Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1928: 10 Rejection

Zhang Xiaomeng looked at Yan Yue like this, and was a little afraid of herself, and said, "Sister, I am actually for your good. You think about it like my brother now, if he is really with you Can your dad agree, and not tear him up by the hand. At that time, you will be the same. I do n’t know how many people will think that your head is flooded with water ... well, in fact, even I now feel that your brain is flooded with water. Now, you are the supreme god, the third daughter of the third beast ancestor, how can you look after my brother as a wastewood in this status and status? "

Yan Yue was immediately displeased, and hummed, "Don't say your brother that way, he's not waste wood."

Zhang Xiaomeng hehe, forget it, you must be blind.

But that ’s all right, do n’t you blindly see my brother, would n’t my brother want to hit a bachelor in the future.

"Well, consider doing what I said. He will come to you to confess immediately. If you promise to harm him, it will bring him danger. But if you refuse him, he may completely change and become Someone who really deserves you. "

Speaking, Zhang Xiaomeng stood up: "Sister, carefully consider my suggestion, are you for the time being, or for life."

Yan Yue was lost in thought and refused Zhang Zhou?

She seemed to be struggling inside.

Zhang Xiaomeng came to the door and slowly turned back: "Sister, I believe you will make my brother better, and I am also looking forward to calling your sister-in-law that day."

Then, Zhang Xiaomeng left.

Yan Yue shook her head. Today Zhang Xiaomeng gave her a lesson.

She found that Zhang Xiaomeng was not as simple as it seemed. This girl was harder than anyone.


The stars are rare and the stars are vast.

Zhang Zhou looked at the direction where Dao Sendai was, and made a decision.

He has to confess that even death is a joy.

He can't go on like this anymore. He wants to rise and find his original self.

Silent all night, Zhang Zhou set off the next morning.

He first went to Xia Yumo, and he knew that Xia Yumo planted the most beautiful flower in the universe.

This kind of flower is called Emperor's Divine, but later Emperor's Divine slowly disappeared from the universe, and now there are less than 100 Emperor's Divine Flowers in the entire universe.

Xia Yumo was inherited by the Three-Eyed God King, and among the numerous flower species, three Emperor's Cricket Flowers were cultivated.

The Emperor's Lily Flower symbolizes love in the universe. Even if the Emperor's Lily Flower withers, its flower will become eternal within millions of years and never wither.

However, the emperor's urn conceived by Xia Yumo is just a seedling and has not blossomed at all, but this is enough as a testimony of his own confession.

"Zhang Zhou, what are you doing?"

Xia Yumo looked at Zhang Zhou. Now Zhang Zhou is wearing a black suit and bow tie, which is completely different from before.

"You look like you are getting married?"

Xia Yumo still didn't know Zhang Zhou's transformation: "So solemnly dressed, make a joke."

"It's not marriage, it's a confession." Zhang Zhou smiled lightly. "To make my confession go smoothly, I'm here to ask you something. How about sending me a Emperor's Flower you planted in the garden?"

Xia Yumo was stunned, this was something she followed.


Xia Yumo was naturally reluctant, but all three Emperor's Emperors were all her beloved. She had been waiting for Emperor's Emperor to bloom.

"You have three Emperor's Ye flowers, and I still have two and I do n’t lend it to you in the future, it will certainly be tripled in the future. If you believe me, Zhang Zhou will give me one. If you ca n’t believe it, I will now Leave without embarrassing you. "

Zhang Zhou looked at Xia Yumo, her eyes burning.

Zhang Zhou now is obviously more confident than before.

Xia Yumo saw Zhang Zhou's transformation, and he deduced something as soon as he moved his mind: "Okay, then I will give you one, and I wish you success."

Zhang Zhou nodded, and Xia Yumo saw a Emperor's Cricket Flower flying out of the garden at this time.

The emperor's flower is less than fifty centimeters tall, and the whole body is crystal-clear like jade, and it still emits fluorescence, as if the stars in the sky are flashing.

Xia Yumo was kept in a bottle filled with divine fluid by Xia Yumo, and absorbed the energy of divine fluid all the time.

Raising an Emperor's Flower is also costly.

