Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1896: Yin Haojun is a good person

Quark was a little proud at the moment.

You don't have to do anything. You made 1.5 billion jins of divine liquid all at once. Ask who else.

That ’s fifteen pounds of divine fluid. Even if he wants to split half with Yin Haojun, one person has 750 million pounds. This is a great fortune.

Get rich overnight

He thought of a word, and now he is truly reaching the peak of life.

Quark finished all this, knowing that he should leave: "Junhao, let's go. In this battle, whoever they lose or who wins, it has nothing to do with us."

"Yes, sir."

Yin Haojun said, leaving with Quark.

However, at this time, Yin Haojun passed the word to the King of Clos: "Kill these aliens as much as possible, or after they return, they will only invite more powerful alien gods to come over."

King Crowe froze and nodded indiscriminately.

He had to fight this battle, because this time he met a blind-faced **** king, but next time it may not be.

Following this, Yin Haojun sent a message to Bronson: "I made a mistake this time. I didn't expect that Lord Naik and King Clowe actually knew each other. I'm sorry everyone. But at the moment, you have been exposed and may even be a stronghold God ’s position is also known by King Crowe. Next, King Crowe will definitely ask the League of God for assistance. If you let him live today, you may be in trouble. ”

"I know, Brother Junhao, this time you can't blame you. No one can expect that King Naike and this Clo are acquainted with me. I just heard what Shi said. You have to return the agency fee to us. Now, I believe we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future, "Brownson replied.

Even if he wanted to anger Yin Haojun, he didn't dare to be at this time.

Of course, he really didn't blame Yin Haojun, but thought that Yin Haojun was already very interesting.

"Why are you still standing? Let's go!" Quark said, Yin Haojun soon followed.

After they left, the two parties were blamed by Yin Haojun for not fighting.

No truce is possible.


"Hurry up!"

As soon as the quark was far away, he reached out to Yin Haojun.

Yin Haojun said silently: "It's not this miracle. If you are so anxious, either, I can still covet your failure."

Speaking of it, Yin Haojun still gave 750 million kilograms of divine fluid to the quark.

Quark looked at it with a smile on his face.

After coming out this time, he really made a lot of money. Looking at Yin Haojun also felt a lot more at this moment.

"You see what I do, there are flowers on my face." Yin Haojun said silently, so awkward to be stared at by a man.

"Yin Haojun, I find that I have misunderstood you a bit. Others say that you are not good, that is bad, and you will only be fooled. But after I came out with you personally, I realized that they were all fake. You are a good person, really Good guy. "Quark said.

Oh, this is a good guy.

Yin Haojun wanted to laugh, and being issued a good card like this was somewhat inconsistent with his style.

This quark, Mengxin is a bit overdone. It is estimated that he feels that he has brought him money, and he is a good person.

If this quark were to know that he was greedy with the intermediary fee of 100 million pounds of divine fluid, would he not be a good person again.

"Only you understand me. Others only see my skin. Only you see my noble soul." Yin Haojun said he only wanted to say to Quark now, please continue to be so simple.

Quark was a little smug, and sure enough he was the one who knew Yin Haojun best.

"It's going to fight over there. King Clonor is convening his main god, and there is his home field. He might win a bigger battle." Yin Haojun thought about it, "God King is God King after all, Comparing to the King of God, and the fighting power of the King of God, and the true King of God, that is two different things. I have heard this Brownson has a bit of arrogance, it is likely that he will be planted here this time. It ’s a pity that silly stone , It is estimated that he will die. "

"Shall we take the opportunity to rescue the stone?" Quark tried.

"Are you stupid, he is a stranger, save him." Yin Haojun quarreled like a quark. You thought that I had a good relationship with Shi, and I do n’t know what kind of heart it is.

Quark is speechless, isn't it a pity that you look like a stone?

"Then let's go back to the college next?" This time they have learned a lot and the quark is satisfied. Now they just want to return to the college and continue to linger in the ocean of knowledge.

Yin Haojun looked at the quark and was speechless for a long time.

Back to college, it really is God **** back to college, what you actually want at this time is to go back to college.

"What's wrong?" Quark was a little puzzled.

"King Quark, do you have no brains, let's go back to the college at this time?" Yin Haojun said very silently, "We just got 1.5 billion catties of divine fluid, just go back so bleakly, you don't feel shame , I still feel shameful. "

The quark was terrifying.

Fifteen pounds of divine fluid, a lot.

You think I don't understand the market, and there are few people who can have hundreds of millions of pounds of divine fluid.

Let's come out this time, but the gain is too great.

Yin Haojun took a deep breath and pointed to a place: "Seeing that there isn't, where is it?"


Quark thought for a long time and didn't know what Yin Haojun wanted to express.

