Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1944: On the Road

"The spirit world hasn't come to guests for a long time, these two people are strange, like monkeys." An unknown little tree seedling looked at Qin Yu and Jiang Li and said.

"I heard that they are people and guests invited by Lingzu." A cactus-like plant said, but this cactus is more than a thousand meters high, and the spikes on it are scary, like Like mace.

"Look, here they are." Many Ling Zhi conceded, and the guards brought by the Emperor had already taken the initiative to open the way.


Always walking towards the front, suddenly Qin Yu pointed to a place.

"What's going on there?" He saw many humanoid lives trapped in chains and incomplete.

Jiang Li also frowned. There were hundreds of people in these lives, as if they were also spiritual.

The Linghuang walked for a moment, and took Qin Yu and Jiang Li and walked over: "These are the people we rescued. There are some soul hunting groups that specialize in capturing our spiritual people, and some of our people who are outside, do n’t Young people will be caught by these traps. "

Qin Yu nodded, and Xianxian Academy liberated many slaves, but the slave hunting and the spirit hunting were two different things.

There aren't many soul hunting groups in the universe on the bright side. Unlike the Shenhe Slave Trading Company, slave hunting groups can register companies in the universe.

"Is it strange, why don't the people of the slave hunt dare to capture our spirit clan?" Linghuang seemed to see Qin Yu's doubts.

Selling slaves can make a profit, but if you sell spirits, it is estimated that the profit will be higher.

It seems that those slave-hunting regiments are not going to capture spirits at all.

The Emperor Ling at this time said lightly: "In fact, it is Ling Zu. Before the thousand epochs, Ling Zu came to the Shenhe Slave Trading Company in person, suppressing the master of slavery, and let him ban the capture of the spirit tribe. That promised it. "

Qin Yu immediately understood that it was the credit of Lingzu.

"Now the eight forces in the universe dare not capture the spirit tribe on the surface. In fact, this is the reason. No one wants to offend the spirit ancestor." Ling Huang said lightly, and she knew the importance of the spirit ancestor. In that case, the spirit clan may have been reduced to the elixir of other life cultivation.

"Linghuang, the people outside are so bad, really bad." A Lingzhi who looked like ginseng caught Linghuang at this time and almost cried.

"What's going on?" Linghuang frowned.

"Xiao Qi was caught by a king who was about to run out of Shou Yuan. As a result, the king knew that Xiao Qi had the effect of prolonging his life. He cut off a piece of meat from Xiao Qi every day, and thus cut Xiao Qi for 7 million years. .We have given birth to the spirit tribe, and in this way we will also hurt our body, and because our soul and body are one, this pain will be magnified a hundredfold. "A spirit man hated.

Other spirits also shed tears silently. This kind of daily cutting like a drug is so painful.

"What about you?" Linghuang looked at the other Lingzhis that were rescued.

"The man who caught me is going to make me into a potion. He dismembered me and divided it into several parts."

"I almost swallowed up my life."

"I'm about to be pulverized, and now this head is left, ohh."


Qin Yu and Jiang Li listened for a long time and were silent.

If wisdom is not born, it is okay to treat it in such a way, no wonder the spirit's life will be so angry.

This simply does not treat them as intelligent lives.

Along the way of the Emperor Ling, Qin Yu and Jiang Li saw a completely different world. This world is too beautiful, and people can't bear to destroy it.

This is the paradise created by the spirit ancestors for the spirit clan, and it is also the only pure land of the spirit clan in the universe.

Soon, the spirit emperor brought the two to the spirit palace.

Said to be the imperial palace, it is actually just a palace surrounded by green plants, where Qin Yu saw some power of the spirit clan.

Some spirit plants that are as powerful as the highest gods are stationed around, some geniuses of the spiritual race practice and study here, and even some strong spiritual races are here to discuss each other.

"Lingzu is short. It will take a few days to call you."

The Linghuang said lightly, "If you are in these days, you should stay in the Linghuang Palace first."

Qin Yu and Jiang Li naturally did not say anything, and let Ling Huang arrange it.

The next day, Qin Yu frowned early in the morning, because a spiritual man came to the door.

"Are you from Xianxian College?" The spirit man looked at Qin Yu, his eyes flashed, as if a little excited.

Qin Yu is unknown. Therefore, I always feel that this man looks a bit infiltrating.

Jiang Li also came out at this time: "Brother Yu, what's the situation?"

Qin Yu shook his head, where did he know.

The man also seemed to be a little embarrassed and embarrassed, "I will introduce myself first. I am a scholar of the Ling tribe. You can call me an official of the Ling tribe."

Qin Yu froze, a little surprised, this man turned out to be an official of the Lingzu University.

