Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1918: 17 **** kings

Guy is the same, really shocked by Yao Jie's ambition.

It's crazy enough to think about killing the **** king.

"Yes, the three of us are fully capable of this. First, we have three God King ships, which will ensure that we can be invincible. Second, I have two fourth-order original magic weapons, and Guy has an initial one. Eternal-level magic weapon, Weixi, you also have a fourth-order original magic weapon, none of the top **** kings have more than three of our magic weapons. In addition, my sacred **** sword can suddenly enter the **** kingdom of God, Guy can use The mech's weapons are attacking directly, Weixi you ... then you will be the meat shield. If we kill the **** king, the top **** king will definitely not work, but it is absolutely impossible to kill the lower ranks. "Yao Jie analyzed the three. The strength of both, Gay and Weixi have some emotions.

All three of them turned out to be so strong.

The alien **** King Butcher they killed last time, the opponent is also a fourth-order original magic weapon, compared with the three of them, those low-order **** kings are indeed very poor.

They have the magic weapon advantage, the number advantage, and three **** king ships. It should be very sure to kill the low-level **** king.

They have killed two alien **** kings, and have accumulated certain experience. They are not as afraid of killing **** kings as before.

As long as the cooperation is good, the main **** kills the **** king is nothing.


Weixi agreed first. He is not a second generation like Guy. If he wants to earn more cultivation resources, he still has to rely on himself.

This road to prosperity is too tempting.

Guy swallowed, and was a little dignified: "Although I don't lack eternal currency, this kind of thing that may be famous throughout the universe can't help but want to participate."

It's exciting to think about killing the **** king business.

If this matter is revealed in the future, no one will despise them, only full of worship.

The three of them could be regarded as a snap, and then Yao Jie began to improve his strength. Weixi and Guy began to contact some talents with this demand and were ready to start business.

Six years later, Westy, Guy and Yao Jie are screening some people.

"These people promised that all the spoils would belong to us, and they could give us 50% of the rewards." Wei Xi handed over a dozen points of information.

Yao Jie turned around and looked very carefully.

"Naomi, a core member of the Cosmic Bank Association, participated in the Cosmic Bank Association's Hundred-Person God Plan. It broke through to the main **** realm three million years ago. At present, the middle-level main **** is repaired to ... a historical record and once killed an alien main god. .Well, consider this. The Cosmic Bank Association is a rich owner. If Naomi can kill an alien **** king, he will definitely get a lot of rewards. "

"Fan, the core member of the League of Nations, has entered the realm of the gods less than 600,000 years ago, and has a record of killing an alien great consummation god? What is this record? If such a person hunts down the **** king, The fool believes. "

"Banwell, a member of the Beast King Palace of the Orc Alliance, is a high-level master god, and has killed five alien master gods ... this is fine, this record is very good."


After some analysis, the three of Yao Jie gradually made a decision.

The first person chose Banwell, mainly because Yao Jie heard Weixi say that if Banwell can kill an alien **** king, chances are that he will be recruited to the Ancestral Palace. Son.

For this kind of newcomer, the Son of God, the reward of the ancestral palace is generally rich.

However, the aliens killed two **** kings in a row, and it was too dangerous to kill another **** king, and the three of Yao Jie planned to slow down temporarily.

After a few hundred years, kill another **** king.

However, they did not go to kill the **** king of the alien race, but there was a message from the alien race, and the **** king was dead on the **** union side.

It wasn't anyone else who died, it was Brabant, the deputy director of the League of Stars Star Bank ’s advertising department, the one who came out to advertise when he was in Yaojielite last time.

Murderer, crystal genius Luo!

Yes, it is a word called Luo.

Moreover, Luo is also the cultivation of the realm of the Lord God.

After Yao Jie got the news, they were all shocked. Is this alien trying to avenge them?

In his own way, give back to him.

You use the genius in the realm of the Lord God to kill our alien gods. We also use the genius in the realm of the Lord Gods to kill your gods.

