Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1942: Xianyuan

Each strongman has his own title when he reaches a certain level.

The ancestors of the three ancestors, the Lord of Origin, the Lord of the Thousands, and the Lord of the Sky are all titles.

However, the Lord of the Universe is the title of the God of the universe. Generally, it is not the God of the universe.

But the ancestors were not so not so particular.

Some people call themselves like this, and the virtual sun naturally doesn't mind, and if he breaks through to the universe and the realm of God, he may inherit this title.

Lord of the Source River!

From the realm of the universe, he is actually only one step closer.

He still lacks a chance.

Only wait.


Among the immortal colleges, Leng Shuang sneered and smiled, "How about, is that Xu Ri still not willing to come to the college?"

Wang Xing was a little embarrassed. He thought that Xu Ri had signed an appointment letter, and he would definitely come to work at Xian Academy. Not to mention the college.

"I have called him a few times with a letter of appointment, but this guy is still as proud as before." Wang Xing said helplessly, "Forget it, he is willing to come, not willing to pull down, since we have signed us The college's letter of appointment does not worry that he can run away. "

Speaking, Wang Xing is also discouraged.

"Liu Fan is back."

Leng Shuangning spoke at this time, and Wang Xing nodded.

Liu Fan returned to the college, this time by his direct order.

"Liu Fan has been operating its Brahma realm all these years, and the world tree has now reached the level of Jinxian level 6. With only one chance, he can break through to Jinxian level 7." Wang Xing told Liu Fan's cultivation situation is well known, now Liu Fan just wants to borrow the world tree, devour the energy of all realms, and break through the seventh level of Jinxian in one fell swoop.

When the World Tree morphed again, it was when he broke through.

This time should not be too long.

"Now the graduate department of the college has specially recruited Su Yu and Yao Jie, and the next one is Liu Fan." Wang Xing murmured. In fact, in these years, he prepared for Liu Fan from the Holy King World Eater King. The ancient snake charm has been created by the system, but it has not been handed over to Liu Fan.

This time Wang Xing called Liu Fan back, and he wanted to give him the ancient snake charm.

With this treasure, Wang Xing thinks that Liu Fan may need only 10,000 years to break through the realm.


Brahma League.

"The president is back."

"President, the dean is recruiting you back this time, I think it must be that you are specially recruited to the graduate department."

"Yeah, both Qin Yan and Yao Jie have already recruited and it's our turn."


Liu Fan, listening to their words, was also thinking secretly whether this was the case.

At this time, a sound sounded through the college.

"After research by the School, it was decided that Liu Fan, a fourth-year student of Xian University College, performed well and performed well during his stay at school. He was licensed to send Liu Fanbao to the Graduate School of Xian University. In addition, Liu Fan was awarded an ancient snake symbol for Liu. Anyone who has officially broken through to the seventh level of Jinxian can report to the graduate department by himself. For other outstanding students, the college will also consider the situation of each student and decide whether to send it to the graduate department. Please do not be surprised and study hard. "

The voice is ... Dean!

Liu Fan, who was at the headquarters of Xianmeng, could not help but tremble at the moment: "Am I really escorted?"

The other members of the Brahma League are cheering at this moment.

"President, you are really escorted, it is you."

"Haha, I knew the president would **** him. We guessed it was pretty good."

"President, you are escorted, and there is a magic weapon reward. I just checked it. The ancient snake charm is a magic weapon for the King of the World, and a very high grade magic weapon."


Liu Fan nodded and immediately said, "You are busy first. I'm going to see the dean now."

At the same time, many students have different expressions.

"Husband, I will also cheer, graduate school, waiting for me." Zhang Xiaomeng shook his fist, full of energy.

"Liu Fan was also escorted. This did not surprise me at all, but if this ancient snake charm was given to Liu Fan, it would definitely complement each other. It may be the first real breakthrough in our college to Jinxian 7 Students in the realm. "Su Yu muttered, feeling that her record was about to be broken.

You know the first few times, the first breakthrough was him.

He wants to make a breakthrough now, but it's actually worse.

"Graduate students are becoming less and less valuable right away, and they are trying hard to practice. The graduate students are not over, they are just beginning." Yao Jie hummed, but he was not convinced at all. I don't know who breaks first.

The key is that the first student to break through the realm will not only have a lot of rewards, but also leave a strong fortune in the history of the college.

He naturally wants to be this person.

"Dean's godfather, I have to be specially recruited." A shameless student yelled at his residence. The people next door pretended not to hear. Yin Haojun was too shameless.

"Master Dean, please recruit me." Yin Xiaoying roared.


Wang Xing's office.

Wang Xing saw Liu Fan. Although Liu Fan is still young, he looks very mature.

"Liu Fan."

Wang Xing stood up and could not help recalling the past: "In an instant, you have entered the college for three million years. I grew up watching you all the way."