Zhang Zhou thanked him, turned and left, and Xia Yumo shouted at him at this time: "Zhang Zhou, I feel that you are a little different. Now you are more of a man than before. But this time you confess, the result may not be the same. It ’s not perfect. This emperor flower cannot save your love. "

Zhang Zhou turned back and smiled reluctantly: "That's the way people are, maybe the results are already doomed, but I still can't help but jump on everything. I used to think too much and did too little, but now I look away and some things. Now that you've decided, be brave, even if you run into a bloodshed, there will be no regrets in the future. Each of us wants to be the best of ourselves, but as we continue to grow, we are gradually lost on the road. . "

Zhang Zhou said, Void stepped towards Daoxiantai.

He found his former self. He was Zhang Zhou. Others would comment on him later, and he would never say that this was Zhang Xiaomeng's brother.

Road to Sendai.

Many of the geniuses of the Orc Alliance are facing the ancient sea of ​​immortality and are learning something.

Each of them wants to get the magical power hidden in Xiangu Xianhai and this Sendai by Xianxian Academy, even Yanyue is no exception.

Suddenly, a white light cut through the starry sky.

"he came."

Yan Yue looked at the white light, clear in her heart.

"Who's here?"

The Jin Wu next to him was very strange. At this time, his eyes locked on that white light, and he found Zhang Zhou: "Who is it, what other forces are there?"

"No, he is a student of Xian College, called Zhang Zhou."

Yan Yue said, her face was resolute: "Jinwu, I need your cooperation for a while."

She figured it out, and met Zhang Zhou herself, which was her fate to Zhang Zhou.

If Zhang Zhou can't even make the **** king, the two are destined to have no results, then it is better to let her be Zhang Na's "Nalan Yanran" now, and let Zhang Zhou wake up.

Jinwu is still unknown. So, what do I cooperate with?

The arrival of Zhang Zhou also attracted the attention of many others.

He landed on the barren ancient fairy sea, only a kilometer away from Yanyue.

At this time, he put the Emperor Flower behind him with one hand and walked step by step toward Yan Yue, handsome and compelling.


"He's here, and he still has something in his back."

"This man is weird. Is he a student of Immortal College?"


Zhang Zhou ignored these at all, and the sea water automatically let go, and Xianli condensed a path under his feet.

He came step by step towards Yanyue, loving each other.

Jin Wu frowned, this scene made him disgusted.

Kilometers away, like step by step, it took Zhang Zhou more than three minutes to arrive.

It's less than ten meters away from Yanyue.

Five meters.

Three meters.

one meter.

"Zhang Zhou?"

Yan Yue doesn't seem to know everything yet: "What do you wear like this?"

Jin Wu's face was displeased, and Leng hummed, "Neurotic, this person!"

Zhang Zhou didn't care about it at all, he looked at the moon in front of him, and this was the man he was thinking about.

He loves Yanyue, and he cannot deny the fact.

Many people are also looking at Zhang Zhou curiously, and some people have already guessed something, but they are unwilling to believe it.

With a smile on Zhang Zhou's face, she slowly said, "Xiaoyueyue, I am really excited to know that you have come to the Earth Federation again. Since you came here last time, you have been away from me for 471314520 days. I was thinking of you all day, and all of you were in my mind. I comforted myself before, I felt that I couldn't like someone, and I would soon forget you. But as time goes by, you The impression in my mind is getting deeper and deeper, until it seems as if it is engraved in my heart, I know that I am wrong, wrong. I really like a person, and it ’s the kind Unforgettable and willing to pay for everything. "

Everyone is stingy at the moment, is this a confession?

Jinwu's face was all black. This confession in front of him was that he didn't exist at all, and his murderous heart was there.

"Confession Yan Yueyue?"

"This man is really crazy, crazy!"

"The Lord God is too bold to pursue the Supreme God, but after listening to His Word, I remembered every day so clearly, it was really moving."

"Yeah, 471314520 days, how impressive this should be."


Yan Yue didn't speak, and at this moment she was silently thinking about this number.

He didn't know how Zhang Zhou wrote down each day, but when Zhang Zhou said the number, she was really moved.

How lucky it is for someone to like themselves so much.

But today ...

She was destined to reject the person, cruelly.

Zhang Zhou was still saying, "My sister always said sultry, not enough men, no courage to love at all. But I want to tell her that she really misread her brother, and her light overwhelmed her brother. However, this does not mean that her brother is really a waste. Her brother also likes people and dares to confess that her brother is not a coward. Maybe her brother's confession will fail, but there is nothing. One of the people At least once in life, for someone to be reckless, not to have results, not to go with colleagues, not to have once, only to be in the most beautiful years, to be able to meet the person who makes him feel heart-broken. And I met This is the greatest luck in my life. "

Yan Yue's body trembled, and now she wanted to hug Zhang Zhou.