"There is a stronghold of alien races, there are almost three hundred Shenships, and countless other strategic materials, which is not comparable to 1.5 billion jins of Divine Liquid." Yin Haojun said loudly, "Now they are all gone. They are going to have a decisive battle with Clo, and there is no time to return, and we can take advantage of this time to copy their hometown and rob all the strategic materials inside. This is the purpose of our trip and what we really want to seize. At this time, you thought about going back to the college. You really ... Bai Blind, your **** Wang Xiu, in order to. "

Quark is dumbfounded, can you still do that?

But now the stronghold is empty, there is no strong person at all, and the probability of success when they enter is almost 100%.

"I ... I don't have any brains." Quark thought for a long time and had to admit this fact. He felt that his vision was too small, and it was too easy to be satisfied. He had such a big appetite as Yin Haojun. When he came, he followed the contents of the stronghold.

No wonder he felt that Yin Haojun looked at all the things in that stronghold, his eyes were shining, and immediately they looked like himself.

"Go, go, robbery!"

Yin Haojun said, the two went straight towards the stronghold.


Portal entry.

With Quark's practice, the two rushed in without any effort.

"Master Junhao, King Naike!"

A group of guards were surprised at the sight of the two.

What's going on, their boss?

"Block the space, kill!"

Yin Haojun preached a voice, and then beheaded towards the talking guard. The other side was undefended, and the kingdom of God was chopped, and the godhead was also shattered.

Quark stunned, and quickly blocked the space and did not let the people inside.

Then the two began a mad slaughter.

one hour later.

"It's all over?"

Yin Haojun took a deep breath, just now he had killed more than 6,000 aliens, and Quark had killed almost this number.

These alien races are not high, but it is a bit tiring to kill.

"I checked, and all died." Quark said, killing so many people for the first time is still an alien. He didn't have any burden, but was a little excited.

This is just like what a **** king should be.

"Well, let's both search for it, and leave after three hours." Yin Haojun calculated it, because after about three hours, King Crowe's side should be divided and won. If it is Bronson at this time They won, and if they haven't left yet, they will probably get into trouble.

"Okay," Quark said.

The two are fast, and there are still many things in this small world, but the most precious thing is the 285 new type of Godships left.

Three hours later, they both showed a wretched smile.

"When it's safe, let's divide the booty again."

Yin Haojun said, and left with Quark.

In the void, a fairy ship quickly cut through the space and disappeared.

"It turned out that it was God King Crowe who won the final victory. Bronson died, and the other alien god, only Shi, survived, and did not know where he fled. I hope he does not return to the stronghold, or look He will cry when he gets into the tragedy inside. "Yin Haojun said lightly, he actually left a sense of knowledge on the battlefield, which could not be hidden from him.

"King God may win, or if those aliens win, the creatures in the Klois Universe will be miserable." Quark said indifferently, "Let ’s go, this time we should return to Xian Academy."

"I'm not in a hurry to go back for the moment, let's go to the Cloth Universe." Yin Haojun smiled slightly.

"Why did you go to the Cloe universe to kill King Cloe and rob this universe too?" Quark beamed his eyes and felt that he understood Yin Haojun's thoughts this time.

"What do you think, although King Clo is injured, who knows if he has any cards? Besides, there are countless creatures in the Clo universe, killing souls and destroying a small universe. Not only will the League of God want We are wanted, and the college will also fire us. Oh, you are not a student, and will not fire you, but you will not be thrown into prison. Dare to have.

"So what are we going to do?" Quark didn't understand.

"Go, of course, it is profitable." Yin Haojun smiled, "You don't need to talk this time, everything is up to me."

The quark seemed to understand, and went together with Yin Haojun towards the Crow little universe.

In the outer space of Crow's small universe, the energy fluctuations left by the battle can be felt here, and the broken space crystal wall system is almost completely healed.

"Quark, let your breath go."

"it is good."

The quark did, and he had to take a good look at what Yin Haojun was going to do.

After the quark breath was released, the King Cloth body in the small universe trembled.

what happened?

This breath is the **** king invited by another race, why did he come over again.

Did the other party see that he was a fake Ergouzi, and now he took the opportunity to destroy him.

"King God, Yin Haojun, a student of Xianxian College, came to visit."

Yin Haojun shouted at this time, and directly reported his identity, and the quark on the side understood a little.

This time their identity is on behalf of the Immortal College.

"Xian Academy?"

A faint voice came, only to see King Crowe come out of it.

At this moment, he was very embarrassed because of the recent battle.

He looked at Yin Haojun with some doubts: "I remember that you came with the aliens just now. Why did you become a student of Xian College again?"

