzun is different. His strength belongs to the top of the Supreme God. Even if he faces the siege of several Supreme Gods of different races, he won't say that he can win each other, but there is definitely no problem in retreating. Wang Xing is more assured of the strength of Piao Yu Tianzun. At least when the universe **** can't come out of the Shenhe, few people can help him.

Jiang Lan originally wanted to refuse, but in the end, after thinking about it, he agreed.

He can predict that returning to the extraterritorial battlefield this time will not be so easy. After all, a lot of forces are staring at him, and these people will definitely take the opportunity this time.

After Jiang Lan went out, he saw Qin Yu.

"Uncle Lan."

Qin Yu arched his hand: "I also heard just now that the supreme **** of an alien race launched a raid in the Honghuang battlefield. You are now in a hurry, you should return to the Honghuang battlefield."

Jiang Lan nodded, there was nothing to hide.

Qin Yu smiled: "Okay, Uncle Lan, I'm with you. I just thought of looking at the Honghuang battlefield."

Jiang Lan knew what Qin Yu meant, because he was worried that he was in danger, so he wanted to follow up and see if he could help.

"Uncle Lan, is there any problem? If not, I can go by myself." Qin Yu said here, in fact, is telling Jiang Lan, even if you do not take me there, I will pass by myself.

"Xiao Yu, Uncle Lan really did not read you wrong." Jiang Lan said, "Okay, you are with me, let's start right away."

At the gate of the academy, Piao Yu Tianzun was already waiting, and he had just received a voice from Wang Xing.

Piaoyu Tianzun is still looking forward to the battlefield of Honghuang. .

After actually coming to Xian Academy, even if Piaoyu Tianzun can leave the college, this is his first time going out in a real sense.

"Let's go now?" Piao Yu Tianzun asked, "I heard that there are many Supreme Gods on the battlefield outside the world. To be honest, the stars have changed the world, because there are few strong men in the Supreme God Realm, I have never had a chance . "

It's more than just three.

You want to shoot, who can you hit?

"Here is not the stars changing the world. If Brother Piao Yu wants to fight with the Supreme God, there are many opportunities. Not to mention that there are many Supreme Gods in the eight forces of our universe, the League of Gods, and the Dark God Organization, and we are alive and dead. The enemy ’s alien universe, the Supreme God, has thousands of people. "Jiang Lan smiled," Maybe in the flood field, Brother Piao Yu has this opportunity. "

Piaoyu Tianzun nodded, and God knew how depressed he had been to the present state of cultivation, but he had no strength to perform.

He can improve himself by playing against the Supreme God, and he also has a dream.

As for what a dream is, of course, it is to become a cosmic god.

There used to be no chance for the stars to change the world, but now it may not be impossible. In fact, Wang Xing used this to flicker past him. To be honest, he was excited at that time.

But his master is Lin Meng. How could he dare to leave without Lin Meng's permission.

But now it's different. The entire star becomes stronger. If he breaks through to the universe and **** realm here, there will be no problem.

The three were very fast, and only ten minutes arrived at the battlefield.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the battlefield of flood and drought is obviously different.

When the three of them arrived, Tianhe Yanyu was already waiting, and she also learned the news: "Mr. Jiang Lan, you are finally back."

As for Qin Yu and Piao Yu Tianzun, they are now hidden from view.

Jiang Lan nodded: "Let's talk as we walk."

Tianhe Yan Yu nodded. She did have a lot to say to Jiang Lan.

On the way, I only listened to Tianhe Jiuyu saying, "Ten alien gods shot at the same time, and one of them was a giant god, who broke our defense almost instantly. Finally, if it is not the Supreme God of our major forces, This time the aliens will invade the hinterland of our universe. "

"Where the aliens want to enter the hinterland of our universe, where is it so easy?" Jiang Lan said nothing. "Where is the Xiandao Army, our Xiandao Army has nothing to lose?"

"Fortunately, because the alien supreme **** didn't break through from our direction, so we didn't lose much." Tianhe Yanyu said.

Hearing this, Jiang Lan put down his heart.

The Immortal Army is the foundation of the Immortal Academy's extraterritorial battlefield. After more than one million years of development, the size of the Immortal Army has reached 1.6 million.

Of the 1.6 million people, the minimum revision is to fulfill the realm of God.

Among them, there are more than thirty Lord Gods.

Every immortal army soldier is also proficient in the formation method ~ ~ If the 1.6 million immortal army join forces to form an array, don't think of the King of God trapped.

The two were still talking, and Jiang Lan suddenly sensed several powerful messages, apparently the bad ones.

But yes, except for the Orc Alliance and the Cosmic Arena, the other six major forces do not have a good opinion of Xianxian College.

This time, something happened in the extraterrestrial battlefield, seizing this opportunity, how could these people not fail.

"Mr. Jiang Lan, you are in trouble." Tianhe Yan Yu also felt something, but was helpless.

The extraterritorial battlefield has never been so peaceful, whether externally or internally.

Externally, the aliens have never stopped the invasion for a moment. Their purpose is self-evident, that is, to occupy the Shenhe universe.

Internally, the eight major forces are fighting each other, and they are constantly fighting for their interests.

There are even powerful dark **** organizations lurking in the dark, taking the opportunity to create chaos in the League of Gods universe.

"Little things."

Jiang Lan is very calm, the big deal is to blame and resign, do not want this general manager seat.

Although Xianxian College will lose some benefits, the impact is not as great as expected.

"Jiang Lan, speed to the 0472 space node."

A voice came, it was a very strange voice.

Jiang Lan frowned. This should be a supreme god. I don't know which power it is, but it's too arrogant, even dare to call his name.

You know, he is still the commander-in-chief appointed by the League of Gods, representing the League of Gods.

However, Jiang Lan didn't say anything, and headed for the 0472 space node. After arriving there, Jiang Lan saw that there were already twelve people waiting for him.

Feel their breath carefully, this is ...

Twelve Supreme Gods!

It's just that this scene, how can it be tried, Jiang Lan is a little speechless.

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