Others were inexplicably shocked. Such a straightforward confession was too lethal.

Jin Wu gritted his teeth, he just wanted to strangle this Zhang Zhou.

Zhang Zhou took another step ahead. He is now less than half a meter away from Yanyue.

Looking at Yan Yue close at hand, he stretched out his hand behind his back, and the emperor's lotus flower was handed to Yan Yue in front of him: "I like you. There is no other attempt, just pure like. Yan Yue , I like that you can be a girlfriend. "

Said, Zhang Zhou stepped back, kneeling on one knee, and handed the Emperor's Flower to Yanyue.

If it was in the Immortal College, it would be expected that the onlookers would shout ‘promise him’, but at this moment I can hear everyone ’s heartbeat quietly.

Many people also saw it.

That's the emperor's emperor flower, an extremely rare emperor's emperor flower in the universe.

It is really sincere to confess this flower as a token.

Yan Yue's hand stretched out to think about the next, but suddenly there was a touch of determination on his face: "Zhang Zhou, I think you may have misunderstood something. I like to chat with you, but that will just pass the time and like you ? "

Zhang Zhou froze, did he really want to refuse?

Yan Yue sneered at this time: "Do you think it is possible, I am the Supreme God, you are just a Lord God, the gap we cultivate is so great, let alone the identity, I am the daughter of the third beast ancestor, is The disciple of the ninth beast ancestor, and you, as an ordinary student in Xianxian College, according to your earthly human beings, that is not the right door. "

Zhang Zhou hesitated, these Zhang Xiaomeng also told him, but he didn't want to admit it.

Jinwu was a little proud at this time. It was ridiculous that anyone wanted to pursue Yanyue.

Yan Yue took a few steps back and turned her back: "Zhang Zhou, you and I are not from the world at all, so this confession is a farce. If you want to be friends with me in the future, take back you now Flowers, then go. Staying here will only make you a laughing stock. "

Zhang Zhou was silent. This should be a complete rejection.

He can really die.

Isn't this what you expected, but you know why, and you still feel so painful.

"Yes, what is the identity of sister, this person is Toad who wants to eat swan meat."

"Yes, I would say that unless Master Yanyue got water in her head, how could she promise him."

"It's a farce. This man is really shameful."


For a moment, many people taunted Zhang Zhou.

It was okay that Yanyue didn't make a statement before ~ ​​ ~ Now that Yanyue made a statement, they are naturally not afraid to say anything wrong.

"Is this your answer, I see."

Zhang Zhou stood up slowly, not as lost as imagined, but a little calm, that was a relief: "That's it, but I said before that I want to send the most beautiful flower, but this emperor It's just a seedling and it's not blooming. Then you keep it. You should be able to see it bloom in the future. This is also my fulfillment of my promise. "

Zhang Zhou said, the Emperor's Flower flew from his hand to Yanyue.

Regardless of whether the confession is rejected or not, he will give this moon to Yan Yue, because he promised Yan Yue.

Yanyue turned around, where was the pestle.

"I'm sorry to bother you." Zhang Zhou said, turning and leaving.

"Boy, stop by me. If you confess your failure, you want to leave, but if you pass it, Yanyue will be the laughingstock of others because of you." Jin Wu drank coldly, stopped Zhang Zhou, and the horrible momentum shrouded Zhang Zhou. , Killing intention is amazing.

Yan Yue is his, Zhang Zhou dares to confess Yan Yue, that is a provocation to him.

How can he bear it!

Zhang Zhou looked at Jinwu and sneered: "You should be the Jinwu ... Yes, it's called Jinwu. I know you have the Supreme God Cultivation, and you have killed two Supreme Gods in the abyss battlefield, but that What about? "

Said, Zhang Zhou even continued to approach Jinwu a few steps.

Many people were frightened by Zhang Zhou. What are you doing, can't confess, don't give it away.

Jin Wu was also a little stunned, this courageous courage, even dare to challenge himself.

Zhang Zhou was less than ten meters away from Zhang Zhou at this time, and only listened slowly to Zhang Zhou: "You may have forgotten, where is this? This is Xianxian College. Do n’t you dare to leave me alive. So do n’t want to leave. Face me, who do you scare? "

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