Yin Haojun smiled slightly: "King God seems to know that we are an immortal college, which surprised me a bit."

Yin Haojun thought that he had to explain to Clow what kind of forces the immortal college was.

King Crowe said at this time: "I have been studying and researching the fronts of the Immortal College. I have to say that it is really broad and profound. It is indeed a science that can become an independent cultivation discipline."

Yin Haojun suddenly understood that it turned out that Clo was also spread by the formation method, and learned that there was a **** king in Xian Academy.

It seems that the college's layout over the years has been really successful.

In this way, it is better explained, and it should be less difficult to flicker.

Yin Haojun explained at this time: "Senior, I am indeed a student of the Immortal Academy, and this former one is not actually a **** of the dark **** organization Naik, but a student of our college called Quark, now He is studying with the dean of our college. This is my student ID, you can see it. In fact, this time we are here to destroy this alien base, and cooperate with the alien, but just pretend to cooperate. The senior may just not know, When our predecessors slaughtered Brownson and others, we had uprooted the alien bases. The hundreds of thousands of aliens in it were all Fuxi. "

Quark was stunned, hundreds of thousands of aliens, where are there so many?

Aren't you bullshit?

King Cloy is dumbfounded, is that so?

This student ID, what's the smell on it? This guy is really a student of Immortal College.

Well, I'm not a second dog. From beginning to end, these two people are talking nonsense.

Too naive, I said how there is such a coincidence.

Yin Haojun coughed a bit: "It's true. Those quarks were made up before, two dogs or something, but it's just a joke. We just want to pull away to destroy the alien base. As for killing aliens such as Bronson This should be told to the seniors in advance, but the situation was a little too late at the time, and we said that the seniors may not believe it. Later, after we wiped out the alien stronghold, we came back as soon as possible. At that time, if the seniors were not The enemy, we will immediately shoot. "

The quark was speechless again, and when we returned, Bronson was already dormant.

We shot a wool, but we did n’t have a chance to do it.

However, King Cloh did not know this, and thought that Yin Haojun had been helping himself in secret. If he was in danger, he would immediately help himself and was greatly moved.

After all, he didn't have much hatred against Yin Haojun. After knowing the cause and effect, he was calm.

The alien race is about to attack the Crow little universe, and even if there is no quark and Yin Haojun are the same, but because quark and Yin Haojun are the people of the Immortal Academy, they are indirectly saved him.

Quark was stunned at this moment. He looked at Yin Haojun as such a serious nonsense, and now he really understood why the college students said Yin Haojun so much.

This guy can completely speak black as white.

In the end, he didn't pay anything, and got 1.5 billion jins of divine fluid. Countless strategic materials have not been said. This also won the friendship of a **** king.

"Then you come this time ..." Clow looked at Quark and Yin Haojun with some confusion.

"The predecessors did not know that the aliens would destroy our heart of the universe. Now the extraterrestrial battlefields are in full swing. Every day, I do n’t know how many people died for this. We came here this time to destroy such a stronghold. The godships in the stronghold will have more warriors on the frontline to participate in the battle. But who knows that there are fifteen godships in the stronghold, which was also given to the capital by Brownson. Driven out ... "said ~ ~ Yin Haojun looked at the fifteen godships listening in the void.

It stands to reason that this should be the trophy of King Crowe.

But now Yin Haojun said, this is almost to remind the King of Clo. These godships will be given to me, and I will fight these alien warships.

"I see. The aliens are extremely hateful. They sacrificed the countless souls of our universe and increased their strength. If they let them invade our universe, that would be a huge disaster. Since you need these godships, take them away. This is also my support for your resistance to the cause of alien races, "said Clo.

Perhaps he was very reluctant, after all, he had been busy for a long time, and these godships were regarded as the most valuable loot.

But Yin Haojun said, he dare not give it.

Then there is a high-level **** king staring at it.

Besides, he did feel that aliens were hateful and should be killed.

"Thank you for your support to our resistance to the great cause of alien races." Yin Haojun said, but he was not polite and took all fifteen warships directly.

Resist the grand cause of alien races?

Quark, whoever believes, who is the real fool.

These godships entered Yin Haojun's pocket, and that was Yin Haojun's.

"Two ..." Crowe thought about it, or wanted to pass them on.

"The predecessor wanted to invite the two of us to take a seat in the Cloth Universe, no problem." Yin Haojun said, looking familiar, it was necessary for King Cloth to lead the way.

King Clo, dumbfounded, who wants to invite you to sit in.

I'll go, I'm in a hurry to heal it.

Your sister, who are these people, and the quark behind felt that he had learned another trick.

However, Yin Haojun spoke, and what else could King Crowe say, he had to invite these two robbers into the Crowe Universe.

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