Among the spiritual clan, there is a special position, that is, the university official of the spiritual clan. This position is generally a wise person with a spiritual clan, and is also the most learned person of the spiritual clan.

"Hello, my name is Qin Yu. I am indeed from Xian College. I am currently a teacher in the Graduate Department of Xian College." Qin Yu introduced, dare not to despise the other person, because he felt that his knowledge may not exceed this Officials of the Lingzu University, the other party should belong to the study of heaven and man in the entire universe.

The official of the Lingzu University also represents the wisdom of the Lingzu.

"My name is Jiang Li and I'm Yu's wife." Jiang Li followed.

"Welcome to the two. In fact, I have studied all the books that have been circulating in Xianxian, including Zhendao and Shentong. I am really curious about the culture of Xianxian. Today, since Teacher Qin is here, I have In many puzzled places, I don't know whether Teacher Qin Yu can solve my doubts. "The official of the Lingzu University was very humble, which is why he came today.

Ask, he wants to ask Qin Yu.

However, Qin Yu knows that this consultation can actually be said to be an argument.

Qin Yu breathed a deep breath. He came on behalf of Xian Academy. If he refused, he would lose the face of Xian Academy.

Isn't it just about Taoism, who is afraid of who?


Qin Yu nodded, and Jiang Li was a little dignified at this time. She knew the significance of this, and this kind of literary fighting was sometimes more brutal than martial arts.

If one side is persuaded, a certain change in the mind may affect future cultivation.

"Come with me, let's go to the school of the Ling clan."

The official of the Lingzu University took Qin Yu, and a few flashes came to a place.

Qin Yu was a little surprised, because he found that the move method that the university official had just cast was actually a magical power of their college, but it was obviously improved.

After entering the Palace of Learning, Qin Yu was stunned, because there were still nine people sitting here, and looking at the nine people all looked like a beard, and they were all very learned.

One is not enough. There are nine. You are trying to put me to death.

Jiang Li is also a little dumbfounded. What is this, what makes Qin Yu take ten enemies?

"Ahem, I've seen all the spiritual wise men."

"I have seen Teacher Qin Yu."

These Ling ethnic scholars also followed the courtesy, and looking at them, they clearly understood the etiquette of Xianxian Academy. They were not like the Emperor Ling, and they were not familiar with it.

"Teacher Qin Yu, please sit down."

The Lingzu University official said, and signaled Qin Yu to sit opposite.

Qin Yu was helpless, and now he was just catching the ducks on the shelf, and at this time he also seemed to pay attention.

The so-called doctrine is actually a collision of thoughts, and for some top powerhouses, thoughts are actually strength.

"Lingshi, teacher Qin Yu?" Linghuang came to Qin Yu's residence early in the morning, but found that Qin Yu was not there, which was strange.

"The university official came and invited Teacher Qin Yu to the academy." Lingshi said, and when she heard this, Linghuang was a spirit. She knew this university official, and she was completely a lunatic. Grab it, you don't have to think about what the college officer is going to do.

"Lingzu intends to make friends with Xianxian University. The university official is not important. If they fight at that time ~ ~, they will be broken." Linghuang was a bit worried because she spoke to the university official There are many times when I want to kill each other.

Not afraid to delay, Linghuang quickly moved towards the Lingzu Academy.

At this moment, after Qin Yu sat down, the official of the Lingzu University couldn't wait to say, "Mr. Qin Yu, let's get started. Let me ask a question first. What do you think of the relationship between practitioners and the universe?"

Qin Yu froze, this question is familiar.

Wang Xing had talked to him about this topic several times before, and he smiled at this time, thinking of Wang Xing's answer: "The universe is like a pond. Our practitioners are fish in the pond. The size of the pond determines The size of the fish inside, and the number and volume of fish in the pond, in turn, determine the water quality of the pond. "

The official of the Lingzu University was immediately surprised. This kind of answer was really new and unheard of.

The other nine Ling ethnic scholars are also stunned, but if you think about it, it really makes sense.

The Lingzu University official groaned: "What role does the law of the universe play in your pond theory?"

This question can be described as pointing directly to the core, and talking about the universe, the law of the origin of the universe is definitely inseparable.

Qin Yu is not in a hurry. He has long been aware of these problems: "The law of the universe is a system that mediates this pond and keeps the pond clean. The law of the universe is broken, this system of the pond will be destroyed, and the pond is bound to suffer. When pollution occurs, the fish in the pond will also be affected. Now, the life span of many immortals is shortened, and many space collapses are the most obvious phenomenon. If you wait until the law of the universe's origin completely collapses, the system will be completely destroyed, and More terrible things will happen. "

The chief of the Ling family frowned. He did not expect that Qin Yu had found such a perfect answer.

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