On the side of the League of God, the atmosphere was a little dignified, and many **** kings were alert for a while.

What a matter, suddenly it seemed that the God King had become a prey.

In this way, the two sides calmed down for another 400 years. On this day, Yao Jie planned to act.

"You are Banville, right? According to the data, you have the blood of the 22nd dragon and whale in the starry beast list, you have cultivated the power to devour the world, and once the main **** of the horns has entered you directly. Belly. To be honest, you are very strong. If you are lucky, you should have become the Son of the Ancestral Palace. But it is not too late. You will become the Son of the Ancestral Palace in the realm of the Lord God. It will be easier for you later. Cultivate to the realm of God and King. "Yao Jie looked at the person in front of him, his whole body was shrouded in a **** of water system, his whole body was like a galaxy.

A whale is not a whale in the sea, but a star whale.

It is said that the adult starry giant whale can swallow a small galaxy in one bite. At present, there is a pure blood whale in the orc, and its strength has reached an amazing high-order to high-god realm.

"I've heard that the son of Westy said that the two times you hunted the alien **** king before are really powerful, so I'll take care of you this time." Although Banwell looks like a warrior, he is very tall Burly, it makes him think that his head is simple, but in fact it is not. His mind is very active, and he knows his current identity, and he is respectful to all three of Yao Jie, and he looks like my younger brother.

Yao Jie's favorite to talk to smart people, at least without thinking: "This time we selected the target of the alien God of the Water Demon Alcox, the strength of this alien **** and the last time we killed the Pakistani Cherle is almost the same, but Butcher was deceived by me at the time, and he was also injured, so in general, Alcox is still a bit better than Butcher. However, the three of us are not the previous three. People, my weapons and equipment, and strength have also been mentioned in these hundreds of years, so we are very sure of killing Alcox. "

Banwell did not speak, and he already knew the strength of the three Yao Jie.

Not to mention others, Weixi in the Ancestral Palace is now far from his opponent, not just the gap in weapons and equipment. Weixi ’s secret skills in the Ancestral Palace are not what he learned at the Beast Palace. Can be compared.

This is why he wanted to enter the ancestral beast palace and become a saint.

Yao Jie smiled: "When we see you so calm, we can rest assured. When we stop Alcox, you will go up and hammer him and break his **** ... right, and most It's important that you remember ... "

Banwell froze, the most important point, then why do you talk now.

At this time, I only listened to Yao Jie's solemn dignity, "Don't forget to take a picture, otherwise who knows you killed the King of God, how can you prove?"

Yao Jie had suffered this loss. When he killed the first alien god, King Kennon, he did not take a picture, and the college did not recognize him.

Banwell froze for a long time. This is the most important point you said, but after thinking about it, he nodded firmly.

Yes, this is really important.


Ten years later, a message came.

Banwell killed the alien **** Alcox and shocked the floodfield.

Everyone was shocked to see that the picture of the King of Killing was almost exactly the same as that of Wei Xi and Guy.

Is it really that easy for the main **** to kill the king the next step?

However, in order to kill Alcox, the three of Yao Jie made great efforts.

However, the gains are still huge.

The trophy obtained by the trio, including the feat of killing Alcox, was worth about four million eternal coins, and then, as the three men guessed, Banwell was recruited into the ancestral palace and became the wise son .

As soon as he entered the Ancestral Beast Palace, he obtained training resources worth 10 million eternal coins.

Banwell kept its promise, and transferred 50%, or 5 million eternal coins, to Yao Jie as soon as possible.

Therefore, Yao Jie and their cumulative earnings this time are nine million eternal coins. According to the credit of the three, Yao Jie contributed the most, taking 4 million eternal coins, followed by Weixi, taking three million eternal coins. Iraq is the least, but also divided two million eternal coins.

Four hundred years, four million eternal coins.


Looking at so many eternal coins, Yao Jie increasingly felt that this was a big deal.

You have to know that, he has not added the proceeds from the college, otherwise, he will add one million eternal coins.