Liu Fan was silent, and his relationship with Wang Xing was the strangest in the college.

He was the first student of Xianxian College, and was also Wang Xing's first disciple. Without Wang Xing, there would be no him now.

Wang Xing took more care of him than others.

"This is the ancient snake charm of the King of the World King Devourer. After you have refined it, you should be able to break through to the seventh level of Jinxian soon. At that time, if you are the first to break through the seventh level of Jinxian, the college Will give you a considerable reward for the task points, and to get these task points, you first exchange talent fragments, and strive to upgrade your talent to the universe level. "Wang Xing explained, only to Liu Fan, he I am willing to say so much, it is like parents to children, and other students, his status will only be a teacher or dean, not to be so detailed.

"Within ten thousand years, I must break through to the seventh level of Jinxian." Liu Fan promised.

"Don't give yourself so much pressure, you can break through the best, you can wait until you can break through." Wang Xing smiled, "I know you and Su Yu are secretly fighting, even Yin Haojun and Li Ximeng It's a good thing to join this rank, I don't object, but I can't take risks for the sake of fighting. "

Liu Fan nodded and understood what Wang Xing meant.

Others are okay. He is more susceptible to impulse. At this time, Wang Xing just wants him to settle down. Don't leave himself some curse of cultivation because of his eagerness to break through the realm.

Liu Fan left and took the ancient snake charm.

He returned to Brahma and began to refine the ancient snake charm. This ancient snake charm is also a magic weapon comparable to thirty-three days. After refining, the benefit to Liu Fan is absolutely huge.


After the system created the ancient snake rune, Wang Xing did not plan to continue to create magic weapons, but planned to create a nine-level universe god.

He selected one person, Fang Han from the eternal world.

The reason is that there are many powerful magical powers in the eternal world, and the magical powers mastered by Fang Han are innumerable, such as the great destiny and great causality.

But it takes three million years to create Fang Han, and it is still early.

Time passed slowly, nine thousand years later.

Liu Fan broke through the realm and became the first student in the college to break through to Jinxian Level 7. The college rewarded 120,000 mission points. Liu Fan then raised his talent to the cosmic level.

Time continues.

Seventy-seven years later, Yao Jie broke through to the Jinxian level 7, becoming the second student of the college to break through to Jinxian level 7. The college rewarded 90,000 task points, and Yao Jie's talent was elevated to the universe.

Forty-four thousand years later, Su Yu broke through to the Jinxian level 7, becoming the third student in the college to break through to Jinxian level 7. The college rewarded 60,000 task points.

After 1.06 million years, Li Ximeng broke through to the Jinxian level 7, becoming the fourth student in the college to break through to Jinxian level 7, and the college rewarded 30,000 task points. At the same time, Li Ximeng participated in the examination of the graduate school of Xianxian and became the first A postgraduate student who passed the formal assessment, the college rewarded 30,000 additional task points ~ ~ Subsequently, Che Houyi made a high-end eternal magic weapon, Ximen Sword, for Li Ximeng.

After 1.556 million years, Zhang Xiaomeng broke through to the seventh level of Jinxian. The Xian Academy rewarded 10,000 mission points. The ancestral religion came to congratulate and sent a cosmic **** crystal.

After 2.4 million years, He Yunze broke through to the seventh level of Jinxian, and Xianxian Academy rewarded 10,000 task points.

Another hundred years later, Yi Tian broke through to the seventh level of Jinxian, and the Xian Academy rewarded 10,000 task points.


So far, Xianxian College has been around for 5 million years.

The Graduate School of Xianxian College has also been unblocked.

The postgraduate department is completely different from Wang Xing's imagination. There is only one thing in the entire postgraduate department, that is, a mass of energy similar to the law of the origin of the universe, located at the end of the entire space.

However, this is not the law of the origin of the universe, but a more wonderful thing, which Wang Xing calls Xianyuan.

"Look at Xianyuan again?"

Leng Shuangning's voice sounded, and at this time Wang Xing, who was standing in front of Xianyuan, slowly turned around.

Wang Xing nodded: "Well, look again."

After unsealing from Xian Academy, Wang Xing came to see Xian Yuan as soon as he had time, but he was still not clear about what Xian Yuan was.

But one thing he can be sure of is that the energy required for the entire Xianyuan Academy to operate is all provided by Xianyuan.

Xianyuan is strange, it seems to contain some ultimate mystery of cultivation.

"The Ling tribe sent an invitation. It should be asking for something." Leng Shuang contemplates and talks about the business.

"What kind of spirit, I probably know what happened." Wang Xing groaned, then slowly said, "The time has come for Qin Yu to break through to the realm of the universe and God, let people invite him over."

Leng Shuang condensed and nodded.

If Qin Yu can break through the realm of the universe god, there will be another universe **** in Xianxian Academy.

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