However, this time the sale was done, it will stop again, and it will take longer.

Alien, the **** king over there is already at risk at this moment, they want to set up another alien **** king, it is even more difficult.


One thousand four hundred years later, the fourth alien **** king was killed. This time, the alien **** king who was killed this time was not in the extraterrestrial battlefield, but in the League of Gods universe.

An alien **** king lurking into the universe of the League of Gods, without any understanding of the situation, died.

This is Yao Jie, the fourth alien **** king to kill.


Three thousand seven hundred years later.

The fifth alien **** king was killed, but Yao Jie was seriously injured in this battle, especially Yao Jie's assassination sword was broken, and the fairy body almost collapsed.

Guy couldn't be better this time. A **** king ship was destroyed, and the loss reached 10 million eternal coins. Weixi was even worse, and the turtle shell was cracked.

For this reason, they chose the wrong target. The alien **** king selected this time has far more power than alien **** kings such as Alcox, and the opponent also has an initial eternal weapon.

This time, the three of them did a total loss trading.

Subsequently, the three began to enter the cultivation period, and this cultivation was 30,000 years.

However, after 30,000 years, the three of them have not broken up. In addition, the cultivation resources accumulated over the years have almost been consumed, but they have improved a lot.

The original high-order master **** realm reached the high-order master **** realm, and the original high-order master **** realm actually reached the half-step **** realm. Although Weixi was still a high-order master **** realm, he was excited for the second time. With the blood of the dragon tortoise, his shell turned into Jin Chancan, looking like a golden turtle. But the advantage is that his defense is stronger, and he can fully shrink himself into the turtle shell, and even if the **** king wants to break his defense, it will not be so easy.

Fighting really is the fastest way to improve your strength.

"What are you going to do next?" Guy still had some lingering thoughts about the battle 30,000 years ago.

"As long as you don't die, you're going to die." Weixi hummed, and now his defense has almost doubled, and he's even more powerful. "Last time we chose the wrong target, but now we use our cultivation as , Even if we encounter the **** king of the last state again, we can kill it. Besides, why we can improve our strength so quickly, it is not because we are constantly fighting with the **** king that every time we face the crisis of life and death, it makes We are so fast. Now Yao Jie and I are both high-level master gods. Guy, you are a half step **** king. Keep going. Let ’s go all the way to **** king. "

Yao Jie looked at Wei Xi with a little surprise. Are you so strong ~ ~ To be honest, Yao Jie was going to take a conservative route just now, but now it's better. If you don't dare, that's not the person who advised.


Guy nodded at this time: "Yes, wherever you fall, line up wherever you go, **** him."

What else can Yao Jie say, then go on business.

A hundred years later, Besteman, the alien **** of the fire demon tribe, was ambushed and killed on the edge of an alien territory, and many pictures and videos of the killing of besteman followed on the Internet.

In this familiar routine, someone realized that someone had returned.

Two thousand six hundred years later, the alien wind demon king Aledes was killed in a small universe, and that small universe was shattered.


After 28,000 years, Yao Jie had killed a total of 17 alien **** kings.

At this time, even a fool can see that there is an organization that specifically hunts down alien **** kings.

Any genius who rebelled against the God King is the man of this organization.

Somewhere in the League of Gods at this time.

"Wasi, where have you been?" Yao Jie asked, and he hadn't seen Weixi in the past two days.

Guy is also weird. In these years, Westey seems to have gone out alone.

Weixi looked at the strange eyes of the two people: "It's okay, just go out for a walk and take a small job by the way."

Yao Jie shook his head: "What took a small job, let's all three kill the **** king together. You're going to kill someone for the god."

Weixi was shocked, and did not expect Yao Jie to know when he was doing it.

Yao Jie didn't say anything. The profit of killing the Lord God was not high. Wei Xi was willing to do it.

"Okay, let's be serious, there are two things to call you over this time." Yao Jie said, a little embarrassed, and Weixi and Guy seemed to know what Yao Jie was about to say.

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